• Anti-semitism festers in current US political and social climate, repor

    From Susan Cohen@21:1/5 to All on Sat May 20 18:15:28 2023
    XPost: can.politics, soc.culture.usa, talk.politics.misc
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh

    WASHINGTON, April 17 (Reuters) - The social and political climate in
    the United States has become fertile ground for antisemitism in recent
    years, according to a report released on Monday by advocacy group Anti-Defamation League and the Tel Aviv University.

    Expressions of hatred against Jews have become "mainstreamed and
    normalized," and incidents of violence, vandalism, and harassment of
    Jews have increased, the report said.

    The report linked the rise of antisemitism to trends such as growing
    populism, political polarization and an increase in hate crimes

    It said that conspiracy theories and hate that were once relegated to
    the fringes of the far-right "have seeped into the mainstream of the
    political right."

    A version of the "great replacement theory" cloaked in "more moderate
    and not overtly antisemitic language" has broadly spread in segments
    of the Republican Party, the report said, adding that Fox News host
    Tucker Carlson also gave voice to the conspiracy theory on his show.

    The conspiracy theory fosters the belief that leftist and Jewish
    elites are engineering the ethnic and cultural replacement of white
    populations with non-white immigrants. According to this belief, the
    cabal of political and business elite would be kept in power by the
    masses of indebted non-whites.

    Carlson has denied being antisemitic, and the Republican National
    Committee passed a resolution earlier this year condemning

    The report released Monday also mentions recent events such as former
    President Donald Trump hosting white supremacist Nick Fuentes at his
    private club in Florida late last year.

    Trump, who is running for president again in 2024, said the encounter
    with Fuentes happened inadvertently while he was having dinner with
    Ye, the musician formerly known as Kanye West. Ye was banned from
    social media last year for antisemitic remarks.

    The report also said that the political left wing has pushed
    antisemitism as well by falsely stating Jews have too much power and
    wealth to face racism and discrimination.

    More than 3,600 antisemitic incidents were recorded in the United
    States in 2022, more than in any year since the Anti-Defamation League
    began tracking the issue in 1979.


    Once again, jews are pointing fingers everywhere but at themselves.
    The reason for anti-semitism now and all throughout history is jew

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