• Re: America-hating WNBA star Brittney Griner pleads guilty in Russia

    From Rudy Sock@21:1/5 to All on Thu Jul 7 19:29:55 2022
    XPost: talk.politics.guns, talk.politics.drugs, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh
    XPost: sac.politics

    On 07 Jul 2022, Text-Drivers R Killers <xeton2001@yahoo.com> posted some news:190d26e3-92f3-46d6-b84f-02dda6607631n@googlegroups.com:

    She says she "accidentally" smuggled in the drugs!! HAHAHA She is
    counting on a prisoner swap but i say no way. She loves to attack
    america so why should we help her?. Rot in prison you freak.

    https://www.cbsnews.com/news/brittney-griner-russia-guilty-court-mariju ana-accidentally/

    july 7 2022 WNBA star Brittney Griner pleaded guilty in Russia on
    Thursday to drug possession and smuggling charges, telling a Moscow
    court she brought marijuana into the country by accident.

    Griner was arrested at a Moscow airport in February after Russian
    officials claimed she had cannabis oil in her luggage. A Russian judge ordered Griner, the Phoenix Mercury center who played in Russia during
    the WNBA off-season, to remain in custody.

    "I would like to plead guilty on the charges against me, but I had no intention on breaking any Russian law," she said in court. "I was in a
    rush packing and the cartridges accidentally ended up in my bags."

    If convicted on drug smuggling charges, Griner could face 10 years in
    a Russian prison.

    Griner's plea could bring the verdict in her case closer, which would
    then allow her defense team and U.S. officials to trigger proceedings
    to try and secure her release.

    Russian media had speculated that Griner could be a part of a prisoner
    swap similar to the one U.S. and Russia arranged in the spring,
    exchanging former Marine Trevor Reed with pilot Konstantin Yaroshenko,
    who was jailed years ago on drug smuggling charges.

    Trade a lying blunt sucking coon for a normal human?

    Who in their right mind would do that?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From KWills@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jul 11 10:44:22 2022
    XPost: alt.checkmate, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.food.fast-food
    XPost: talk.politics.guns

    In article <ta7c7j$1lcsc$1@news.mixmin.net>, rudysock@yahoo.com says...

    On 07 Jul 2022, Text-Drivers R Killers <xeton2001@yahoo.com> posted some news:190d26e3-92f3-46d6-b84f-02dda6607631n@googlegroups.com:

    She says she "accidentally" smuggled in the drugs!! HAHAHA She is counting on a prisoner swap but i say no way. She loves to attack
    america so why should we help her?. Rot in prison you freak.

    https://www.cbsnews.com/news/brittney-griner-russia-guilty-court-mariju ana-accidentally/

    july 7 2022 WNBA star Brittney Griner pleaded guilty in Russia on
    Thursday to drug possession and smuggling charges, telling a Moscow
    court she brought marijuana into the country by accident.

    Griner was arrested at a Moscow airport in February after Russian
    officials claimed she had cannabis oil in her luggage. A Russian judge ordered Griner, the Phoenix Mercury center who played in Russia during
    the WNBA off-season, to remain in custody.

    "I would like to plead guilty on the charges against me, but I had no intention on breaking any Russian law," she said in court. "I was in a
    rush packing and the cartridges accidentally ended up in my bags."

    If convicted on drug smuggling charges, Griner could face 10 years in
    a Russian prison.

    Griner's plea could bring the verdict in her case closer, which would
    then allow her defense team and U.S. officials to trigger proceedings
    to try and secure her release.

    Russian media had speculated that Griner could be a part of a prisoner
    swap similar to the one U.S. and Russia arranged in the spring,
    exchanging former Marine Trevor Reed with pilot Konstantin Yaroshenko,
    who was jailed years ago on drug smuggling charges.

    Trade a lying blunt sucking coon for a normal human?

    Who in their right mind would do that?

    If the situation involved a straight white man, the State Department would send a
    great big fuck you to the poor bastard and let him rot in the gulag. A lesbian bootlip however is the most precious commodity to this communist regime.

    Strategic Writer, Psychotronic World Dominator and FEMA camp
    All hail the taco! http://www.taconati.org/

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From 60--->0@21:1/5 to KWills on Mon Jul 11 13:19:23 2022
    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 10:44:22 -0400, KWills said the following, and is
    entirely responsible for its content:

    "I would like to plead guilty on the charges against me, but I had no
    intention on breaking any Russian law," she said in court. "I was in a
    rush packing and the cartridges accidentally ended up in my bags."

    Oh sure... I believe that.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)