• The Deep State and China invest in the pandemic

    From Tuana Le@21:1/5 to All on Fri Dec 30 20:28:25 2022
    Hoa Truong, 28.12.2022

    In December 2019, China’s Communist Party launched biological weapons to reset the world, and also attempt the global hegemonic ambition. The China virus pandemic focuses on multiple purposes like the rigged election in 2020 to help China’s henchman
    Joe Biden to rob the White House, the Global Deep State, and China’s Communist to do heartless businesses based on the life of 8 billion people on the planet, encloses 1.4 billion Chinese people in China’s mainland. The barbaric and malevolent
    businesses of China, and the Global Deep State are the greatest medical genocide in human history. The pandemic outbreak bore the vaccine pandemic with the collaboration of the presidents, the prime minister, the governor, the premiers, the mayors, and
    the CEOs of private sectors. Nevertheless, the psychological pandemic is carried out by the left-stream media and the left big tech communication companies like Facebook, Google, and Twitter to appall the public, and the people fear the pandemic, then
    they rush to vaccinate the trial-risky vaccines made by the big pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna, Novavax and others (before the pandemic, the hypocritical philanthropist Bill Gates invested hundreds of millions of the US
    dollars in the vaccines). Initially, coronavirus combined the cluster of culprits like Dogtor Anthony Fauci, the 44th illegal President Barrack Obama, billionaire Bill Gates and China’s Communist Party with Wuhan Biosafety Level 4 Laboratory is the
    base of biological weapons. The Global Deep State with the big pharmaceutical companies to provide the vaccines, and China makes a profit by selling the mask, and the shoddy test kits. The well-balanced collaboration between China’s Communist Party and
    the Global Deep State remains the secret. Therefore, the incident exposes the sly methods of vaccines, and the test kits plus the face masks made in China can not conceal public doubt.

    The vaccine mandatory, the mask mandatory and the lockdown tortured people around the world, including the Western during the pandemic, and the viral variants outbreaking in the high tide. The governments forced the people to wear masks and tested the
    test kits made in China. Therefore, the strict restriction couldn’t reduce the infectious cases, and the mandatory vaccine pushed plus the punishment applying to the unvaccinated people, it is a form of public denouncement based on the pandemic, the
    vaccine purge. Certainly, the government knew the vaccine mandatory breaches medical freedom. Therefore, the national leaders and the government officials ignored them, instead, they were sophisticated about safety, so the human rights violation and
    freedom were waived.

    The pandemic reduced and society returned to normal after more than two years. Therefore, in China’s mainland, the Covid-19 re-outbreak after tyrant Xi Jinping forced to scrap the COVID-19 ZERO while Chinese people protested the massive numerous
    population in the big cities of Shanghai, Wuhan, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Zhengzhou, and Beijing. The protests threatens China’s communist regime, however, the pandemic burst, the infectious population skyrocketed and China’s health system has not had
    enough medicines to curb the pandemic. Nevertheless, the debt of China reached the ceiling of $US 28 trillion, so China has no money to order the vaccines from the Western while China does need the money US dollars to pay the interest and oil. Moreover,
    Chinses people suffered a shortage of food, goods, water, and energy for at least three months, and China ran out the oil more than 80 days before the order of COVID-19 ZERO. The natural disaster aggravates China, and the water of the Yangtze River
    drained out. The pandemic re-outbreak transforms China mainland to be the largest dead land on the planet with more than 800 million Chinese people will be infected within three months ahead, and the viral contagion will transmit to 1.4 billion Chinese
    people. Actually, after a week eased the Covid-19 Zero, there are more than 37 million infectious cases, and now the infectious cases reached 248 million. Certainly, China’s communist regime is going to collapse by the invisible army made in China as
    the term” the sword made in China to stab Chinese”. The pandemic re-outbreaks in China causes shoddy vaccines, and the test kits made in China created the pandemic mayhem when the test kits give the wrong results, and the vaccines are risky. Chinese
    people don’t know who is infected despite they jabbed, and tested negative, the dire consequences of the work fudges and the best report causes the disaster in China.

    However, the bogus test kits made in China wasted the taxpayers in Western countries like Australia, Canada, the United States, and Europe. The test kits made in China caused the pandemic to lose control, and the government lockdown then forced the
    people to jab the trial-risky vaccines. The incident in China debunked the vaccines, masks, and test kits businesses of the Global Deep State and China’s Communist Party. Prominent leaders like the 46th illegal president Joe Biden, California governor
    Newsom Gavin, French President Emmanuel Macron, Canadian Prime Minister Justine Trudeau, and Australia with Western Australia Premier Mark McGowan, Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews, and others take the responsibility for the shoddy test kits made in China
    caused the pandemic outbreak. The corruption doesn’t rule out the masks, the test kits made in China, and the risky vaccines provided by the big pharmaceutical companies, the medical businesses relate to the Global Deep State.

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