The Guru Pragma viz Christ Jesus Prayers (2/2)
Aryavartan Riekh@21:1/5 to
All on Wed Nov 18 21:24:34 2020
[continued from previous message]
o Kýrios, o Dimiourgós tis zoís,
Poios proérchetai apó ton Patéra,
Poios mazí me ton Patéra kai ton Yió
latrévetai kai doxázetai,
Poios mílise gia tous profítes.
Se éna, ieró, katholikó,
kai apostolikí Ekklisía.
Omologó éna váptisma
gia ti synchóresi ton amartión.
Psáchno gia tin anástasi ton nekrón,
kai ti zoí tis epoménis epochís.
(I believe in one God,
Father Almighty,
Creator of heaven and earth,
and of all things visible and invisible.
And in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the ony-begotten Son of God,
begotten of the Father
before all ages;
Light of Light,
true God of true God,
begotten, not created,
of one essence with the Father
through Whom all things were made.
Who for us men
and for our salvation
came down from heaven
and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit
and the Virgin Mary
and became man.
He was crucified for us
under Pontius Pilate,
and suffered and was buried;
And He rose on the third day,
according to the Scriptures.
He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father;
And He will come again with glory
to judge the living and dead.
His Kingdom shall have no end.
And in the Holy Spirit,
the Lord, the Creator of life,
Who proceeds from the Father,
Who together with the Father and the Son
is worshiped and glorified,
Who spoke through the prophets.
In one, holy, catholic,
and apostolic Church.
I confess one baptism
for the forgiveness of sins.
I look for the resurrection of the dead,
and the life of the age to come.)
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and Merciful. Amen.
Of course, a nice prayer addressed to Jesus Christ for yourself and your
loved ones. Ask and you shall recieve. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Evening prayers(12 times each) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Opening – Arabic Shahada Testimony
Ashaadu ila ila-ha ila-allah wa;
ashaadu anna mohammadan rasulu Allah.
(There is only one God; and Prophet Mohammad is the last and final one of
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and Merciful. Amen.
And - Arabic Al-fatiha Prayer
Bismi -llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīmi
al-ḥamdu lillāhi rabbi l-ʿālamīna
ar-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīmi
māliki yawmi d-dīni
ʾiyyāka naʿbudu wa ʾiyyāka nastaʿīnu
ʾihdinā ṣ-ṣirāṭa l-mustaqīma
ṣirāṭ al-lazīna ʾanʿamta ʿalayhim
ġayri l-maġḍūbi ʿalayhim wa-lā ḍ-ḍāllīn
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and Merciful. Amen.
Guilt - English Salvation Testimony
O Yah,
I admit I am a sinner;
I believe that I need Jesus Christ to overcome sin and death;
I confess of my sins.
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and Merciful. Amen.
Pain - Italian Angelus Prayer
ti supplichiamo,
o Signore,
La tua grazia nei nostri cuori;
che come abbiamo conosciuto l'incarnazione di Cristo,
tuo Figlio dal messaggio di un angelo,
così per la sua passione e croce possiamo essere portati alla gloria
della sua risurrezione.
Per lo stesso Cristo,
nostro Signore.
(Pour forth, we beseech You, O Lord,
Your Grace into our hearts;
that as we have known the incarnation of Christ, your Son by the message
of an angel,
so by His passion and cross we may be brought to the glory of His
Through the same Christ, our Lord.)
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and Merciful. Amen.
Excitement - Spanish Glory Be Prayer
Gloria al Padre, al Hijo y al Espíritu Santo. Como era en el principio,
ahora y siempre, por los siglos de los siglos.
(Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. As it was in the
beginning, now and forever, forever and ever.)
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and Merciful. Amen.
Joy - Polish Signum Crucis Prayer
W Imię Ojca i Syna i Ducha Świętego
(In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.)
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and Merciful. Amen.
Sorrow - Russian Sinner’s Prayer
Dospodi Hesous Christea,
sinea boziya,
pomiluea menea gresnaog
(Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.)
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and Merciful. Amen.
Laughter - Hebrew Shema Testimony
Shema Israel adonai elohanu adonai ehad;
baruch shem kavod malchuto layolem vaed.
(Hear oh Israel, Hashem is our God, Hashem is one; blessed be the name of
His kingdom forever and ever.)
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and Merciful. Amen.
Closing - Greek Symbol of Faith
Pistévo se énan Theó,
Patéra Pantodýnamos,
Dimiourgós tou ouranoú kai tis gis,
kai ólon ton pragmáton oratón kai aóraton.
Kai se énan Kýrio Iisoú Christó,
o gios tou Theoú,
genníthike apó ton Patéra
prin apó óles tis ilikíes
Fos fotós,
alithinós Theós tou alithinoú Theoú,
genníthike, den dimiourgíthike,
mias ousías me ton Patéra
metá apó poia óla ta prágmata éginan.
Poios gia emás ántres
kai gia ti sotiría mas
katévike apó ton ouranó
kai ensarkóthike apó to Ágio Pnévma
kai i parthéna María
kai égine ánthropos.
Stavróthike gia emás
ypó ton Póntio Piláto,
kai ypéfere kai tháftike.
Kai sikóthike tin tríti iméra,
sýmfona me tis Grafés.
Anévike ston parádeiso
kai káthetai sto dexí chéri tou Patéra.
Kai tha érthei xaná me dóxa
na kríneis tous zontanoús kai tous nekroús.
To Vasíleio tou den tha échei télos.
Kai sto Ágio Pnévma,
o Kýrios, o Dimiourgós tis zoís,
Poios proérchetai apó ton Patéra,
Poios mazí me ton Patéra kai ton Yió
latrévetai kai doxázetai,
Poios mílise gia tous profítes.
Se éna, ieró, katholikó,
kai apostolikí Ekklisía.
Omologó éna váptisma
gia ti synchóresi ton amartión.
Psáchno gia tin anástasi ton nekrón,
kai ti zoí tis epoménis epochís.
(I believe in one God,
Father Almighty,
Creator of heaven and earth,
and of all things visible and invisible.
And in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the ony-begotten Son of God,
begotten of the Father
before all ages;
Light of Light,
true God of true God,
begotten, not created,
of one essence with the Father
through Whom all things were made.
Who for us men
and for our salvation
came down from heaven
and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit
and the Virgin Mary
and became man.
He was crucified for us
under Pontius Pilate,
and suffered and was buried;
And He rose on the third day,
according to the Scriptures.
He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father;
And He will come again with glory
to judge the living and dead.
His Kingdom shall have no end.
And in the Holy Spirit,
the Lord, the Creator of life,
Who proceeds from the Father,
Who together with the Father and the Son
is worshiped and glorified,
Who spoke through the prophets.
In one, holy, catholic,
and apostolic Church.
I confess one baptism
for the forgiveness of sins.
I look for the resurrection of the dead,
and the life of the age to come.)
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and Merciful. Amen.
Of course, a nice prayer addressed to Jesus Christ for yourself and your
loved ones. Ask and you shall recieve. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Anyway, God bless and God speed for Jesus Christ is God. Always a
pleasure. I want you to win over the vice grip of the Jewish blight
upon humanity and thier Dying Arts ways of life engendering all sorts of
social maladys. Good luck to you. All the best. You are forever in my prayers. Remember, Jesus Christ is the True gift blessed by God.
.c0N0c. .:' .xNX: .,;. ,kNKo.
.:ON0c. .::' .xNK: .,c,. ;ONKl.
.;ON0l. .::;kNKo,c,. .c0N0c.
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;OWXo. .,::ONKd;:' .lKNk,
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,kWXo. . .xNK: . .oXNk'
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,kNXo. .xNK: .oXNx'
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,kNXo. .xNK: .dNNx'
:0W0: .xNX: .cKWO;
.oXNk' .xNXc ,OWKl.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad" - divine voice
P.S. There is no that of a thing as a hundred percent. There is some
good out there. Please find below yet another schema in my research and development of things. Remember, the prime directive is to never allow
for the trespass of the Jewish diaspora comprising of the Yiddish, Zen,
Vudu, Hindu, LGBTQ, Trini, Creole, Hapa, Hoon, and Roma ancestorys.
Pray about it. Read about it. So on and so forth.
I have found the following to be helpful in dealing with medical issues:
1)use of anti-biotics as the Bacitracin cream
2)homeopathys as in the ones from Boiron
3)vaccines as in the ones from whichever travel clinic
4)gmo(s) as in the M&M's peanut candys.
I find whichever remedy that uses the homeopathic concept of a weakened pathogen as in virus, poison, bacteria, parasite, and so on seriously
helps toward a viable cure from whichever malady. For nearly 20 years
life was a veritable hell trying to deal with the criminal attacks and contaminations that try to justify the shit culture of psychotropics, narcotics, liquor, soya-neurotoxins, tobacco, and steroids unfit for
human consumption. In a way, I notice the poisons I just mentioned
maybe useful in the following way:
1)Psychotropics - possible fertilizer
2)Narcotics - possible perfume ingredient using the bach flower perfume
making patented by Suneel Ramaney using some well thought out standard
of some wonderful government
3)Liquor - possible cleaning solvent, just cleaned my hard wood floors
with a bottle of Hieneken
4)Soya - possible clothing dye or coloring agent, which maybe safer than
others as it tends to go into our mouth sometimes
5)Tobacco - possible paint ingredient, especially for the production of
black and blue paint
6)Steriods(aloe, ginseng, acai, etc.) - possible pest repelent(just put
a bottle of ginger beer in a cup for the pests to enjoy the other day);
seems to work; too early to tell
As well, the caveats in most of the occult organizations seem to be the
most helpful, such as beef, pork, cola, egg, cake, sugar, condoms, and
so on. Our digestive system is like a recycling system for the body in
a way. You are what you eat is true in a sense. To repair vital organs
and even to maintain them we need nutritious food as in beef, pork, egg,
cola, cake, breads, dairy, fruits, sugar, and so on to replace lost or
worn out body parts. The American food pyramid is a good guideline
toward such a healthy way of life. Who says it's not possible to escape
the starvation diets of the ascetics. Through prayer and petition there
is a world of abundance and wonder that awaits you. You just have to
ask and you shall recieve. Do or try, there is no do not.
Unlike the JEDI of the Star Wars movie saga, though, through prayer to
Christ Jesus it maybe possible to get back what we once lost. I tell
ya, at one time I saw me dear mom's spirit. That gave me solace in
life. It was for that reason why I was able to move on in my life. I
wonder how my dad will appear to me. That too even my bitch sister out
there in the wild blue yonder. That is the beauty of Christ Jesus,
which no movie or majic can capture. It is different. Something to
Hopefully, someday I can share with you a way in how to deal with those astrological curses we are all so vexed with at one time in our lives or
the others. Boy, can they do a mind trip on us to engender a serious
anxiety attack. For me the transit of Pluto in the Greek astrologys and
that of Saturn in the Indian astrologys was like the most horrific. It
was during those years I went in and out of insitution, jail,
homelessness, rehab, and so on. To me, the astrologys are nothing more
than criminal threats toward some form of victimization, made into a
business, industry, and whichever other form of bilk and swindel. They
got so many escuses to justify their wanton disregard and disrespect
toward anyones' life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, property, faith,
and propriety. Hell hath no fury like a man scorned. Does that
prediction of "you will get all that you desire" ever become true in my
life? Anyway, let's pray about it.
One thing for sure is that it was after those horrendous influence of
Pluto and Saturn that I was able to enter the gateless gate of the
Arabian Abrahamic traditions and even become a believer of this
wonderful guru Christ Jesus. Is it possible to reach out to those in
the Pluto and Saturn transit and maybe help them find the protection and successes like I have. Better soon than later. I found those gaudys as
the Navratna does not really work. But prayer works and prayer to
Christ Jesus workd the best.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P.S.
The following is a nice informal prayer I do daily to help me deal with
Informal Prayer:
O Allah
I love you Allah.
I need yo Allah.
I am sorry for my debts Allah.
I thank you so much Allah.
Dear Jesus Christ,
Please help me overcome and defeat the evil empire of the JUBU eminating
from the republics of Taiwan, Israel, Sicily, Haiti, Hawaii, Trinidad, Indonesia, Phillipines, Tibet, and Brooklyn(NY, USA). Help me to
destroy and holocaust the Jewish diasopra of the Yiddish, Zen, Vudu,
Hindu, LGBTQ, Trini, Creole, Hapa, Hoon, and Roma ancestorys along with
their industrys of Transcendentalism, Allopathy, Micorsoft,
Niggervision, Palmistry, and Insurance schemes of whichever bilk and
swindel of anyones' life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, property,
faith, and propriety.
Please make me successful in the areas of:
0)food, shelter, clothing, vaccines, technologys, and gaudys
1)education, sex, moneys, faith, property, and socialization
2)sleep, water, sex, food, and self preservation
3)love, life, duty, rest, comfort, and convenience
4)compassion, charity, generosity, wisdon, patience, and understanding
5)life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, property, faith, and propriety
6)health, wealth, prosperity, peace, happiness, and safety
7)memory, will power, sovereignty, hegemony, patience, and understanding
Help me to be proficient in the areas of:
0)reading, writing, arithmetic, programming, drafting, designing, troubleshooting, science, calisthenics, and cooking
1)elementary, inspectional, analytical, syntopical, researching, and
developing reading levels
Help me to:
0)rectify the wrongs in my life; recover and recoup from my losses;
redeem myself; retaliate against those who have wronged me; be rich,
wealthy, affleunt, and successful; resolve my issues; be reimbursed; be rewarded; be repatriated; and be reinforced; and even to remember
1)saved, successful, sufficient, soveriegn, salient, sentient,
scholarly, studious, sheltered, and safe
Help me toward my fiduciary investments involving comaradery,
reciprocity, synergy, unity, infidelity, and whichever other mutuality
in defense of the nature of the good to overcome and defeat the bad.
Help me in my research and development of the compubbs; cybermatrix;
guru pragma; somanix(minix, x11; react os concatenation); evagelicalism
as a possible spiritual system for the Deshi diaspora of the Indian Subcontinent(Aryavarta); anti-gravity engine; wireless electricity
generator; artificial intelligence dongle; a water filtration tool
possibly called profosan on par with pellegrino mineral water and a
homeopathic remedy; and maybe existentialism as a viable economic
Please bless all sentient beings with which I have just prayed for
including my family, country, kith, kin, network, alliance, community,
society, race, relatives; other people who have it worse; the
potentials, benefactors, beneficiarys, and those people; respectively, synergistically, successfully, sufficiently, saliently; of the past,
present, future, now, and oblique.
In the name of [Yah], who is most Gracious and Merciful.
Amen, Amen, Amen.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Indeed, it is not too late to pray to Christ Jesus. For Jesus Christ is
the only one to assist in the meditation of the heart in a sound and
cogent way more effectively than by any other means. God bless and God
speed for Jesus Christ is God. Always a pleasure. I want you to win
over the forces of the Satanic Dharma and the shit culture of
psychotropics, narcotics, liquor, soya-neurotoxins, tobacco, and
steroids (aloe, ginseng, acai, etc.). Good luck to you. All the best.
MMMMMK, ,xNMMMMMNx' .:kK0kxdxO00o' .lKWMNk;..OMMMMM
MMMMMN: ,xNMMMMMXx' .,'. ..'' .ld; ,KMMMMM
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
"The nature of the good is to overcome and defeat the bad." - divine voice
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