• The pandemic uproots the health system in China

    From nguon pham@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jan 13 07:29:01 2023
    Hoa Truong, 12.1.2023

    The manner in which the communist party applies the order carries out multiple purposes with propaganda plus terror to oppress the people, crack down the standing up, and force everyone must obey the orders as the decrees of the king in medieval. Almost,
    the communist parties believe that orders, mottos, and slogans can overtake adversities, win over enemies, and defeat famine. So the orders of communist parties are like the powerful wand with terror magic. Therefore, the invisible cohort of China’s
    virus is exceptional when the viruses have no ears, eyes, or minds, so the commander in chief Xi Jinping can not command the Coronavirus. Instead, the Covid-19 pandemic doesn’t distinguish whoever, including the members of China’s Communist Party.
    The pandemic killed at least 50 high profiles of China’s Communist Party, and dozen famous academics.

    The COVID-19 ZERO of tyrant Xi Jinping sparkles massive protests throughout the big cities, and important regions like Shanghai, Beijing, and others, so Xi Jinping must choose the pandemic can stop the protest, and also attempt the viral purge, plus the
    social purge and also kill a hundred million old Chinese people to reduce the economic pressure, and save the labor market while the birth rate in the mainland declined despite China scrapped the one-child policy. The uncertain economy and the bubble
    industry of China are like the hermit crab, so China’s growth reflects the term” borrow the pig head to coup the rice soup”.

    The COVID-19 ZERO ease causes the pandemic re-outbreak with more than 250 million Chinese people infected in a fortnight. Actually, the situation worsens as the prediction of the world’s health authority alerts that within three months, China’s
    mainland will face more than 800 million Chinese people infected. The winter worsens the pandemic, actually, China’s mainland spell is colder than Europe. The pandemic kills a massive number of Chinese people, also uproots the economy, and causes the
    collapse of China’s Communist Party. On the other hand, China made COVID-19 killed the Chinese people and China’s Communist Party.

    Certainly, the viral pandemic without borders transmits faster than before. Moreover, the current 50 kinds of variants are more dangerous than Delta, and Omicron, so China becomes the world’s largest dead land, the world stays away, the foreign
    companies and investors have tried to get out of the dangerous land. The industry, factories, offices, and monetary firms in China’s mainland are disabled. Chinese people live in the darkest period in Chinese history while China’s Communist Party
    exposes the heartless. Actually, the Red dynasty of Tyrant Xi Jinping doesn’t care about the lives of 1.4 billion Chinese people. Nevertheless, the deep debt recorded $US 28 trillion hampered medical treatment while the ineffective vaccines made in
    China curbs nothing the pandemic, and the bogus test kits made in China confused the people with the wrong results. The shoddy vaccines and test kits help the pandemic spread faster when Chinese people don’t know who is infected. The pandemic thrives
    and aggravates when China’s communist government permits the infected people to donate their blood that deals with the blood shortage in the hospitals

    The pandemic shattered 80% of metropolitan residents in the big cities, and also spread to the countryside when the local health fundaments can not respond to the urgent situation. Certainly, the agricultural products are going to wipe out, and famine is
    underway to attack 1.4 billion Chinese people. The crematoriums overwhelmed the dead bodies, and the hospitals can not burden the massive number of patients with the shortage of medicines, and the low-medical capacity of the health workers plus the
    corruption creates horrible mayhem in the hell of a communist paradise in China’s mainland. The health workers have been pressured into their jobs while their wages can not fix the skyrocketing inflation plus the shortage of food, goods, and others.
    There were tens of thousands of health workers enclosing the doctors, and nurses gave up their jobs. There are not only health workers, but many sectors froze the wages of employees, the factories closed, and the offices shut down to deal with the
    pandemic. On January 8, 2023, in Chongqing City in Dadukou District witnesses 8,000 employees of Zhongyuan Huiiji Pharmaceutical factory protested and clash with the police because the administration held their wages. China’s communist government
    conceals many protests and clashes with the police throughout China’s mainland

    However, China’s Communist Party reached the target to kill more counter-revolutionary components come from the middle class who accessed the internet, and they could overtake the firewall. The rivals of Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao, and others currently
    threaten the leadership of tyrant Xi Jinping, actually, China’s Communist Party wants to kill the old generation to reduce the economic burden. The Covid-19 Zero ease reflects a similar tactic applying to multiple purposes like a stone to kill many

    The weak health system in China overran which causes a massive death toll, and the infectious population rises faster until a total of 1.4 billion Chinese people are infected. Therefore, tyrant Xi Jinping applies the desperate solution as the pose of Uki
    Goshi by using the pandemic to purge the opponents, rivals, and old Chinese people. Unfortunately, the heartless solution of Xi Jinping also kill the economy and disable the financial system.

    The world was alerted when China’s Communist Party wants to repeat the tactic in December 2019. The negligence of the Western plus the misleading of the World Health Organization helped the pandemic spread worldwide. Nowadays, China issues massive
    visas to send the viral suicide bomb hidden in the body of Chinese travelers, and many countries strictly apply the restriction on Chinese tourists to curb the pandemic. Nevertheless, the medical certificate granted by Chinese authorities can not trust,
    including the test kits made in China can not guarantee the exact results. The restriction applies to Chinese travelers to curb the pandemic, but China’s Communist Party claims racism, and intimidates the retaliation, it is the mouthpiece of the
    communists reflecting the proverb” the barking dog never bites”.

    The world recognizes the fallen health system in China can not curb the pandemic, instead, the covid-19 uproots the economy, and also China’s Communist Party. The horrible, and worst situation in China is like terminal cancer patients, so the death of
    China’s communist regime is inevitable, and also 1.4 billion Chinese people can not escape the disaster. China’s Communist Party is the culprit of the viral genocide and the dangerous enemy of the world including Chinese people.

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