• The fallen terror to raid Mar A Lago of Joe Biden

    From Tuana Le@21:1/5 to All on Mon Aug 22 20:28:43 2022
    Hoa Truong, 22.8.2022

    The coward terror raided the Mar-A-Lago of commander in terror Joe Biden by using the legal terror tool of the Department of Justice with the Attorney-General of terror Merrick Garland, and the FBI director of terror Christopher Wray plus the thuggish
    magistrate judge Bruce Reinhart (close comrade with the thuggish President Barrack Obama) create the public outrage. Initially, the illegal raid without a warrant, and report, actually, the terror swooped when the patriotic President Donald Trump was not
    home. Certainly, the presidential robber Joe Biden acts as the godfather of the super gang.

    The coward raid is illegal that reflecting the terror, robbery, and burglary showing the White House becomes the headquarters of terror, and the Democratic Party is the super gang or the Blue Donkey MAFIA gang. The FBI and Department of Justice collapsed
    the prestige, and the trust of people for a long time. Therefore, the terror of Mar-A-Lago proves the FBI and the DOJ get lost the impartial agencies in America. Instead, both agencies become the terror tools of the Democratic Communist Party.

    The American people doubt the FBI, and the Department of Justice is the den of corruption, treason, and criminals to show the trash of the Republic of America. According to the record noted the FBI directors like Robert Mueller, James Comey, and now
    Christopher Wray distorted the investigating agency into terror, covering the criminals of Democratic politicians, also concealing the serious crime and the people recognize a hundred mysterious deaths related to Clinton’s family have never solved.
    Moreover, in the presidential election in 2016, FBI director James Comey didn’t indict 32,000 emails of the presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, so she continued to contest the White House race. Nevertheless, the Department of Justice has many
    robbers with the paper knife to place to justice for sale, even Attorney-General William Barr waived the investigation of the laptop of Hunter Biden in 2018, so Sleepy Joe Biden escaped the crimes, treason, including the 25 Amendment didn’t apply and
    the presidential election in 2020 was rigged to make the White House robbery on January 20, 2021. Moreover, William Barr gets lost the human mind, and justice by confirming the rigged election of Joe Biden is legal while the American people and the world
    knew” TRUMP WON”. William Barr acts like an animal member in the book” Animal Farm” by British author George Orwell. The juridical system and the domestic intelligence agencies in the United States are rotten for a long time. Therefore, the Mar-A-
    Lago raid proves the bush law, and wild rules in America are not different from the communist regimes. Moreover, the illegal House Select Committee uses the sham riot of January 6, 2021, to publicly denounce the patriotic President Donald Trump. The
    witch hunts upgrade the terror in Mae-A-Lago causing the extreme panic of Democrats, and their accomplices. Actually, the presidential robber Joe Biden, the vice-presidential robber Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and the RINOs panic that
    doomsday will come on November 8, 2022. However, the Mar-A-Lago raid of commander in terror Joe Biden commits the suicide mission that worsens the approval ratings of Joe Biden, and the Democratic candidates in Congress, Senate, and states. Nevertheless,
    the public abhorrence rises to the ceiling, and the brink of civil war can burst anytime when the public outrage saturates reflects the term” the oppression rises into the high level, and the equal struggle responds to the situation)

    The patriotic President Donald Trump released the statement” These are dark times for our Nation, as my beautiful home, Mar-A-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, is currently under siege, raided, and occupied by a large group of FBI agents. Nothing like this
    has ever happened to a President of the United States before. After working and cooperating with the relevant Government agencies, this unannounced raid on my home was not necessary or appropriate. It is prosecutorial misconduct, the weaponization of the
    Justice System, and an attack by Radical Left Democrats who desperately don’t want me to run for President in 2024, especially based on recent polls, and who will likewise do anything to stop Republicans and Conservatives in the upcoming Midterm
    Elections. Such an assault could only take place in broken, Third-World Countries. Sadly, America has now become one of those countries, corrupt at a level not seen before. They even broke into my safe! What is the difference between this and Watergate,
    where operatives broke into the Democrat National Committee? Here, in reverse, Democrats broke into the home of the 45th President of the United States.”

    The fallen terror to raid Mar-A-Lago conducts the dire consequences after many hours of ransacking carried out by the government’s equipment and officials. Actually, the professionals of the FBI expose the negative career plus the subjective point of
    view reflecting on the terror, robbery, and burglary raid of 40 FBI agents and 3 officials of the Department of Justice matches the Asian proverb” the thick tangerine peel with pointed nails”. Initially, the FBI and Department of Justice turned off
    the camera and expelled the family members of Donald Trump including his lawyers during the storming.

    The 40 FBI agents and 3 officials of the DOJ freely ransacked anything, even the wardrobe of First Lady Melania Trump targeted. The raid is illegal, nothing to find. The so-called Donald Trump violation of the Espionage Act is a farce because on June 3,
    2022, Mr. Jay Bratt, chief of the DOJ counter-intelligence and export control section certified nothing mentioned, all cleared. The pressure of the public and Republicans mount, although the commander in terror Joe Biden, and his henchmen Merrick Garland
    and Christopher Wray try the escape the crimes of terror, and the illegal raid to storm the mansion of the virtual President Donald Trump. The majority of American people believe the FBI is a terror agency like the Gestapo of Hiler in the Second World
    War (Daily Mail in the United Kingdom).

    Unfortunately, the fallen terror gets the worst news because inside Mar-A-Lago installed the modern camera system of Isreal intelligence agency Mossad giving the patriotic President Donald Trump, so the detection of the FBI nullified. The incident proves
    the FBI lagged the intelligence technology and rating behind Mossad. The people believe the FBI ignores technology, instead, corruption and terror become the main careers. Certainly, President Donald Trump has the scenes of the terror, ransack, and
    robbery, and he knows which FBI agents seized the 3 passports. The powerful video drops the atomic bomb on the commander in terror Joe Biden, Attorney-General of terror Merrick Garland, the FBI director of terror Christopher Wray, and the Democratic
    Communist Party. President Donald Trump can sue the FBI, the DOJ, and the 46th illegal president Joe Biden who is the perpetrator of the Mar-A-Lago raid.

    According to the newest announcement, President Donald Trump plans to file a lawsuit against the illegal raid of the FBI and the DOJ at Mar-A-Lago. The powerful video will release to the public, the worst is coming, and the terrorists sowed the wind,
    then reap the whirlwind. The left media line in the US, and somewhere like Australia conceal the worst news of the commander in terror Joe Biden. Instead, during the Mar-A-Lago raids occurs, all left media broadcast the scene, and confirm the patriotic
    President Donald Trump will be banned in the presidential election in 2024, and the left media line loses the people’s trust, the media thugs can not mislead the public as the high tide of the Cold War. Certainly, the left stream media line and the
    left big tech communication companies can not conceal the scene of the Mar-A-Lago terror when Donald Trump has the Truth social and other impartial media like Newsmax defeat the fake news, the concealment, censoring. Nevertheless, the supporters of Mar-A-
    Lago terror like Nancy Pelosi, traitor Mike Pence, and others must shut their mouths when the video tells anything.

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