• More of my philosophy about social order and Love..

    From World-News2100@21:1/5 to All on Thu Oct 7 14:04:50 2021

    More of my philosophy about social order and Love..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I invite you to look at the following french video:

    Introduction au marché de l'Amour


    I think that the above video is making philosophical immaturity,
    since the french guy in the above video is too materialistic, so he has
    the tendency to explain Love and virginity by the way of sex, but
    i think this way of thinking it with sex is a childish way of thinking,
    since the mature way of thinking is to say that we have to be a trust relationship so that we be Love, since when we are trust relationship,
    it is much easy to become Love or universal Love, and this is my way of
    doing below, since by writing my poems of Love as i am writing them, i
    am showing my kind of personality since i am a gentleman type of person,
    and by doing it i am seeking to construct a trust relationship with
    others, and from this trust relationship we can easily attain Love or
    universal Love, so my way of doing is not about sex.

    More of my philosophy about my poems of Love..

    And of course you can read my other poems of Love in english and french
    from here:


    And here is my new poem of Love called "Seeing you across this beautiful street"

    I invite you to listen to the following beautiful
    song, reading at the same time my new poem of Love

    Laurent Voulzy Le Rêve Du Pêcheur


    Here is my new poem of Love:

    Seeing you across this beautiful street

    It is how we want to beautifully meet

    Seeing you across this beautiful street

    Since you are the beautiful and sweet

    Since my beautiful heart is coming to you as an athlete

    Seeing you across this beautiful street

    It is as i am listening to your beautiful heartbeat

    Seeing you across this beautiful street

    So am i the beautiful Love or am i the Islamic sunnite ?

    Seeing you across this beautiful street

    So this is how our Love is so beautiful and concrete

    Thank you,
    Amine Moulay Ramdane.

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