• CCP launched the craziest and ugliest campaigns

    From nguon pham@21:1/5 to All on Wed May 31 04:58:43 2023
    Hoa Truong, 29.5.2023

    The Super Red gang robbed the authentic government of the Chinese people in 1949, the government robbery succeeded by using propaganda plus the terror of the supreme gang leader, genocide tyrant Mao Tse Tung to deceive the Chinese people, mostly the
    victims were the poor peasants in the countryside volunteered to join the terror guerrilla of China’s Communist Party to fight against the first democratic government of Chinese people. The so-called people’s war with the tactic developing the term”
    using the countryside besieging the cities”.

    The deceitful propaganda succeeded to cheat the poor Chinese people and the innocent components. Therefore, after the ape revolution in 1949, the illiterate peasants, and innocent Chinese people enjoyed the roast Peking duck drawing on paper. Initially,
    the naïve Chinese components are the victims of the propaganda of China’s Communist Party. Unfortunately, it is too late for regret when the worst situation couldn’t change because China’s Communist Party applies heartless policies with terror,
    impoverishment, and obscurantism. The ruthless regime cracked down on the democratic movement in the mainland, including Hong Kong. The horrible living standard of Chinese people highlighted in the hell of a communist paradise in the mainland turned into
    a nightmare when the major population lived in poverty while China’s communist members became the red wealthy class, they squeezed the sweat of Chinese people. China’s Communist Party robs the assets of the Chinese people, and the victims including
    the supporters enslaved.

    Therefore, the crazy theory of Karl Marx was that the ugly Maoist created the disaster in China. The bloodshed campaigns of Mao Tse Tung combined with the ugliest and craziest campaigns in the era of Mao, and continue to launch, the victims are Chinese
    people, and their descendants. The bloodshed campaigns of Mao Tse Tung have never been forgotten in Chinese history, actually, a hundred million Chinese people were massacred including famine by the label of revolution, socialism, and Maoism.

    The Great Leap Forward ruined agriculture when the local government complied with the stupid quota orders of the central communist party to make Chinese steel to challenge the steel made by the counter-revolutionary countries called the capitalists. The
    trifling campaign was launched nationwide, and every village with the illiterate-madly cadres established the local furnaces, then all metals including agricultural equipment melted down to make steel, so the peasants shorted the tools, and the
    agricultural products were affected. Therefore, the steel made by China met poor quality and turned into garbage, the crazy campaign failed badly. The Hundred Flowers launched the fake development while Chinese people faced poverty, and the major
    population was low-educated. Chairman Mao forced the people to access the high level as his quote: “The policy of letting a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend is designed to promote the flourishing of the arts and the
    progress of science”. Therefore, the arts and the progress of science were led by socialism, invention, and social values framed in Maoism. Its reason explains China’s mainland lagged behind the Western, and the United States in the era of Chairman
    Mao. Nevertheless, the bloodshed campaigns killed, imprisoned, and eliminated the essential components like the wealthy families, and the intellectuals, then the low-educated cadres plus the illiterate peasants couldn’t access the scientific, and
    technological levels as primary school students couldn’t understand, and access the high-level high school, and university.

    Nevertheless, the pre-Culture Revolution prepared the power struggle between the rivals in China’s Communist Party, the rival purge affected tens of millions of Chinese people. The dire consequences perpetuated, and remain an obsession in Chinese
    society. Chairman Mao prepared the Cultural Revolution through the sub-campaigns:

    -The killing sparrow sub-campaign labeled and hid the main campaign. The central Communist party propagated and called the sparrow that caused the damage to the rice farm, so China’s Communist Party ordered every Chinese using the long pole to stop the
    sparrow from standing until the birds had nowhere to rest. Eventually, billions of sparrows died, and Chinese people collected, then reported them to the government. The killing sparrow sub-campaign caused the insects to attack the rice farm and other
    agricultural products when the sparrows and the insect-eating birds disappeared in China, the environment was damaged. Actually, the famine killed tens of millions of Chinese people. The famine enhanced the human eating culture (cannibal) in the days of
    Yore developed under the rule of Mao Tse Tung. Moreover, the aggressive peasants ate the meat of landlords to prove their loyalty to Mao Chairman.

    -The Youth sub-campaign was the pre-campaign establishing the Red Guard. The famous story attracted and convinced young people, the majority of the students when Chairman Mao Tse Tung swam over the Yangtze River, and tens of thousands of young Chinese
    followed. Therefore, they didn’t know Chairman Mao was malicious, he arrayed two professional divers supported underneath, and thousand young Chinese drowned.

    China’s Communist Party often launched the ugliest campaigns since 1949. Actually, tyrant Xi Jinping launched a biological weapon campaign worldwide to kill more than 7 million people according to a report of the World Health Organization. Therefore,
    the China virus pandemic killed hundreds of millions of Chinese people, the plan to depopulate, and the old generations are the target. The circumstances that occurred in Shenzhen worried the old people when 10 million pensioners disappeared. The old
    generation hampered the economy and the global hegemonic ambition, so Xi Jinping uses the pandemic as the term” a stone kills many birds”. The one-child policy was scrapped, instead, each Chinese couple can have three children. Therefore, the birth
    rate was reduced because the economy plunged, and the job is uncertain.

    The people believe China’s population is under a billion, not 1.4 billion as the report of the Chinese government, and the Western fake news. So-called China is the world’s second-largest economic center is not true, China’s Communist Party brags,
    indeed, the GDP is half as the report and propaganda. The fake news couldn’t conceal the reality in the highly technological communication era. The mouthpiece growth of China was debunked as the term” when a communist is born, initially, a midwife
    sees the mouth”. Indeed, China’s economy is 60% smaller than the report of China’s authorities, and the global left media in Western. The madly, and ugliest campaigns continue to torture Chinese people. The mega fish farm campaign in the desert
    with $US760 million investment, and 100,000 farmers in the campaign turning the deserts into green forests.

    Nevertheless, the campaign of turning the forests into farmland launches throughout China. The forests disappeared, so China is currently flooded in the rainy season, and the farmers couldn’t save their harvest. The forest to farmland destroyed the
    environment causing China has not enough timber for domestic facilities, so China bribed the Africa, and South American leaders to sell the wood. Recently, the Australian Labor government contracts to export wood worth $ 1.2 billion to China. Almost all
    Chinese people do not have enough oxygen, and when they have the money, Chinese people buy the serum injecting, and they feel better. The dam’s campaign cost the economy and was risky. The Three Gorges Dam is like a water atomic bomb, the rainy season
    causes floods when the dams around release the water and the dry season conducts drought when the dams in the area keep the massive quantity of water used for their local farmland.

    The craziest, and ugliest campaigns of China’s Communist Party to kill Chinese people, damage nature, and create harmful pollution caused the current natural disaster, the poverty plus the famine threatening Chinese people since the Ape Revolution in
    1949. The golden time of economic boom is over, actually, the pandemic hit back at China’s Communist Party with the term” the sword made by China to stab Chinese”. Major companies like Evergrande Group, Alibaba, Ant Group, and others collapsed. The
    industry in the mainland disabled caused 460,000 factories to close, the unpaid workers suffered hardship after their wages were frozen for many months, the banks limited the withdrawal, and the customers clashed with the police while inside the banks,
    the salary of elite-white collar workers was cut 75%, and they protested. The fake economic growth based on human power, and the ape minds of China’s Communist Party couldn’t remain the deception anymore. China’s Communist Party sowed the wind then
    reaped the whirlwind.

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