• The News Media Is Apparently Determined To Provoke a Real Insurrection

    From Michael Ejercito@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jan 16 19:03:31 2024
    XPost: talk.politics.guns, talk.politics.misc, soc.culture.usa


    The News Media Is Apparently Determined To Provoke a Real Insurrection
    If Trump Wins In November: Is There Any Way To Stop Them?


    Not that I can see.

    Maybe it’s not their intent. Maybe bias has made 95% of all journalists
    so stupid that they don’t realize what they are doing, or how unethical
    and irresponsible it is. But doing it they are.

    Yesterday was the metaphorical coin dropping. Even though it should have
    been obvious that Trump, a former President whose single term looks like
    the “Shining City on a Hill” from the perspective of the current Biden presidency ethics train wreck, would win in a walk over the wan GOP
    competition in Iowa, Trump-Deranged commentators acted as if the
    Hindenburg was blowing up before their eyes. So desperate were they to
    see some progress in their endless “Get Trump!” pursuit that they told readers and viewers that Nikky Haley was a rising star in the weeks
    before the caucuses, hoping her candidacy would catch fire. Then, as
    devoted practitioners of old-fashioned democracy were trudging to their meetings during some of the worst winter weather Iowa has seen in years,
    most national news organizations projected former President Trump as the runaway winner before many Iowa caucus sites even even had ballots to
    tally. Nice.

    Now that’s the way to suppress Trump votes.

    Hanlon’s Razor tells us this was stupidity rather than malice, but some conservative sites called the strange goings on “election interference,” and why wouldn’t they? Some polls indicated that a majority of GOP
    caucus participants believe that Joe Biden wasn’t legitimately elected,
    and the news media hammered on this “baseless” belief. Message:
    Republicans are morons. No, Republicans witnessed the Russian collusion
    hoax, the two contrived impeachments, the steady anti-Trump Big lies
    every day in the Post, the Times and CNN, the nicely-timed national
    shutdown that wrecked Trump’s economy, the Hunter Biden cover-up, the
    sudden transition to voting methods that minimized election integrity,
    and they have some justifiable suspicions.

    As do I.

    The narrative is now official: Trump is an existential danger to
    democracy, an aspiring dictator and an orange Hitler. No balanced
    coverage is in the offing: the news media, incredibly, is more openly
    allied to the Democrats and united against Trump than ever before, which
    is amazing. The objective is to terrify as many Americans as possible,
    so they will be panicked and desperate if and when the Republicans win
    the White House.

    Last night, when Trump’s unsurprising victory was a matter of record and
    the MSM knew there would be no upset, Rachel Maddow led a united
    anti-Trump panel in doom-saying while refusing to say Trump’s name like
    he was Voldemort. “I don’t mean to be again, too dark as you said on
    this, but if we are worried about the rise of authoritarianism in this
    country, we are worried about potential rise of fascism in this
    country,” shesaid, looking as if she was about to sob. “If we’re worried about our democracy falling to an authoritarian and potentially fascist
    form of government. The leader who is trying to do that is part of that equation… Is a much bigger part of that equation.”

    Both CNN and MSMBC refused to show all of Trump’s victory speech while broadcasting the concession speeches of his competition. This is
    unprecedented: a former U.S. President, in an election year, had his
    speech censored. Yeah, sure he’ll be fairly covered in the upcoming
    campaign. Maddow explained the embargo with the ironic and hilarious
    statement, “It’s not out of spite, not a decision that we relish, it is
    a decision that we regularly revisit and, honestly, honestly, it is not
    an easy decision. There is a cost to us as a news organization of
    knowingly broadcasting untrue things.” MSNBC broadcasts “untrue things” approximately every 30 seconds! Over at CNN, Jake Tapper pulled the plug
    on Trump when he started talking about Biden’s open border crisis. “Here
    he is, right now, under my voice. You can hear him repeating his
    anti-immigrant rhetoric,” he lied. Trump was speaking about illegal immigration, not immigrants.

    This is the kind of “journalism” the news media is offering now, and it will only get worse. Much worse.

    Over at the New York Times, the paper made it crystal clear what its
    mission is. In a somber, wildly dishonest editorial titled, “The Responsibility of Republican Voters,” the paper’s editors intoned that
    GOP voters have an “essential responsibility: to nominate a candidate
    who is fit to serve as president, one who will “preserve, protect and
    defend the Constitution of the United States.”

    You know, like their candidate, Joe Biden, of whose party’s recent
    conduct Victor Hansen Davis wrote yesterday, “At each juncture of these extra-legal efforts, past precedents, former customs, and accepted
    traditions are being destroyed by the Left, whose endless miscarriages
    of justice are the real threats to constitutional government. And the
    more impotent these serial and unending gambits become, the more
    strident and desperate they appear.”

    In fairness, I agree that the most responsible course for the Republican
    Party to follow would be to nominate someone, anyone, to carry its
    standard other than Donald Trump. But the despicable and frequently totalitarian tactics of his political foes even make me guiltily eager
    to see him prevail. The Times editorial was more fuel for that emotional position. It called January 6th, 2021 an “insurrection,” signature significance in my estimation for fools or liars. It actually quoted
    Trump’s “day one” joke as a serious admission that he plans on being a “dictator”!

    The editors cite the charges facing Trump as if there were no political
    agenda behind these prosecutions. (Hanson: “In truth, each succeeding
    cycle of corrupt leftwing lawfare that ends in failure—the Russian
    collusion hoax, the weaponized first impeachment, trying ex-president
    Trump in the Senate as a private citizen, the laptop disinformation
    set-up, the Alfa bank ping caper, the pathetic attempt to erase Trump
    from state ballots, and the unfolding Fani Willis moral debacle—does not return things to zero. Rather, they serve as force multipliers for each
    other. Each overreach geometrically increases the dangers to democracy,
    ever more turns the public off, and ironically cascades sympathy and
    poll numbers for the very target of their paranoias. Some of the
    prosecutors have colluded with White House lawyers and congressional
    liaisons. Some had run for office, offering campaign promises to get
    Trump convicted for something or other. Now, after years of delays and deadends, all four are rushing to synchronize their trial dates to
    ensure that the front-running Trump is on the docket daily and not out
    on the 2024 campaign trail.”)

    Turning the freakout over to its stable of race-baiters, socialists,
    Stockholm Syndrome-suffering former conservatives, Democrat operatives
    and leftist hacks, the Times presented a series of “Trump is evil and
    his supporters are idiots, cultists and fascist” columns. Here’s how Jamele Bouie views Trump’s supporters:

    “We frequently hear that Donald Trump represents a large and significant number of Americans, each attracted to him for several different
    reasons, none of which are that mysterious. There are supporters
    attracted to his doctrinaire commitment to social conservatism, even if
    he himself is a libertine. There are supporters attracted to his
    belligerent hostility toward a broad variety of perceived cultural
    enemies. There are supporters attracted to his open cruelty toward and
    contempt for various racial and religious “others.” And there are supporters who simply think he’ll get them a good “deal” in foreign and domestic affairs — whatever that actually means.”

    That’s odd: none of the reluctant Trump supporters I know are likely to
    vote for Trump for any of those reasons. They support him because
    despite all the fear-mongering by the media, no wars started on his
    watch. He took great strides to making the U.S. energy independent; he
    worked to reverse the Democrat open-borders insanity; he reduced
    regulations; he killed many of the worst of Obama’s fiascos (like the violation of due process principles for students accused of sexual
    harassment), and he managed to create a healthy economy until the
    pandemic destroyed it, all while having to battle a concerted effort by
    the Axis of Unethical Conduct (“the resistance,” Democrats and the MSM)
    to cripple his Presidency. They might vote for him because, as in 2016, electing Trump sends the strongest message possible that a large segment
    of America does not support enforced wokism, school indoctrination,
    anti-white racism, the stealth transformation of the U.S. into a
    Europe-style nanny state, and, perhaps especially, a rejection of
    exactly the kind of creeping fascism…

    … that the Times wants to convince readers that Trump represents.

    Yesterday made it clear that there will be no fair reporting of the 2024 campaign, that most of the news media will do its best to lie, spin and frighten voters into supporting the failed Democratic President to such
    an extent that a Trump victory is likely to spark rioting across the
    country that will make the George Floyd riots seem like a Cure Breast
    Cancer Walk-a-Thon.

    And I have no clue about what can be done about it.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Loose Cannon@21:1/5 to MEjercit@HotMail.com on Tue Jan 16 23:05:01 2024
    XPost: talk.politics.guns, talk.politics.misc, soc.culture.usa

    On Tue, 16 Jan 2024 19:03:31 -0800, Michael Ejercito
    <MEjercit@HotMail.com> wrote:


    The News Media Is Apparently Determined To Provoke a Real Insurrection
    If Trump Wins In November: Is There Any Way To Stop Them?

    It's bad enough that you stick your nose in American business instead
    of the Philippines where it belongs, but you make matters worse by
    posting the opinions of some uppity ape whose opinion nobody gives a
    shit. Have you no shame?


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Michael Ejercito@21:1/5 to Loose Cannon on Wed Jan 17 11:36:38 2024
    XPost: talk.politics.guns, talk.politics.misc, soc.culture.usa

    Loose Cannon wrote:
    On Tue, 16 Jan 2024 19:03:31 -0800, Michael Ejercito
    <MEjercit@HotMail.com> wrote:


    The News Media Is Apparently Determined To Provoke a Real Insurrection
    If Trump Wins In November: Is There Any Way To Stop Them?

    It's bad enough that you stick your nose in American business instead
    of the Philippines where it belongs,
    I am an American.

    but you make matters worse by
    posting the opinions of some uppity ape whose opinion nobody gives a
    shit. Have you no shame?


    There is nothing ape about Jack Marshall!


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Loose Cannon@21:1/5 to MEjercit@HotMail.com on Wed Jan 17 16:21:48 2024
    XPost: talk.politics.guns, talk.politics.misc, soc.culture.usa

    On Wed, 17 Jan 2024 11:36:38 -0800, Michael Ejercito
    <MEjercit@HotMail.com> wrote:

    Loose Cannon wrote:
    On Tue, 16 Jan 2024 19:03:31 -0800, Michael Ejercito
    <MEjercit@HotMail.com> wrote:


    The News Media Is Apparently Determined To Provoke a Real Insurrection
    If Trump Wins In November: Is There Any Way To Stop Them?

    It's bad enough that you stick your nose in American business instead
    of the Philippines where it belongs,
    I am an American.

    but you make matters worse by
    posting the opinions of some uppity ape whose opinion nobody gives a
    shit. Have you no shame?


    There is nothing ape about Jack Marshall!

    Have you ever seen a photo of him? Post it and it will scream "Ape".
    Are you really so lonely that your only friends are gays, quacks, and


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)