• The mongrel ape zombie Joe Biden is going to dump

    From Tuana Le@21:1/5 to All on Tue Aug 23 20:45:16 2022
    Hoa Truong, 23.8.2022

    The Global Deep State, China’s Communist Party, the hoax climate change movement, and the Democratic Communist Party succeeded to use the mongrel ape zombie Joe Biden to destroy the United States to the grassroots. Therefore, the destructive success of
    the mongrel ape zombie Joe Biden hits back against Democrats in the mid-term congressional election will be held on November 8, 2022, and further, the presidential election in 2024.

    The disaster of the hell of the communist paradise of Joe Biden woke up the American people, so the Democratic Communist Party died on January 20, 2021, when the people granted the death certificate. The death of a political party is like a business
    without customers, the show has no audience, and the tent has no canvas. The rigged election in 2020 crashed the Democrats and trashed the hidden communist party in America. The 46th illegal president Joe Biden ruling the White House reflects the zombie
    being controlled by the cluster of bosses standing in the shadow, actually, the people believe the prominent, and influential boss is the super black president Barrack Obama, the perpetrator of the BLACK SUPREMACY to activate the gender discrimination
    against the white people. Despite this, the majority of the white population voted for the first Muslim, communist, and black President Barrack Obama in two terms. The innocent, and negligent white people and other ethnic groups learn the dire
    consequences created by Barrack Obama who destroyed America and humiliates the world’s wealthiest country.

    The mongrel ape zombie Joe Biden reflects the dangerous virus like the China virus pandemic has not distinguished Chinese people, the communist party, and the people living around the world. The uncontrolled mongrel ape zombie Joe Biden causes the most
    significant losses ever for the Democratic Communist Party, and the American people stand up to fight for freedom, livelihood, and the country. The Democratic politicians and the high profiles recognize zombie Joe Biden as a rotten body, and the horrible
    odor spreads throughout the United States and the world, so the Democratic candidates of Congress, Senate, and states deny the appearance of Joe Biden in their campaigns. Therefore, Joe Biden volunteers to be the zombie in the second term, so the
    political carcass wants to contest the White House race in 2024. Possibly, the bosses including Barrack Obama of Joe Biden don’t support the rotten zombie in the presidential election in 2024. Instead, the bosses know the time to dump mongrel ape
    zombie Joe Biden is come up.

    The patriotic President Donald Trump sacrifices his wealthy life to serve the country without a salary, and his family members volunteered to help. The 45th President Donald Trump made America great again within 4 years, his presidency expired on January
    20, 2021, and the thuggish Chief Justice John Roberts exploited the constitution to carry out the White House robbery by presiding over the illegal inauguration of zombie Joe Biden. Therefore, the American people and the world recognize Donald Trump as
    the virtual president of the United States, instead, Joe Biden is the illegal president or the robber who stormed the White House and robs the presidency plus the commander in chief. The destructive orders of zombie Joe Biden come from the orders of the
    bosses standing behind in the shadow. Certainly, the orders, including the foreign agreements of the illegal president Joe Biden are valueless. Actually, the loss of Afghanistan responded to the interest of China’s Communist Party, Keystone pipeline
    shutdown matches the requirement of the hoax climate change movement (the oil moguls and the Global Deep State make a profit when the price of petrol rises). The Biden War occurs in the Ukraine invasion of Vladimir Putin reflects the interest of the
    Global Deep State is keen to create wars and conflicts, and sell crude oil at a high price.
    Nevertheless, the sham riot on January 6, 2021 targets the public denouncement aiming at President Donald Trump, and the terror of Mar-A-Lago on August 9, 2022, motivates the Global Deep State fears and panics the patriotic President Donald Trump
    returning to the White House, and the White House’s swamp will drain out. The Global Deep States knew President Donald Trump publicizes the cabals, henchmen, and undercover activists after many centuries hid. The domestic thugs were unmasked, and the
    dangerous enemies appeared on their faces.

    Unfortunately, all efforts attempt to nullify the political life of the virtual President Donald Trump is vain. Instead, the terror, the public denouncement, and the sly tactics of Democrats carried out by the mongrel ape zombie Joe Biden pushed the
    people to unite to fight against the Democratic Communist Party and foreign enemies. The MAGA movement grows faster than ever in US history that worrying Democrats, China’s Communist Party, and the Global Deep State.

    The petrol price hikes that cause inflation hitting the jobs, and livelihood forces the people, and Republicans to act to fight against the domestic thugs. The presidential robber Joe Biden sits on the fire while his bosses panic and push Biden to
    exhaust the malicious tactics in the last stage of a zombie before dumping him into the political cemetery. Republicans attempt the disqualify the rigged election in 2020 in the swing states, actually, after the mid-term congressional election in
    November 2022, the Republican state will disqualify the fraudulent electoral colleges of Joe Biden, and the Republicans Congress and Senate will make the law to force Democrats must pay for all costs the rigged election, plus other damages, so the
    bankruptcy is on the brink to file, and Democrats should disband. Nevertheless, the states that react against the illegal orders of zombie Joe Biden like Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Oklahoma,
    Texas, Utah, and West Virginia sued Biden. The Federal judge rules the oil and gas orders of Joe Biden broke the law. Therefore, zombie Joe Biden seems not interesting and reacts because of the decision made by his bosses.

    The Global Deep State, China’s Communist Party, and the Democratic Communist Party recognize the mongrel ape zombie Joe Biden is going to dump, and the female mongrel ape Zombie Kamala Harris is worse than Joe Biden. The deadlock created by Democrats,
    China, and the Global Deep State becomes the dilemma while the mid-term congressional election comes closer. In the incident zombie, Joe Biden tested positive twice for COVID-19 and the zombie must isolated 5days for each time. Certainly, the bosses of
    zombie Joe Biden can decide anything including the virus, the positive test to curb Joe Biden appearing to the public. Recently, the fake First Lady, Dogtor Jill Biden tested positive. The people believe the fate of zombie Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris is
    set by the bosses who can grant the death certificate for Joe Biden for many reasons like aging, COVID-19, and other causes. However, the Global Deep State, China’s Communist Party, and the Democratic Communist Party have no time to escape the peril,
    it is too late after the terrible damages done by Joe Biden. The incident of Dogtor Anthony Fauci, the medical advisor of the White House, the master of Coronavirus with Xi Jinping, Bill Gates, Barrack Obama, and risky-trial vaccine declares to retire
    while zombie Joe Biden has not dumped yet. The people recognize Dogtor Anthony Fauci anticipates Republicans will control Congress, Senate, and the major states, so he finds a way to escape before the investigation comes. Certainly, Dogtor Anthony Fauci
    earns the highest salary as a public servant, therefore, he announced his retirement which causes the reasons, actually, he must run away before the mongrel ape zombie Joe Biden is dumped by his bosses.

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