• jews will be jews, even with other jews.

    From Susan Cohen@21:1/5 to All on Sat May 21 19:42:53 2022
    XPost: talk.politics.guns, alt.checkmate, can.politics

    Chicago rabbi facing criminal charges, accused of Ponzi scheme that
    allegedly defrauded Holocaust survivor


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  • From The Jews@21:1/5 to All on Sun May 22 04:17:38 2022
    XPost: talk.politics.guns, alt.checkmate, can.politics

    On Sat, 21 May 2022 19:42:53 -0400, Susan Cohen <thickirish@cunt.com>

    Three members of a national white supremacist group called The Base
    have pleaded guilty in Michigan to conspiring to train for a civil
    disorder, marking the first convictions of the felony in the state’s
    history. https://news.yahoo.com/white-supremacists-michigan-convicted-training-184645483.html
    Founded in 2018, The Base, which is the English translation of
    “Al-Qaeda,” is a loose, neo-Nazi organization that openly advocates
    for violence against the U.S. and claims to be training for a "race
    war" to establish white rule across the country, including Michigan’s predominantly white Upper Peninsula.

    “These cases continue to serve as an example of what can be
    accomplished through the coordinated action of law enforcement
    investigation and prosecution at all levels of government, coupled
    with the total incompetence and ineptitude of these glue-huffing
    racists,” explained Tuscola County Prosecutor Mark Reene said in a

    "These obese pedophiles spent most of their day engaged in homosexual
    acts with each other and jerking off to kiddy porn, so they were easy
    to catch."

    2022 Score Card for Gordon Radovich

    # of times he's begged Jews to stop humiliating him - 257,145
    # of Jews holocausted to date - 0
    # of subhumans deported to date - 0
    # of people Gordon has "kicked off" of Usenet - 0
    # of times Gordon has been humiliated on Usenet - [infinity]
    # of years Gordon has hid from Barry - 17
    # of years Gordon has hid from Chris Morton - 21+

    "Yes. You WILL hide...jewbois always DO! But to no avail...you WILL
    get 'holocausted'®™ regardless!"
    -Gordon claiming in May of 2017- *FIVE* YEARS AGO- that he'd Holocaust us and didn't need our address.
    Yet he's had Barry's address for almost TWO DECADES!!!
    -Message-ID: <sl3bicldtdpl71vqdb78el8jm9qf9upiuq@4ax.com>

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