• Defeat =?UTF-8?B?4oCm?=

    From Nick@21:1/5 to All on Wed Oct 18 19:53:15 2023
    Наясно съм с епистемологията на публикацията, както с импакт фактора и h-
    индекса на автора, за това предлагам на Ивайло да наблегне на текста - има
    върху какво да мисли.


    By Dr. Michael Brenner

    The United States is being defeated in Ukraine. One could say that it is
    facing defeat – or, more starkly, that it is staring defeat in the face. Neither formulation is appropriate, though. The U.S. doesn’t look reality squarely in the eye. We prefer to look at the world through the distorted lenses of our fantasies. We plunge forward on whatever path we’ve chosen while averting our eyes from the topography that we are trying to
    traverse. Our sole guiding light is the glow of a distant mirage. That is
    our lodestone.

    It is not that America is a stranger to defeat. We are very well
    acquainted with it: Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria – in strategic terms
    if not always military terms. To this broad category, we might add
    Venezuela, Cuba, and Niger. That rich experience in frustrated ambition
    has failed to liberate us from the deeply rooted habit of eliding defeat. Indeed, we have acquired a large inventory of methods for doing so.

    Before examining them, let us specify what we mean by ‘defeat.’ Simply
    put, defeat is a failure to meet objectives – at tolerable cost. The term also encompasses unintended, adverse second-order consequences.

    First, hat were Washington’s objectives in sabotaging the Minsk peace plan and cold-shouldering subsequent Russian proposals, in provoking Russia by crossing clearly demarcated red lines, in pressing for Ukraine’s
    membership in NATO; in installing missile batteries in Poland and Rumania;
    in transforming the Ukrainian army into a potent military force deployed
    on the line-of-contact in the Donbas ready to invade or goad Moscow into preemptive action? The aim was to either pin a humiliating defeat on the Russian army or, at least, to inflict such heavy costs as to cut the
    ground from under the Putin government. The crucial, complementary
    dimension of the strategy was the imposition of economic sanctions so
    onerous as to implode a vulnerable Russian economy. Together, they would generate acute distress leading to the deposing of Putin – whether by a
    cabal of opponents (disgruntled oligarchs as the spearhead) or by mass
    protest. It was predicated on the fatally ill-informed supposition that he
    was an absolute dictator running a one-man show, The U.S. foresaw his replacement by a more pliable government ready to become a willing but
    marginal presence on the European stage and a non-player elsewhere. In the crude words of one Moscow official, “a tenant-farmer on Uncle Sam’s global plantation.”

    Third, ancillary benefits for the United States from a war over Ukraine
    that would bring Russia low were a) to consolidate the Atlantic alliance
    under Washington’s control, expand NATO and open an unbridgeable abyss between Russia and the rest of Europe that would endure for the
    foreseeable future; b) to that end, the termination of the latter’s heavy reliance on energy resources from Russia; and c) thereby, substituting higher-priced LNG and petroleum from the United States that would seal the European partners’ status as dependent economic vassals. If the last were
    a drag on their industry, so be it.

    The grandiose goals stated in (1) and (2) manifestly have proven
    unreachable -indeed, fanciful – a blunt truth not as yet absorbed by
    American elites. Those in (3) are consolation prizes of diminished value.
    This outcome was determined in good part, albeit not at all entirely, by
    the military failure in Ukraine. We now are about to enter the final act. Kiev’s vaunted counter-offense has gone nowhere – at an enormous cost to the Ukrainian military. It has been bled white by massive losses of
    manpower, by the destruction of the greater part of its armor, by the ruin
    of vital infrastructure. The Western-trained elite brigades have been
    mauled, and there no longer are any reserves to throw into the battle. Moreover, the flow of weapons and ammunition from the West has slowed as American and European stocks are running low (e.g. 155mm artillery
    shells). The shortage is being aggravated by newfound inhibitions about sending Ukraine advanced weapons which have proven highly vulnerable to
    Russian firepower. That holds especially for armor: German Leopards,
    British Challengers, French AMX-10-RC tanks as well as Combat Fighting
    Vehicles (CFV) like the American Bradleys and Strykers. Graphic images of burnt-out hulks littering the Ukrainian steppe are not advertisements for either Western military technology or foreign sales. Hence, too, the slow- walking of deliveries to Kiev of the promised Abrams and F-16s lest they
    suffer the same fate.

    The illusion of eventual success on the battlefield (with its envisaged
    wearing down of Russia’s will and capacity) is founded on a mistaken idea
    of how to measure winning and losing. American leaders, military as well
    as civilian, are stuck to a model that emphasizes control of territory.
    Russian military thinking is different. Its emphasis is on the destruction
    of the enemy’s forces, by whatever strategy is suited to the prevailing conditions. Then, in command of the battlefield, they can work their will.
    The aggressive tactics of the Ukrainians entails the throwing of its
    resources into combat in relentless campaigns to evict the Russians from
    the Donbas and Crimea. Unable to achieve any breakthrough, they invited themselves to a war of attrition much to their disadvantage. It has been succeeded by this summer’s all-out last fling which has proven suicidal.
    They thereby played into the Russians’ hands. Hence, while attention is fixed on who occupies this village or that on the Zaporizhhia front or
    around Bakhmut, the real story is that Russia has been dismantling the reconstituted Ukrainian army piece by piece.

    In historical perspective, there are two instructive analogies. In the
    last year of WW I, the German high command launched an audacious campaign (Operation Michael) on the Western Front in March 1918 using a number of innovative tactics (featuring commando squads, stormtroopers, equipped
    with flame-throwers) to punch holes in allied lines. After initial gains
    that brought them across the Marne, attended by very heavy casualties, the offensive petered out and allowed the allies to roll over their gravely depleted forces – leading to the final collapse in November. More
    pertinent is the battle of Kursk in July 1943 wherein the Nazis made a
    massive attempt to regain the initiative after the disaster at
    Stalingrad. Again, after some noteworthy success in breaching two Soviet defense lines they exhausted themselves short of their objective. That
    battle opened the long, bloody road to Berlin. Ukraine, today, has
    suffered huge losses of even greater (proportional) magnitude, without achieving any significant territorial gains, unable even to reach the
    first layer of the Surovikin Line. That will clear the road to the Dnieper
    and beyond for the 600,000 strong Russian army equipped with weaponry the
    equal of what we have given Ukraine. Hence, Moscow is poised to exploit
    its decisive advantage to the point where it can dictate terms to Kiev, Washington, Brussels et al.

    There is a new narrative that is scripted to stress these talking points:

    о It is Russia that has lost the contest because heroic Ukraine and a steadfast West have prevented it from conquering, occupying and
    reincorporating all of the country

    о By contrast, Sweden and Finland formally have joined the American
    camp by entering NATO. That complicates Moscow’s strategic plans by
    forcing a dispersion of its forces across a wider front

    о Russia has been politically isolated on the world scene (MB: that is because North America, EU/NATO EUROPE, Japan, South Korea, Australia & New Zealand have backed the Ukrainian cause. Not a single other country has
    agreed to apply economic sanctions; the “world” does not include China, India, Brazil, Argentina, Turkey, Iran, Egypt, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa et al).

    о The Western democracies have displayed unprecedented solidarity in responding as one to the Russian threat

    This narrative already has been given an airing in speeches by Blinken, Sullivan. Austin and Nuland. Its target audience is the American public;
    nobody outside the Collective West buys it, though – whether Washington
    has registered that fact of diplomatic life or not.

    Americans have become masters in the art of memory management.

    Think about the tragic shock of Vietnam. The country made a systematic
    effort to forget – to forget everything about Vietnam. Understandably; it
    was ugly – on every count. Textbooks in American history gave it little space; teachers downplayed it; television soon disregarded it as retro. We sought closure – we got it.

    In a sense, the most noteworthy inheritance from the post-Vietnam
    experience is the honing of methods to photoshop history. Vietnam was a warm-up for dealing with the many unsavory episodes in the post-9/11 era.
    That thorough, comprehensive cleansing has made palatable Presidential mendacity, sustained deceit, mind-numbing incompetence, systemic torture, censorship, the shredding of the Bill of Rights and the perverting of
    national public discourse – as it degenerated into a mix of propaganda
    and vulgar trash-talking. The “War on Terror” in all its atrocious aspects

    Cultivated amnesia is a craft enormously facilitated by two broader trends
    in American culture: the cult of ignorance whereby a knowledge-free mind
    is esteemed as the ultimate freedom; and a public ethic whereby the
    nation’s highest officials are given license to treat the truth as a
    potter treats clay so long as they say and do things that make us feel
    good. So, our strongest collective memory of America’s wars of choice is
    the desirability – and ease – of forgetting them. “The show must go on” is
    taken as our imperative. So it will be when we look at a ruined Ukraine in
    the rear-view mirror.

    Цялата публикация -> https://neutralitystudies.com/2023/10/defeat/

    «地 球 誕 生 在 牛 市 的 小 時 — Earth is born in the Bull's hour»

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Nick@21:1/5 to Ivaylo Ivanov on Fri Oct 20 17:07:26 2023
    On Fri, 20 Oct 2023 07:39:53 -0700 (PDT), Ivaylo Ivanov wrote:

    On Wednesday, October 18, 2023 at 3:53:18 PM UTC-4, Nick wrote:

    Наясно съм с епистемологията на публикацията, както с импакт фактора и
    h- индекса на автора, за това предлагам на Ивайло да наблегне на текста
    - има върху какво да мисли.

    САЩ е свободна страна и всеки има право на лично мнение, но според проф.
    Бренър до седмици ВСУ ще се разпадне и през зимата Русия ще стигне до
    Днепър (предполагам иска да каже, че ще вземат всички територии на изток
    от Днепър), та моя въпрос към теб е колко би заложил, че това ще се
    случи? Защото аз бих заложил много, че няма да се случи.

    Ха-ха, САЩ била свободна страна, но според професор Бренър … да не цитирам
    повече. Би ли споделил каква е връзката между това, че сте свободна страна
    и прогнозираното (според теб) от професора?

    А и защо трябва да залагам? На теб, ако ти се залага, давай, има
    достатъчно букмейкъри и по вашенско.

    И само това ли успя да измислиш? Само това ли те впечатли от текста?

    Между другото, къде в текста професор Бренър прави подобна прогноза?

    Ukraine, today, has suffered huge losses of even greater (proportional) magnitude, without achieving any significant territorial gains, unable
    even to reach the first layer of the Surovikin Line. That will clear the
    road to the Dnieper and beyond for the 600,000 strong Russian army
    equipped with weaponry the equal of what we have given Ukraine. Hence,
    Moscow is poised to exploit its decisive advantage to the point where it
    can dictate terms to Kiev, Washington, Brussels et al.

    Това не е прогноза, ако за него натякваш.

    Пак ли „Я Солженицин не читал, но оссуждаю!“


    By Dr. Michael Brenner

    The United States is being defeated in Ukraine. One could say that it
    is facing defeat – or, more starkly, that it is staring defeat in the
    Neither formulation is appropriate, though. The U.S. doesn’t look
    reality squarely in the eye. We prefer to look at the world through the
    distorted lenses of our fantasies. We plunge forward on whatever path
    we’ve chosen while averting our eyes from the topography that we are
    trying to traverse. Our sole guiding light is the glow of a distant
    mirage. That is our lodestone.

    It is not that America is a stranger to defeat. We are very well
    acquainted with it: Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria – in strategic
    terms if not always military terms. To this broad category, we might
    add Venezuela, Cuba, and Niger. That rich experience in frustrated
    ambition has failed to liberate us from the deeply rooted habit of
    eliding defeat.
    Indeed, we have acquired a large inventory of methods for doing so.

    Before examining them, let us specify what we mean by ‘defeat.’ Simply >> put, defeat is a failure to meet objectives – at tolerable cost. The
    term also encompasses unintended, adverse second-order consequences.

    First, hat were Washington’s objectives in sabotaging the Minsk peace
    plan and cold-shouldering subsequent Russian proposals, in provoking
    Russia by crossing clearly demarcated red lines, in pressing for
    Ukraine’s membership in NATO; in installing missile batteries in Poland
    and Rumania;
    in transforming the Ukrainian army into a potent military force
    deployed on the line-of-contact in the Donbas ready to invade or goad
    Moscow into preemptive action? The aim was to either pin a humiliating
    defeat on the Russian army or, at least, to inflict such heavy costs as
    to cut the ground from under the Putin government. The crucial,
    complementary dimension of the strategy was the imposition of economic
    sanctions so onerous as to implode a vulnerable Russian economy.
    Together, they would generate acute distress leading to the deposing of
    Putin – whether by a cabal of opponents (disgruntled oligarchs as the
    spearhead) or by mass protest. It was predicated on the fatally
    ill-informed supposition that he was an absolute dictator running a
    one-man show, The U.S. foresaw his replacement by a more pliable
    government ready to become a willing but marginal presence on the
    European stage and a non-player elsewhere. In the crude words of one
    Moscow official, “a tenant-farmer on Uncle Sam’s global plantation.”

    Third, ancillary benefits for the United States from a war over Ukraine
    that would bring Russia low were a) to consolidate the Atlantic
    alliance under Washington’s control, expand NATO and open an
    unbridgeable abyss between Russia and the rest of Europe that would
    endure for the foreseeable future; b) to that end, the termination of
    the latter’s heavy reliance on energy resources from Russia; and c)
    thereby, substituting higher-priced LNG and petroleum from the United
    States that would seal the European partners’ status as dependent
    economic vassals. If the last were a drag on their industry, so be it.

    The grandiose goals stated in (1) and (2) manifestly have proven
    unreachable -indeed, fanciful – a blunt truth not as yet absorbed by
    American elites. Those in (3) are consolation prizes of diminished
    This outcome was determined in good part, albeit not at all entirely,
    by the military failure in Ukraine. We now are about to enter the final
    Kiev’s vaunted counter-offense has gone nowhere – at an enormous cost
    to the Ukrainian military. It has been bled white by massive losses of
    manpower, by the destruction of the greater part of its armor, by the
    ruin of vital infrastructure. The Western-trained elite brigades have
    been mauled, and there no longer are any reserves to throw into the
    Moreover, the flow of weapons and ammunition from the West has slowed
    as American and European stocks are running low (e.g. 155mm artillery
    shells). The shortage is being aggravated by newfound inhibitions about
    sending Ukraine advanced weapons which have proven highly vulnerable to
    Russian firepower. That holds especially for armor: German Leopards,
    British Challengers, French AMX-10-RC tanks as well as Combat Fighting
    Vehicles (CFV) like the American Bradleys and Strykers. Graphic images
    of burnt-out hulks littering the Ukrainian steppe are not
    advertisements for either Western military technology or foreign sales.
    Hence, too, the slow-
    walking of deliveries to Kiev of the promised Abrams and F-16s lest
    they suffer the same fate.

    The illusion of eventual success on the battlefield (with its envisaged
    wearing down of Russia’s will and capacity) is founded on a mistaken
    idea of how to measure winning and losing. American leaders, military
    as well as civilian, are stuck to a model that emphasizes control of
    Russian military thinking is different. Its emphasis is on the
    destruction of the enemy’s forces, by whatever strategy is suited to
    the prevailing conditions. Then, in command of the battlefield, they
    can work their will.
    The aggressive tactics of the Ukrainians entails the throwing of its
    resources into combat in relentless campaigns to evict the Russians
    from the Donbas and Crimea. Unable to achieve any breakthrough, they
    invited themselves to a war of attrition much to their disadvantage. It
    has been succeeded by this summer’s all-out last fling which has proven
    They thereby played into the Russians’ hands. Hence, while attention is
    fixed on who occupies this village or that on the Zaporizhhia front or
    around Bakhmut, the real story is that Russia has been dismantling the
    reconstituted Ukrainian army piece by piece.

    In historical perspective, there are two instructive analogies. In the
    last year of WW I, the German high command launched an audacious
    campaign (Operation Michael) on the Western Front in March 1918 using a
    number of innovative tactics (featuring commando squads, stormtroopers,
    equipped with flame-throwers) to punch holes in allied lines. After
    initial gains that brought them across the Marne, attended by very
    heavy casualties, the offensive petered out and allowed the allies to
    roll over their gravely depleted forces – leading to the final collapse
    in November. More pertinent is the battle of Kursk in July 1943 wherein
    the Nazis made a massive attempt to regain the initiative after the
    disaster at Stalingrad. Again, after some noteworthy success in
    breaching two Soviet defense lines they exhausted themselves short of
    their objective. That battle opened the long, bloody road to Berlin.
    Ukraine, today, has suffered huge losses of even greater (proportional)
    magnitude, without achieving any significant territorial gains, unable
    even to reach the first layer of the Surovikin Line. That will clear
    the road to the Dnieper and beyond for the 600,000 strong Russian army
    equipped with weaponry the equal of what we have given Ukraine. Hence,
    Moscow is poised to exploit its decisive advantage to the point where
    it can dictate terms to Kiev,
    Washington, Brussels et al.

    There is a new narrative that is scripted to stress these talking

    о It is Russia that has lost the contest because heroic Ukraine and a
    steadfast West have prevented it from conquering, occupying and
    reincorporating all of the country

    о By contrast, Sweden and Finland formally have joined the American
    camp by entering NATO. That complicates Moscow’s strategic plans by
    forcing a dispersion of its forces across a wider front

    о Russia has been politically isolated on the world scene (MB: that is
    because North America, EU/NATO EUROPE, Japan, South Korea, Australia &
    New Zealand have backed the Ukrainian cause. Not a single other country
    has agreed to apply economic sanctions; the “world” does not include
    India, Brazil, Argentina, Turkey, Iran, Egypt, Mexico, Saudi Arabia,
    South Africa et al).

    о The Western democracies have displayed unprecedented solidarity in
    responding as one to the Russian threat

    This narrative already has been given an airing in speeches by Blinken,
    Sullivan. Austin and Nuland. Its target audience is the American
    nobody outside the Collective West buys it, though – whether Washington
    has registered that fact of diplomatic life or not.

    Americans have become masters in the art of memory management.

    Think about the tragic shock of Vietnam. The country made a systematic
    effort to forget – to forget everything about Vietnam. Understandably;
    it was ugly – on every count. Textbooks in American history gave it
    little space; teachers downplayed it; television soon disregarded it as
    retro. We sought closure – we got it.

    In a sense, the most noteworthy inheritance from the post-Vietnam
    experience is the honing of methods to photoshop history. Vietnam was a
    warm-up for dealing with the many unsavory episodes in the post-9/11
    That thorough, comprehensive cleansing has made palatable Presidential
    mendacity, sustained deceit, mind-numbing incompetence, systemic
    censorship, the shredding of the Bill of Rights and the perverting of
    national public discourse – as it degenerated into a mix of propaganda
    and vulgar trash-talking. The “War on Terror” in all its atrocious

    Cultivated amnesia is a craft enormously facilitated by two broader
    trends in American culture: the cult of ignorance whereby a
    knowledge-free mind is esteemed as the ultimate freedom; and a public
    ethic whereby the nation’s highest officials are given license to treat
    the truth as a potter treats clay so long as they say and do things
    that make us feel good. So, our strongest collective memory of
    America’s wars of choice is the desirability – and ease – of forgetting
    them. “The show must go on” is taken as our imperative. So it will be
    when we look at a ruined Ukraine in the rear-view mirror.

    Цялата публикация -> https://neutralitystudies.com/2023/10/defeat/

    «地 球 誕 生 在 牛 市 的 小 時 — Earth is born in the Bull's hour»

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Nick@21:1/5 to Ivaylo Ivanov on Fri Oct 20 17:40:37 2023
    On Fri, 20 Oct 2023 10:27:54 -0700 (PDT), Ivaylo Ivanov wrote:

    On Friday, October 20, 2023 at 1:07:28 PM UTC-4, Nick wrote:

    On Fri, 20 Oct 2023 07:39:53 -0700 (PDT), Ivaylo Ivanov wrote:

    On Wednesday, October 18, 2023 at 3:53:18 PM UTC-4, Nick wrote:

    Наясно съм с епистемологията на публикацията, както с импакт фактора
    и h- индекса на автора, за това предлагам на Ивайло да наблегне на
    текста - има върху какво да мисли.

    САЩ е свободна страна и всеки има право на лично мнение, но според
    проф. Бренър до седмици ВСУ ще се разпадне и през зимата Русия ще
    стигне до Днепър (предполагам иска да каже, че ще вземат всички
    територии на изток от Днепър), та моя въпрос към теб е колко би
    заложил, че това ще се случи? Защото аз бих заложил много, че няма да
    се случи.

    Ха-ха, САЩ била свободна страна, но според професор Бренър … да не
    цитирам повече. Би ли споделил каква е връзката между това, че сте
    свободна страна и прогнозираното (според теб) от професора?

    Връзката е, че професора може да изрази "дисидентско" мнение за войната
    без да се страхува за живота и свободата си, както би било в Русия, но
    не виждам особени причини защо трябва да се съгласим с него (когато е
    направил очевидно абсурдни прогнози).

    Шикалкавиш - „дисидентското“ в публикацията на професора е по отношение на
    шатите, а не на Русия.

    И си запомни отговора добре, защото ще ти го цитирам всеки път, когато
    пуснеш някоя публикация от някой дисидент в Русия.

    А и защо трябва да залагам? На теб, ако ти се залага, давай, има
    достатъчно букмейкъри и по вашенско.

    Защото, ако наистина вярваше в глупостите написани от него, не виждам
    защо не би заложил на тяхната правота.

    Не знам как живееш с глупостите, които пишеш. Явно не ти минава през
    главата мисълта, че просто може да не съм хазартен тип.

    И само това ли успя да измислиш? Само това ли те впечатли от текста?

    Да, само това. Изразил е мнение, с което не съм съгласен, и след това е
    дал прогноза базирана на мнението, която намирам за нищожно малко
    вероятна. Ти какво измисли?

    Прогноза?! Я пак.

    Между другото, къде в текста професор Бренър прави подобна прогноза?

    Не е съвсем ясно в текста даден от теб, но може да се чуе ясно в това
    интервю дадено няколко дена след публикацията на есето:

    Трогнат съм от представата ти за мен, че съм господ и мога да знам какво е
    бил казал професорът в някакво интервю.

    Разбра ли сега защо си лъжец?

    Ukraine, today, has suffered huge losses of even greater (proportional)
    magnitude, without achieving any significant territorial gains, unable
    even to reach the first layer of the Surovikin Line. That will clear
    the road to the Dnieper and beyond for the 600,000 strong Russian army
    equipped with weaponry the equal of what we have given Ukraine. Hence,
    Moscow is poised to exploit its decisive advantage to the point where
    it can dictate terms to Kiev, Washington, Brussels et al.
    Това не е прогноза, ако за него натякваш.

    Пак ли „Я Солженицин не читал, но оссуждаю!“

    Не, по-добре осведомен от теб и "оссуждаю!“

    Аха, аха, ако беше по-добре осведомен, нямаше да е „и оссуждаю“.

    «地 球 誕 生 在 牛 市 的 小 時 — Earth is born in the Bull's hour»

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From chorbalan@21:1/5 to Ivaylo Ivanov on Fri Oct 20 17:50:15 2023
    On Fri, 20 Oct 2023 10:27:54 -0700 (PDT), Ivaylo Ivanov wrote:

    Връзката е, че професора може да изрази "дисидентско" мнение
    за войната без да се страхува за живота и свободата си

    Само за работата си. Мислиш ли че е малко?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Nick@21:1/5 to Ivaylo Ivanov on Fri Oct 20 18:33:45 2023
    On Fri, 20 Oct 2023 08:40:25 -0700 (PDT), Ivaylo Ivanov wrote:

    On Friday, October 20, 2023 at 11:09:47 AM UTC-4, ИлиевBG wrote:

    On Friday, October 20, 2023 at 5:39:55 PM UTC+3, Ivaylo Ivanov wrote:

    On Wednesday, October 18, 2023 at 3:53:18 PM UTC-4, Nick wrote:


    до седмици ВСУ ще се разпадне и през зимата Русия ще стигне до Днепър
    (предполагам иска да каже, че ще вземат всички територии на изток от
    Днепър), .....

    Половината Киев е на изток от Днепър :)

    Ето как се запътиха към Днепър: https://youtu.be/fbuNBEy2ItI

    Загубите от вчера: 55 танка и 120 бронирани машини.

    Ха-ха, кой глупак наскоро се оплакваше тук, че съм се бил позовавал на
    някакви абсолютно неизвестни канали в youtube?

    Untold News

    Можеш ли да ни припомниш?

    А приложи ли уменията си в епистемологията към това видео? Явно не, защото
    иначе нямаше да го пуснеш.

    «地 球 誕 生 在 牛 市 的 小 時 — Earth is born in the Bull's hour»

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From chorbalan@21:1/5 to Ivaylo Ivanov on Sat Oct 21 00:51:52 2023
    On Fri, 20 Oct 2023 13:06:10 -0700 (PDT), Ivaylo Ivanov wrote:

    On Friday, October 20, 2023 at 1:50:18 PM UTC-4, chorbalan wrote:
    On Fri, 20 Oct 2023 10:27:54 -0700 (PDT), Ivaylo Ivanov wrote:

    Връзката е, че професора може да изрази "дисидентско" мнение
    за войната без да се страхува за живота и свободата си
    Само за работата си. Мислиш ли че е малко?

    Човека ми изглежда на дълбока пенсия. Но дори да беше действащ
    професор не виждам как това есе щеше да му навреди на работата.

    Сериозно? Или си кьорав, както обикновено когато ти изнася..

    Приказваш глупости.

    По-скоро ти.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)