• Total incompetent S.F. Mayor Breed urges Biden to step up action on fen

    From useapen@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jun 6 03:16:11 2023
    XPost: alt.politics.democrats, ca.politics, talk.politics.guns
    XPost: alt.society.liberalism

    San Francisco Mayor London Breed led two dozen fellow mayors to urge the
    Biden administration on Monday to step up enforcement against trafficking
    of fentanyl, start a public awareness campaign against open-air drug
    markets and increase public health interventions to address an out-of-
    control epidemic nationwide.

    Breed and her counterparts also came out in support of a polarizing
    federal bill called the HALT Fentanyl Act, which would permanently
    classify the powerful synthetic opioid as a Schedule 1 drug.

    The Biden administration supports the bill and the House of
    Representatives just passed it, sending it to the U.S. Senate. But dozens
    of human rights groups opposed it and more than 100 Democrats voted
    against the measure, arguing it would lead to unjustified incarceration
    and fearing it would cripple the study of fentanyl as a medical treatment, Forbes reported.

    Breed faces immense pressure from local critics across the political
    spectrum who say either she isn’t doing enough or not pursuing the right approach to address open-air drug dealing. She said in a statement Monday
    she is doing everything she can to address fentanyl markets.

    “Despite the strong and laudable efforts of our local law enforcement
    agencies, we know San Francisco—and cities across the United States—needs
    more support,” she said. “The trafficking and dealing of fentanyl is a
    national crisis, and requires a robust response from the federal

    Breed has increasingly been outspoken about the need for more federal and
    state help as San Francisco fails to stem the tide of more and more people dying from fentanyl. The problem is not unique to San Francisco, with drug overdose deaths sweeping the country and governments struggling to keep up
    with an increasingly lethal drug supply.

    Most recently, Breed directed police to pick up enforcement against people
    who are high in public – to the protests of advocates and experts who
    argue criminalization and forced treatment of people with substance use disorder in the past hasn’t solved a public health crisis.

    Breed will soon open a command center near Civic Center bringing together
    local and state law enforcement and other agencies to coordinate a
    response to drug dealing.

    Monday’s resolution came from the U.S. Council of Mayors, authored by
    Breed and sponsored by 23 other mayors. The list included Eric Adams of
    New York, Muriel Bowser of Washington D.C. and in California, the mayors
    of San Jose, Fremont, San Diego, Sacramento, Irvine, Riverside and

    The resolution urged the Biden administration “to act immediately and
    increase its enforcement and prosecution of high-level fentanyl drug traffickers and dealers in communities throughout the country” and form
    joint investigations with local law enforcement.

    It urged the federal government to “significantly increase its public communications that our neighborhoods and commercial areas must be drug-
    free and safe from any open-air drug markets, including online and social
    media sales of drugs to the general public.”

    It also called on Biden’s administration to “increase access to a spectrum
    of public health interventions, including harm reduction services and
    substance use disorder treatment, and drug testing to improve surveillance
    of and response to a rapidly changing drug supply, including track-and-
    trace of biopharmaceuticals at risk of contamination.”

    San Francisco wants to see more federal dollars put toward those efforts locally as it has been pouring millions into law enforcement and drug
    treatment in response to the crisis.

    Breed has been asking for more help of late. She met with U.S.
    Representative Nancy Pelosi and the new U.S. Attorney for the Northern
    District of California Ismail Ramsey about drug dealing two weeks ago, but
    did not disclose details of the meeting.

    Breed had also repeatedly asked Gov. Gavin Newsom for help. Newsom
    responded by sending California Highway Patrol to the Tenderloin to
    enforce drug laws and California National Guard to assist San Francisco
    police with intelligence-gathering to build drug trafficking

    Breed has taken her own actions over the past year and a half, but the
    number of drug overdose deaths have only increased in the first three
    months of this year compared to a peak during the pandemic.

    She ordered more police to crack down on open-air drug dealing, appointed
    a District Attorney who has filed more fentanyl dealing charges than her predecessor, declared an emergency in the hard-hit Tenderloin and opened
    an aid center that allowed people to use drugs with staff on hand to
    reverse overdoses.

    But those measures were temporary, and after the center closed, more
    people died of overdoses. Breed’s health department is implementing an
    overdose prevention plan, but some goals are still a year or two away.

    Reach Mallory Moench: mallory.moench@sfchronicle.com

    You voted for it, you got exactly what you were told you would get.

    https://www.sfchronicle.com/sf/article/sf-mayor-breed-fentanyl-biden- resolution-18136750.php

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