• nuclear sub

    From mccoyrufus@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Sun Mar 19 17:40:53 2023
    Our Aust. govt is lying to us !!!!
    Firstly, the subs will be under US control. As Turnbull said, unless we can operate everything on board with Aust. personnel, we are not in control !!!!
    Secondly, the subs will be nuclear armed. No one can believe that you spend hundreds of billions to acquire a sub that stays underwater for months, but not nuclear arm it ?? A few decades ago, NZ disallowed US nuclear ships and subs to dock in their
    country. The US then claimed that the ships/subs don't carry nuclear weapons; and people said, "you want us to believe that you don't carry nuclear weapons, and if trouble arises you will sail 10,000 kms back to the US to load your nuclear missiles ??"

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