• World Philosophy Day

    From David Dalton@21:1/5 to All on Thu Nov 16 00:41:28 2023
    XPost: soc.culture.canada, soc.culture.palestine, soc.culture.jewish
    XPost: soc.culture.israel, soc.culture.iranian

    November 16, 2023 is World Philosophy Day.

    From google :

    The theme for World Philosophy Day 2023 is “Philosophical
    Reflection in a Multicultural World”. This theme highlights the
    importance of philosophy in promoting understanding and
    dialogue between different cultures and perspectives.

    https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page) "and the song of Luthien released the bonds of winter, and the
    frozen waters spoke, and flowers sprang from the cold earth
    where her feet had passed." (Tolkien)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From David Dalton@21:1/5 to All on Thu Nov 16 04:39:47 2023
    XPost: soc.culture.canada, soc.culture.palestine, soc.culture.jewish
    XPost: soc.culture.israel, soc.culture.iranian

    On Nov 16, 2023, David Dalton wrote
    (in article<0001HW.2B05CDF00078593C70000AB1938F@news.eternal-september.org>):

    November 16, 2023 is World Philosophy Day.

    From google :

    The theme for World Philosophy Day 2023 is “Philosophical
    Reflection in a Multicultural World”. This theme highlights the
    importance of philosophy in promoting understanding and
    dialogue between different cultures and perspectives.

    Also from google :

    "Hekate is honored at the beginning of sunset on
    November 16th (and until sunset the next day)
    each year, known as The Night of Hekate."

    https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page) "and the song of Luthien released the bonds of winter, and the
    frozen waters spoke, and flowers sprang from the cold earth
    where her feet had passed." (Tolkien)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From David Dalton@21:1/5 to Jos Boersema on Thu Nov 16 04:51:52 2023
    XPost: soc.culture.canada, soc.culture.palestine, soc.culture.jewish
    XPost: soc.culture.israel, soc.culture.iranian

    On Nov 16, 2023, Jos Boersema wrote on soc.culture.jewish
    (in article <uj4fta$25rka$1@dont-email.me>):

    On 2023-11-16, David Dalton<dalton@nfld.com> wrote:
    November 16, 2023 is World Philosophy Day.

    From google :

    The theme for World Philosophy Day 2023 is “Philosophical
    Reflection in a Multicultural World”. This theme highlights the importance of philosophy in promoting understanding and
    dialogue between different cultures and perspectives.

    Here is your philosophical understanding in a multi-cultural world, if
    you like some dialogue. It is a necessity for a culture and people to be
    able to express themselves as they wish, without too much interference
    from other cultures, within some general and reasonable limits which all
    half decent people can naturally agree with. For this expression they
    need to be Sovereign in their lands. If they make a mistake, they can
    learn from it. If they see another Nation doing better, they can choose
    to adopt the example in a way which suits them.

    There being many Sovereign Nations brings with it a cultural wealth,
    which is more interesting to experience if one wishes to do so (on a
    trip for example), and creates a greater wealth of also political experiences, which can help Governments on all levels to gain good ideas
    by example, and to also learn things to avoid from bad examples.

    Some general limits would for example be a culture where they would
    torture their own children to death for their own amuzement. Another
    limit could be warfare and conquest against other Nations, or great
    damage to the natural environment which is also affecting other
    Nations. Methods to deal with these problems could be ranging from
    friendly diplomacy to a war of annihilation against the enemy.

    The point is: there is no Empire hanging over everyone, suffocating the
    life out of people, wanting everyone to do the same thing on the same
    day, so that the incomprehensibly large Empire becomes easier to rule.
    The people who want such a uni-cultural world by mixing everything
    together and creating a new culture to their liking, simply need to find themselves a land and people, and they can have the culture they seem to
    want there. It isn't necessarily a problem if someone believes the whole world should be ruled by google for example, so long as it is nothing
    more than a belief.

    Empires have come and gone. There was often great wealth in the
    heartlands of the Empire, and it may have lead to a lessening of smaller
    wars in the heartlands of the Empire. On the other hand, the Empire
    waged war on a larger scale, including their wars of conquest and later
    their wars of succession - which in modern times could be called civil
    wars or Revolutionary wars. When the Empire became a Tyranny, it was so
    much more powerful a repression than smaller Nations would likely have
    been capable off. The Tyranny affected a larger area, making fleeing and defeat of the Tyrants more difficult. The eventual collapse of the
    Empire was also more destructive. In other words: a larger Empire merely seems to bring out certain factors which happen in smaller Nations also,
    and bring them out in a more forceful way. Both to the positive and the negative. In the end, you are not necessarily any better.

    If you add that an Empire is typically conquered by war, an Empire is
    in many ways little more than the people of one city dominating all
    other people. This act of ultimately violent domination does not bode
    well for what is to come in an Empire. This violence also happens on
    smaller scales, from small villages going to war on each other, to large Nations and entire Empires. All this war is a result of the anti-social attitude of ordinary people toward each other.

    A global Empire will not stop the warfare, because a large part of the warfare is the war between the rich and the poor. In an Empire, this difference often ends up much greater than in a smaller Sovereign area.
    Here again, the larger area and people merely results in a more extreme version of what happens in a smaller area. It isn't better, it just has
    more potential to be extreme.

    An example is the USA, who have now more or less conquered the whole world. They want everyone to follow their culture, while pretending to respect
    and absorb other cultures. It all sounds so nice and peaceful, like
    their proposal to have a "World Philosophy day" to think about the
    greatness of the American global Empire. It is a day of worship for the Empire, worship and obedience. At the same time, in the real world, the
    USA is busy creating the worst World War the world has ever seen, to
    deal with the uncontrollable looting of their ruling class against their
    own currency (which means, against their own people). The other Nations
    all do the same thing, even down to insane "Corona" policies, and they
    all sit in the same Parliament (the "United Nations"), which "by
    accident?" is in New York City..

    A global Empire will not help, it will only make the extreme even much
    more extreme, because now there really is no way out. A global
    monoculture is a monoculture like no other before it. There is no
    balance against it. It will likely become the greatest monstrosity
    humanity has ever created.

    THe fact that humanity cannot figure out a good way to live (yet), does
    not help, but rather makes all this worse. If humanity could manage to finally live correctly as a human being, without war and crime, as good people, it is conceivable that a global Government of sorts might be a possibility. It would likely still have downsides and risk the dangers associated with a monoculture.

    For example, if it was decided to make all traffic laws the same over
    the whole world, while that might seem to make being on the road simpler
    if you travel a lot, you loose the experience with different sets of
    traffic laws and solution. You loose cultural wealth. It would already
    be possible for all traffic laws to become the same if that was the best thing to do (say), if every Nation slowly adopted traffic laws which
    seem to be the best ones, using examples from other Nations and their
    own. There would be a natural and dynamic convergence, it would be a
    process based on many political decisions and debates over a long period
    of time. It would likely actually come out at the best set of laws. This could be called a betterment of the cultures.

    If a global Empire had some bureaucrat, being bored with an difficult to understand Empire because it was different in different places, just
    choose some whatever set of traffic laws or even had a research
    department choosing the best set, and they then enforced a reasonably
    good choice over the whole world, it wouldn't likely be as good. It
    would just be what they think is good, but the whole experience with all these traffic laws and each Nation tweaking them step by step, this
    would not have happened. Their choice of global traffic law would be
    similar to one Nation making up their traffic laws. They also try to
    make good laws. Therefore a global Empire creates global cultural
    poverty and stagnation.

    It is also much harder to change big things, than it is to change small things. The global Empire will therefore become exceedingly stagnant.

    It should be noted that the things which are negatives for ordinary
    people, such as repression and poverty, are seen as positive by the
    criminals behind these Empires. They want a global Empire, because they
    want there to be no escape. They want there not to be a counter balance
    or different example to learn from. They want the wealth gap between the working poor and lazing super rich to be as big as possible, etc. They
    create these Empires because they are after these ill gains for

    Thus a thing like "global Philosophy day" can be understood to be part
    of the cultural warfare conducted by the Imperial ruling class. Why
    don't you tell us about some interesting local holiday in your Nation instead. We don't need a "global Philosophy day" to worship the USA, and
    to show our obedience to their wicked ruling class.

    On my Salmon on the Thorns webpage, in my essential messages
    I lobby for minimum global standards but beyond that lots of
    loving diversity, many petals on the rose. I also am trying to
    provide some glue for the global mosaic and demonstrate
    commonality but maintaining diversity. (When I first posted
    on Commonality and Diversity to soc.religion.paganism
    in 1997, shortly after that Pope John Paul II preached
    on Commonality and Togetherness, so I wonder if
    his speech writer had seen my post.)

    Also in those essential messages I say
    "Instead [nations] would contribute to a decentralized, in how it
    is controlled, by strings from elected representatives from all
    over the world, weak world government responsible for global
    policing, international space program, global standards negotiation,
    and maybe a few other things but with most duties left to the still
    existing national, first nations, provincial/state/territory and
    municipal governments. The world government global policing
    force when not needed for policing could do environmental and
    humanitarian work. This would save all the countries trillions of
    US dollars, collectively and over time. Some of that could go to
    an international space program, other to environmental and
    humanitarian work. Also arms dealing to anyone other than
    official police forces and hunters should be banned. Also
    there should be a global monetary unit and global budget

    https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page) "and the song of Luthien released the bonds of winter, and the
    frozen waters spoke, and flowers sprang from the cold earth
    where her feet had passed." (Tolkien)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jos Boersema@21:1/5 to David Dalton on Thu Nov 16 09:29:42 2023
    XPost: soc.culture.canada, soc.culture.palestine, soc.culture.jewish
    XPost: soc.culture.israel, soc.culture.iranian

    ["Followup-To:" header set to soc.culture.jewish.]
    On 2023-11-16, David Dalton <dalton@nfld.com> wrote:
    On Nov 16, 2023, Jos Boersema wrote on soc.culture.jewish
    On 2023-11-16, David Dalton<dalton@nfld.com> wrote:
    November 16, 2023 is World Philosophy Day.

    From google :

    The theme for World Philosophy Day 2023 is “Philosophical
    Reflection in a Multicultural World”. This theme highlights the
    importance of philosophy in promoting understanding and
    dialogue between different cultures and perspectives.

    Here is your philosophical understanding in a multi-cultural world, if
    you like some dialogue. It is a necessity for a culture and people to be
    able to express themselves as they wish, without too much interference
    from other cultures, within some general and reasonable limits which all
    half decent people can naturally agree with. For this expression they
    need to be Sovereign in their lands. If they make a mistake, they can
    learn from it. If they see another Nation doing better, they can choose
    to adopt the example in a way which suits them.

    There being many Sovereign Nations brings with it a cultural wealth,
    which is more interesting to experience if one wishes to do so (on a
    trip for example), and creates a greater wealth of also political
    experiences, which can help Governments on all levels to gain good ideas
    by example, and to also learn things to avoid from bad examples.

    Some general limits would for example be a culture where they would
    torture their own children to death for their own amuzement. Another
    limit could be warfare and conquest against other Nations, or great
    damage to the natural environment which is also affecting other
    Nations. Methods to deal with these problems could be ranging from
    friendly diplomacy to a war of annihilation against the enemy.

    The point is: there is no Empire hanging over everyone, suffocating the
    life out of people, wanting everyone to do the same thing on the same
    day, so that the incomprehensibly large Empire becomes easier to rule.
    The people who want such a uni-cultural world by mixing everything
    together and creating a new culture to their liking, simply need to find
    themselves a land and people, and they can have the culture they seem to
    want there. It isn't necessarily a problem if someone believes the whole
    world should be ruled by google for example, so long as it is nothing
    more than a belief.

    Empires have come and gone. There was often great wealth in the
    heartlands of the Empire, and it may have lead to a lessening of smaller
    wars in the heartlands of the Empire. On the other hand, the Empire
    waged war on a larger scale, including their wars of conquest and later
    their wars of succession - which in modern times could be called civil
    wars or Revolutionary wars. When the Empire became a Tyranny, it was so
    much more powerful a repression than smaller Nations would likely have
    been capable off. The Tyranny affected a larger area, making fleeing and
    defeat of the Tyrants more difficult. The eventual collapse of the
    Empire was also more destructive. In other words: a larger Empire merely
    seems to bring out certain factors which happen in smaller Nations also,
    and bring them out in a more forceful way. Both to the positive and the
    negative. In the end, you are not necessarily any better.

    If you add that an Empire is typically conquered by war, an Empire is
    in many ways little more than the people of one city dominating all
    other people. This act of ultimately violent domination does not bode
    well for what is to come in an Empire. This violence also happens on
    smaller scales, from small villages going to war on each other, to large
    Nations and entire Empires. All this war is a result of the anti-social
    attitude of ordinary people toward each other.

    A global Empire will not stop the warfare, because a large part of the
    warfare is the war between the rich and the poor. In an Empire, this
    difference often ends up much greater than in a smaller Sovereign area.
    Here again, the larger area and people merely results in a more extreme
    version of what happens in a smaller area. It isn't better, it just has
    more potential to be extreme.

    An example is the USA, who have now more or less conquered the whole world. >> They want everyone to follow their culture, while pretending to respect
    and absorb other cultures. It all sounds so nice and peaceful, like
    their proposal to have a "World Philosophy day" to think about the
    greatness of the American global Empire. It is a day of worship for the
    Empire, worship and obedience. At the same time, in the real world, the
    USA is busy creating the worst World War the world has ever seen, to
    deal with the uncontrollable looting of their ruling class against their
    own currency (which means, against their own people). The other Nations
    all do the same thing, even down to insane "Corona" policies, and they
    all sit in the same Parliament (the "United Nations"), which "by
    accident?" is in New York City..

    A global Empire will not help, it will only make the extreme even much
    more extreme, because now there really is no way out. A global
    monoculture is a monoculture like no other before it. There is no
    balance against it. It will likely become the greatest monstrosity
    humanity has ever created.

    THe fact that humanity cannot figure out a good way to live (yet), does
    not help, but rather makes all this worse. If humanity could manage to
    finally live correctly as a human being, without war and crime, as good
    people, it is conceivable that a global Government of sorts might be a
    possibility. It would likely still have downsides and risk the dangers
    associated with a monoculture.

    For example, if it was decided to make all traffic laws the same over
    the whole world, while that might seem to make being on the road simpler
    if you travel a lot, you loose the experience with different sets of
    traffic laws and solution. You loose cultural wealth. It would already
    be possible for all traffic laws to become the same if that was the best
    thing to do (say), if every Nation slowly adopted traffic laws which
    seem to be the best ones, using examples from other Nations and their
    own. There would be a natural and dynamic convergence, it would be a
    process based on many political decisions and debates over a long period
    of time. It would likely actually come out at the best set of laws. This
    could be called a betterment of the cultures.

    If a global Empire had some bureaucrat, being bored with an difficult to
    understand Empire because it was different in different places, just
    choose some whatever set of traffic laws or even had a research
    department choosing the best set, and they then enforced a reasonably
    good choice over the whole world, it wouldn't likely be as good. It
    would just be what they think is good, but the whole experience with all
    these traffic laws and each Nation tweaking them step by step, this
    would not have happened. Their choice of global traffic law would be
    similar to one Nation making up their traffic laws. They also try to
    make good laws. Therefore a global Empire creates global cultural
    poverty and stagnation.

    It is also much harder to change big things, than it is to change small
    things. The global Empire will therefore become exceedingly stagnant.

    It should be noted that the things which are negatives for ordinary
    people, such as repression and poverty, are seen as positive by the
    criminals behind these Empires. They want a global Empire, because they
    want there to be no escape. They want there not to be a counter balance
    or different example to learn from. They want the wealth gap between the
    working poor and lazing super rich to be as big as possible, etc. They
    create these Empires because they are after these ill gains for

    Thus a thing like "global Philosophy day" can be understood to be part
    of the cultural warfare conducted by the Imperial ruling class. Why
    don't you tell us about some interesting local holiday in your Nation
    instead. We don't need a "global Philosophy day" to worship the USA, and
    to show our obedience to their wicked ruling class.

    On my Salmon on the Thorns webpage, in my essential messages
    I lobby for minimum global standards but beyond that lots of
    loving diversity, many petals on the rose. I also am trying to
    provide some glue for the global mosaic and demonstrate
    commonality but maintaining diversity. (When I first posted
    on Commonality and Diversity to soc.religion.paganism
    in 1997, shortly after that Pope John Paul II preached
    on Commonality and Togetherness, so I wonder if
    his speech writer had seen my post.)

    Also in those essential messages I say
    "Instead [nations] would contribute to a decentralized, in how it
    is controlled, by strings from elected representatives from all
    over the world, weak world government responsible for global
    policing, international space program, global standards negotiation,
    and maybe a few other things but with most duties left to the still
    existing national, first nations, provincial/state/territory and
    municipal governments. The world government global policing
    force when not needed for policing could do environmental and
    humanitarian work. This would save all the countries trillions of
    US dollars, collectively and over time. Some of that could go to
    an international space program, other to environmental and
    humanitarian work. Also arms dealing to anyone other than
    official police forces and hunters should be banned. Also
    there should be a global monetary unit and global budget

    If you are for a one world Government, then just say so. You either
    have a global Government, or not. If you create any sort of weak
    global Government, you create a Global Government. You have created the principle. You do not control how it will develop. It is a fantasy to
    think that you can. To be a global arbiter of whatever means you have a
    great amount of power already. Those who have that power, will work to
    escalate it, so they have more power.

    It seems to take somewhere between 2 to 4 centuries for a culture to
    become corrupt or even collapse, it may be faster. Rome starts with a
    Republic, becomes a Plutocracy and then a Tyranny. At first there where
    many limits on power, such as elections, and the Army was not allowed to
    enter Rome. One by one these limits fall, and you end up with a brutal
    military Tyranny, which excells in finding new ways to torture people
    to death.

    This is the future of a global Government also, especially within
    the current culture and makeup of humanity, where crime and war are
    everywhere, which is not going to change easily, if ever, and certainly
    not by creating an even more detached and megalomaniacal form of
    Government: global Government.

    A global Government is too big. The problems are too large. The distance
    to the global Government are too vast for ordinary people to keep it
    under control. It also represents a loss in principle, where the highest
    form of Government in the world is not a specific group of more or less
    power hungry people, but rather is the conversation between Sovereign
    Nations. Subjugation under a new Master is not the same as a negotation
    between two or more entities.

    Once a group is appointed to embody any such negotiations between
    Sovereign Nations, this group will become a power and law unto themselves.
    It is already difficult and large enough to have a Parliament and/or
    Senate in a Nation fulfilling the same function. To just copy this
    method over into a higher and higher level until all humans fall under
    one single Parliamentary clique - with all the risks of it falling into
    Tyranny - results in the danghers I have already listed above.

    You have engaged almost none of my arguments, by the way. You have this
    typical naivity people have, which is exploited in propaganda: "We will
    just be nice from now on, it will just be a little poison at first,
    don't worry, we will take care of you". You see it in the USA itself
    also, and also in the so-called European Union (the USA Vassal control
    system for their western European conquests): at first this Government
    is limited. "Oh, don't worry, we just take a little bit of power over
    all of you." Now, the USA already has become a torturing Tyranny,
    complete with a personality cult around their Presidents / Kings.

    I have argued the case for real diversity, and for the conversation
    between Nations to be the higher level above that. It is similar to how
    people live in the street. They live in separate houses, where each of
    them decides how they want to live. They decide what to put on the wall,
    and leave others to their walls, etc. Even when they have the same
    taste, they do not break down the walls between their houses. When it
    comes to the street, they may work together on a few common problems if
    those arise. In principle they do so as equals and in a conversation,
    because they are not subjugated to a third person. Even if they organize
    a Government to deal with the street, a Government which they want to be
    of service to them, they do not allow this Government to dictate to them
    what they put on their walls or what they eat, or to break down the
    walls between their house and the neighbors' their house.

    We have all these things done, when we have Sovereign Nations. We
    already have the element of a common Government within the Nation. We
    need the diversity between different Sovereign Nations, and all the
    arguments I have given earlier.

    If humanity somehow could finally find true peace, then this
    conversation and agreement between Sovereign Nations will also become
    easier and more productive. There is no need for a global Government in
    that case, either. There are an incomprehensible amount of people in the
    world, and one of the experiences they can have and may need to have, is
    to be part of a Sovereign Government, and to engage in this whole
    process, of Governing internally and negotiating externally. It is a
    loss if we all subjugated under the same global Government, with all the
    risks of its absolutism and singularity.

    By the way, there is also a fundamental problem with the global
    Government, and that is it's claim to be just that. How about half of
    humanity does not want there to be any global Government, either because
    they are against it on principle, or because they want their National Government to be Sovereign, or both. What will this pretentious global Government do ? How about if everyone wants a global Government, but
    after a few centuries they want out from under it ?

    I already know the propaganda which will be claimed against that "Oh but
    we will be nice", but like hell you will be. The global Government will
    be a global Tyranny, and anyone who will dare to resist or break away
    will be hunted down and tortured to death. That is the eventual result.
    It will not be less savage that Rome or the Chinese Emperors, or any of
    the other Empires in the past or present. In the end, it will be even
    worse, because it is even bigger, more insane, more incomprehensible,
    and there is nothing outside of it anymore.

    Sorry to write too long, ignore as needed.

    Economic & political ideology, worked out into Constitutional models,
    with a multi-facetted implementation plan. http://market.socialism.nl

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