• The monetary tactic in the election of Deep State

    From Tuana Le@21:1/5 to All on Fri Oct 28 20:33:37 2022
    Hoa Truong, 27.10.2022

    The potential and the strategic weapon of all elections in the United States is the money to cover the expensive advertising in campaigns, and other spending plus the bribery, and buying ballots. Therefore, the elections in America are an opportunity for
    the media to make a profit in the busiest season of the year. Actually, the US presidential election is the greatest spending in the campaigns when the candidate must pass the party’s nomination contesting from many candidates race to be the first
    winner, and the main White House race must spend a lot of money, possibly it is much more than the nomination campaign.

    The presidential race means the monetary race rushes between the wealthy candidates paid by themselves and the fan’s contribution which becomes the campaign fund. Despite the wealthy candidates being eligible to join the expensive campaigns, therefore,
    numerous donors need to confirm the people’s support, and the presidential candidate reflects the title of people, not using their own money to pay for the election, or buy the presidency. It is the formality of deceitful democracy in the United States,
    indeed, the secret money helps the presidential candidate into the expensive campaign. Commonly, the United States respects fair elections and freedom. Therefore, an opportunity that applies to a poor candidate is faded, and impossible. Instead, wealthy
    candidate is available to join the presidential race with the support of their wealthy fans. However, some presidential candidates are not rich, but wealthy persons including foreign enemies support and pour money into buying the US president. After
    getting into the White House, the US president repays the boon, it is the business election with the US presidential business that has occurred in the US presidential elections.

    The circumstance of Democratic candidate Bill Clinton (central left) illegally received money from China’s Communist Party paid by the espionage super agent John Huang who behaved China providing the finance in the presidential election in 1992, so
    President Bill Clinton repaid the US interest plus the military technology as the GPS (Global Positioning System). Luckily, Congress prevented it, if not, China acquired the high military technology needed in the arms race. During the first term,
    President Bill Clinton invited China’s espionage agent to enter the White House, actually, President Bill Clinton promoted John Huang to the position of assistant Under Secretary of Trade. China’s super espionage John Huang attended 37 top secret
    meetings in the White House. Once again, in the presidential election in 1996, China’s financial agent Charlie Trie illegally poured money into Bill Clinton’s second-term campaign. Among the boons paid by the treasonous President Bill Clinton, the
    hoax climate change is the great repayment to curb the Western industry, including the United States while China freely releases dioxide, and sells solar power. Moreover, the hoax climate change causes the protests of innocent people, actually the young
    generations to be intoxicated by the deceitful climate change. The dire consequences of the hoax climate change are immeasurable, and perpetuating after the second term of Bill Clinton. The professional tax worm Joe Biden becomes the iconic henchman of
    China’s Communist Pary to invest in the US president at a cheap price of $US 1.5 billion, and the Global Deep State also poured money into the rigged campaign in 2020, and China launched the pandemic to create the 46th illegal president Joe Biden in
    the White House.

    However, the monetary tactic of the Global Deep State and foreign enemies like China’s Communist Party is obsolete. The money can cover all costs of the election enclosing media advertising, bribery, rallies, and other activities needed in the
    expensive campaign. Therefore, the people take the key role to decide the success of a candidate, and money can not buy the truth, the thugs can not use the money to buy the elections when the people distrust.

    Commonly, the potential weapon of all candidates is the media and the big tech communication companies. Nowadays, people distrust and boycott the left-stream media line and the big tech, so the election campaigns lose the effects as before. The campaign
    advertising of the left parties including the Democratic Communist Party in America is like fake news. Nevertheless, the era of high technology and the jungle of social media with non-profit bloggers are the places to trust. The mid-term congressional
    election in November 2022, and the presidential election in 2024 expose the loss of the exclusive position of the fake news companies and the left big tech when impartial platforms like Truth social grows, Duckduckgo challenges Google, and Twitter should
    change their ownership when billionaire Elon Musk deals to take over, while Facebook plunges badly although CEO Mark Zuckerberg changed the name called Meta.

    Therefore, the game changed in the presidential election in 2016, the patriotic billionaire Donald Trump spent less money than Hillary Clinton. Therefore, the people voted for Donald Trump. The bloody experiences of Hillary Clinton were based on the
    money, and the classic campaign with the television, the media, radio, and other advertising while Donald Trump was unfairly treated by the left media and the big tech. Instead, Donald Trump was supported by social media and the people’s bloggers, he
    spent about $ 600 million, and won the White House race in 2016 while Hillary Clinton spent $US 1.2 billion. The unpredictable loss of Hillary Clinton conducts crazy revenge, so Hillary Clinton paid $US 168,000 for the former British Intelligence agent
    Christopher Steele to write the fake dossiers, and she also paid $ US 1.02 million for Perkins Coie law firm to certify the fake dossiers. Unfortunately, the malicious plan to impeach the patriotic President failed, and the Special Counsel of legal
    terrorist Robert Mueller wasted $US 32 million of the taxpayers after two years attempting the first witch hunt. The incident of Hillary Clinton proved the obsolete monetary tactic of the Global Deep State and foreign enemies poured into the Democratic
    candidate’s failure. The trust and high technology defeated the monetary tactic of the Global Deep State including the foreign enemies cornered the US presidential election for a long time.

    However, the dirty game of the Global Deep State, and the Democratic Communist Party applied on the Facebook, and Twitter to censor free speech, and banned patriotic President Donald Trump in the second election. Despite the domestic thugs and the
    foreign enemies plus the left-stream media line, the big tech attempted the rigged election, the propaganda, and the China virus pandemic plus the abundant money provided for the campaigns of Sleepy Joe Biden in the presidential election in 2020.
    Moreover, Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook used $US 400 million to bribe the judges and polling officials in the swing states. Eventually, the patriotic President Donald Trump won the historic landslide victory with 49 states out of 50 states and won
    2,497 counties, or 84% while Joe Biden just had 477 counties or 16%. Therefore the trifling rigged election robbed the election outcome, and the historic victory of President Donald Trump in the second term. The rigged election in 2020 conducts a
    disaster for Democrats when the party completely loses the people’s trust, and exposed the dangerous domestic thugs. The people granted the death certificate for the Democratic Communist Party on January 20, 2021, and the funeral is going to be set on
    November 8, 2022.

    The mid-term congressional election in November 2020 is a crucial battle between the American people, and the Democratic Communist Party. Certainly, the Global Deep State and foreign enemies use the old tactic of pouring abundant money into the
    Democratic candidates. The classic tactics of using the left media, and the big tech are obsolete, therefore, the left media and big tech make a fresh profit in the election season. Certainly, the adverting with the fake news, fabricated stories, and
    false polls of Democratic candidates can not convince the American people while the ballots reflect the highest inflation in 40 years of the mongrel communist leader, imbecile and mental health illness Joe Biden, the high petrol price, the social mayhem,
    the criminals freely operate, the Black Lives Matter-Antifa currently terrorize the people, the unleashed border becomes the national security risk. All the worst done by Joe Biden and the Democrats can not change the people’s minds, actually, the
    advertising of Democrats affects nothing.

    Since the presidential election in 2016, and 2020, the potential weapon of the Global Deep State and foreign enemies to use money in the election doesn’t work. Moreover, Joe Biden and Democrats use China’s technological tool TikTok for advertising.
    Unfortunately, the American people boycott China. The people and the world know Democratic Communist Party faces potential losses when the rallies of the patriotic President Donald Trump gathered massive supporters, instead, the rallies of the social
    dregs, the presidential robber Joe Biden like the funeral of a homeless. The rigged election in 2022 risks Democrats when the people’s outrage saturated after the presidential robbery in 2020. The civil war should burst anytime, and the Democratic
    Party, RINOs, the Democratic Justices, and the corrupt politicians should pay the price while hundreds of millions of American people are readily standing up to save the country, and get back the United States, to restore patriotism, let’s make
    American great again.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Tuana Le@21:1/5 to All on Sat Oct 29 21:28:43 2022
    Hoa Truong, 27.10.2022

    The potential and the strategic weapon of all elections in the United States is the money to cover the expensive advertising in campaigns, and other spending plus the bribery, and buying ballots. Therefore, the elections in America are an opportunity for
    the media to make a profit in the busiest season of the year. Actually, the US presidential election is the greatest spending in the campaigns when the candidate must pass the party’s nomination contesting from many candidates race to be the first
    winner, and the main White House race must spend a lot of money, possibly it is much more than the nomination campaign.

    The presidential race means the monetary race rushes between the wealthy candidates paid by themselves and the fan’s contribution which becomes the campaign fund. Despite the wealthy candidates being eligible to join the expensive campaigns, therefore,
    numerous donors need to confirm the people’s support, and the presidential candidate reflects the title of people, not using their own money to pay for the election, or buy the presidency. It is the formality of deceitful democracy in the United States,
    indeed, the secret money helps the presidential candidate into the expensive campaign. Commonly, the United States respects fair elections and freedom. Therefore, an opportunity that applies to a poor candidate is faded, and impossible. Instead, wealthy
    candidate is available to join the presidential race with the support of their wealthy fans. However, some presidential candidates are not rich, but wealthy persons including foreign enemies support and pour money into buying the US president. After
    getting into the White House, the US president repays the boon, it is the business election with the US presidential business that has occurred in the US presidential elections.

    The circumstance of Democratic candidate Bill Clinton (central left) illegally received money from China’s Communist Party paid by the espionage super agent John Huang who behaved China providing the finance in the presidential election in 1992, so
    President Bill Clinton repaid the US interest plus the military technology as the GPS (Global Positioning System). Luckily, Congress prevented it, if not, China acquired the high military technology needed in the arms race. During the first term,
    President Bill Clinton invited China’s espionage agent to enter the White House, actually, President Bill Clinton promoted John Huang to the position of assistant Under Secretary of Trade. China’s super espionage John Huang attended 37 top secret
    meetings in the White House. Once again, in the presidential election in 1996, China’s financial agent Charlie Trie illegally poured money into Bill Clinton’s second-term campaign. Among the boons paid by the treasonous President Bill Clinton, the
    hoax climate change is the great repayment to curb the Western industry, including the United States while China freely releases dioxide, and sells solar power. Moreover, the hoax climate change causes the protests of innocent people, actually the young
    generations to be intoxicated by the deceitful climate change. The dire consequences of the hoax climate change are immeasurable, and perpetuating after the second term of Bill Clinton. The professional tax worm Joe Biden becomes the iconic henchman of
    China’s Communist Pary to invest in the US president at a cheap price of $US 1.5 billion, and the Global Deep State also poured money into the rigged campaign in 2020, and China launched the pandemic to create the 46th illegal president Joe Biden in
    the White House.

    However, the monetary tactic of the Global Deep State and foreign enemies like China’s Communist Party is obsolete. The money can cover all costs of the election enclosing media advertising, bribery, rallies, and other activities needed in the
    expensive campaign. Therefore, the people take the key role to decide the success of a candidate, and money can not buy the truth, the thugs can not use the money to buy the elections when the people distrust.

    Commonly, the potential weapon of all candidates is the media and the big tech communication companies. Nowadays, people distrust and boycott the left-stream media line and the big tech, so the election campaigns lose the effects as before. The campaign
    advertising of the left parties including the Democratic Communist Party in America is like fake news. Nevertheless, the era of high technology and the jungle of social media with non-profit bloggers are the places to trust. The mid-term congressional
    election in November 2022, and the presidential election in 2024 expose the loss of the exclusive position of the fake news companies and the left big tech when impartial platforms like Truth social grows, Duckduckgo challenges Google, and Twitter should
    change their ownership when billionaire Elon Musk deals to take over, while Facebook plunges badly although CEO Mark Zuckerberg changed the name called Meta.

    Therefore, the game changed in the presidential election in 2016, the patriotic billionaire Donald Trump spent less money than Hillary Clinton. Therefore, the people voted for Donald Trump. The bloody experiences of Hillary Clinton were based on the
    money, and the classic campaign with the television, the media, radio, and other advertising while Donald Trump was unfairly treated by the left media and the big tech. Instead, Donald Trump was supported by social media and the people’s bloggers, he
    spent about $ 600 million, and won the White House race in 2016 while Hillary Clinton spent $US 1.2 billion. The unpredictable loss of Hillary Clinton conducts crazy revenge, so Hillary Clinton paid $US 168,000 for the former British Intelligence agent
    Christopher Steele to write the fake dossiers, and she also paid $ US 1.02 million for Perkins Coie law firm to certify the fake dossiers. Unfortunately, the malicious plan to impeach the patriotic President failed, and the Special Counsel of legal
    terrorist Robert Mueller wasted $US 32 million of the taxpayers after two years attempting the first witch hunt. The incident of Hillary Clinton proved the obsolete monetary tactic of the Global Deep State and foreign enemies poured into the Democratic
    candidate’s failure. The trust and high technology defeated the monetary tactic of the Global Deep State including the foreign enemies cornered the US presidential election for a long time.

    However, the dirty game of the Global Deep State, and the Democratic Communist Party applied on the Facebook, and Twitter to censor free speech, and banned patriotic President Donald Trump in the second election. Despite the domestic thugs and the
    foreign enemies plus the left-stream media line, the big tech attempted the rigged election, the propaganda, and the China virus pandemic plus the abundant money provided for the campaigns of Sleepy Joe Biden in the presidential election in 2020.
    Moreover, Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook used $US 400 million to bribe the judges and polling officials in the swing states. Eventually, the patriotic President Donald Trump won the historic landslide victory with 49 states out of 50 states and won
    2,497 counties, or 84% while Joe Biden just had 477 counties or 16%. Therefore the trifling rigged election robbed the election outcome, and the historic victory of President Donald Trump in the second term. The rigged election in 2020 conducts a
    disaster for Democrats when the party completely loses the people’s trust, and exposed the dangerous domestic thugs. The people granted the death certificate for the Democratic Communist Party on January 20, 2021, and the funeral is going to be set on
    November 8, 2022.

    The mid-term congressional election in November 2020 is a crucial battle between the American people, and the Democratic Communist Party. Certainly, the Global Deep State and foreign enemies use the old tactic of pouring abundant money into the
    Democratic candidates. The classic tactics of using the left media, and the big tech are obsolete, therefore, the left media and big tech make a fresh profit in the election season. Certainly, the adverting with the fake news, fabricated stories, and
    false polls of Democratic candidates can not convince the American people while the ballots reflect the highest inflation in 40 years of the mongrel communist leader, imbecile and mental health illness Joe Biden, the high petrol price, the social mayhem,
    the criminals freely operate, the Black Lives Matter-Antifa currently terrorize the people, the unleashed border becomes the national security risk. All the worst done by Joe Biden and the Democrats can not change the people’s minds, actually, the
    advertising of Democrats affects nothing.

    Since the presidential election in 2016, and 2020, the potential weapon of the Global Deep State and foreign enemies to use money in the election doesn’t work. Moreover, Joe Biden and Democrats use China’s technological tool TikTok for advertising.
    Unfortunately, the American people boycott China. The people and the world know Democratic Communist Party faces potential losses when the rallies of the patriotic President Donald Trump gathered massive supporters, instead, the rallies of the social
    dregs, the presidential robber Joe Biden like the funeral of a homeless. The rigged election in 2022 risks Democrats when the people’s outrage saturated after the presidential robbery in 2020. The civil war should burst anytime, and the Democratic
    Party, RINOs, the Democratic Justices, and the corrupt politicians should pay the price while hundreds of millions of American people are readily standing up to save the country, and get back the United States, to restore patriotism, let’s make
    American great again.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)