• The Black Lives Matter and the Ape Lives matter

    From Tuana Le@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jun 8 20:07:10 2022
    Hoa Truong, 20.5.2022

    The Black Lives Matter with Antifa highlighted the era of the first Muslim, communist and black President Barrack Obama who destroyed America to the grassroots and boosted the interest of China’s Communist Party and the terror organizations like the
    Islamic State. Within 8 years of the thuggish president Barrack Obama ruling the White House, the two terror organizations above grew fast and continued to terrorize the American people with the violence. Society in America is currently complicated when
    the Black Lives Matter and Antifa advocate the riot with the killing, robbery, looting, abusing, and terrorizing the people that was supported by the US president Barrack Obama who misused the commander in chief as commander in thugs, commander in
    thieves with the Democratic Party backs. Nevertheless, President Barrack Obama used the FBI, the CIA, the judges, and lawyers to protect Black Lives Matter and Antifa to destroy the law in America. Moreover, the left wealthy components donated the money,
    so the two terror organizations above have operated nationwide. Black Supremacy is the essential stance of Black Lives Matter. The 44th President Barrack Obama and Democratic Party exploited the color of skin to develop the racial war, and the hatred
    focused on the White people plus other ethnic groups to divide the US society, so Barrack Obama is the enemy of national unity. Nevertheless, the global war maker Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009. The most valuable prize on the planet

    However, the movements of the Black Lives Matter was derived from the APE LIVES MATTER, actually, Barrack Obama, and the left parties, and communist parties are the apes of Karl Marx. The original Ape Lives Matter was founded by the great ancient ape
    Karl Marx after the first communist Manifesto was released in 1848, and the Ape Lives Matter spread worldwide, actually, after the Russian ape Vladimir Lenin officially announced the Ape’s Revolution in October 1917. The Ape Lives Matter movement
    developed in China, Vietnam, North Korea, Laos, Cambodia, Cuba, and some countries in South America, and Africa.

    The Ape Lives Matter gathered the animal-covered human body to acclaim themselves as the revolutionists, and the Ape Lives Matter movement in democratic countries self promote the progressive components, instead, the opponents of the animal farms written
    by George Orwell called the aggressive people, counter-revolutionists. Therefore, the Ape Lives Matter is the master of Black Lives Matter with the barbaric actions to kill more than a hundred million people and enslaved more than a billion people. In
    the hell of communist paradise, the Ape Lives Matter acclaim themselves as the APE SUPREMACY, so the members of Ape’s herd deserve all national assets, the people belong to the super Ape’s class while the people become slaves.

    The Ape Supremacy labels the revolution and the people servants. Indeed, the apes control the government, economy, the people, including the religions. The Black Lives Matter in America prioritizes the job, legal services, and social facilities for the
    black people, despite the White people being the major population. The education becomes denouncement publicly court by using the black students to accuse the white students and propagate the racial hatred. The Democratic Communist Party brainwashes the
    students, and forces the White students must bow out to the black students as the super black’s untouchable class in the US education. Any student who makes the black student gets angry or upset is a racist. The Ape Lives Matter deserves a high
    education as university and overseas students for the noble ape class. The rule called” family history wins over the talent” as the criteria decide the educational degree, and in the employment considers” the Red favors than professionals”.

    The Ape Lives Matter divides the human society from October 1917, despite the hell of ape paradise in Soviet-Union, and the Eastern Europe Communist Bloc collapsing in the early 1990s, therefore, the hell of ape paradise still remains in China, Vietnam,
    North Korea, Cuba, Laos, and Venezuela. So the Ape Supremacy represents the stance of the Ape Lives Matter continues to dominate the billions of people on the planet. Certainly, the apes have no human mind, instead of the animal instinct, so the human
    society is currently threatened when the Ape Lives Matter wants to control everybody on the planet while the American people have been shattered by Black Lives Matter and Antifa. Whatever, the Black Lives Matter, and the Ape Lives Matter are the terrible
    disaster of the human community, the enemies of people, and the reapers of democracy.

    The Ape Lives Matter appears in multiple forms, in democratic countries, the Ape Lives Matter hides in the left parties. Despite the ape, herds conceal the characters of Karl Marx’s ape. Therefore, the people easily recognize that Ape Lives Matter
    always highlights the hoax climate change, the same-sex-marriage legislation, and the illegal migrant’s support lies under the human rights that turn humans wrong. In America, the mongrel ape Barrack Obama (2008-2016), and mongrel ape Joe Biden
    represent the Black Lives Matter, and also the Ape Lives Matter, so the people in America and the world have been suffered the disaster while the ape herd in China gaining the tactic, and interest when mongrel ape Joe Biden dedicating the US interest to
    great ape master China.

    The people want to live in peace, and harmonious society, and everyone has an equal opportunity to live and develop individual life with mutual respect, so the Ape Lives Matter, and the Black Lives Matter destroys human society, the social valuation, and
    the morality. Nevertheless, Black Lives Matter and the Ape Lives Matter advocate violence, and both cause social mayhem. The people don’t need the Black Lives Matter with the Black Supremacy, and the Ape Lives Matter with the Ape Supremacy, instead,
    everyone respects freedom, democracy, and equal opportunity, not deserve the priority for black people, communists.

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