• L.A. City Council votes to allow the demolition of a Jewish and labor m

    From Laurie Davis@21:1/5 to All on Sat Mar 9 04:22:40 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.los-angeles, alt.society.liberalism
    XPost: talk.politics.guns

    Tear this shithole city slumlord building down before it falls

    The Los Angeles City Council voted unanimously Friday to allow
    the demolition of a century-old building in the Westlake
    neighborhood that served as a Jewish landmark and later as the
    heart of labor organizing in the city.

    The vote was a victory for Catholic Charities, which bought the
    building historically known as the B’nai B’rith Lodge in 2018
    but later said it was “seriously dilapidated and structurally
    unsound” and could threaten the safety of the surrounding

    Catholic Charities, a nonprofit organization connected to the
    Archdiocese of Los Angeles, filed a lawsuit against the city in
    2023, saying it had wrongly been denied permission to tear down
    the ornate 1924 structure.

    The group said in court documents that the city would not allow
    demolition of the property on South Union Avenue because it “may
    be historic,” making it subject to further additional review, as
    well as because any future projects on the lot must comply with
    the California Environmental Quality Act.

    Community preservationists and advocates argued that a potential
    demolition would be a blow to crucial L.A. history. Instead,
    they urged Catholic Charities to repair the building and put it
    to use.

    The Rev. Dylan Littlefield, the chaplain at the Cecil Hotel who
    has become involved in preservation battles, said the lodge’s
    demolition would mean the destruction of a place that stood as a
    “testament to the resiliency and the diversity of the city of
    Los Angeles.”

    Esotouric, a tour company that advocates for historic
    preservation and public policy, told The Times before the
    settlement vote was announced that the public should have a
    chance to comment. The company called the lawsuit — and any
    prospective settlement — a potential “land-use decision about
    the right to demolish a cultural resource.”

    The city attorney’s office declined to comment, citing the
    pending litigation.

    The B’Nai B’rith lodge was designed by the famed Jewish
    architect Samuel Tilden Norton, who also designed the Wilshire
    Boulevard Temple.

    It was built in the early 1920s as the home for an L.A. chapter
    of the B’nai B’rith, a Jewish service organization with New York
    roots. At the time, members of the B’nai B’rith felt a “desire
    to really be accepted by the leaders of the city,” according to
    Steven Luftman, a heritage conservation consultant.

    “They felt that if they only built a grand enough meeting hall,
    that that would be one step toward being recognized as part of
    the community,” said Luftman, who wrote an application for the
    lodge to be deemed a historic-cultural monument.

    After a few years of being a community hub for Jewish L.A., the
    building was sold in 1930 to the Fraternal Order of Eagles. It
    then had a brief tenure as clubhouse for the Safeway Employees’
    Assn. before it became the headquarters of the American
    Federation of Labor Teamsters Joint Council 42.

    It became the site for rapid growth of the labor movement, and
    is where the Teamsters elected their first Black official, John
    T. Williams, according to Luftman.

    “The AFL Teamster building was the heart of the Los Angeles
    labor movement and ground zero for much of the union organizing
    that transformed Los Angeles into a metropolitan powerhouse,”
    said Chris Griswold, Teamsters Joint Council 42 president.

    B’nai B’rith International said in a statement that the lodge
    “represents an important part of the history of our organization
    in Los Angeles.”

    “However this is resolved, it would be important to the history
    of Los Angeles Jewry to note that B’nai B’rith met there,” the
    statement said.

    Catholic Charities and the archdiocese respect the building’s
    history and “have been in communication with both the Jewish
    community and labor leaders throughout this process,” the
    religious groups said in a joint statement. “Our concern has
    always been the safety of the dilapidated property and well-
    being of our neighborhood.”

    In the lawsuit, Catholic Charities said it has no projects
    planned for the lot, and stressed that its intention is to
    simply demolish the lodge.

    “Catholic Charities incurs ongoing costs of hundreds of
    thousands of dollars a year to maintain and secure the building,
    which is vacant, deteriorated and unstable,” the court document
    read. “These funds are being diverted from critical programs to
    help disadvantaged communities.”

    The groups said their hope was to “work with the community and
    the council office to eventually find a use for the property
    consistent with Catholic Charities’ mission, such as community
    food service, an emergency shelter, transitional youth housing,
    before and after school care, and older adult services.”

    Littlefield, the chaplain at the Cecil Hotel, said Catholic
    Charities’ rationale was “just an excuse to justify their desire
    to tear the building down.”

    “The building itself could be a place of empowerment,”
    Littlefield said. “The building itself could be a place where
    more movements like this takeoff, where more great things
    happen, where more lives are saved and changed.”


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