• More of my my philosophy about the berbers and more.. (4/4)

    From World-News2100@21:1/5 to All on Thu Jan 20 15:02:59 2022
    [continued from previous message]

    have a very high priority, so read for example my below poems and
    thoughts and notice how i am doing it:

    And i just said that i am an "inventor" of many software scalable
    algorithms and algorithms, and here is some of them and you can read
    about them carefully and download them from my website here:

    Scalable reference counting with efficient support for weak references


    New variants of Scalable RWLocks


    Scalable lock that is FIFO fair and starvation-free


    And i have invented many more scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    And you can find my open source software projects here in my website:


    And here is my proverb that explain more this way of mine of minimizing
    at best those human imperfections:

    "Dignity also comes from the fact that you have in your relations
    with humans to know how to abstract the bad things, since when you are
    too realistic you risk to render human life ugly, so if for example we
    talk too much about the bad things such as violence etc. of Africa or
    such, we Risk to render our human lives too much violent and/or ugly, so
    you have to know how to minimize at best those bad things or bad talking
    etc. so that to make our world a much more beautiful world."

    More of my philosophy about the germans and jews and adaptability and more..

    I think i am really smart, and i think i am a wise type of person,
    so i invite you so that to look at the following video:

    The 1936 Olympics In Nazi Germany | Hitler's Olympics


    And look again at how the jews of the above video are talking about
    the germans of that time of the above video, i think that the jews of
    the above video are not understanding a very important thing, and it is
    that the problem of jews in germany in that time was a problem of how
    the jews were too much disorganized, i mean that jews were lacking and
    they had to know how to walk (the "walk" is also symbolic) and how to
    talk like a wise man so that to avoid the high risks of "confrontation",
    it is as i am doing it, since look again at how i think i am a wise type
    of person that is showing you my way of doing of the being organized and disciplined, and read again my following way of doing so that you notice it:

    More of my philosophy about the being more organized and more
    disciplined and more..

    I invite you to look at the following whites of Chinese
    triplets in the following video and you will quickly notice that they
    are more disciplined and more organized, so i think that white asians
    are more disciplined and more organized and i think it is a very
    important thing, so look at the following video so that to notice it:

    Chinese triplets before going to bed


    An i have just invented poems so that to show how the being disciplined
    and organized is so important, so here is my poems and read them again carefully:

    Here is my new poem..

    What is it to be bad ?

    It is what makes us sad

    So is natural selection only about your "individual" dad ?

    So what is it this beautiful notepad ?

    It is the organized like a beautiful mathematical olympiad !

    So are you still talking about the communist Stalingrad ?

    Since are you not noticing the how you can be glad ?

    So does it come from the city of Riyadh or the capital of Tchad?

    And are you wanting just to be like a disorganized old nomad ?

    So i ask why do we have to organize it with sophistication as the Mossad ?

    Since are you wanting to be just an undergrad ?

    So are you not understanding much better what is it to be bad ?

    Thank you,
    Amine Moulay Ramdane.


    More of my philosophy about our modern world and more..

    I think i am a wise type of person, and i will ask an important question:

    What does look like our modern world ?

    I think i am smart, and i think the problem also comes from how we
    are organizing capitalism, and we say in french: Je pense que c'est un problème organisationnel , and that means that i think that the problem
    is an organizational problem, and you can quickly notice it in
    how you can notice by talking to people how they are much less organised
    as society or as the world, and look for example at Covid-19, do you remember how our humanity was much less organized to fight correctly
    viruses such as the virus of Covid-19? so i think that the problem comes
    from the fact that we are much less organized, and this much less
    organized is causing a big problem to capitalism, since there is a
    french proverb that says: "Science sans conscience n'est que ruine de
    l'âme.", that means in english: "Science without conscience is the death
    of the soul." and it also means that being "capitalism" or "science"
    without being correctly organised or being the right dose of wisdom can
    cause big problems, and this is why you are noticing that i am inventing
    of Love and my thoughts of philosophy... so that to organise better our

    Read my previous thoughts:

    More of my philosophy about my way of doing and more..

    There is a question in philosophy and it is the following:

    What is the good way to civilize a society or the world ?

    I think i am a wise type of person, and i think there is something that
    is happening in our modern world, and it is that capitalism is
    constructing a new kind of spirit or a new type of man, and what look
    like this new spirit or new type of man of capitalism? so it is high performance of capitalism and it is violent competition of capitalism
    that makes us much more egoistic and it is making us much more violent
    and much more extremist, so is it our human nature?, so then is our
    human nature much more violent ? i think that the better way to look at
    it is that i believe that the "ideas" are also powerful, and they can
    construct a new type of man, so we have to know how to put the new
    powerful ideas into the minds of humans so that to make them much more organized and much more civilized, so this is why i am talking as i am
    talking, and this is why i am inventing my thoughts of my philosophy and
    this is why i am inventing poems of Love, it is my way of making humans
    much more civilized and organized. And here is what i have just said
    about the true power of the ideas so that you understand my point of view:

    And what is the true power of the idea ?

    This is a so important philosophical subject, since
    i think i am smart and i will make you feel more the true
    power of the idea by first talking about the technic in psychology that
    we call "Mood freezing", since i think that the most important aspect of
    Mood freezing is that it recognizes the true power of the mind, and you
    can read about it here:


    So as you are noticing that it says that when the respondents were
    convinced that expressing aggression would not make them feel better,
    they actually accepted their current situation which eventually improved
    their moods, so this proves that the power of the idea is great, this is
    why i am of the ones that believes that we can enhance much better
    humans and construct a new type of man by using some intellectual
    mechanisms, and i am talking about some of them below and here is my
    poem about the true power of the idea, read it again:

    "Give me this beautiful and so smart idea
    Since it is how they have built south Korea
    Give me this beautiful and so smart idea
    Since it is how we unite the people such as of Crimea
    Give me this beautiful and so smart idea
    Since it is not just a pizza from the pizzeria
    Give me this beautiful and so smart idea
    Since it is not the simple prayer of Ave Maria
    Give me this beautiful and so smart idea
    Since it is not the stupid war between the sunnite and shiah
    Give me this beautiful and so smart idea
    Since it is how we make north Korea look like a beautiful Canada
    So give me more of those beautiful and so smart ideas !"

    And you can take a look at my photo that i have just put
    here in my website(I am 53 years old):


    I invite you to listen to this algerian song
    of Cheb Khaled called Liberté reading at the same time
    my new poem of Love below and my other poems below:


    Here is my new poem of Love:

    I am looking at your beautiful eyes

    It is like i am looking at the beautiful sunrise !

    I am looking at your beautiful eyes

    Since it is my love for you that is not evil in disguise

    I am looking at your beautiful eyes

    Since it is as i am coming with the beautiful surprise

    Since my beautiful heart doesn't want to Balkanize

    But it wants to beautifully "civilize"

    I am looking at your beautiful eyes

    And it is as with my poems of Love i want to romanticize !

    I am looking at your beautiful eyes

    So, does my beautiful heart has any price ?

    Since notice how i am the beautiful humanize so that to immunize !

    Thank you,
    Amine Moulay Ramdane.


    Here is my new poem and read my other new poems below:

    Am i another super freak ?

    No, since i know with my poems of Love how to be the romantic !

    Am i another super freak ?

    No, since i know with my poems of Love how to be chic !

    Am i another super freak ?

    So am i the Arab sheikh or the antique ?

    Since look how my boutique is like the beautiful landscape of Caribbean martinique

    Am i another super freak ?

    Since am i the beautiful physique or the beautiful and smart technique ?

    Am i another super freak ?

    So look again how i am not the islamic

    But it is that i want to attain the high and beautiful mountain peak

    So then look again how i am the beautiful and smart technique.

    Thank you,
    Amine Moulay Ramdane.


    More about my just other new poem..

    I invite you to listen to the following beautiful arabic music from
    algeria reading at the same time my following just new poem of Love:


    Here is my just other new poem:

    Why am i not having enough of the beautiful romantic ?

    Since it is like a good balance that knows about the biologic

    Since can we like standardize and be the optimistic ?

    Since do we have to through away the beautiful classic ?

    So i will ask the is the Sauvage by Dior new perfume superior to
    a scent of Amber from the old arabic ?

    No at all ! since the beautiful is not the archaic

    And not at all ! since even the being romantic has not to become
    the archaic

    Since an old beautiful music is still a beautiful music

    So then the beautiful of the celtic is like the beautiful of the arabic

    So then are you understanding why i am not having enough of the
    beautiful romantic ?

    So am i being the aristocratic or the antagon