• The Rabbis are beyond rebuke.

    From Jos Boersema@21:1/5 to All on Sun Nov 19 16:46:30 2023
    title: The abundance of converts to Judaism prior to Mashiach’s arrival. link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4VN4YtK5v0
    source: Lawrence Hajioff

    https://www.sefaria.org/Deuteronomy.29.19 (Exile is punishment.) https://www.sefaria.org/Amos.9.9 (Purpose of exile is _removal_ of the
    sinners, by death.)

    You seem to argue a bit like the opposite: Israel is between the Nations
    to "gather sparks", but where is the source for this _in the Tanach?_
    There in Deuteronomy 29:17 it says: _Perchance there is among you some
    man or woman, or some clan or tribe, whose heart is even now turning
    away from our God יהוה to go and *worship the gods of those nations*
    (...)_ (End quote.) Sun idol worship: *Lamp of Helena.* Not keeping to
    the Torah: *prosbul.* The followers of Hillel the Elder still break the
    Torah, and did so the entire exile. The idol is again ready and waiting
    in Yerushalayim. I do not comprehend this, sorry. It seems the Rabbis
    have no fear or respect for the Torah, and the Creator, despite all that
    which has happened. He has done to you, as he has said, and it will have
    to continue. I therefore think that the worst is threatening now.

    All these pretty words "moshiach is close, the Redemption is near",
    yes and I suppose that it is, but what if for the vast majority, Israel
    being forced back to the Torah means only one thing ... _death._ Does
    this scare you ? It should. Return to the Torah, while you still can. The Rabbis have to repent also. Nice stories, like chalking the walls white,
    are worth nothing when the dying commences. Sigh. You are an idolatrous
    Nation, Israel, and you broke the Torah. Isn't it enough now ?

    What saddens me almost the worst, is that a comment like this is usually
    met with arrogance and anger. "How dare you go against the authority,
    the audacity, etc etc". "How dare you write more than two lines,
    you must think you are the King of the world eh ?." This attitude is
    already idolatry, and why idolatry is so dangerous. This is a debate on
    the Torah, that's all. Focus on the _content_ not the people. This is
    the cost of idolatry: everything becomes worship of people, the content
    is lost. I think the future looks exceptionally bleak. The Rabbis are
    blocking the Redemption themselves. Don't say you haven't been warned,
    Israel. 7 times worse, remember ? Why do you have to let it get this
    bad, why don't you take the easy route, repent and live happy ever
    after. Rabbis repent first, then the rest. Why not ? Most Rabbis cannot
    repent, because of their arrogance and positions, people who pay them
    etc. The Jewish Establishment is corrupt, has been so since Hillel
    the Elder. It just never changes. Imagine the pain needed to _force_
    the issue, if the Redemption is now ...


    The comment quickly disappeared from youtube. Funny how they only want meaningless 2 line comments which add zero content or debate to anything
    and are basically nuisance support messages. Use the thumbs up and stay
    out of the comment section if you have nothing to say. Youtube comments
    are even worse than Usenet.

    Anyway, your deaths are on you. It is about time I stop trying, this is
    getting crazy. See you after the second holocaust. It seems about 1 in
    20 will survive it. You didn't want to do your Torah, you made your
    choice abundently clear. The silence is deafening.

    The war is going great in Gaza, nothing to worry about ? The master of
    your little Vassal State, the USA, is busy creating a World War, and
    they seem to want to entice Iran into the fight. Why don't you look up
    the size of the Iranian population, and while you are at it do the same
    for Turkey. If that doesn't scare you, which means you are either insane
    or exceptionally loyal to your God, go look up the size of Russia. All
    this mess is now focussing on little Israel. Is the war in Gaza still
    going well ? It might not even matter. A lot of anger is being arranged
    against you, which can become deadly.

    Why can NATO terror bomb civilians without a problem, but Israel can
    not ? Because you are not them. They control their own mass media for
    their own benefit. They can call a bloody Nazi coup a democratic
    Revolution, and they can call a democratic uprising against Tyranny an
    invasion by another Empire. It doesn't matter, the truth is mostly
    irrelevant. People don't care about truth. The news is a short
    entertainment show in the evening. So long as the story sounds fun, they
    are good with it. "Hearing the other side ? Oh please, that's tiring. We
    just want to hear everything from the 'god perspective', because we
    worship our ruling class, and they own our shallow minds."

    The ruling gangsters don't like the Torah, for obvious reasons. "Help for
    the poor, people having a right to land, the rich must lend without
    interest and nullify the loan in the 7th year, and we cannot even order
    the fools on the bottom to worship the Sun so we can erase their minds
    ?!" No, the ruling criminals don't like the Torah. Israel carries the
    Torah. This means on principle they want to wipe you out, forever.

    You have only one place to go for safety: toward your Torah, toward your
    God. If you stay in that circle, you should be safe. You will inspire
    the Nations to change their ways, and this will disempower the ruling
    criminals in those Nations. They will find it hard to go to war on you,
    with the populations of the Earth thinking so highly of you. Indeed, it
    could be a political death sentence for them if they dared propose it.

    This is what you gave up, when you gave up on your Torah. What you
    earned, was death and hatred. Humanly speaking, it is next to impossible
    to defeat the Nations, alone and without help, without wanting to be
    good. Even your God would be against you. Perhaps He will still fight
    for you, but if you cannot be good enough, you yourselves are the ones
    messing up your Paradise.

    ... and so Israel, blinded and idolatrous, made her choice. She wants to
    die at the hands of the goyim, rather than return to the Torah and stop
    her idolatry. I see no more hope to change it, time is running out, if
    it hasn't already. You chose this yourself, Israel. You knew the
    consequences, they have been told to you in your own Torah.

    Humanity cannot go on playing both good and evil, not with the toys they
    have and will have. At least I do think that it is not possible. I know
    most people don't even care, the problem doesn't seem to exist for them.
    For them, today was eternity, and that a few centuries ago everything
    was completely different, and in a few more centuries things can be
    again completely different, it doesn't seem to bother them much. i do
    not see the future with this humanity, and neither with Israel in it's
    current state. The ruling class, which is completely evil, is constantly
    at the initiative, and much of this technological power goes to them.

    (Hopefully I can go quiet again, and stop talking to deaf ears. See you
    after the second holocaust, 7 times worse than the Nazis. You wanted it,
    then I guess you got it. Ohh you want it both ways, not being good
    (enough), but still benefit as if you are. Okay, you go try that pipe
    dream of yours, we will see how it ends.)

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