• The global hegemonic dream of China is broken

    From nguon pham@21:1/5 to All on Thu Jan 12 06:35:00 2023
    Hoa Truong, 11.1.2023

    After the Second World War, the Cold War continued threatening peace with new conflicts appearing like the Vietnam War, the Korean War, and the current tension occurring between West and East German. Moreover, terror organizations called Maoist
    rebellious militia groups were activated in the Philippines, Africa, South America, India, Nepal, and elsewhere operating terror tactics based on communism. China’s Communist Party is the global enemy and the most dangerous thug on the planet. The Cold
    War was different from the Two World wars because the psychological battle highlighted the propaganda to mislead the public and intoxicate the people’s minds. On the other hand, the Global Communist Bloc also attacked the soil of Western with domestic
    enemies with the left-stream media plus the traitors like Jane Fonda, John Kerry, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and other betrayers who stabbed in the back of the democratic countries as the term” eating the democratic bread, but adoring
    the evil communist”.

    Despite China’s Communist Party cloning the Marxism-Leninist from the Soviet Union, the cradle of global communism. Therefore, the world’s largest population of the communist regime in China challenged the leadership of the big comrade brother Soviet
    Union in the Global Communist Bloc. China’s Communist Party lagged behind the Western, including the Soviet Union, and the Eastern Europe communist states. Therefore, China’s Communist Party has used the largest population on the planet as a
    potential weapon applied in trade, war, and diplomacy. China’s Communist Party killed, and enslaved Chinese people, therefore, China’s communist regime exploits the people as a potential weapon to threaten the world, and other strategic targets.

    Particularly, in the Vietnam War, China and the Soviet Union were the main providers who aided the significant weapons and military equipment for Vietcong (North Vietnam). The left media companies in Western concealed their deep involvement and commanded
    the Vietnam War. Certainly, the Vietcong and the People’s Army of Vietnam couldn’t fight with the bamboo sharp-cutting head or the machete. Instead, Vietcong acquired the modern weapons like A.K 47, the rocket-propelled grenade B-40, machine gun 12.7,
    the anti-aircraft missile SA-7, SA-10, Tank T-54, PT-67, and many lethal weapons made Russia, China, and other communist countries.

    China’s Communist Party is the most dangerous enemy of human society including Chinese people. Nevertheless, the historic visit of US President Richard Nixon in 1972 created an opportunity for China’s Communist Party to carry out the global hegemonic
    ambition called the Chinese dream. The innocent leader, the corrupt politicians, the love profit businesses, the naïve investors, and the innocent people in Western have fallen into the trap of China for many decades ago, so China’s growth came from
    Western losses. The sly businesses, the malicious investment, and the stolen technology plus the bribery helped China’s Communist Party to escape the dangerous situation after the bloodshed campaigns of Mao Ste Tung transformed the mainland became a
    land of famine. However, after China became the world’s second-largest economic center, the global hegemonic ambition appeared with great plans, the arms race, and the space race, and China rushes to replace the United States leading the world.

    -The One Belt-Road Initiative is the biggest ambition to create the road, and belt throughout the continentals with 140 countries. The fund estimates $US 4 trillion burdened the budget of China, and the corruption in the poor countries hampered the
    project. Actually, the Covid-19 pandemic made by China hits back at the strategic plan when the costs blew up, and doubled, so the poor countries can not continue to build the road. Moreover, China couldn’t get back the money when the poor countries
    faced the pandemic and the national deep. Possibly, China can not take back the money while China debited $US 28 trillion. The debt trap China deployed in the poor countries failed when the ports, landscapes, airports, and others repaid the debt which
    worsened the Chinese budget when the regime must send the officials, and employees keeping their overseas assets while the local people hate, and reacted against the hidden form of China’s colony.

    -The artificial islands built and militarized in the disputed water cost a lot of plan, and maintenance while the distance from the piratical stations to the nearest naval base in Hainan is not convenient for the military operation if the war occurs.
    China’s Communist Party has fallen into the quagmire in Indochina Pacific, and the neighboring countries hate China.

    -The Covid-19 pandemic made by China’s Communist Party targeting into multiple purposes, including the rigged election in America to help henchman Joe Biden rob the White House. The Covid-19 pandemic reflects the term” the sword made by China to stab
    the Chinese”. The global hegemonic ambition of China was broken when the pandemic disabled China’s economy and financial system. The world knew China is the culprit, so the countries watch out China for in every policy and the mouthpiece intimidation
    of China’s foreign ministry.

    The global hegemonic ambition of China’s Communist Party has fallen into peril. Actually, the Covid-19 Zero eased the burst of new waves of the pandemic while China seems to surrender the invisible army. The massive infected population alerts the world
    and the health authority. Certainly, within three months, the mainland will face more than 800 million infected cases, the ghost towns appeared in big cities like Shanghai. Certainly, the war can not defeat China’s communist regime, therefore, the
    viral army made in China to kill China’s communist party. The COVID-19 ZERO scrapped to sparkle the pandemic, the viruses without the border guarantees transforming China’s mainland to be the largest dead land on the planet that anticipates the death
    of China is underway.

    The global hegemonic ambition of China’s Communist Party is over the ability, China has not the technology and the economic strength as the hermit crab. The industry has no fundament, so the pandemic worsens the economy, and the stock market crisis
    easily wipes out China, and deeply affects the livelihood of 1.4 billion Chinese people. The inflation must worsen, but the regime conceals. The domestic mayhem can uproot China’s communist regime when the people escape the fear, and stand up. The
    rapaciousness of China’s Communist Party hits back the regime as the term” the boomerang hits back a thrower”. China’s Communist Party created so much trouble, wars, bloodshed, and genocide in the mainland, plus the pandemic is a crime against
    humanity. China’s Communist Party sowed the wind, then reap the whirlwind. Almost the strategic projects of China are broken, and China could not fix when the trifling plans based on ambition without capacity, so China’s Communist Party is underway

    The henchmen and the comrade parties (the left parties in democratic countries) of China can not ignore the worst situation occurring in China’s mainland. Unfortunately, big losses are waiting for them, actually, corrupt politicians like Joe Biden,
    Newsom Gavin, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, Dianne Feinstein, Hunter Biden, and others will follow the peril after China collapses. Foreign companies must get out of the pandemic land as soon as possible.

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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)