• Fully investigate BLM's finances

    From Leroy N. Soetoro@21:1/5 to All on Sun May 22 22:31:34 2022
    XPost: sac.politics, alt.politics.usa.republican, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh
    XPost: talk.politics.guns

    washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/editorials/fully-investigate-blms- finances?utm_campaign=article_rail&utm_source=internal&utm_medium=article_

    Who would have thought that Black Lives Matter was a scam?

    Back in the summer of 2020, when the movement by that name was sweeping
    the nation in a wave of violence, intimidation, and arson, an organization
    by that name was poised to cash in. And oh boy, cash in it did.

    According to its first-ever public tax disclosures, filed just a few years late, the BLM Global Network Foundation took in $77 million in 2020. Where
    did it go? More than $969,000 went to the father of the child of Patrisse Cullors, the organization's then executive director and co-founder. Her brother's company received an $841,000 payout. The group paid nearly $2.2 million to a consulting firm owned by one of its board members. It
    famously paid $6 million for a mansion in Los Angeles's Studio City neighborhood, which Cullors then used for personal purposes. Last July, it
    also shifted $8.1 million in cash to a Canadian subsidiary to purchase a Toronto property.

    That's all separate from Cullors's own $3.2 million real estate binge,
    whose exposure prompted her to resign her position with the organization.
    She insists that that money did not come from the charity's funds. Maybe
    she was just independently wealthy when she started there because
    according to the tax filings, she did not receive any salary for her work
    as executive director.

    BLM's finances are a disaster well beyond that. Form 990 shows multiple contracts, which somehow add up to more than a million dollars in a single year, vaguely described as related to tech support. And although a
    $700,000 media budget might seem less unreasonable, just think about it
    for a second — have you ever seen or heard an ad by this organization?

    Less than one-third of the global foundation's funds went to any sort of charity that actually does anything, good or bad, beyond shuffling money
    to other organizations. Now, in this regard, it may not be so different
    from a lot of other low-quality charities. But the apparent self-dealing
    and corruption appear to be on a hideously massive scale. Obviously,
    further investigation is needed into this charity's finances. If such
    great conflicts of interest are openly admitted, then what might they be hiding? Criminal referrals may already be appropriate, but this is just
    the beginning.

    One of the worst aspects of this fiasco is the extent to which wokeness
    and intimidation helped some very terrible people take advantage of some
    other very terrible people — the cowards who manage corporate America. In
    2020, it was all the rage to shovel money out the door at anyone who could plausibly sell them a racial indulgence. Then, they found this perfectly
    named organization. It was a match made in hell.

    Shareholders should question the competence of anyone involved in the
    decision to donate to this completely unvetted organization, apparently
    just because of its name. Note that at the time in question, this global
    group had failed to file any of its required annual tax disclosures. Why? Because Cullors finds the charitable disclosure system to be "triggering."
    What a surprise that is.

    There are many scammy left-wing organizations out there — the Southern
    Poverty Law Center, for example. But most of those at least seem like
    they're doing something besides enriching their officers. They produce a product in the form of activism and literature. You may not approve of the American Civil Liberties Union, especially now that it has rejected its
    entire history and turned against civil liberties and the First Amendment,
    but at least the organization does more than just embezzle its own money.
    It files legal briefs and sends lawyers into courtrooms.

    Nobody can even say for sure what the global foundation does — except buy mansions and create drama. The leaders of local BLM chapters complained bitterly in late 2020 that little or none of the money was trickling down
    to their activism and that there was no accountability for the national
    group's finances.

    Even so, the most disgraceful spectacle of all was the manner in which the group attempted to intimidate black journalists who were asking legitimate questions. Some of them have rightly pushed back — and hard.

    Everyone interested in equality and racial harmony, including those who
    strive to reform education and even those who embrace the far-left vision
    that BLM purported to promote, should be dismayed by the waste of
    resources. Every dollar that went to BLM could have gone instead to some
    worthy historically black college, education reform organization, or job- training program. It could have been invested in violence reduction
    programs or in helping single black mothers with their material needs so
    that they have options beyond abortion.

    Instead, the stewards of corporate America's money blindly gave to an organization whose financial mess is only now being laid bare.

    "LOCKDOWN", left-wing COVID fearmongering. 95% of COVID infections
    recover with no after effects.

    No collusion - Special Counsel Robert Swan Mueller III, March 2019.
    Officially made Nancy Pelosi a two-time impeachment loser.

    Donald J. Trump, cheated out of a second term by fraudulent "mail-in"
    ballots. Report voter fraud: sf.nancy@mail.house.gov

    Thank you for cleaning up the disaster of the 2008-2017 Obama / Biden
    fiasco, President Trump.

    Under Barack Obama's leadership, the United States of America became the
    The World According To Garp. Obama sold out heterosexuals for Hollywood
    queer liberal democrat donors.

    President Trump boosted the economy, reduced illegal invasions, appointed dozens of judges and three SCOTUS justices.

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