• The poor weapons and equipment of Russia unmasked

    From Tuana Le@21:1/5 to All on Tue Apr 12 17:29:08 2022
    Hoa Truong, 11.4.2022

    The ability and strength of an army appraise and prove on the basic conditions, so the mouthpiece, propaganda, and intimidations couldn’t convince, the combat is the real test:

    -The fighting spirit is based on the patriotism that is the backbone of an army

    -The weapons and military equipment contribute the combat, certainly the obsolete, and poor quality weapons cause massive casualties and injuries. During the Korean War, the military genocide Mao Tse Tung used the human wave tactic to barbecue a million
    troops of the People’s Liberation Army.

    -The numerous troop

    -Most important condition is the supplies as Napoleon Bonaparte quotes” an army marches on its stomach”.

    -The concern, and the potential commanders.

    The US Army acquires advanced weapons and modern military equipment with abundant materials. Therefore, the bush-obscurant constitution of 1871 transforms the world’s strongest army into a robotic army. The presidential robbery occurred on January 20,
    2021, the US Army doesn’t protect the national interest, and the national security to protect the country, instead, the US Army protects the 46th illegal president Joe Biden, so it is the shame of the US Army. The patriotism of the US Army was ruined
    by the bush constitution of 1871, it is so sad for the United States. The People’s Liberation Army has the extra numerous troop, but the weapons and military equipment are doubted, the patriotism of China’s army is led by socialism, and the poor
    supplies decide the combat. The Red Army and now the Russian Army reflects the strength based on the mouthpiece, indeed, the Red Army became the hungry troop in Afghanistan’s invasion, and now the Russian soldiers can not escape the hungry army in the
    Ukraine invasion. The Russian soldiers loot the civilian houses, and supermarkets, they seek food, goods, and anything. The Russian Army is like the polar bear with the jelly claws and teeth because the troop of Vladimir Putin loses the fighting spirit,
    the poor supplies, weapons, and the military equipment, plus the obsolete tactic and the wrong combat concern. Those negative conditions caused massive casualties, injuries, and big losses of military materials. Nevertheless, the battle in Ukraine wiped
    out the prestige of the Russian Army, and the credit of the weapon provider.

    The invasion of Ukraine exposes the real strength, the spiritual fighting, and the military technology of the so-called the world’s second strongest army of Russia, or the former Red Army reflects the mouthpiece to intimidate the world. Actually, the
    Western, NATO, and America are the wealthy countries, all don’t want to die and are currently obsessed with the Third World War with the psychological warfare to scare the world has created the panic, even Russian people and Russian wealthy persons
    including Vladimir Putin have never wanted to die. Therefore, the Soviet Union, now Russian Federation succeeded in the intimidating harvest from the Cold War, and the nuclear weapons have bluffed the people. Moreover, the propaganda machine of the
    former Soviet Union plus the left stream media, the media for hire, and the big tech communication companies have deceived the world for a long time until the battle in Ukraine destroyed the legend of the Russian Army when Vladimir Putin uses the massive
    numerous troops with the modern weapons and equipment to invade Ukraine. The subjective point of view and the arrogance of Vladimir Putin turned into a nightmare when the flash invasion plan to take Ukraine within 72 hours failed, and the battle in
    Ukraine debunked the Russian Army reflects the good skin covered the rotten organ.

    The bogle Russian Army currently intimidates the world that is no longer to fear about the modern weapons, such the nuclear warhead missiles, although Vladimir Putin often brags the modern weapons with the propaganda plus the imaginary youtube like Kim
    Jong Un did. Despite the Soviet Union collapsing in the early 1990s, therefore, the world still fears the weapons, and the Russian Army.

    Nevertheless, in 2000, former KGB agent Vladimir Putin seized the power and becomes the dictatorial regime-covered democratic government. The weapons, military equipment development, and weapon upgrades create more threats in the region and the world.
    Moreover, Vladimir Putin fights a nuclear war, or the Third World War, so Putin always exposes his arrogance, and he wants to restore the red Empire of the Soviet Union. The former Eastern European Communist states have not surprised by the tank tactic
    of the Soviet Union in the Cold War used to protect the communist regimes and cracked down on the uprisings. The Red Army, and now the Russian Army prides on the tank tactic, actually, Vladimir Putin believes the modern tanks can dominate the ground
    battle quickly.

    The invasion of Vladimir Putin in Ukraine develops the tank tactic with 180,000 troops with the support of missiles, the newest model of fighter jets, and helicopters. The ground battle in Ukraine exposes the long queue of tanks, therefore, the Ukrainian
    Army uses the missile Javelin of America, Starstreak of Britain, and other weapons to nullify the tanks. The potential damages of the Russian Army proved the flash invasion of Putin failed, actually, the invasion perpetuates as long as the worst.
    Therefore, Joe Biden and Democrats stray the invasion of Putin serves for the mid-term congressional election will be held on November 8, 2022.

    In the Ukraine battle, Vladimir Putin launched the newest model of tanks like T-34, actually tank T-72, and T-72 b3 produced in 1969 by the Soviet Union, and renovated by Russian Federation prides the modern tank. Russia made 25,000 tanks T-72. There are
    more than 30 countries that ordered tank T-72 and T-73 b3. Therefore, the invasion of Ukraine showed T-72 b3, and T-90A, all become the waste materials of the anti-tank missiles, and other old weapons of the Ukrainian Army plus the civil defense force.
    Certainly, Putin doesn’t want to use the test tank T14, because he fears the anti-tank missiles can destroy the last model. The obsolete tactic of the Russian Army and the supreme commander Vladimir Putin applied in the Cold War to crack down on the
    uprisings in the Eastern European Communist states that causes the modern tanks destroyed.

    The mouthpiece advertising of the Russian propaganda machine works, so some countries like India, Algeria, Uganda, Chechnya, Syria, Malaysia, Lybia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, and Georgia rushed to buy the tank T90A, and they have the Russian tanks.
    However, the world has no worry, the missiles of America, and Europe can destroy Russia’s modern tanks. The countries made a critical mistake, they bought the weapons, and military equipment made in Russia, now the battle in Ukraine tested the weapons,
    so they must overhaul the weapons arsenal, and find the liable providers like America, England, and the other European states. Nevertheless, Taiwan did the right thing, almost, the modern weapons come from America, so China’s Communist Party compares
    the battle in Ukraine and reviews the weapons, missiles, plus the engines made in Russia to install fighter jet-like J-15, J-20. Certainly, India should overhaul the weapons, and military equipment, moreover, India is the main customer of Russia, in 2019,
    the Indian Prime Minister signed a contract of $US 5 billion to buy the weapons from Russia. The customers of Russia can seek the providers like America, England, and European countries. Therefore, China can not, because the United States bans to sell
    the weapons to China

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