• The Left Animal Media and Big Tech companies declined

    From Tuana Le@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jun 20 19:20:55 2022
    Hoa Truong, 15.6.2022

    The honest people respect the truth, and honor while the dishonest components develop the fraud, and lie. The left-stream media companies and the big tech communication companies ignore the truth, and the morality plus the people. The worm eats shit
    making the manure, therefore, the left-stream media, and big tech communication companies made a huge profit, but they have intoxicated the public, misleading the public, and snubbed the people. The unthankful character of the left-stream media and big
    tech is worse than the dog waiving the tail when someone gives the food. The fake news companies and the censoring tech companies betray the people. The operation of left stream media and the big tech communication companies reflect the animal instinct
    more than the human minds, so the fake news and big tech companies are like the zoos with the left media workers are like the journalists covering the human body without a tail.

    The dishonest bosses of left stream media companies and the left big tech communication companies have lost the public that conduct the asset plunged, and the profit plummeted when the people boycott. The people who live in democratic countries including
    Western are luckier than the people in the hell of a communist paradise when the communication medium is controlled by the propaganda machine, the unfortunate people have no choice, and are forced to access the propaganda to brainwash, and obscure the
    truth. Therefore, the people in democratic countries can access the internet with impartial information sources including social media. Free speech and democracy in the United States were breached, and framed when the hidden communist party called the
    Democratic Party rules the White House, and controls Congress, plus Senate. The Democratic Communist Party in America wants to use the left media companies as propaganda machines like China, Vietnam, and others. Under the era of the central leftist
    President Bill Clinton, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA) was signed by President Bill Clinton in 1996. The CDA becomes the shield to protect the left-stream media companies. However, the Democratic governor and its Congress, and Senate
    don’t protect the truth, the free speech, the democracy, and the people have been intoxicated by propaganda with the misled the information. The Fake News, fabricated stories, and false polls serve political purposes, and other interests. The CDA has
    helped the left animal media companies propagate, and brainwash the people, actually, the left animal media companies biased the campaigns in the state and presidential elections. The false polls often released the partial polls that are the hidden
    rigged elections to influence the undecided voters as the psychological warfare’s term of French proverb” Le Mouton De Panurge”. The private media companies should use the money and the stance of the Democratic Party to control the communication
    and mislead the public for a long time, and the CEOs the fake news, plus the big tech companies become the communication emperors on the planet.

    However, the era of high technological communication defeats the exclusive position of the left stream media companies, and recently the left big tech communication companies face the challenge of Truth social, Duckduckgo, and Twitter debunking 20% of
    fake users when Alon Musk discovered, and the share of Twitter dropped. The shareholders have been cheated for a long time until the richest man on the planet discovered, Alon Musk twittered” 20% fake/spam accounts, while 4 times what Twitter claims,
    could be *much* higher. My offer was based on Twitter’s SEC filings being accurate. Yesterday, Twitter’s CEO publicly refused to show proof of <5%. This deal cannot move forward until he does.”

    The shareholders should seek compensation from Twitter because their share bubbled with the 20% ghost accounts. In the consumption law, the customer can return a product in the valid guarantee period as the term” money-back guarantee” when
    discovered the poor quality, or a deceitful product against the declaration written on the label. Certainly, Alon Must has the right to stop the deal, and also sue Twitter cheated the business, and seek compensation. The incident of 20% fraudulent
    accounts causes the share of Twitter to plunge from $US 55.20 after the deal was attended, and on April 14, 2022, the share dropped to $US 45.80, and on May 18, 2022, the share plummetted to $US 36.85. The market experts predict the share should drop to $
    US 30 this year. The worst is waiting for Twitter. On June 13, 2022, the Wall Street stock exchange crashed while the US inflation reached 8.6%, American people suffered the petrol and the food hike, actually the baby powder milk shortage. Everyone,
    including the investors, is nervous, the global economy was deeply influenced as Australia wiped out $A 110 billion.

    Certainly, the big tech communication companies can not escape the financial crisis when the United States was ruled by the 46th illegal president Joe Biden. Almost the global economy is complicated, the people’s livelihood is uncertain, actually,
    the dire consequences of the China virus pandemic perpetuate, and the recent Biden War in Ukraine. The golden time of the left animal media line and the big tech communication companies face the competitive business after Truth Social of Donald Trump,
    the big fraud of Twitter, and Facebook worsened when the users abandoned. Nevertheless, CEO Mark Zuckerberg becomes a global boycott, and many lawsuits accused the censor. Recently, the right hand of Mark Zuckerberg is Sheryl Sandberg, the chief
    operating officer of Facebook (or the new name is META) has given up the job after 14 years making a huge profit for Facebook.

    The people punish left animal media companies, the media business lose the readers, audience, and listeners, then the advertising declined, and the profit loses that signs of the death of fake news companies. Actually, television companies no longer
    dominate the audience when people use the internet to access breaking news and impartial information. The people need not find a product on television when the internet can provide anything, and the entertainment is free on Youtube, and other sources,
    the people can watch a movie on the television’s screen with the internet.

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