Is NATO prepared for a Russian invasion?
Countries whose last experience of combat was against Islamic State
terrorists are having to adjust to very different circumstances
In a pine forest two hours from Estonia’s border with Russia, preparation
for war is under way. American, British, French and Estonian soldiers are rehearsing what NATO would do if Vladimir Putin invaded. They’ve brought Challenger II tanks, an F-16 fighter jet and Himars artillery systems —
some of the best equipment the West has — for a fortnight of battle simulations. It means preparing for trench warfare, minefields, ambushes
and mortar strikes in -4°F and a foot of snow.
Останалото е в The Spectator, ма който му е любопитно да го чете там :)
«地 球 誕 生 在 牛 市 的 小 時 — Earth is born in the Bull's hour»
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