• Nancy Pelosi exorcized her home in San Francisco

    From nguon pham@21:1/5 to All on Thu Jan 26 07:40:14 2023
    Hoa Truong, 25.1.2023

    The deposed sorceress Nancy Pelosi really lost the black magic wand, and the powerful wooden hammer after the American people exorcized the evil, and Satan occupied the US congress in 2018. The evil congress led by sorceress Nany Pelosi and backed by
    Satan’s sorcerer Joe Biden attacked the United States, instead, they canonized the series of criminals like George Floyd as the saint while the evil cohort Black Lives Matter, and Antifa terrorized the American people with the support of Nancy Pelosi,
    Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the demon Democratic Party. Nevertheless, the evil cohort of Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, and Democrats vandalized, and smashed the statues of national heroes including Jesus, and Maria because they are white people. The black
    people, actually the black felons easily canonize the saints, and angels of the Democratic Party.

    Actually, the evil sorceress Nancy Pelosi attempted witch hunts since 2017 after the patriotic President Donald Trump got the office. Despite sorceress, Nancy Pelosi gathered the devil cohort in congress, actually the illegal House Select Committee with
    her beloved dog Liz Cheney to publicly denounce President Donald Trump based on the sham riot arrayed on January 6, 2021. Therefore, all black magics failed because Donald Trump is protected by the truth reflected in” IN GOD, WE TRUST-IN DONALD TRUMP-
    WE SUPPORT”. The people’s power is like sky justice, and divine justice protects the great leader of the MAGA movement. The leader of black magic is the bloody old, imbecile sorcerer Joe Biden loses the black magic power after January 2023, so the
    deposed sorcerer Joe Biden faces the stolen classifieds since he held the vice-president. Moreover, his efficacious black magic is hit back by his henchmen in the den of the White House, his mansion in Wilmington (Delaware), China Town in Washington D.C,
    and recently, the informer told Hunter Biden received a three-carat diamond of China during the stolen classifieds.

    The deposed sorceress Nancy Pelosi recognizes her black magic is no longer efficacious, so she needs to exorcize her mansion in San Francisco to get rid of the evil after her husband, Paul Pelosi was hit by a hammer of an illegal migrant, the leftist,
    David DePape. The incident was highlighted and controversial worldwide. Therefore, the culprit pleaded not guilty, and the attack covered the mystery. The rumor spread about the perpetrator is Nancy Pelosi who hired David DePape to hit her husband as
    punishment because Paul Pelosi came, and enjoyed a homosexual club in San Francisco, and he got into a car accident. The rumor is reasonable because the mansion of Nancy Pelosi deployed high security plus Secret Service agents inside, and outside her
    home, so the intruder must befriend her. Nevertheless, Nancy Pelosi denied showing the record of the camera. Moreover, exorcism is the psychological solution to defuse the tension between Nancy Pelosi and Paul Pelosi by shifting the incident to evil, the
    invisible culprit. Certainly, Nancy Pelosi professes the malicious methods, she created the riot on January 6, 2021, and shifted to the patriotic President Donald Trump.

    Despite Nancy Pelosi being a Catholic adherent, therefore she supports and activates the killing of unborn babies that conflict with the Catholic faith, and the bible. During the holding of the House Speaker, San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone
    banned Nancy Pelosi from receiving Holy Communion, she is evil and commits crimes that conflict with the religious faith.

    However, when the evil sorceress Nancy Pelosi lost the black magic power, and her powerful hammer or wand loses the efficacious magic, she summoned a Catholic priest to exorcise her mansion in San Francisco to get rid of the evil in her house as her
    announcement. Her cruel daughter, Alexandra Pelosi threatened her mother by cutting the throat of Donald Trump after the outcome of the mid-term congressional election in 2018, and now she is happy to tell” I think that weighed really heavy on her soul.
    I think she felt really guilty I think that really broke her-Over Thanksgiving, she had a priest coming, trying to have an exorcism of house and having prayer services”. However, Father Arthuro Albano, the local priest of Nancy Pelosi told to the New
    York Post” no exorcism or priest services were performed at her home” that means the local church refuses the services, so Nancy Pelosi seeks some priests and the exorcism specialists like Father Lampert who said” would be the recitation of a
    particular prayer, inviting the presence of God back into the house, casting out any presence of evil that may be there. Then the house would be blessed with holy water, reminding us of our new life in Christ, and the fact that we need not fear any evil,
    because recognizing that Christ is dwelling with us.”An exorcism expert, Father Lampert revealed that he got thousands of exorcism requests every year, so the father can expel the so-called evil in her home by the Catholic way. Therefore, the expert
    exorcist priest can not remove the evil mind of Nancy Pelosi, because she represents evil and Satan throughout her political life, and her evil black magic must be expelled by the law and Republican congress. However, the deposed sorceress Nany Pelosi
    has many options to eliminate the demon from her home:

    -Ask Kamala Harris to find a Fakir in India.

    -Ask Hussein Barrack Obama seeking an efficacious black magic master of a tribe in Kenya

    -Place the statue of felony Saint George Floyd at the entrant, then the evil and Satan can recognize the friendly place

    -Contact the nearest Satan temple, and ask the evil priest to retrieve the evil infiltrated her house

    -Contact Joanne Rowling, author of Harry Potter, she can give Pelosi a spell to get rid of the evil from her house.

    The last solution is to sell her home and move to Florida where evil and Satan stay away. Therefore, Guantanamo Bay is the best place, the evil and Satan’s fear.

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