Countermeasures to the evil empire of the JUBU weapons system (1/2)
Aryavartan Riekh@21:1/5 to
All on Fri Dec 18 08:09:30 2020
Countermeasures to the evil empire of the JUBU weapons system
Allied Axis HUFA(s):
1)Homeopathy - Europe
2)Tzar bomb - Russia
3)UFO - Orient
4)Dune(Spice mileange fermented beetlenut) - Arabia
5)UNIX Network - America
6)The Deprogram - Australia
7)Cybermatrix - Aryavarta
8)X-Ray laser - Yahuda
9)Energon(wireless electricity generator) - Africa
10)A.I. - Britania
11)Black-Scholes - Reservations
Tool - Use - Malady When Injested
A)Psychotropics - Fertilizer - Sickle cell anemia?
B)Liquor - Cleaning solvent - Birth defect?
C)Tobacco - Paint - Muscular dystrophy
D)Narcotics - Pefumes - Clep?
E)Soya - Coloring - Mental illness
F)Steroids - Pest control - Genetic defect?
JUBU Weapon Systems:
JUBU Harbingers of the Dying Arts:
Those harbingers who are licensced are the ones to
beware of. The Guru Pragma, CompuBBS, and Cybermatrix
are measures against them. I find the GURU pragma helps
to free the educated from being institutionalized. The
Cybermatrix helps to overcome the dysparity between rich
and poor of whichever caste like pyramid scheme
multi-level massacre scenario by promoting synergy or
mutual success of a hypothetical Greek phi ratio of
1.618. The CompuBBS may help with respect to the Jewish
political dogmatic reign of Satanic tryanny, as their is
power in numbers.
Learnig how to communicate, learning how to deal with
money, and learning how to have a proper meditation of
the heart helps anyone to better be able to overcome and
defeat the ways of the zerosum gamers who worship the
Gandhi, Bodhai, and Kudaji heavily promoted through the
republics of Taiwan, Israel, Sicily, Haiti, Hawaii,
Trinidad, Indonesia, Phillipines, Tibet, and
Brooklyn(NY, USA).
1)Charcocaps Activated charcoal - helps with hallucinations
2)Magnesium citrate oral solution - helps with mania?
3)Pectasol chelation complex - helps with ocd?
4)Metamucil - helps with insomnia?
5)Pelligrino Mineral water - helps with depression
6)Lactose intolerant milk - helps with anxiety
7)Cola - helps with incoordination
The European homeopathic concept of a weakened pathogen
is the most effective means of dealing with various
medical maladys. This I have found in my 45 years of
existence in this earth planet. Somethings work and
this homeopathy industry of Europe is the best.
Homeopathics - weakened elemental poison
Vaccine - weakened virus
Antibtiotics - weakened fungi
GMO - weakened bacteria
Also, the concept of food is medicine is also worthy of
praise. According to British biology the digetstive
system is a type of recycling system for our body. The
food we put into our digestive system through our mouth
is processed so that the parts of the food are reused to
replenish and even recover vital organs of our body. It
is for that reason why it is so important to eat the
necessary food stuffs from meat, dairy, fish, poultry,
breads, noodles, beans, sugar, cola, mineral water and
so on. The food is medicine concept is quite true.
The dangers of a limited diet is more than anything.
Such diets as vegetarianism, veganism, fruitarianism,
macrobioticism, fasting, pescatarianism, breatharianism,
and so on of whichever ascetic delusion are more fatal
than anything. That too injesting unfit for human
consumption products that are harmful to major organs as
the brain, heart, stomach, muscle, lungs, eros, and
intestine in definitely no good. So beware.
Control substances like the following tend to damage the
following organs:
Psychotropics - damages stomach?
Narcotics - damages intestine?
Liquor - damages the liver
Soya - damages the brain
Tobacco - damages the lungs
Steroids - damages the eros(penis and testicles, vagina)
It is possible to recover through such contaminations of
the mind, body, heart, soul, eros, and ethos by calling
upon a higher power as the Guru Christ Jesus. I tell
ya, somethings work. Calling upon Christ Jesus helps
acquire the necessary basic needs of food, shelter,
clothing, vaccines, technologys, and gaudys to be able
to gain good health. That too calling upon Christ Jesus
regularly and even to say daily helps to overcome the
ways of institution, homeless shelter, jail, rahab,
internment camp, and even to say deportation center.
You have to believe in a higher power who cares for you
and wants you to succeed beyond your own containment.
There is some good out there in that way. Christ Jesus
can truly show you the truth, the way, and the life to
overcome the Jewish dogmatic and ascetic ways to say the
The beauty with Christ Jesus as the GURU is that love
and enlightenment is possible. The Bodhai may talk of
compassion and enlightenment but I find those ways of
Mantra, Zazen, and Koan are not effective or result true
when it concerns comfort and belonging. That too being
able to live the good life. Those of the Dhying Arts
will tell you right in your own face that it all
meaningless. That is the reality of the Satanic Dharma
and thier ways of self destruction. So beware!!!
The Bodhai may talk of compassion and enlightenment, but
the prayer to Christ Jesus and the study of the Holy
Bible makes it true. Simply by saying the following
testimonys you will enter a world of wonder more awesome
than anything. They are as follows:
Shahada testimony in Arabic:
Ashaadu ila ila-ha ila-allah wa; ashaadu anna mohammadan
rasulu Allah
(There is only of God; and Prophet Mohammad is the last
and final one of Him)
Salvation testimony in English:
O Yah; I admit I am a sinner; I believe that I need
Jesus Christ to overcome sin and death; I confess of my
Shema testimony in Hebrew:
Shema Israel adonai elohanu adonai ehad; baruch shem
kavod malchuto layolem vaed
(Hear oh Israel, Hashem is our God, Hashem is one;
blessed be the name of his kingdom forever and ever)
Symbol of Faith testimony in Greek:
Pistévo se énan Theó,
Patéra Pantodýnamos,
Dimiourgós tou ouranoú kai tis gis,
kai ólon ton pragmáton oratón kai aóraton.
Kai se énan Kýrio Iisoú Christó,
o gios tou Theoú,
genníthike apó ton Patéra
prin apó óles tis ilikíes
Fos fotós,
alithinós Theós tou alithinoú Theoú,
genníthike, den dimiourgíthike,
mias ousías me ton Patéra
metá apó poia óla ta prágmata éginan.
Poios gia emás ántres
kai gia ti sotiría mas
katévike apó ton ouranó
kai ensarkóthike apó to Ágio Pnévma
kai i parthéna María
kai égine ánthropos.
Stavróthike gia emás
ypó ton Póntio Piláto,
kai ypéfere kai tháftike.
Kai sikóthike tin tríti iméra,
sýmfona me tis Grafés.
Anévike ston parádeiso
kai káthetai sto dexí chéri tou Patéra.
Kai tha érthei xaná me dóxa
na kríneis tous zontanoús kai tous nekroús.
To Vasíleio tou den tha échei télos.
Kai sto Ágio Pnévma,
o Kýrios, o Dimiourgós tis zoís,
Poios proérchetai apó ton Patéra,
Poios mazí me ton Patéra kai ton Yió
latrévetai kai doxázetai,
Poios mílise gia tous profítes.
Se éna, ieró, katholikó,
kai apostolikí Ekklisía.
Omologó éna váptisma
gia ti synchóresi ton amartión.
Psáchno gia tin anástasi ton nekrón,
kai ti zoí tis epoménis epochís.
(I believe in one God,
Father Almighty,
Creaor of heaven and earth,
and of all things visible and invisible.
And in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the ony-begotten Son of God,
begotten of the Father
before all ages;
Light of Light,
true God of true God,
begotten, not created,
of one essence with the Father
through Whom all things were made.
Who for us men
and for our salvation
came down from heaven
and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit
and the Virigin Mary
and became man.
He was crucified for us
under Pontius Pilate,
and suffered and was buried;
And He rose on the third day,
according to the Scriptures.
He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father;
And He will come again with glory
to judge the living and dead.
His Kingdom shall have no end.
And in the Holy Spirity,
the Lord, the Creator of life,
Who proceeds from the Father,
Who together with the Father and the Son
is worshipped and glorified,
Who spoke thorugh the prophets.
In one, holy, catholic,
and apostolic Church.
I confess one baptism
for the forgiveness of sins.
I look for the resurrection of the dead,
and the life of the age to come.)
The control substances mentioned above are the means by
which the evil empire of the JUBU; eminating from the
republics of Taiwan, Israel, Sicily, Haiti, Hawaii,
Trinidad, Indonesia, Phillipines, Tibet, and
Brooklyn(NY, USA); are able to mastermind the populace
and herd and condition them into mutually assured
destructive scenarios. The level of ignorance they play
off the masses is more than anything.
At present the JUBU weapons systems of
Transcendentalism, Allopathy, Microsoft, Niggervision,
Palmistry, Insurance are able to garner a wealth that
has a rate of regression ending in a total collapse of
whichever economic system. Already, by 1990 Communism
as an economic system collapsed. Then, by 2008
capitalism as an economic system collapsed. I find
whichever people, places, and things evidence a Jewish
trespass tend to collapse and is evidenced in history of
whichever written work of man. That too proven
documentarilly, actually, theorectially, logically,
financially, and evangelically.
While the Jew maybe a viable teacher within the pedagogy
industry their involvement in other industrys to the
point of rule and control is seriously dangerous. My
industry of I.T. or to say Information Techology is
wraught with all sorts of Jewish trespass. That is the
issue our employees face. Spiritually, financially,
politically the I.T. industry is no good and needs
serious deprogramming.
The Jew of whichever Yiddish, Zen, Vudu, Hindu, LGBTQ,
Trini, Creole, Hapa, Hoon, and Roma ancestorys is a
curse to humanity. From Nubian civilization to the New
Age Movement to whichever NYUNET corporations we see a
world vexed by the Jewish trespass to the point of ruin.
The Jew is a nigger galore. More bad luck than anything
underneath the sun. The level of irritation,
frustration, and angst they can breed is more than
anything. What is the use is the common phrase with
them around.
The Jewish mottos of nothing for nobody, nowhere no how,
and only the good die young are seriously dangerous for
anyone into a life of comfort and belonging to say the
least. Those who patronize the Jew end up seriously
ruined. Already in my span of nearly 45 years I have
observed seriously gifted and talented people who have
patronized or not have warred with the Jews to have lost
name and fame.
You know those suburban American dream folks? Quite a
number have donned on the name of some stinken Jew and
have through government writ abandoned their ancestoral
family names. That too, they have also become seriously
denounced as being malpractitioners of the evil forces
of Satanism through the worship of Gandhi, Bodhai, and
Kudaji. Through the pride and prejudice in the Jewish
ethos they too will give up the desire for money and end
up as serious loosers and become Star Warsed, so they
say as they say. They maybe end up being killed off
while the Jewish blight gets their property and
whichever other biodata.
Our Group of 72 is challenged this way. Notice the
following smurf talents of the various members of our
Group of 72:
1)Oriental - sexuality
2)Indian - technology
3)Arabian - spirituality
4)Russian - legality
5)European - homeopathy
6)African - realty
7)Hispanic - fiduciary
8)British - grocery
9)Australia - hospitality?
10)Reservations - security
Group of 10:
0)Judea - pedagogy
A)Yiddish - Math
B)Zen - Calisthenics
C)Vudu - Science?
D)Hindu - History
E)LGBTQ - Foreign Language
F)Trini - Drafting?
G)Creole - Cooking
H)Hapa - Troubleshooting
I)Hoon - Programming?
J)Roma - English
The above are the Group of 10 X-Files conspirators
popularized in the Niggervision series known as X-Files
of the same name. X-Files is also the logbook in the
institutional system and is the record of what happens
when the Jewish trespass into anyones' life, liberty,
pursuit of happiness, property, faith, and propriety
becomes. The dangers of the Jewish blight is more than
anything. I have discovered late in life that prayer to
Jesus Christ and the study of the Holy Bible to be
seriously good as the foundation of education for anyone
concerned with success, whichever it means.
All the Jews do is plagarize off of people and run off
with the money and not give a single bit to the authors
of such endeavors as publications, patenting,
programming and so on. The Jew is the bilker and
swindeler of the world.
The religious war of the Jew is more dangerous than
anything. So many, who are into education are lead into
a life of apathy, clumsiness, incoordination,
impatience, confusion, and inefficiency to say the
least. The level of institutionalization the Jews can
incur is more dangerous than anything.
The Jew is largely about the manufacture of what is
called blood money. Blood money is the common Jewelry
found in certain stores of the Jewish diaspora. Blood
money is manufactured through the forced use of control
chemicals in the human body, which when under the
influence of the Dying Arts, serious geometrys of
whichever conic are found after the human body is
murdered prematurely. That is what they call Jewelry.
Without the holocaust of the Jew, it is not possible to
life a life for a sentient human being. Our lands of
the Indian subcontinent and even to say any who are
historically considered Indian are seriously challenged
by the Jewish blight and their trespass for the sake of
the Satanic reigh of whichever Dying Arts tyranny. That
is the issue.
The following is a possible Hakenkruz for us Deshis to
implement toward the Holocaust of the Jews and their
evil empire of the JUBU.
MMMMMK, ,xNMMMMMNx' .:kK0kxdxO00o' .lKWMNk;..OMMMMM
MMMMMN: ,xNMMMMMXx' .,'. ..'' .ld; ,KMMMMM
Notice the isotoxal in the center which represents
anti-fascism. Nothing more fascist than the Jewish
blight and their ways of Gandhianism, Buddhism, and
For now the Jews and thier evil empire of the JUBU is
able to be victorys politically, financially, and
spiritually through the religious war against anyone and
everyone who are not their own. Investing in the Jew is
a mistake more grievous than anything. The only thing I
find that works with the Jew is to consistently strive
to murder them one way or the other. Without murdering
thier kind, they will not honor any trade agreement
established with them.
The destruction of the World Trade Center and even the
Television series of Smallville really revealed a world
of wonder more wonderful than anything. Notice the
following benefits that occured for me through such
destruction of the Jewish divestments:
1)Destriction of the World Trade Center - retired by the
age of 30
2)Drowning of Louisiana - escape vegetarianism and
started going to McDonald's regulary which helped to
heal by broken hip tendon due to the bullshit Kung Fu
practice of Yogic stretching excercises
3)Devastation of IRAQ - entered the gateless gate of the
Abrahamic traditions and found a proper meditation of
the heart
4)Desimation of Hispania - escaped the culture of the
5)Disillusion of Caribbean - may help with getting my
inheritance through the social security system
6)Deprogramming of the Rule by Might involving Hongkong,
Pakistan, Germany, Morocco, and Argentina - may assist
toward soveriegnty and hegemony for us believers of the
ontology of Christ Jesus as the Guru(model of
relationship), God(higher power), and Gnosis(way of
In my 25 years of study of Computer Science, I have
found somethings that may work toward the valorization
and inundation of the Network. They are as follows:
2)Guru Pragma viz Christ Jesus prayers
3)Cybermatrix open source FIAT like moneys network of
databases using spreadsheets as the record
4)Profosan water filtration tool to output water on par
with Pelligrino mineral water and a homeopathic remedy
5)Evangelicalism as a spiritual system amongst Deshis of
the Indian subcontinent 6)Existentialism as a possible
economic system for the bank to reinforce, nurture,
foster, encourage synergy or mutual success of a
hypothetical Greek phi ratio of 1.618
7)Somanix productivity enivronment
8)Anti-gravity engine
9)Wireless electricity generator
10)A.I. dongle
11)Emcronexus security measure for various security
gaurds who are not of the government licensed police
12)Tektocracy open source writ like legalitys using the
Ayn Rand postulates of the self using the "I am" sense
of self beyond the Jewish slave words of whichever caste
like disposition.
Prime Diretive:
0)Do not allow for the trespass of the Jewish diaspora.
Hedge: ------ We maybe entering a Golden Age for us
believers of Christ Jesus. Notice the Satanic Dharmic
pagan calendar ends in 2019, which maybe officially 2020
since they count from zero. So that may mean that the
Jewish blight will go into their Kali Yuga or to say age
of destruction. A Tamil philosopher mentioned to me
that the Kali Yuga spans to a very long number of years,
something like 10 to the exponent of 29 zillion years.
Almost infinite like.
The Jews are predicting they are going to go through a
Golden Age for 20,000 years. However, here's the deal,
the Jewish Golden Age is about looserism in being things
like vegetarian, vegan, macrobiotic, fruitarian,
fastarian, pescatarian to name a few of the starvation
diets of their ascetic ways. As such we may see serious
compromises in their health, which will open the door
for us to mass murder them through serious
institutionalization and use their own weapons systems
of transcendentalism, allopathy, microsoft,
niggervision, palmistry, and insurance against them.
Plans are under way to develop the Somanix productivity
environment using the Minix as the kernel for this
endeavor. The Somanix is as follows in laymens terms:
CD 0 - Backup CD
CD 1 - Level 1 Hypervisor[Hardware abstraction layer
CD 2 - Minix
CD 3 - X11 server graphical display window
CD 4 - React OS NT like desktop environment GUI
CD 5 - CompuBBS with Josh Greene's day trading game
CD 6 - Library of open source tools
CD 7 - Free connection to the Internet
CD 8 - A programming IDE using diagram flowcharting,
text coding, and muscial notation debugging(HTML bug
CD 9 - Access to free books of whichever discipline
CD 10 - An emulator to play mod games of whichever kind
and backward compatability
The Somanix is open source and will be available through
the Internet for download and use. The preferred
processor for this endeavor is the ARM processor of the
Raspberry PI thinclient computer. Notice the following
#)Processor - Unix - CIS niche
0)SID - Amix - tutoring environment
1)ARM - Minix - productivity environment
2)Intel - Linux - databasing environment
3)Motorola - OSX - multimedia enivronment
4)Sparc - Solaris - networking enivironment
5)AMD - Haiku - troubleshooting environment
6)? - Debian Hurd - programming environment
7)? - Openstep? - management environment
8)? - Irix? - gaming environment
9)? - ? - testing environment
10)? - ? - security environment
CIS is known as Computer Information Studies and
comprises of the at least 3 basic disciplines of
Computer Science, Information Systems, and Multimedia
Services. My Bachelors of Science was in Computer
Science. I look forward to doing an online diplome in
Information systems. Maybe someday I will try for a
Multimedia services diploma through some trade school.
The bottom line with the University education is to
learn how to deal with moneys. You literally have to
graduate with the least amount of debt. That bullshit
of going to the most expensive school to find motivation
and accreditation is not true. Most expensive schools
are seriously bad schools of learning. That too they
are infested with those niggers of the Dying Arts.
Expensive schools typically attract those people who get
their diplomas and even admission through some form of
bribing technique either through the fund raising
department of the school or thruogh a businessman who
has the actual exams for whichever course they take.
The whole thing is a farce.
Typically, those who are into the world of false
prestige through the expensive schools evidence a trend
toward serious looserism, such as the donning of the
name of some stinken Jew to justify thier level of
trespass and treason in the name of the Jewish
allurement, which never works. Notice the result of
such an endeavor:
Gypsys - Holocausted
Africans - Balkanized
Orientals - Massacred
Hispanics - Decimated
British - Inquisitioned
Australoids(Tamil, Taino, Terron, Tiwi) - Genocided
That is how far they will go for the sake of their
bullshit Jewish reciept. Anyway, such is life among
those of the Satanic ways of the Jewish religious war
hell bent on the niggardly ways of the Gandhi, Bodhai,
and Kudaji. The above mentioned social orders are the
very ones who were against the Greenbacks during
colonial America and UBI under Richard Nixon.
Once bitten, twice shy, third time we say no way. As
Alois S. Nazi mentions in his book "Mien Kampf",
whenever you involve the Jewish in any endeavor those
awholes and asswipes of the Gypsy, African, Oriental,
Hispanic, British, and Australoid Tamil, Taino, Terron,
and Tiwi diasporas get involved. Time and time again it
is evidenced documentarilly, actually, theoretically,
logically, financially, and evangelically that those
people are the very reason why so many of family,
country, kith, and kin go kaput.
In a way the downfall of the World Trade Center,
Louisiana, IRAQ, Hispania, Caribbean, and the Rule by
Might involving Hongkong, Pakistan, Germany, Morocco,
and Argentina are due to the ignorance which is not
bliss by that of a Jewish divestment. The secret
relationship by Gypsys, Africans, Orientals, Hispanics,
British, and Australoid Tamil, Taino, Terron, and Tiwi
diasporas is more historic than anything under the sun.
It is like all over the place.
In the JUBU weapon systems including the corporations of
Transcendentalism, Allopathy, Microsoft, Niggervision,
Palmistry, and Insurance those people of the Gypsy,
African, Oriental, Hispanic, British, and Australoid
Tamil, Taino, Terron, and Tiwi diasporas are literally
more than a majority. They are like proud stake holders
to the whole Jewish bilk and swindel zersum game
fortunelessness. They are more stupid than the you or I
can possibly dream.
But, when it concerns the basic needs of food, shelter,
clothing, vaccines, technology, and gaudys they are
quite victorious. Yet, when it concerns education, sex,
moneys, faith, property, and socialization we find them
to be serious loosers. That is the thing. They
literally have no sense of place in this world.
Most of the Gypsys, Africans, Orientals, Hispanics,
British, and Australoid natives are seriously into
Jewish slave words in thier sense of self. Typical use
of words as in Black, White, Asian, Hispanic are quite
common among them. That too they look upon India for
enlightenment and whichever other form of bilk and
swindel while walking backwards into the abyss of death
of Judea. Hence, their end game of genocide, holocaust,
inquistion, massacre, decimation, balkanization.
The level of sympathy vote tactics they can pull off for the
sake of their Jewish bilk and swindel pride and
prejudice is more than anything. They are the masters
of the wanton disregard and disrespect toward anyones'
life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, property, faith,
and propriety. Hence the use of the following slur
Gypsy Nigger
Oriental Scudder
African Gremlin
British Gwailo
Native Khalu
Hispanic Guido
The horror of dealing with those people is more than
anything. While I admit they have a serious use for
survival purposes, it just cannot be garnered without a
viable deterence as their murder. Without them being
consistently under the threat of whichever weapon they
will not honor any trade agreement. This is true
according to their own and even myself. For me to even
mention this it cannot be done without their consent and
even years of brainwashing through whichever form of
socializing. It is like that among them.
You know, when I grew up so many were conditioned to
believe in the Oriental mystique and in things like
Japan style management, team work, honor system, support
system, model minority, global village, and so on. I
found most of that Oriental mystique is a myth that
never really became while trying it their way doing
things as vegetarianism, yoga, meditation, martial arts,
idolatry, casteism, sports, chess, arguementation, and
multi-level marketing.
Beyond the basic needs of food, shelter, clothing,
vaccines, technologys, and gaudys those of the JUBU are
seriously dangerous as they are of the bullshit culture
of the pill and hyperdermic syringe stabbing, which
never fucken nigger works. Somehow, throughout history
in this Age of Apocalypse their blame game was able to
target innocent people like the Polynesians, Indians,
Russians, Europeans, and Arabians for thier Jewish blood
money manufacturing techniques through the culture of
the pill and hyperdermic syringe stabbings, either
criminally or insituttionally.
Now, it seems they are working toward a war against the
Chinese. Already in working toward a war with the
Arabians quite a number of the Gypsys, Africans,
Orientals, Hispanics, British, and the Australoid Tamil,
Taino, Terron, and Tiwi diasporas evidence serious
compromises in diet. Most of their food stuffs are laden
with control chemicals as psychotropics, narcotics,
liquor, tobacco, soay-neurotoxins, and steroids of
whichever forbidden herbal of the naturopathy. That is
the danger they pose.
The JUBU and their priests, politicians, professionals,
police, professors, and philosophers are the harbingers
of the religious war and the insituttionalization of the
masses. It is only through their destruction I find
somethings work longer than others. That is the sad
tale of our lives.
The JUBU are able to be serious and even consistent
patrons of products of Indian, Chrsitian, Muslim,
European, and Wumin businesse; which is good. But when
it concerns the most key antagonism by the Jewish
blight, namely the Holocaust by the Nazis, they are dead
against it; although, their very life experiences and
education proves it otherwise. They are able to for now
enjoy a level of luxury and creature comforts unlike any
the world over. Yet, their level of Jewish patronage
will yield a state of ruin much like that of thier
Nubian civilization, New Age Movement, and NYUNET
I tell ya, among them ignorance is literally not bliss.
Lack of prayer to Jesus Christ on a daily basis is like
a death worse than anything. So pray about it. Prayer
works and prayer to Jesus Christ works the best. God
bless and God speed for Jesus Christ is God, Guru, and
Gnosis. Good luck to you. I want you to win over the
forces of Satanism encouraged by Gandhi, Bodhai, Kudaji
through prayer to Jesus Christ and the study of the Holy
Let's face it folks, we all need a proper meditation of
the heart with all those multi-level massacre scenarios
our there. The GURU pragma viz Christ Jesus prayers is
an attempt at such an endeavor to better be able to deal
with things emotionally. Notice the following isms for
each of the facultys of our being:
1)Secularism of the school for the mind
2)Nazism of the home for the body
3)Evangelicalism of the church for the heart
4)Socialism of the library for the soul(stomach)
5)Capitalism of the brothel for the eros
6)Transcendentalism of the institution for the ethos
7)Republicanism of the courts for the gut
The most vital of the isms and consistent of the isms is
the Evangelicalism. Somethings work. There is some
good out there. You literally have to call upon the
best the world has to offer to overcome the evil that
exists amongst us. Jews are that evil.
Hiel Hitler!
.c0N0c. .:' .xNX: .,;. ,kNKo.
.:ON0c. .::' .xNK: .,c,. ;ONKl.
.;ON0l. .::;kNKo,c,. .c0N0c.
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.oXNk' .xNXc ,OWKl.
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
[continued in next message]
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