• You and who's Army? (3/3)

    From The Public must be warned.. Save li@21:1/5 to All on Sat Apr 9 11:35:43 2016
    [continued from previous message]

    Putin shows German skills, unexpectedly steps in as translator at forum https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPOT9ZVW0hg

    Americans without leadership to command themselves
    with self respect, is a nation dying as crime victim too..
    What we all need do, is look up this "John Kinal for
    President" character.. For it turns out there is an
    easy way to do right by ourselves, and it's found
    through Justice fairly wagered.. for something akin to
    the indivisible.. For example..16 trillion was stolen..
    No one on earth could deny the evidence made public..
    We need to get that stolen money returned, plus interest..
    And too, understand that police investigations on 9/11
    were stopped early on.. to not nab those personally
    responsible for mass murdering Americans in the
    Big Apple.. . Now what American, in the light of
    our sunshine, could cowardly walk away from the
    responsibility we all share? as committed to the
    cause, of liberty as justice for us all? being
    honorable? Do right my friends..

    We have to find a way to turn things around for our
    favor, equally measured.. Difficult? sometimes.. but
    easily possible if we go with the better ideas..Justice
    wagered fairly, is freedom found lasting.. Jamie
    Diamond and the boys stole more than 16 trillion
    dollars.. and they should have to repay, plus
    interest.. if we're going to be fair here.. no?

    The Complete History of MONSANTO: The Most Evil Corporation on Earth http://humansarefree.com/2014/06/the-complete-history-of-monsanto-most.html

    They are so evil, that they are easily defeated by
    the scientific facts denied our measures.. Newspapers,
    overall, truly suck.. They in addition, to willfully
    going silent over the poisoning of our foods, but
    also deliberately con our teens to sacrifice their
    lives with reporting lies to escape those responsible
    for cheating us even further.. As is why, in part,
    I have no choice, but to run for the Presidency..
    Vote John Kinal for President. What else can we
    do but try our best for a better world?
    All invites gratefully accepted.

    What issues do you hold to be of utmost importance??

    Fair treatment of others, from the society I am
    of too being cheated.. Trillions stolen.. Obama
    and Co. warring Democracies for the worst of
    military dictatorship..all the while, the magic
    TV sells, who cares for the losers to war
    criminality.. We need leadership that looks
    out for number one.. that's we being free to
    do as we please.. as long as whatever that
    is.. it isn't to deny others the same freedom
    being truly awesome.. So far.. it's been
    quite a struggle to get others to care
    enough for themselves to demand positive
    action for our defense, instead of being
    further plundered.. Here's to doing what
    ever we can to get this right..

    Lead in the Water Supply: “Humans Have Been Written Off” http://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/the-real-reason-american-cities-have-lead-in-the-water-supply-humans-have-been-written-off_04082016

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