Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part D - Dar Kabatoff
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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part D - Dar Kabatoff
March 2nd 2021 9:11 am 68,576 words
This book is dedicated to the memory of online poker player Madmooselle Moire Monet (pronounced “Mon A”), she was a princess who lived in a palace in Paris and suffered from urinary incontinence and an itchy ear. Later Monet revealed her true
identity, she was the Virgin Queen of Bosnia, living in exile in a palace in Paris where she would frequently piss her panties. Moire Monet claimed it was her destiny to regain her throne and unite the Balkans, then go on to invade Turkey and udderly
crush Islam. Monet said she wanted women to secure Europe and help her rule Bosnia or end up being sex slaves. Men were enamored with Moire Monet, she dressed scantily and giggled frequently, and she appeared to play with her hair but all she was really
doing was scratching her itchy ear. Moire Monet proclaimed her love for Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Judge Jeanine Pirro, Sanity for Sweden, Salty Cracker, The Constitution of the United States of America, and for fellow poker player Guest517 (who
dresses like a dork). Moire loved Guest517 with an intense and never-ending love while at the same time hated Guest404 more than she hated men (Guest404 was just too pretty and polite to be real, and she was friends with Guest517). The Madmooselle was
banned from the MSN platform on February 16th 2021, she leaves behind several broken hearts and a large assortment of very nice clothes.
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Honour killings shouldn’t be called ‘barbaric.’” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“They are not sexual assaults, but ‘honour’ rapes.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
"We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics." - Joe Biden speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can’t remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?” - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
The biggest gold play in the world may be the golden triangle in northwest British Columbia Canada, the companies that have staked claims have absolutely massively sized claims. It is illegal for Canadians to pan or sluice the rivers and creeks in
this large region of the province of British Columbia, the land is reserved for the rich elite who can afford a team of lawyers to stake the claims. Similarly it is illegal to pan for gold in the creeks and rivers in Magadan, as all the gold belongs to
Putin. The governments in both Canada and Russia prefer that you are poor and that you don’t have a firearm. Maybe we should emigrate to Finland, the people in Finland take pride in making firearms, we could take our metal working and other tools with
us to Finland and be a blessing to the people of that nation. We can’t stay in Canada as all the political parties allow people to be tortured to death with psychiatric drugs, they even train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become psychiatrists at the
University of Saskatchewan, and all the political parties want votes from these “immigrants”. If you sing Jingle Bells and adopt the Catholic fertility rites, then you will gain favors (employment, spouse and family) and of course never be persecuted
for your beliefs. Try to tell these Catholics that they have Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches and they will call you a pedophile and hand you over to a Hindu psychiatrist who will tell you that you think too much about penises. Try to tell
these Catholics that their priests are teaching traditions in place of God’s Commandments, try to tell them that their churches are censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, and you will be arrested for upsetting Catholics in the community, then
you will be driven past the four Egyptian dinks built into the front gates of the University of Saskatchewan and handed over to a Hindu psychiatrist who will say you think too much about penises and cannibals. Or you will be handed over to psychiatrist
Doctor Gene Marcoux who will say that everybody turns trees into decorated blinkin’ idols and sings Jingle Bells, and if you think otherwise then you are deluded and deserving of a needle up your arse. Then with your jaw locked open and your skin and
tongue turned to hard leather, and with your head pounding in pain, try to tell people in the community that you are being tortured by Hindus and listen to the laughter. You have Egyptian penises on the roofs of your God-damned Catholic churches
including upon many of the Seventh-day Adventist (aka Catholic) churches, your priests and ministers teach you to turn your homes into blinkin’ temples of fertility, you sing Jingle Bells, claim Jews run the world, and you are happy. And it makes you
even happier when you see that your so-called Protestant Queen teaches you to abide by Catholic fertility rites.
Consider TIG welding an aluminum landing craft for yourself, with a TIG welded heated cabin, and TIG weld one of them aluminum rafts to pull behind your landing craft, and load it all up with your supplies and head to the Lena River Delta, or maybe to
Finland. Doukhobors and the other Canadians that desire to toil and have a peaceful life are more likely to achieve that by living in Russia, or Finland. Doukhobors who desire to avoid persecution can remain in Canada with their blinkin’ trees and
continue to avoid meaningful discussions. Seriously, if white people and the First Nations peoples can’t agree to form a government and deport the Asian and African from Canada, then the white people in Canada should flee to Scandinavia, or Yakutia, or
Magadan. Should Canada and USA both function as Republics, we could close our doors to the entire world and be rich beyond measure. But the patriots are not fighting for their nations, instead they are Catholics who laugh at me when I inform them I am
being tortured by Hindu psychiatrists for daring to criticize their blinkin’ trees, there is no future for me in Canada. There is not even a future for Aboriginal Indians in Canada, for they focus on blocking pipelines rather than airports, they too
have the highest regard for their blinkin’ trees. The Indian in Canada appeal to the Islamic United Nations and to the British Crown for assistance rather than to God, and they don’t even consult with their grandmothers.
Oh look, now Trudeau hands $2000/month to foreigners attending schools in Canada to assist them to overcome the Chinese virus, and nothing to Canadians who were unable to earn money during 2019, and who did not have the resources to attend schools,
nor rent apartments (see “International students, Temporary Foreign Workers eligible for Trudeau's coronavirus bailout money” by Rebel News posted April 2nd 2020 on YouTube). That $2000 given to the foreign students and to other non-Canadians, is
more than what most Canadians usually earn in a month. Again, Trudeau borrows “money” from banks which the banks made out of thin air, gives this “money” to foreigners, and then gets Canadians to pay the compound interest on the unnecessary debt.
So the Chinese kids get allowances sent to them from their families back in China during 2019, and that makes them eligible to now get $2000 per month ($500 per week) from the Canadian Liberal government that you pay compound interest on. Trudeau hands
out $2000/month not just to the Chinese students, but to Islamic students as well. So this Chinese Virus is an excuse for Trudeau to hand over more money to the invading Islamists. Like the carbon tax, the Fear Flu ends up being just another Jizya tax to
aid the spread of Islam. People have many millions of dollars to spend on having me tortured for years, certainly they can also afford to pay the compound interest on this additional debt. If they are smart enough to spend billions of dollars annually
turning trees into decorated idols, smart enough to pay many millions of dollars to torture me in psychiatric facilities for criticizing their churches (they all adopted Catholic fertility rites), then they are smart enough to pay compound interest on an
unnecessary debt, and just smart enough to pay Jizya to an invading Islamist army. Trudeau calls this $2000/month payment to the invaders the CERB program, or the Canada Emergency Response Benefit, the white Canadians who are not eligible for the CERB
program yet who applied and are receiving funds, will have to pay back the money. The Chinese and Saudis who received money in 2019 from their parents back home in China and Saudi Arabia makes them eligible for the $2000/month, which they may keep.
Oh look, see Rebel News again, Trudeau puts Islamic and other illegally arriving “immigrants” into hotel rooms instead of turning them back or putting them in tents or jails. Oh look, Trudeau reserves hotel rooms in advance at Canadian hotels, he
holds rooms in anticipation of people entering Canada illegally, and pays hundreds of thousands, perhaps even millions of dollars for the empty hotel rooms being held in reserve for the arriving invaders. Oh look, Trudeau fills our military barracks with
infected invaders. Oh look, the Canadian military did not fight to keep their barracks. Oh look, we have docked submarines to get our soldiers to work upon. Oh look, we are buying jets that don’t have the range to patrol our large nation. Oh look, we
have no costal defense guns. Oh look, we have soldiers deployed on Russia’s border and not defending Canada, America or Europe from Islamic invasion. Oh look, we have soldiers defending one group of Islamists who treat their cattle better than women,
in place of another group of Islamists who treat their cattle better than women. Oh look, we have soldiers that are raping women in their own platoons. And oh look, Trudeau is allowing China to microwave Canadians. Canadians respond by singing Jingle
Bells and laughing at me, calling me a pedophile, assaulting me, stealing from me… Anybody who criticizes your blinkin’ fertility traditions is a religious nut who is worthy of laughter.
Oh look. Canada’s government has abrogated its responsibility to look out for our best interests and now instead allows foreigners to invade our nation. The Canadians (both red and white) sit back and wait for their “Christmas” holidays, but
different aspects of this pagan holiday are in direct opposition to God’s First Three Commandments. God dothn’t care which particular fertility cult occupies and rules any nation, He sees Canadians adopting Catholic traditions instead of His Laws and
allows a flood of people who abide by yet another set of traditions in place of His Laws.
The farmers who own millions of dollars of farm land and a few guns just sit back and laugh at the psychiatric abuse victims and the impoverished, they gleefully go to resorts each winter and sing Jingle Bells there, thinking that their lives, wealth,
homes and possessions are secure. Canadians allow psychiatry to thrive to the extent that they allow Sikhs, Islamists and Hindus to be trained in psychiatry at Canadian universities, and then allows these pagans to practice their “art” in Canada
without being Canadian citizens. It is not an issue to the rich farmers, they have the money to send their children to the best schools in Canada, where most of the students in the classes will be Chinese and Saudi Arabian. The children of the wealthy
farmers won’t have to work while attending school, they will have accommodations provided to them as close to the university as humanly possible, they may focus on their degrees and on their money-making futures. The white farmers in South Africa are
facing genocide, and no nation, including Canada, will provide safe haven for the white farmers of South Africa. Trudeau spends Canadian taxpayer money to pay the airfare and bring Islamists to Canada directly from Africa and Asia, and then pays the
subsequent costs after their arrival here, but not a penny goes to assist the white people facing genocide in South Africa. The blacks come in the night to torture and kill the white farmers in South Africa, I expect the same will occur here as well, and
the media will be silent on it, and when it becomes common knowledge the politicians and the media (agents of the Catholic Church) will blame the murders of the white farmers on global warming, or racism against blacks. Rich farmers on the prairies laugh
when they hear that their blinkin’ trees are nothing more than pagan idols, they laugh when they hear that I faced years of brutal horrid torture for daring to speak out against their pagan traditions. The farmers carry on laughing at the Doukhobors
for one hundred and twenty years now - the Ukrainian farmers used to heap scorn upon the Doukhobor farmers, but since they taught the Doukhobors to join with them in their Catholic fertility rites, the Doukhobors have become accepted (and even more so if
they anglicized their names). The farmers have not an ounce of compassion in their hearts for anything other than their Catholic fertility rites, their desire is to sit down and have a big family dinner next to their blinkin’ sacrificed tree where they
and their children pray and thank God they are not like me, and they and their children pay for years to come for the new and upgraded torture facilities in North Battleford and Saskatoon, in partnership with some billionaires. The Indians at James Smith
First Nation are getting $46.89 annually for their share of the diamond wealth discovered on their traditional hunting grounds, maybe each taxpayer will only have to pay $46.89 annually to lock me up and drug me, it’s a cheap and easy solution, just
print some more “money” to pay for the drugs you inject in my arse. Food production on the Canadian prairies is about to plummet due to Islamists, Marxists, Anarchists and First Nations starting to take shots at the farmers doing their rounds, due to
purposely set grass fires, due to fuel and parts shortages, due to inclement weather, due to vaccinations… and whatever food is produced will be sent to China and hoarded by others.
The coming famine in North America will result in a great abundance of corpses resulting in wild boar, wolf and bear populations ballooning in numbers. That’s why I recommend getting your child at least a .243 calibrated rifle as the bullet has
enough mass and energy to pierce the hides and bones of these animals. Try to stay in groups, consider chartering many ships and emigrating to Russia by landing at Magadan, bring machining tools, ATV’s, Skidoos, guns and such, always watch out for
wolves and tigers there. Doug Cuthand and the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix are pushing for a First Nation’s – Black Alliance, if that is what the native grandmother’s want then I think it would be best to move to Magadan and to Yakutia via Magadan. We’
ll get permission from Putin to bring our guns with us when we emigrate, we’d be idiots to go there unprotected. Whichever country that accepts a mass immigration from Canada would be blessed by the wealth that we would bring with us and by the wealth
we create while living there. If we were allowed an orderly exit from Canada, then we could bring our machines, guns and wealth with us, and leave the rich farmers to their plight. All they do is sing Jingle Bells and laugh anyway.
Oh look, Trudeau makes it possible for foreigners to work in Canada. Oh look, my dad Sam died, when we went to the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) to deal with the paperwork, we were directed to an office of a woman who was an Iranian
citizen. Oh look, the bank official you talk to regarding obtaining a loan may be of the Islamic faith and be a citizen of a foreign nation. Oh look, we are using our universities to train Islamists to become psychiatrists, who may then work here
torturing Canadians while remaining as citizens of foreign nations. Oh look, our present city mayor is employing non-Canadians as well. Concerned about your safety, Sasktel will send an Islamist to your home to insure your security system, television and
internet are working just fine. Oh look, we have more Chinese soldiers in Canada, and we also have more Islamic soldiers in Canada, than we have Canadian soldiers. Oh look, there is an army in Canada that is entirely composed of black people, and many of
the soldiers in that army are children. Oh look, in Canada children can kill you without facing any serious penalties. Oh look, Mexican gang members no longer require visas to enter Canada. Well look at the good side of life, all these people are busy
Nothing in the Canadian Constitution grants Canadians the right to own land nor guns (you just get a temporary permit to possess the gun and pay taxes on the land), and that constitution foisted upon you allows them to pay you in paper or plastic
coupons, and in coins manufactured out of carcinogenic metals. There are people here that are trying to utterly destroy you and they want you to deal with it by getting a blinkin’ tree (and by staying home and singing Jingle Bells). The Canadian
Indians don’t care too much that the constitution doesn’t guarantee our rights to own guns nor land as they have guns and land. If Canadians try to obtain a new constitution that guarantees guns and land, then the Indians will complain to the crown.
The crown claims ownership of the gold and other resources, and prevents the Indians and others from extracting gold from the North Saskatchewan River. The ruling class dothn’t want Canadians to mine gold, they want Canadians to work for wages, and
they want the Canadians to be impoverished and hand over the nation to Islamists, so they don’t have to pay wages to women. It is like the Australian gold rush, the Australian government did what it could to keep people from leaving their jobs and
searching for gold.
Oh look, now Trudeau will buy your guns, he will borrow “money” from banks that the banks make out of thin air, and will have Canadians pay back this “money” at compound interest. Trudeau makes you a slave by failing to pay you in real money (
gold and silver coins) then has you slave away so you can pay the compound interest on paper “money” borrowed from the banks used to buy your guns. Slaves are paid in paper promises and not allowed to have guns. Trudeau borrows massive amounts of
money and hands it over to Islamists, then challenges the white Europeans to not only repay the “money”, but to pay the compound interest on this massive debt. The white Europeans in Canada and USA are slaves, they are unable to mount even a feeble
attempt to control their ports of entry.
The unpleasant white British people (in England) are now being spied on with drones and reported if they dare walk outside (especially if they are walking dogs), while the Moslems are still allowed to congregate in large numbers. Brits have become
second class citizens in their own nation, just as Canadians have become. The Brits have an excuse though, as they gave up their guns and are nice. And the Canadians have an excuse as well, as they are too indebted to buy guns as the jobs and resources
are all directed to the invaders, and they too are nice. Being nice to invaders is more important than protecting your nation. In Canada the Islamists bought courier franchises and get further aid from Sikh truck drivers to help them move arms and drugs
across the nation. Some people (the Islamists and Sikhs) are on top of things and are actively preparing for a period of adversity, while the Canadian children are taught to ram their penises up each others arseholes.
Many of the unpleasant white European old stock Canadians desire to separate the western provinces from eastern Canada - should they get enough Islamic, Hindu, Sikh and Catholic votes they may succeed and separate, and then they would retain the use
of and continue to fund psychiatry, and they likely would also continue to pay people in inflationary paper promises instead of with real money, which is gold and silver coins, nor would they help the homeless get established in their own small country
homes. The wealthy farmers don’t want poor white people around unless to shovel grain. Everybody will be allowed to have guns in Alberta’s new western separation deal except those people who criticized the Catholic Church and faced psychiatric
torture as a result.
The laws in Saskatchewan allowed the psychiatrists to torture me for a three week period, then I would be wheeled into a psychiatric appeal panel hearing and allowed to appeal my sanity, which is very difficult when sleeping in the wheel chair or if
awake with my head banging in pain while undergoing the worst possible case of nauseous horror, my jaw would be locked open and my mouth and tongue have dried up and turned to leather. Because of my condition I would limit my appeal by stating that the
Bible repeatedly condemns turning trees into decorated idols and that people are in fact bowing to these trees when they place and retrieve presents at the base of the trees. After years of being tortured by Hindus, white Catholic psychiatrist Doctor
Gene Marcoux took over torturing me with drugs, and the horror he brought upon me with these drugs dwarfed by magnitudes what the Hindu psychiatrists did to me. I told Doctor Gene Marcoux that all the different drugs he was forcing upon me had death as a
side effect, and he just smiled and said it was his call. Then eventually this white Catholic psychiatrist Gene Marcoux heard me state my defense at one of these three-week appeal panel hearings, he smiled and said that I was deluded, because everybody
does it (turn trees into decorated idols). The Catholics seated across the table from us at that psychiatric appeal panel hearing smiled together with Marcoux and gave him permission to torture me for another three weeks. That was the law in Saskatchewan,
they are allowed to torture you for a three-week period, then allow you to appeal your sanity, then they allow you to be tortured for a second three-week period, then on the final day of the six-weeks of torture the victim will be given a depot drug (
long lasting psychiatric drug) injection and sent on his or her way. The psychiatrists never torture people for a single three week period as they are allowed to keep their victims for a second three week torture session, back to back, and earn twice the
amount of money.
Then the New Democratic Party (NDP) came to power in Saskatchewan, and their first act of legislation was to allow the psychiatrists to force medication upon the victims after the initial six-weeks of confined horror. Normally they would release me
after six weeks of torture, then a few weeks later a police officer would approach me and say, “You have a long term history of mental illness, you are under arrest.” Generally some ignorant Catholic would be offended by my words, call the police and
I would be arrested for speaking, and returned to another six weeks of brutal horrid torture, and the pain and the nausea of the drugs would remain for weeks after the six weeks of confined torture. But then the communist New Democratic Party (NDP) came
to power and they legislated more of people’s rights away – they gave the Hindu and Catholic psychiatrists the right to torture people with drugs for the remainder of their lives, not just for the six week periods with a short interruption, but for
every week thereafter, people were forced to take psychiatric drugs after they were released from the six weeks of confined horror. The NDP came to power in Saskatchewan and removed additional rights from the people, then the people in British Columbia
and Alberta elected NDP provincial governments as well. Then after the NDP were voted out of power in Saskatchewan, the subsequent Saskatchewan Party kept the NDP’s new 24/7 torture legislation on the books. People laughed at me (and assaulted me, and
robbed me, and libeled me) when I tried informing people in the community that I was being tortured by Hindus, now they train Islamists and Sikhs to become psychiatrists in our universities, and allow these people to torture Canadians without they
themselves being Canadian citizens.
The Canadian NDP went on to elect a Sikh to head their communist party, and other left-wing Canadians appointed another Sikh to run the Canadian military. People did not know that the NDP and Liberal parties were both communist parties, then these two
communist parties merged the seats they won and took power, they gave Canada’s wealth and all of Canada away to the world’s poor and to their Islamic and Chinese buddies, they insured that they gave so much money away that Canadians would never be
able to recover. Indeed, the major right-wing provincial and federal parties in Canada are also implementing Communist agendas for they too are using taxpayer money to fund their assorted businesses, they too import the third-world to help keep wages low,
and they too cater to and seek votes from the Islamists, Sikhs and Hindus. The Canadians and their children and grandchildren and great grandchildren would have to slave away for the remainder of their lives just to try to pay the compound interest on
the debt the communists created when they gave the newly printed money away to the Africans and Asians. Considering the high Islamic birth rate with the four wives, and additional births due to sex slaves and rape, and considering the increasing numbers
of Islamists flooding across our border and into Canada, and considering the increasing numbers of Islamists coming from Saudi Arabia to take up seats at our universities, Canadians should expect the tipping point, where the Islamists have such a high
percentage of the Canadian population, that they will make increasing demands upon the white European population. The police will act as in England, where if you are beaten and raped by an Asian or African man, then the police fail to come that day to
investigate, if at all, but if you say something regarding Islam, if you even dare to quote and discuss some Islamic teachings, the police will immediately be at your door and charge you with hate speech.
All the mainstream political parties in Canada are seeking the Islamic, Sikh and Hindu vote, so nobody will address the issue of Islamists, Sikhs and Hindus being trained as psychiatrists in Canada and "working" in Canada without them even being
Canadian citizens. The same is going on in other western nations. People have no compassion for the victims of psychiatric horror, they just want to fly to resorts each winter and sing Jingle Bells. The left and the right unite each winter to decorate
and bow to trees and sing Jingle Bells together, and together these Catholics employ psychiatrists to prevent criticisms of the Catholic faith they hold in common. Even the atheists adopt the Catholic fertility rites, when one adopts God-damned Catholic
fertility rites, then one becomes a God-damned Catholic.
People are compassionless to me and to other victims of psychiatric horror, all sit back and allow psychiatry to not only continue, but to thrive. They train Islamists to become psychiatrists at Canadian universities, I sure hope that works out for
you people. I complained for years about being tortured by Hindu psychiatrists, people laughed and laughed. Now you also train Islamists and Sikhs to become psychiatrists, that should help matters even more. Borrowing money from your children so that you
may build new torture facilities in North Battleford was one of your finer moves. Look at the American experience in the matter, veterans are being tortured in psychiatric facilities in the USA while the educated talk. They talk and talk and talk, much
more talk than in this little book you are reading now. Americans allow their veterans to be tortured in psychiatric facilities and sleep on the streets, and then honor them by sticking statues of veterans next to or on top of Egyptian penises, which
they bow to when they place wreaths constructed out of evergreen trees at the base of these pagan dinks. The Americans annually turn their homes into blinkin’ temples of evergreen tree fertility, then they go to war cemeteries and decorate the
tombstones of the war dead with additional green symbols of fertility – these soldiers fought for your freedom, not for your Catholic fertility rituals. The Americans embrace pagan fertility rites, then God allows members of alternative fertility cults
to invade their country. Canadian, Australian and American universities all reserve seats to train foreigners from radically different cultures to become brutal psychiatrists.
Since 1988 I started talking about being tortured by Hindu psychiatrists, it is 32 years of talking and nobody cares, psychiatric torture is not an issue, all people want to do is turn trees into blinkin’ fertility tree idols and sing Jingle Bells.
When people embrace pagan fertility rites then God allows their nations to be ruled by members of alternative fertility cults. Canadians are compassionless to me and to other victims of psychiatric horror, they deserve the loss of their nation to Islam.
The Chinese are isolating bat viruses, this latest onslaught was likely a test run and other bat viruses will soon be released upon the world. Trudeau allows the Chinese to fly in daily, directly from Wuhan where they develop the bat viruses, people
don’t really care and then sing Jingle Bells. Our native aboriginal Indians sell their grain to China and then block pipelines, rather than block airports and seek to maintain a seven year supply of food reserves – the Bible supports the idea that we
should save food in anticipation of a future period of adversity (Genesis 41). So, Canadians respond to criticisms of their Catholic fertility rituals by training and employing Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to torture the offending Canadians in psychiatric
facilities, and then when China launches viral warfare against Canadians, the Canadians respond by allowing infected foreigners a continued free pass into our nation while they shelter in their homes waiting for an appropriate time to bow to decorated
idols and to sing Jingle Bells. The Ukrainian community in Canada is certain to be using their free time to turn numerous eggs into lavishly decorated fertility idols. Nobody really cares what God says about embracing the pagan fertility rites, people
are sure that killing and decorating evergreen trees is an acceptable sacrifice to God.
[continued in next message]
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