• Maga succeeded the red wave in mid-term 2022

    From Tuana Le@21:1/5 to All on Mon Nov 14 18:27:35 2022
    The mid-term congressional election on November 8, 2022, becomes the hottest political event in the United States, and the world, the people are waiting for the final outcome. The political battles in congress and the senate reflect which party to win,
    and which to lose. The main target and sub-target of Republicans and Democrats succeeded that can tell the winner and loser.

    Certainly, the traditional lesson of the Democratic Party professes a rigged election is inevitable in the mid-term congressional election in 2022 because the Democratic Communist Party completely loses the people’s support. The rallies of the virtual,
    patriotic President Donald Trump gathered massive supporters and proved the Red wave dominated the election. The American people have enough sufferance to reject the highest inflation in 40 years, the petrol price hikes and no sign to reduce, the
    criminals freely operate, the border unleashed, the Black Lives Matter, Antifa, actually, the debt reached the ceiling with $US 31 trillion. Nevertheless, the hell of communism imposed by the mongrel communist leader, the 46th illegal president Joe Biden
    makes America worsens ever.

    The outcome of the election has not been released yet because the swing states apply the rigged election by delaying the ballot counting, and the technological thugs repeat the rigged election in 2020, plus the missing machines and Joe Biden interfering
    in the ballot counting. Therefore, when the senate has not resulted, the left-stream media distort the information with the formula 3F= False poll+ Fake news+ Fabricated stories to stray the panic of the Democratic Party, and the fear of the presidential
    robber Joe Biden, his family members, plus the high profiles of Democrats when the congress is the main battle of MAGA, and the virtual-patriotic President Donald Trump succeeded, the Red wave is going to eradicate Democrats in the congress. The left
    media snubs the people, including hundreds of millions of MAGA supporters are stupid. Indeed the Red wave comes, and the MAGA movement and Donald Trump accomplished the Red wave in congress. Despite the Blue Donkey MAFIA gang’s attempts the rigged
    election to perpetuate the ballot counting. The propaganda of the left media aims to divide the Republicans and MAGA. Actually, the left media shifts the Red wave should not come in the senate caused by Donald Trump, and the Republicans should not
    support Donald Trump in 2024. Instead, patriotic President Donald Trump convinced the American people, and he is the most popular candidate for the presidential election in 2024. Moreover, the left-stream media released fake news to divide Donald Trump
    and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

    The phony propaganda was debunked, and the people strongly supported the Republican candidates for congress and the senate. Therefore, the main target is the congress, and Democratic Communist Party knew the congress will lose, so they poured the money
    plus the rigged election into the senate, the last hope of the Blue Donkey MAFIA gang. On the other hand, President Donald Trump, the Republicans, and MAGA movement chose the main battle in congress, and the senate is the sub-battle.

    Every field applies different methods like the military field, the tactics of the army, air force, and navy are different. The coaches of football clubs have different tactics. In politics, actually, the United States, the current government, and the
    opposition party have different tactics, and concerns for the congress, and senate. The presidential election and the mid-term congressional election apply flexibly, so the congress and senate can reflect the different concerns and targets for every

    Congress functions the domestic issues, the budget, and others. The US congress has 453 members of both parties. The rule confirms which party has 218 members to control the congress, and the leader becomes the House Speaker. The senate has 100 members
    of both parties, the numerous senators reached 51, and control the senate. Actually, the current vice-president is the chair of the Senate and has the final vote when two parties are equal when the solution faces a deadlock. The Senate is in charge of
    the policies and appointments.

    During the patriotic president Donald Trump ruling the White House, the senate was helpful when the president appoint the cabinet members, the heads of the FBI, CIA, the Attorney-General, including the Justices of the Supreme Court. During the first term,
    the 45th patriotic President Donald Trump succeeded to appoint the cabinet, including three Justices in the Supreme Court such as Justice Neil Gorsuch, Justice Brett Kavanaugh, and Justice Amy Coney Barrett. Therefore, in the mid-term congressional
    election in 2018, Democrats occupied the congress, so the wall of Donald Trump was hampered by Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. However, Republicans controlled the senate, but the senators couldn’t help Donald Trump to build the wall, and
    eventually, he used the Defense fund to do.

    After the White House robbery on January 20, 2021, Democratic Communist Party controls congress, and senate, so the 46th illegal president Joe Biden, and political sorceress Nancy Pelosi applies the bush law to oppress the Republicans, the main target is
    the patriotic President Donald Trump, and the White House aides, the MAGA activists like Mike Lindell, and the Republican politicians. Congress established the illegal House Select Committee to carry out the public denouncement to harm President Donald

    The mid-term congressional election on November 8, 2022, changed the situation, the congress reflects the people’s representatives, and the Republican candidates expelled the candidates in the strongholds of Democrats like New York lost 4 seats. It
    means the Red wave really comes, and Republicans are going to control congress which place, the Republicans and the patriotic President need to carry out the domestic issues and tie the 46th illegal president Joe Biden.

    The Republicans in congress can establish committees to investigate the corrupt king Joe Biden, the laptop of Hunter Biden, the businesses of Biden’s family, the loss of Afghanistan, including the impeachment of Joe Biden is based on 25 Amendment, and
    forces Joe Biden must attend the health check. The Republican committees can hand over the investigation to the court, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Dogtor Anthony Fauci, the illegal President Barrack Obama, and others will face criminal charges. The
    Republicans, the patriotic President Donald Trump, and the MAGA movement accomplished the Red wave, the real victory in congress, the place of people’s representatives while Senate is the place of the representatives of two political parties. Certainly,
    Republicans don’t need to appoint some positions, therefore, the presidential robber Joe Biden needs. Nevertheless, Republicans are going to take the Democratic governors, the Red wave proved. The Democratic Communist Party losing the congress that
    means fear is coming, even if Democrats can control the senate, their senators can not stop the Republicans in congress to prosecute and impeach Joe Biden. The fear of the 46th illegal president will come, so Democrats attempt to change the outcome by
    using technological thugs to repeat the rigged election, so the people are waiting for the final results. Therefore, Republicans advanced in congress.

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