• Judge Alvin Bragg can not stop Trump in 2024

    From nguon pham@21:1/5 to All on Sat Mar 25 06:46:59 2023
    Hoa Truong, 23.3.2023

    The crucial target of the Global Deep State, China’s Communist Party, and the Democratic Party aim to stop the patriotic President Donald Trump from returning to the White House after the outcome of the presidential election in 2024. The extreme fear
    and obsession of the domestic thugs plus the foreign enemies exposed the witch hunts since Donald Trump stepped into the Oval Office on January 20, 2017, with the legal terrorist Robert Mueller wasted $US 32 million of the taxpayers for the deceitful
    investigation based on the fabricated dossiers falsely accused Russia meddled the US election in 2016.

    After the White House robbery, the illegal House Select Committee used the sham riot on January 6, 2021, made by the political sorceress Nancy Pelosi. It shifted to Donald Trump, the victim of the presidential robbery on January 20, 2021. The Mar-A-Lago
    terror failed to charge Donald Trump, although the FBI of director Christopher Wray, and the Department of Justice led by Attorney General Merrick Garland distorted the functions, and fully applied the professional terror, robbery, and burglary at the
    mansion of Donald Trump during Mr. virtual US president was not home. The cowardice, and timidity of Democrats, and the presidential robber Joe Biden expose the terror at Mar-A-Lago. Unfortunately, all sly tactics can not prevent the great leader of the
    MAGA movement from coming back to the White House in 2024.

    Besides the strategic witch hunts and terrors, Democrats, and the Global Deep State sent their henchmen to attack the patriotic President Donald Trump with the guerrilla tactics like Judge Arthur Engeron, the New York State court judge presiding over
    Trump’s civil fraud trial, but couldn’t charge because Donald Trump has never committed the fraud in New York, and another New York State Attorney General Leticia James targets the businesses of Donald Trump in her hell of a communist paradise. The
    outcome of the presidential election in 2020 reported Sleepy Joe Biden just won New York while Donald Trump won 49 states out of 50 states. So New York State is the Holyland of the hell of the state’s communist paradise with the ape judges, animal
    attorneys applying the bush law, and MAFIA rules.

    The public support of Donald Trump urges Democrats, the Global Deep State attempt the desperate plan by using the local judge, District Attorney, and black tyrant Alvin Bragg to arrest Donald Trump based on the false accusation of the solved case Stormy
    Daniels closed in 2018. The District Court is not an appeal court, to the law and the legal process, porn star Stormy Daniels must lodge her appeal to the higher court, not a district court. Therefore, she still owed the legal team $US 300,000 of the
    legal fees. The District Court of tyrant Attorney Alvin Bragg in Manhattan has no authority to do the function of an appeal court, so all court hearings and Grand Juries are illegal. Certainly, the fabricated indictment against patriotic President Donald
    Trump is lawless and breaches the law. It is incredible when Harvard law school graduates like Alvin Bragg are law illiterate, what did he learn at Harvard with Professor Alan Dershowitz? And the American Law Society may overhaul the license of tyrant
    Attorney Alvin Bragg who is a legal braggart to abuse the law in America. The deposed key witness is the former lawyer of Donald Trump, Michael Cohen as the lawyer 30 wants to avenge Donald Trump because he didn’t give the betrayal lawyer a job in the
    White House after winning the election in 2016. Certainly, Donald Trump knew Michael Cohen was the betrayer. The deceitful witness Michael Cohen is like the decoy witness Cassidy Hutchinson at the people’s court in the congress of Nancy Pelosi.

    The power of the District court can not force the United States to comply, and follow as an ant can not remove the mountain. Whatever, the animal-covered human body wearing the judge dress can not stop Donald Trump in 2024 as law Harvard Professor Alan
    Dershowitz, the teacher of ape Judge Alvin Bragg, despite the far-left billionaire George Soros poured $US 40 million to invest the black District Attorney Alvin Bragg, and Soros also developed the racist of the black judge against the white President
    Donald Trump. Therefore the district court failed the crucial target to stop Donald Trump, instead, Democrats, the Global Deep State, and other thugs received the backfire. Nevertheless, the propaganda campaign of the left media companies like CNN, Fox
    News, and others plus the big tech communication companies couldn’t shift the American people to support high profiles like Ron Desantis, Mike Pence, Nikki Haley, and others. The witch hunts, terrors, and psychological warfare failed, including the
    illegal indictment of tyrant Attorney Alvin Bragg conspiring the malevolent plan to arrest and kill Donal Trump in the prison matches the strong reaction of the American people. Once again, the Global Deep State and the Democratic Party made the critical
    mistake of using the black District Attorney Alvin Bragg to arrest and kill Donald Trump. Possibly, the Global Deep State and Democratic Party have many top lawyers, and legal advisors, they must know the Manhattan District Attorney tyrant Alvin Bragg
    can not stop Donald Trump in 2024. Therefore, the arrest of Donald Trump’s plans to kill the great leader of the MAGA movement in the prison is possible. Despite the hearing, the illegal court of Manhattan District has not concluded yet, and the legal
    process plus the public pressure mounts. Therefore, the tyrant and illiterate Attorney Alvin Bragg calls to arrest Donald Trump, or Donald Trump surrenders, then volunteers to go to prison. Certainly, no one is stupid to volunteer to stay the prison
    without a conviction. So the tyrant Attorney Alvin Bragg exposes the stupidity for himself.

    According to the Washington Post, fake news media can not propagate, and standing alongside the law-illiterate Alvin Bragg” No prosecutor wants to bring a case unless they are reasonably confident they will win. This is hardly a surefire prosecution.
    It’s also worth emphasizing that the Justice Department never brought charges against Trump on the campaign finance violation”. On March 22, 2023, the illegal hearing, and the tyrant Attorney Alvin Bragg breaches the law, and overridden power, so the
    Grand Jury canceled the hearing and has not committed the next hearing yet after the domestic conflict, and the fear of public outrage. Fox News has released the breaking news” Soros-Funded DA Alvin Bragg CAUGHT HIDING Nearly 600 Pages of Exculpatory
    Evidence from NY Grand Jury in Trump Case”. The lies and law cheater, Alvin Bragg faces public pressure, the fallen prosecution, and the unlawful indictment against the patriotic President Donald Trump with the decoy witness, the Lawyer 30 Michael
    Cohen, so the patriotic lawyer Giuliani said” DA Bragg abusing prosecutorial powers”, and Republican Senator Rand Paul calls to jail the Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg if he indicted Donald Trump without evidence and the political motive.
    There are not only people who reacted against the Bush law, and MAFIA rules of tyrant Attorney Alvin Bragg, the law gurus like UC Berkeley Law Professor John Yoo told the American public is ill-served by Alvin Bragg’s prosecution.

    The hell of state communist paradise in New York used at least 36,000 human-robotic police officers to keep security during the illegal Grand Jury hearing while the protests supporting Donald Trump spread nationwide, actually the den of mongrel communist
    paradise in New York. The ape judge Alvin Bragg exposes the cowardice and timidity by using the heavy police force to arrest Donald Trump which proves the MAGA becomes the greatest movement in US history. The real fear comes, and the arrest should burst
    the civil war, and the lives of an ape judge, tyrant Alvin Bragg is risky, he can not fight against the people with the wooden hammer. The disaster is coming, and Democrats can not save the people’s outrage because the endurance is limited and the
    abhorrence is Saturated.

    The illegal order to arrest patriotic President Donald Trump also strays the collapse of the banks like Silicon Valley Bank, and others are waiting for the disaster. The arrest doesn’t coincide, indeed, Democrats and the Global Deep State choose the
    right time to cover the economic disaster, and the US dollar is going to replace by the Digital Dollar, the greatest robbery in the United States attempted by the executive order 14067 of the 46th illegal president Joe Biden signed on March 9, 2022. The
    arrest of Donald Trump reflects the stratagem of Sun Tzu” make a sound in the east, then strike in the west”

    The House Judiciary Committee demands Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg must hand over the documents, and the testimony to indict the innocent, patriotic President Donald Trump. Certainly, the conviction without a clue, and based on the fabricated
    stories plus the fake documents breached the law, snubs the public, and congress, so the House Judiciary Committee will nullify the illegal indictment, and ordered to arrest of the illiterate Attorney Alvin Bragg, the force him to pay all costs of the
    legal process plus the spending for 36.000 police officers.

    Despite the arrest has not been made yet, the time is still waiting because the arrest is based on the lying witness, Lawyer 30 Michael Cohen, and the tyrant ape judge Alvin Bragg exposes the timidity when his office was barricaded. Therefore, the
    approval rate of Donald Trump skyrocketed to 28 points over Florida Governor Ron DeSantis with 26 points. The beloved dog of Nancy Pelosi, Liz Cheney has 3 points, Vikki Haley has 4 points, and the traitor Mike Pence gets 7 points.

    The malevolent plan to arrest Donald Trump, and kill him in prison failed, the desperate plan meets the people’s protest nationwide, and the abhorrence against Democrats rises. Certainly, the animal-covered human body, the ape tyrant judge Alvin Bragg
    emerges as the fresh thug, and the terror judge of Democrats become the hateful public figure. Eventually, the American people can do anything to get the country back, and the mongrel communist party faces trust bankruptcy. Moreover, the arrest of Donald
    Trump will burst the civil war, and the tyrant Juge Alvin Bragg can not use his wooden hammer to confront hundreds of millions of American people.

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