• The terror of Democrats can not woo the ballots

    From Tuana Le@21:1/5 to All on Thu Oct 27 21:31:39 2022
    Hoa Truong, 25.10.2022

    Terror, brainwashing, and obscurantism could apply in communist countries after the communist party robbed the government by force called revolutionary violence. The apes of Karl Marx reflect the animals’ covered human bodies with the viral
    characteristics always acclaim themselves as the revolutionists, the peaks of human society, the peace lovers, and many nice labels paint barbaric components as the progressive people (the leftists in democratic countries). Indeed, the communists killed
    a hundred million people around the world after Lenin transformed the crazy ideas of Karl Marx into reality. The communists committed the greatest genocide in human history. The leftists and communists reflect the term” when a communist is born,
    initially, a midwife sees the mouth”.

    The mongrel communists in democratic countries, actually the Democratic Party in the United States wrongly apply the communist methods to the world’s wealthiest country. Certainly, the multiple political parties, the traditional democracy, the
    democratic concern of people and the freedom prevent terror, brainwashing, and obscurantism. Despite the mongrel communist party in America acquired the propaganda machines with the left stream media, and the big tech communication companies. Therefore,
    the people boycott the fake news and abandon the big tech when the exclusive position of the left media plus the big tech facing the challenge of Truth social, Duckduckgo versus Google, Facebook plunged, and Twitter is uncertain while the richest man on
    the planet, billionaire Elon Musk bargaining to buy. The time of fake news, censoring, distorted information, and fabricated stories no longer dominate communication. Nevertheless, the era of high technological communication and the jungle of social
    media with multiple impartial information sources debunked the toxic fake news immediately.

    Even the Democrats occupied the majority in congress, the senate, and the Democratic states and had the Liberal judges plus Justices in the Supreme Court. Nevertheless, when the Democratic presidents elected or robbed the White House as in the
    circumstance of the 46th illegal President Joe Biden, the government facilities like the FBI and the Department of Justice become the terror agencies to oppress the opponents, actually the Republican politicians, and the MAGA activists.

    The White House robbery on January 20, 2021, destroyed, and subverted the Republic of America, and exposed the bush-obscurant constitution of 1871 when the US president is decided by the majority of Justices in the Supreme Court and Senate Speaker.
    Indeed, the people decide on the US president as the original constitution of 1776. Therefore, the White House robbery is trifling when the people and the world knew Sleepy Joe Biden lost the White House race in the presidential election in 2020. The
    campaigns of Joe Biden were like a funeral of the homeless while the rallies of the patriotic President Donald Trump gathered massive supporters although the China virus pandemic outbreak. Moreover, the majority of American people including the concerned
    Democrats recognized the incompetent politician Joe Biden professes corruption, and treason plus pedophile. Therefore, Joe Biden was illegally inaugurated with the protection of the National Guards, and the presiding of Chief Justice John Roberts.

    The presidential robber Joe Biden was elected by six Justices in the Supreme Court and Mike Pence while 103 million people voted for Donald Trump in the second term. The 46th illegal president Joe Biden, and his mongrel communist regime commit the people
    s abhorrence. The chant” Let’s go Brandon” echoes nationwide and reflects the people’s voice to oppose the illegal president Joe Biden. However, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Democrats apply the rules of Vietcong supporters living in the
    countryside during the Vietnam War” not see, hear, and know” when the South Vietnam Army operated in the strongholds of the Vietcong. The Democratic Communist Party and the mongrel communist leader Joe Biden ignore the people, instead of the rigged
    election, and the terror to keep the hidden communist government in the United States. Unfortunately, the American people are not like the people in China’s mainland, North Korea and Vietnam, so the elections in congress, senate, states, and the
    presidential election can change the country, and expel the apes from congress, the senate, the White House, and states.

    The communists in China, Vietnam, North Korea, and Cuba have used terror, violence, and psychological intimidation to stop the people from standing up. The communist party controls the government system, the police, the people’s army, and the public
    security guards. Therefore, the mongrel communist parties in the democratic countries have not acquired the convenient conditions, so the communist methods couldn’t impose for a long time when the elections can change the government, and congress,
    senate plus the states.

    The Democratic Communist Party and mongrel leader Joe Biden ignore the people, instead, the apes of Karl Marx apply terror, the rigged election to win and remain in the semi-dictatorial regime. The terror has been applied in multiple forms based on the
    bush law, and the distorted constitution, actually the Democratic lawmakers become the bush lawmakers.

    –The attorney terror applied on May 17, 2017, with the Special Counsel to investigate the fabricated story about Russia meddled the presidential election in 2016 based on the fake dossiers written by the former British Intelligence Agent Christopher
    Steele. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed former FBI director Robert Mueller. The cheat investigation wasted the taxpayers’ $US 32 million, the outcome was nothing. Legal terrorists like Rob Rosenstein and Robert Mueller must receive
    full responsibility for the deceitful investigation, they lied to the people and congress.

    –The congressional terror with the illegal House Select Committee is contrived by the political sorceress Nany Pelosi with her beloved dog, female RINO Liz Cheney who lost the seat in Wyoming, and her political life is going to end on November 8, 2022.
    Once again, the sham riot of January 6, 2021, made by Nancy Pelosi and Democrats to carry out the public denouncement aimed at the patriotic President Donald Trump, and former White House aides like Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro, and others. Therefore, the
    malicious practice of the illegal House Select Committed failed to indict the great leader of the MAGA movement, and also the virtual US President Donald Trump. The constitutional homosexuality of the committee doesn’t like the people’s court in
    China, Vietnam, and North Korea. The ugly committee creates the people’s disdain, and abhor. The legal system in the United States has never had a court set in congress. Instead, congress is the place of lawmakers, not a courtroom. Moreover, the
    subpoenas of the illegal House Select Committee are a farce to trash the polls of Democrats. The last barking of deposed dog Liz Cheney attempts the garbage subpoena to testify the patriotic President Donald Trump on the riot, and she crazily exposes the
    manner of communists, she says the Committee of January 6, 2021, will not allow the virtual, patriotic President Donald Trump to testify on television, and the testification will attend in secrets while the American people and the world want to know the
    truth. Once again, the deposed dog of Nancy Pelosi snubs the American people are stupid.

    –The violent terror of the FBI with 40 agents and 3 officials of the Department of Justice to raid the Mar-A-Lago proved the FBI and the DOJ profess the terror, robbery, and burglary. The commander is FBI director Christopher Wray. The raid is
    unprecedentedly in applying the mansion of the virtual president. Therefore, the legal team of Donald Trump fights against the banditry storming private property, and the people condemn it. Certainly, violent terror is not a method to woo the ballots,
    instead, the Democratic candidates received bad polls after the terror

    -The attorney terror represents the Department of Justice using the legal system to argue and protect against the terror at the Mar-A-Lago. The commander of attorney terror is Merrick Garland.

    -The social terror comes from Black Lives Matter and Antifa, the outlet terror organizations of Democrats.

    The main subjects of the mid-term congressional election in November 2022 highlight the economy, livelihood, jobs, inflation, and national security plus foreign policies. Therefore, within nearly two years imposed the hell of a communist paradise in the
    United States, the 46th illegal president Joe Biden made America worsens ever (MAWE). The tax-worm, corrupt king, and treasonous specialist Joe Biden destroyed the great achievements of the patriotic President Donald Trump who made America great again (
    MAGA). Nevertheless, a hundred destructive orders of the presidential robber Joe Biden cost $US 1.5 trillion of the national budget.

    The Satan era of Hussein Barrack Obama built back the worst again after the national destroyer Joe Biden robbed the White House. The American people suffer the highest inflation in 40 years, the high petrol price, the crimes escalate and worsen, the
    illegal migrants threaten society, and many problems have never been seen in US history. The mid-term congressional election in November 2022, and the presidential election in 2024 reflect the people’s power to get back the country. Unfortunately, the
    Democratic Communist Party can not woo the ballots with violence, terror, and a rigged election. Certainly, the business needs customers, the surgery needs the patients, and religion needs adherents. The political party is like the fish, and the people
    are like the water. So the political party can not survive when the people abandon it. Therefore, Joe Biden and the Democrats ignore and snub the people’s power, the big losses are inevitable.

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