Business Rating - Veeramachaneni Sai, MD
Aryavarta@21:1/5 to
All on Fri Mar 19 15:35:29 2021
Business Rating - Veeramachaneni Sai, MD
Veeramachaneni Sai, MD
142 Joralemon St
Brooklyn NY 11201
This is yet another nigger fucken Hindu doctor who is nothing more than a malpractitioner. The realty of the allopathy industry is one of serious conartistry. I suspect the so called MD license is nothing more than an multi-level marketing diploma from Jewish occult organizations as Amway, Citigroup, and Herbalife. More people die of medical treatment than by
any other means. That is the danger of those people who claim to be professionals. Time and time again it has been evidenced that the ways
of the medical doctor are seriously erroneous and unfit for human
I found what works in life is the European homeopathy treatment of
maladys. Simply taking a weakend pathogen to implement into the human
body and then to develop resistance through the immunity is the most
effective means of recovery from whichever malady. That too most of the allopathic doctors are serious disciples of the Jewish occult
organizations worshiping Gandhi, Buddha, and Kudhaji. It is all Satanism.
The level of bilk and swindel those Jew baiters can do to rob any
sentient being of life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, property, faith,
and propriety is more than anything. That is why they are considered the
demon race in not only in Dharmic literature but also in Abrahamic. Most
of those of the JUBU(Judeo-Buddhist) Satanism are largely the Jewish
occult followers involving the Gypsys, Africans, Orientals, Hispanics,
British, and those Natives of Tamil, Taino, Terron, and Tiwi diasporas.
They will do each and everything to make a monkey in the middle of you to
spin doctor the realty to justify their wanton disregard and disrespect
of whomever out there. There level of caste like pyramid corporate
structure of whichever multi-level massacre is an economic system that
spans the entire globe and then some.
The so called Transcendentalism as an economic system is well fucken
known but not to talked about. So many are allured by the Jewish fallacys
to even don on their name and titles to pretend to be serious winners
when in reality they are the harbingers of the state of ruin. More civilizations, countrys, communitys, corporations, churches, collusions,
kith, and kin have collapsed due to their involvement than by through any
other form of allurement. It is like that with them and their ways of
the Satanism. You can never divorce them enough.
Simply do not patronize them. Cancel that stupid insurance. What is
there? Try vaccines through a local travel clinic and move on in life.
Go to church to learn how to deal with the world of institutionalization
of the enlightened. Don't waste time. It is never too late to pray to
Christ Jesus in a low audible voice. Ask and you shall receive. Beware
of the JUBU!
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
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