• Re: A short history of LGBT rights in the UK, The Conservative Buggery

    From å The Reverend@21:1/5 to All on Tue Aug 29 14:46:12 2023
    XPost: alt.rush-limbaugh, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh.tv-show, alt.fan.marty.the.gay-pigboy
    XPost: soc.culture.jewish

    On Tue, 29 Aug 2023 02:38:20 -0000 (UTC), Clem <nowomr@protonmail.com>

    The Buggery Act of 1533,

    All rightist Christian white men do is bugger little boys.

    All leftist jews do is bugger each other when they're not buggering
    their genitally mutilated jew subchildren.

    It's why our youth are being trained to identify, hunt and kill you.

    So who killed jew paedophile Jeffrey Epshteen?


    The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus admits he got
    no life AT ALL outside stalking on THE Usenet!
    "Frankly, if he were gone, I wouldn't know what to do here."
    Message-ID: <FCOQt.107901$hp7.96925@fx13.fr7>

    The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus, defending his fellow
    Grik sodomite the Grikboxer® and under the delusion that he's
    been able to grow a pair: "You'd have to get past me first,"
    Message-ID: <LOOQt.337647$Qr2.32934@fx08.fr7>

    Yet more proof that the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
    thinks he got a pair: "Just to let you know: ANYONE who "befriends"
    the subnormal swine will have to deal with me! Get ready, bitch!"
    Message-ID: <FHg6t.166438$Nl5.48106@newsfe07.iad>

    The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus STILL seems to think
    he got a pair: "Which will NEVER happen! You'd have to get past
    me first, poor psycho! LOL"
    Message-ID: <MCSIu.1$c56.0@fx32.fr7>

    The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus having still MORE delusions
    about growing a pair: "If ANYONE dared to grab me by the neck
    like that he'd get my fist in his face."
    Message-ID: <qeilfu$iog$1@gioia.aioe.org>

    In spite of all the evidence, the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
    STILL has delusions about growing a pair!
    "What kind of other-worldly pussies (men?) are you all? If someone
    would dare to grab me by the back of my neck like that and push me
    around, my instinctive, AUTOMATIC reaction would be to knock him in
    the face! NOBODY is allowed to do that to ANYONE!"
    Message-ID: <qfnPE.73303$YG3.18805@usenetxs.com>

    Best of all! From the Foreskin Peeler's doctoral dissertation in divinity, 'University' of Salonica (1992): "The jew g-d is your g-d's dad."

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)