• Here is my new invention..

    From World-News2100@21:1/5 to All on Sun Oct 10 14:33:58 2021

    I am a white arab, and i think i am smart since i have also
    invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    Here is my new invention of a fast, and scalable and starvation-free and
    fair and lightweight Multiple-Readers-Exclusive-Writer Lock called
    LW_RWLockX, and now i have included two units that are called MREWEx and LighweightMREWEx that include TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer and TLightweightMREW classes that are scalable and starvation-free and fair
    since they are using my Scalable LW_RWLockX that is starvation-free and
    fair, also BeginRead() and BeginWrite() of LightweightMREWEx are
    reentrant (recursive), so in other words, if a thread already called BeginWrite(), it can call BeginWrite() again and it will succeed and it
    will not deadlock, and the same applies to BeginRead(), please take a
    look at them inside the source code of my units.

    You can download it from my website here:


    Here is also my way of how i am becoming rich:

    First i want to say that i have passed four IQ tests and some of them
    are certified and i have scored high, so i am highly smart, second,
    my methodology is also that i am reading many PhD papers of researchers
    and i am seeking the weaknesses of them, and i have found many
    weaknesses on those PhD papers and from those weaknesses i have invented
    many software scalable algorithms and algorithms and i have invented
    some powerful software tools for parallelism etc., so i give you an
    example of one of my invention that is: A Scalable reference counting
    with efficient support for weak references, so that you understand that
    i am truthful, here it is:


    But the truth is that i have invented many scalable algorithms such
    as this one, and i have made public some of them. And here is another
    example of how i am inventive and creative in operational research too,
    i have just read the following book (and of other books like it) of a
    PhD researcher about operational research and capacity planning, here
    they are:

    Performance by Design: Computer Capacity Planning by Example


    So i have just found that there methodologies of those PhD researchers
    for the E-Business service don't work, because they are doing
    calculations for a given arrival rate that is statistically and
    empirically measured from the behavior of customers, but i think that it
    is not correct, so i am being inventive and i have come with my new
    methodology that fixes the arrival rate from the data by using an hyperexponential service distribution(and it is mathematical) since it
    is also good for Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks and i will write a
    powerful book about it that will teach my new methodology and i will
    also explain the mathematics behind it and i will sell it, and my new methodology will work for cloud computing and for computer servers.

    You can read more about my education and my way of doing here:

    And here is more proof of the fact that i have invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms:


    Thank you,
    Amine Moulay Ramdane.

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