• The new world order pilots the collapse of SVB

    From nguon pham@21:1/5 to All on Wed Mar 15 14:03:08 2023
    Hoa Tuong, 13.3.2023

    The customers, investors, and the banking system in the United States were shocked and faltered when the SILICON VALLEY BANK (SVB) suddenly collapsed after the customers panicked withdrawing $US 42 billion, or 25% of the money of customers deposit a day,
    and the bank can not run without cash, so three days later, the bank suspended the business. The monetary tragedy will conduct the chain of the financial crisis in the United States and the world. Nevertheless, the position of SVB is important in the
    center of technology, and electronics in the United States, so the collapse of SVB alerts the dire consequences are coming, and the incident triggers the financial system in America to plunge into the abyss of crisis, and the world can not escape the
    peril. The black period of human society obsesses over the people, investors, and businesses of the monetary game, the perpetrators always hide their faces. Instead, the activities are carried out by the henchmen, so talented economists, including the
    Nobel Prize winners, can not predict, and find the solution to fix, and save the global economy. In the record, the 370 top economists including 8 Nobel Prize winners in the United States are the robots of Democrats, and the Global Deep States, they
    wrote a letter pressuring the Republican Party not to nominate the patriotic billionaire Donald Trump in the presidential election in 2016. The distorted careers of 370 top economists threw their degrees and prestigious academics into the garbage bin

    It is the second time in US history that witnessed a big monetary corporation collapse on March 10, 2023. The first collapse occurred in 2008 with the Washington Mutual when the first Muslim, communist, Kenya-born, black illegal President Hussein Barrack
    Obama stepped into the White House. Both banks collapsed in 2008, and in 2023 being under the rules of the mongrel communists, the illegal presidents are Barrack Obama, and the presidential robber Joe Biden. Moreover, the bank collapse reflects the
    beaten capitalism of the communist parties in China, Vietnam, North Korea, and others after the super red gangs robbed the government and applied terror, obscurantism, and impoverishment into the occupied countries.

    Investors, businesses, and American people are nervous while facing the highest inflation in 40 years, the US dollar is on the brink to be eliminated from the market after the mongrel communist leader Joe Biden issued the order of 14067 BIDEN BUCKS
    signed on September 3, 2022. The US dollar will disappear from US society, instead, the DIGITAL DOLLAR will be replaced, which means no one can have cash. Instead, the bank card is like the Ration Food policy of the Vietcong to control the people’s
    stomachs in North Vietnam during the Vietnam War. Nowadays, the mongrel communist Joe Biden plans to rob the pocket of all American people and use individual bankcard to control the life of people like the Household registration policy (Chế độ Hộ
    Khẩu) in Vietnam.

    The Digital Dollar can force everyone to comply with the order of the government (Democratic government), if whoever opposes like refusing the vaccine, or the Democratic Party labeled the opponent against the people as the communist used. Their bank card
    was banned, and their life is difficult, even if they can not file legal action against the banks while their account is frozen. Despite Joe Biden signing the order of 14067 in March 2022. Therefore, the left media avoided informing and alert about the
    greatest monetary robbery in US history is going to apply and the world based on the communist method.

    The sudden collapse of Silicon Valley Bank worries the customers, investors plus related businesses. Therefore the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) confirms the customers being insured until March 13, 2023, but the time is not much to
    withdraw, so the scene of customers lining up in front of SVB aggravates the situation. The bank’s customers in the United States are like Chinese people during the pandemic re-outbreak, and the People’s Bank of China closed, and the police clashed
    with customers.

    According to the report of SVB released at the end of finance of the year 2022 with 96% of total deposits of $US 173. 1 billion have not been insured by FDIC. The banking system in the United States is unstable, risky, unsafe, and ugly. Customers,
    investors, and businesses currently worry about their money without insurance. Even the second biggest bank in the United States, the Bank of America has 38% of $US 2 trillion of deposits without FDIC insurance. The total assets of Silicon Valley Bank
    are $US 400 billion, but one and half years ago, the FDIC appraised and insured $US 44 billion, or 10% of the valuation. Moreover, the cash remained at a low record with $US 958 million, and when the massive withdrawals caused the bank to collapse. The
    Silicon Valley Bank is under liquidation, the customers rushing to get back their money as soon as possible, and the time is just a few days. On March 10, 2023, the US Secretary of the Treasury, Janet Yellen met the highest officials of the Federal
    Reserve, FDIC, and the staff of Silicon Valley Bank to discuss the solution while Nasdaq suspended the stock exchange of SVB, and PacWest, Western Alliance, the First Republic stopped the transaction when the shares of three monetary corporations above
    declined from 40% to 50%. Actually, the SVB is related to the chain of banks, and businesses, so the collapse of the bank worsens the banking system in America and the world that conducts the global financial market facing the meltdown.

    The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank predicted a dismal economy in the United States, and the world could not escape the influence when the leading locomotive of finance, and the economy plunged into a crisis. The chain of banks can not avoid the worst,
    and the people will be the victims of the double cross game of the Global Deep State with the 46th illegal president Joe Biden attempting the new world order, and the Total World Government. The method of Russian physician Ivan Petrovich Pavlov became
    the strategy of the communist parties and the mongrel communist parties in the democratic countries using the change of human habits and imposing the new habits led by communism. The new financial system of the Global Deep State will apply after the
    current financial system is wiped out.

    The American people and the world were on high alert when the banking system in the United States collapsed. Actually, when the order of 14067 Biden Buck is validated, and applied, the US dollar will disappear, replaced by the Digital Dollar of the
    Global Deep States. Therefore, before the Digital Dollar was applied, the banks in the United States collapsed, and the incident of SVB just began. The Global Deep State easily stirs the banks by creating a fake crisis, and the customers plus the
    investors panicking, rush to withdraw. Moreover, the world’s monetary firms are controlled by the Global Deep State.

    The United States and American people owned nothing, except the debt and the taxes. The US dollar belongs to the Global Deep State, so the owner can use, or replace it with other forms like the Digital Dollar. Almost, the countries owned their currency
    as China’s communist regime had its own currency (Yuan), Vietnam had the Dong, the European Union owned the Euro, and the British owned the Pound. Therefore, the US dollar owned by the Global Deep State is the shame of the American people.

    The White House is ruled by the 46th illegal president Joe Biden and the 49th illegal vice president Kamala Harris. Actually, the presidential robber Joe Biden is the pawn of the Global Deep State, and China’s Communist Party, he created a debt of $US
    31 trillion, and the American people have to pay for many generations. Therefore, the Global Deep State is happy to create the debt trap, and Joe Biden did a good job for his bosses. The Federal Reserve is owned by the Global Deep State, the Democratic
    Party is the hand of the Global Deep State, and China’s Communist Party. The situation of the American people and the United States is like the hermit crab when foreign enemies like China owned the White House (Joe Biden is China’s henchman), and the
    Global Deep State owned the economy, finance, and owned the Democratic Party, so the American people lose the sovereignty, and the patriotism when the Democrats are the mongrel communist party to serve for China, and the Global Deep State. What do the
    American people save the country, and their generations? The bush and obscurant constitution of 1871 roped the patriotism and forced the people must obey the orders as the French proverb” Le Mouton De Panurge”, the legal thugs are the dishonest law
    school graduates applying the obscurant law reflect the bush law, and the American people must obey the legal thugs. The American people must choose between freedom and slavery. In Vietnam, Vietcong succeeded the brainwashing, and obscurantism into many
    generations, so the goofy Vietnamese components pride themselves as the docile nieces and nephews of the ape Uncle Ho (cháu ngoan bác Hồ) when the world knew Ho Chi Minh is the genocide to kill 1,700,000 Vietnamese people, the rapist, and pedophile.
    In the United States, the fans of Democrats (the abortion supporters, the illegal migrants, the Black Lives Matter, Antifa, the people smuggling rings, and the criminals) are the docile nieces, and nephews of mongrel ape Uncle Biden, despite the people
    knew Joe Biden is the global social dreg, the corrupt king, the treasonous specialist, the professional tax worm and the pedophile. Uncle Ho and Uncle Joe are the same kinds, they are the apes, and mongrel apes of Karl Marx, and the animal-covered human
    bodies with viral characteristics.

    Despite the Silicon Valley Bank strongly supporting Democrats in the election in 2020, the SVB contributed 90% of the finance for the Democratic candidates, but the Republican candidate had 7.2%. The collapse of SVB became a hot spot in the financial
    system in the United States and the world. The illegal White House administration of the presidential robber Joe Biden knows the New World order begins with the method Pavlov applied to the financial system. The essential strategy of the Global Deep
    State uses the Silicon Valley Banks as the sacrificed idol to reset the world. Certainly, the situation of SVB reflects the spy proverb” when a hunter recognizes the dog can not do the job properly, a hunter must know how to eat the dog’s meat”.
    The blind and innocent supporters of Joe Biden including the members of Democrats suffered the hell of a communist paradise imposed by Joe Biden. Certainly, Joe Biden doesn’t issue Vouchers to his fans to buy cheap petrol, cheap food, and other living
    facilities. All pay for the critical mistake, and the political stupidity after Joe Biden robbed the White House, and now they are going to lose money by the robbery policy of Biden, behind is the Global Deep State.

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