• =?UTF-8?B?SsOzIGxlbm5lLCBoYSBhICJuZW16ZXRpIGtvcm3DoW55IiBtZWdsw6lw?= =?

    From me@privacy.net@21:1/5 to All on Thu Aug 25 21:27:25 2022
    XPost: hun.politika

    vagy legalább a Mi Hazánk a zászlajára tuzné az ügyet.


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  • From =?UTF-8?B?TMOzZsWR?=@21:1/5 to me@privacy.net on Thu Aug 25 22:46:56 2022
    XPost: hun.politika

    On 8/25/22 15:27, me@privacy.net wrote:
    vagy legalább a Mi Hazánk a zászlajára tuzné az ügyet.


    look into the mess plaguing the once proud (legacy sense thank you) RAF


    értékrend háború dörög, nyerni kell vagy beledögleni.
    From my dynamic "I smell a skunk" checklist:
    While in the private sector people may include/exclude whomever they like/dislike there are many state quota programs to assure that minorities are not underrepresented in spheres where society as a whole is expected to bat for (presumably all) of its
    members. Thus if 50% are majority "A", 25% minority "B" and 25% minority "C" then item lists such as public TV actors and material should break down congruently. The reason that the concept of minimums or the brainwash proposed by critical-race
    aficionados is unacceptable is that inadvertent or intentional over-representation for one group results in under-representation for another so that either exact quotas or no quotas at all it must be. V-2021-05-02.

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