• Do not fear what the communists and leftists do

    From Tuana Le@21:1/5 to All on Mon Aug 29 19:38:51 2022
    Hoa Truong, 30.8.2022

    The mouthpiece propaganda of the communist regimes carries out psychological warfare to deceive, and intimidate the innocent people in Western, and democratic countries about the wonderful society, the highest target called the communist paradise, and
    also the strength of communist countries. Therefore, the mouthpiece strength of communists was debunked in the Korean War after the human wave tactic of military genocide Mao Tse Tung barbecued a million troops of the People’s Liberation Army. The
    Russian Army derived from the Red Army collapsed the mouthpiece legend of modern weapons, and advanced military equipment in the Ukraine invasion. Nowadays, the weapons and the copied aircraft carriers made in China are in doubt when the poor quality
    plus the stolen technology can not guarantee the effective weapons of China’s Communist Party while the global hegemonic ambition rises, and the propaganda supports its shoddy strength, and the left media line in Western chimes as the dog barking, and
    other dogs following.

    Mostly, the communists proclaim themselves about the theory of Marxism-Leninist-Maoists are invincible, and remain forever in human history. Indeed, communism is the promise of nothing as the quote of the former senior communist of the Soviet Union Boris
    Yeltsin in 1989” Let’s not talk about Communism. Communism was just an idea, just pie in the sky”. Almost the victims of communism in Russia, China, Vietnam, Eastern Europe Communist Bloc, and others suffered inhumane regimes labeled revolutionary
    governments, no one can know about communism more than the victims. Therefore, the innocent supporters of the communist party made a terrible mistake after the communist party robbed the government, and the hell of communist paradise to impose. The nice
    title labeled socialism and renamed globalization becomes the nightmare of the victims and innocent supporters the pupils of Karl Marx. After controlling North Vietnam, Ho Chí Minh’s supporters were killed, and imprisoned in the Land Reform campaign
    because they were the components of the counter-revolution labeled” intellectuals, wealthy families, landlords, and capitalists”.

    The most dishonest components, the social dregs, the robbers use the red flag and yellow hammer plus sickle to create the greatest genocide on the planet with more than a hundred million people killed and a billion people enslaved by the title of
    revolution. Therefore, the massive killing labeled the class struggle, socialism, and the communist paradise, all debunked when the world and survivors escaped from China, Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba, and others to tell the barbaric methods applied to
    kill the people. Despite the communists proclaiming themselves as the outstanding class. Therefore, the communists confirm their ancestor is the ape, so the animal-covered human bodies have no mind, or animal instincts, instead the viral characters. The
    communists and mongrel communists pride the on genocide, corruption, treason, and other crimes called revolutionary morality. It is the animal revolutionists to delete humanity.

    The cruelty, lies, and maliciousness are the characteristics of the communists and the mongrel communists in democratic countries. The dictatorial regime uses terror, impoverishment, and obscurantism to build and remain the government. Nevertheless, the
    left media line and the big tech communication companies accompanied the propaganda of the communists. The psychological warfare creates a public misunderstanding about the communists and the mongrel communists. Instead, the left media, and the media for
    hire in Western painting the beautiful socialism, and the wonderful pattern of human society. Indeed, communism is like the beautiful cloth covering the garbage bin. The anti-communist experts and the victims of communism know the vulnerabilities of the
    ape, and the leftists in the democratic countries like the medical doctors and the specialists find the viruses and pathology, so the medical treatments can help the human body fight against illnesses, and diseases. Communism is a dangerous virus
    activated since Karl Marx released the Communist Manifesto in 1848 in London, the United Kingdom. Viral communism becomes the greatest human disaster in human history. Unfortunately, for nearly three centuries, the people have not found a communism
    vaccine or effective treatments, so viral communism continues to outbreak worldwide, including the Western, and democratic countries. Commonly, viral communism can treat when the anti-communist experts find the death vulnerabilities of communists

    Despite the communists and mongrel communists being malicious, cruel, lying, deceptive, and the destruction having the viral character with the common formulates 3D= Deception+ Demagogy+ Destruction. Therefore, viral communism has negative, and
    weak characteristics like the viruses’ fear the antiseptics, insecticide, and sanitizer. Moreover, antibiotics can kill many kinds of viruses. The communists have the characters:

    1-The intimidation carries out in multiple forms: the character of communists and mongrel communists use propaganda to intimidate their counterparts and their opponents. If the people and the enemies of communists fear, the bogle tactic of Karl Marx’s
    pupils succeeded in the prime purpose, and the intimidation continued to apply until the victims responded to the demands. The intimidation of China’s Communist bluffs the neighboring countries including the US, and the European Union, actually NATO.
    Nowadays, the vestige of the former Soviet Union in Russia with dictator Vladimir Putin intimidates NATO, and the world by threatening to use nuclear weapons in the Ukraine invasion if they continue to provide the weapons for Ukraine.

    -The terror raised the bloodshed, and terrorize the people with the terror scenes like execution (Vietcong often used the machete to behead, or sledgehammer to break the skull in the Vietnam War). The psychological intimidation creates fear in public,
    and the communist terrorists can develop public panic to carry out other purposes and force the people to follow the demand of the super gang. Terror intimidation succeeds when the major population complies with the demands of the French proverb” Le
    Mouton de Panurge”. During the Vietnam War, the prominent families in the countryside feared the execution applying barbaric methods, so the peasant families paid the taxes and contributed finance, food, and something to Vietcong. Nowadays, Muslim
    extremists apply the intimidating terror of communists to create public fear, so the scenes of beheadings are broadcast on youtube.

    -The psychological intimidation propagates public fear, indeed, the communists do have not enough strength to carry out the victory over the enemies. China’s Communist Party currently intimidates Taiwan in 1949. Therefore, China has not attempted an
    invasion, instead the military drills near Formosa Strait. The anti-communism experts joke” when a communist is born, initially, a midwife sees the mouth”. During the Vietnam War, Vietcong exaggerated the modern weapons made by the Soviet Union and
    the high technology of their great masters like China and Russia. The battles in Vietnam War told about the weapons of the Global Communist Bloc, so Vietcong barbecued more than 1,500,000 troops, and 300,000 went missing. Once again, the former Soviet-
    Union Empire of Vladimir Putin gets lost the modern weapons and advanced military equipment of the Red Army, or the Russian Army in the Ukraine invasion. The legend of the Red Army collapsed, and the intimidation failed and was debunked.

    2-The cowardice and timidity of communists reflect the term” the healthy skin covers the rotten organ”. Commonly, the communists excite the innocent components to do the terror and other missions. Therefore, the communists are timid, cowardly, and
    malicious, so whoever trusts the communists and leftists, a day they would receive the consequences. During the Indochina War, the interim government was established, and the cabinet combined the communists and nationalists. Therefore, Vietnam’s
    Communist Party controlled the government, and Hồ Chí Minh became chairman. On March 6, 1946, Hồ Chí Minh secretly signed the Ho-Sainteny agreement to allow the French army returning Vietnam. However, when the first French troops landed on the
    shore, Hồ Chí Minh called all Vietnamese people to fight against the French colony for independence. However, after the calling, Hồ Chí Minh and his political Bureau fled to the mountain to hide. Eventually, the patriotic people in cities like
    Hanoi took arms, militarized themselves, and the well-known militia was Hanoi’s defensive force. Therefore, after Geneve Conference was signed on July 20, 1954, Vietnam’s Communist Party ruled North Vietnam, and the communists killed a million people
    in the Land Reform campaign (1953-1965), then sent hundreds of thousands of people to their families called” intellectuals, wealthy, and capitalists” into the labor forced camps located in the deep jungle. There were many supporters of Hồ Chí Minh
    killed and imprisoned without a release day. The Cuban missile tension in 1962 occurred over 35 days, eventually, President John F. Kennedy didn’t back down, and the Soviet Union withdrew. The patriotic President Donald Trump exposed the strong foreign
    policies, so China’s Communist Party didn’t create tension in Formosa Straits, and Taiwan had peacetime. North Korea threatened nuclear weapons, therefore, President Donald Trump challenged the weapons, and Kim Jong Un defused the tension by
    volunteering to stop the missile launching, and nuclear test.

    However, the weakness, cowardice, and timidity of the 46th illegal president Joe Biden, and his illegal cabinet that reflects the character of the mongrel communists in America. Certainly, the communist parties like China, North Korea, and the vestige
    communist regime in Russia are courage than the timidity of mongrel communists in the US, so China, Russia, and North Korea snubbed America after Joe Biden robbed the White House, and China currently threatens to invade Taiwan. The negative aspect of
    communists and mongrel communists is timidity, so the world, and counterparts stand strong to nullify the aggression of the red evil. The Mar-A-Lago terror was carried out by the timid, cowardly, fake president Joe Biden by using the FBI, and the
    Department of Justice to terrorize, and intimidate the patriotic, virtual President Donald Trump. With the strong reaction of Donald Trump to file the legal action, Republicans, and the American people can fear the Democratic Communist Party, so the DOJ
    must release the deceitful warrant with the major sentences hidden in black ink. Certainly, Democrats, Joe Biden, and the RINOs really fear the people’s power can stand up, and the civil war responds to the outrage reaching the ceiling, the lives of
    traitors, and the mongrel communists risk.

    The American people learn the characters of mongrel communists in the United States. The Democratic Communist Party is timid with foreign enemies like China, North Korea, Iran, and Russia. Instead, Democrats oppress the people, and the opponents as the
    term” home wise, but folly market”. The intimidation of Democrats can be nullified when Republicans and people vow to fight to the end.

    The most of prominent political refugees fled from communist regimes like China as Wèi Jīngshēng, Chen Guangcheng, and others. Vietnamese fake opponents like Mother Mushroom (Nguyễn Ngc Như Quỷnh), Điếu Cày (Nguyễn Văn Hải), Trần Kh
    i Thanh Thủy, Dương Thu Hương, Nguyễn Chánh Kết and more have never shown the death vulnerabitities of communists. Instead, they just accuse the human rights violation while the Western, and democratic countries need to know how to nullify,
    and beat the sly tactics of the communism

    Do not fear what the communists do

    Let’s do what the communists fear.

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