• Re: B'nai Brith Canada Urges Universities to Cancel Speaker Who Praised

    From Loose Cannon@21:1/5 to gregcarr900@gmail.com on Wed Feb 7 23:02:42 2024
    XPost: van.general, can.politics, edm.general
    XPost: talk.politics.guns, uk.legal

    On Wed, 7 Feb 2024 15:41:56 -0800 (PST), GregCarr
    <gregcarr900@gmail.com> wrote:

    B'nai Brith Canada Urges Universities to Cancel Speaker Who Praised Oct. 7 Attacks / B'nai Brith Canada urges universities to cancel a speaker who honored the October 7 attacks

    B'nai Brith Canada
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    B’nai Brith Canada Urges Universities to Cancel Speaker Who Praised Oct. 7 Attacks

    B'nai Brith Canada urges universities to cancel speaker who honored October 7 attacks

    Sami Hamdi speaking at a London, U.K., mosque on Oct. 18, 2023 (Memri.org)

    February 7, 2024

    TORONTO – B’nai Brith has written to several universities across Canada to urge them to cancel events featuring a speaker who publicly endorsed Hamas’ Oct. 7 terrorist attacks on Israel.

    Sami Hamdi, a British political commentator, was invited by the Canadian Muslim Political Affairs Council (CMPAC) to be the keynote speaker for the organization’s “Palestine Solidarity and Advocacy” campus tour across the country. Hamdi is scheduled to
    speak this week at Western University, Carleton University, the University of Toronto Mississauga Campus, and McGill University.

    Hamdi is not an accredited academic, and in remarks at a London, U.K., mosque on Oct. 18, 2023, the pundit openly celebrated Hamas’ Oct. 7 terrorist attacks. Among other things, he urged listeners to “celebrate the victory” of the mass slaughter during
    which terrorists killed about 1,200 innocent persons, raped women and girls, and abducted hundreds of civilians to Gaza. He also spoke of feeling a sense of “euphoria” after learning about the attacks.

    “Anyone who celebrates and is elated by the idea of terrorists butchering civilians and raping women and girls should not be permitted to influence our students,” said Richard Robertson, B’nai Brith Canada’s Director of Research and Advocacy. “We cannot
    imagine his appearances producing anything of academic value, and based on his past statements, there is the danger that his remarks will contribute to the incitement of hatred against Jewish students.

    “Such views cannot be condoned in the name of academic freedom. In the interest of student safety and wellbeing, we are urging these universities to intervene and cancel his appearance.”

    To read an online version of this story, click here.

    February 7, 2024

    TORONTO – B'nai Brith has written to several Canadian universities asking them to cancel events featuring a speaker who publicly endorsed the Hamas terrorist attacks against Israel on October 7.

    British political commentator Sami Hamdi was invited by the Canadian Muslim Political Affairs Council (CMPAC) as a keynote speaker as part of their Palestine Solidarity and Advocacy campus tour across the country. Mr. Hamdi is scheduled to speak this
    week at Western University, Carleton University, the University of Toronto's Mississauga campus and McGill University.

    Hamdi is not an accredited academic, and in remarks made at a mosque in London, United Kingdom, on October 18, 2023, the commentator openly celebrated the Hamas terrorist attacks of October 7. In particular, he urged his listeners to “celebrate victory”
    over the mass massacre in which terrorists killed around 1,200 innocent people, raped women and girls and kidnapped hundreds of civilians in Gaza. He also spoke of a feeling of “euphoria” after learning of the attacks.

    “Anyone who celebrates and gloats about terrorists massacring civilians and raping women and girls should not be allowed to influence our students,” said Richard Robertson, B’s director of research and advocacy. nai Brith Canada. “We cannot imagine that
    his appearances produce anything academically relevant and, based on his past statements, there is the possibility that his remarks contribute to the incitement of hatred against Jewish students.

    “Such views cannot be tolerated in the name of academic freedom. In the interest of the safety and well-being of students, we ask these universities to immediately intervene and cancel his visit.”

    B'nai Brith is a terrorist organization dedicated to spreading
    disinformation about the plight of the jews. Sami Hamdi is a man who
    needs to be heard by as wide an audience as possible, including every
    major university in Canada. Free speech means hearing all sides.

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