• Fear is the Enemy (or Will to Power)

    From Raskolynikov@21:1/5 to All on Sat Nov 26 02:27:42 2022
    You might wonder how is it possible that a nation who had so many great scientists and philosophers, virtually invented Christianity as I know it
    by Martin Luther, had Hegel, Kant, Karl Marx, Goethe, Gutenberg, Planck,
    ... ends up committing a virtual genocide against so many neighbouring

    There were several approaches to this that come to mind, although I cannot claim for certain, only being a "smart general after the war" and learning
    from second-hand sources.

    The first approach is called "cooking the frog". Mr. Adolph Hitler did not
    come with "endlosung" in 1933. It is doubtful whether by that time it
    was conceived in form of Auschwitz and Treblinka at all.

    Germans had to gradually adapt to the exponentially growing totalitarian systems.

    But that would be impossible without the second factor: the Fear.

    Germans were existentially afraid and on the brink of extinction,
    with ramping hyperinflation, billions of worthless Weimar Republic
    Marks and under a heavy load of sanctions and debts and reparations
    from the Versailles treaty and WW1.

    In fact, they were even more demoralised by the moral decay in
    the Weimar Republic that destroyed the German traditional moral
    values, and made them slaves of debauchery, growing homosexualism
    and a number of other things that Mr. Hitler saw as degeneration.

    He appeared to provide a solution to the nation stripped of its power,
    but not the will to power, for it is innate to human beings. If we are
    without any power in a hostile world in which everything wants to
    kill us, rob us or otherwise destroy us morally, we will be destroyed.
    So, the will to power is not only coming from arrogant rulers who
    want to rule over the song of the birds. It is coming from virtually
    every existentially endangered individual and nation. For we are
    witnesses that the weaker or otherwise "impure" races are left
    to perish to hunger, disease, slaughter, and/or collateral damage,
    in which they do not count (because they are not white or they
    are the wrong shade of white).

    "A strong hand" is desired as a warrant of protection and basic survival
    when existential threats arise. Mr. Hitler was recognised as such.
    In this, I am not interested in blaming Germans, Nazis or even
    Mr. Adolph Hitler of Mr. Goebbels, but better understand the
    mechanisms that make good people execute, condone or approve
    gruesome acts, mostly "for the better good", usually but not limited
    to the faith, patriotism, the political Party in power, or some
    figure with authority. Even a small local networked tyrant or informer.

    What we see on small scale as mobbing or bullying is not harmless
    exercise of power on those who "made themselves victims",
    psychology thereof exculpating the abusers. It has the potential
    to blow into a full-scale witch hunt against individual or a genocide
    against an ethnic, religious or political group. Thus the totem
    of power is reerected. The phalus of the authority is reerected,
    and its power is the warrant of the survival of the species,
    religion, or political group.

    It is so basic and functions through the unconscious parts of the
    collective conscience, called scapegoating. The evil and degeneration
    that threatens the group's existence is projected on the scapegoated
    group. When the scapegoated groups is punished for the evil,
    by abusive treatment or even death, the peace is restored. Alas,
    only temporarily, for which is the enemy against to blame.

    This happens because they nation which comes through a process
    of "purification" doesn't come to the cross and takes responsibility
    for innate evil or misbehaviour. It short-circuits this process, trying
    to cheat karma and become superior group or nation by sacrificing
    others, instead of individual purification and search for enlightenment
    which is the mark of true Aryan nations just as early German

    As all of these behaviours are exponentially growing through denial
    of God, His Law, His Commandments, and establishment of human
    authority that replaced or forbids Christ, governments killing their
    own citizens surpass by orders of magnitude every other cause of
    death, possibly excluding only abortion.

    in the Lord

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Raskolynikov@21:1/5 to All on Sat Nov 26 12:02:40 2022

    Why is this so important?

    Often we hear how Nazis stole Jewish precious gold and silver acquired over
    the generations, but we fail to see that Germans sold or pawned and lost most of their generational wealth and family gold and silver to Jewish bankers and pawn shops in just over a decade, most bankers and pawn shop owners being

    However, though he mostly figured out what brought Germany to its knees, spoiling German virgins and youths with no ideal or traditional values into debauchery (doesn't that seem familiar, like the history is repeating?), Mr. Adolph Hitler failed to find the right means to remedy the peril German nation was obviously rushing into.

    In fact, he let most of the bankers and influential Jews go to the US or Palestine,
    while he picked on peaceful Torah observing Jews who acquired gold as a means of saving value by generational accumulation of honestly earned wealth through craftsmanship, savings, tithing, and charitable work. For such had less money to escape and were less agreeable to move.

    Coincidentally, Mr. Hitler's battle was oriented on the external weakness: mentally
    ill, congenitally deformed, birth diseases, whom he'd dispose of first in the German
    nation alongside homosexuals and communists, and with approval of psychiatric and medical experts and professionals, to which Jews and Jewish-invented psychiatry
    largely remained silent, as eugenic movement was strong in the West, too. Somewhat
    even envying Germany for she had a "strong hand" to remove denegerates from the reproduction list and create the desired "Übermensch".

    This is, however, completely against teachings of Jesus Christ, even if approved by
    Pope of Rome himself: Jesus taught that evil comes from within, from man's heart with evil desires, and his own lusts. External fear of punishment only makes
    people behave while they sense they are watched, but in reality the projection of
    evil on an individual or a group (a.k.a. blaming "witches" for a miscarriage, death,
    or deformed birth) can make the mob behave satanically evil beyond understanding or logic.

    However, prophet Daniel already predicted that the "King of North", the preimage of
    the final Antichrist will make an alliance with those of the Jews who abandon the Covenant
    and the Ten Commandments and despicably so as it is a mark of "bigots", uneducated,
    or otherwise "white trash".

    So the real culprits for the demise of Weimar Republic were permitted to move and continue elsewhere, leaving the sheep for slaughter behind.

    Eventually, the projection of our own evil and weakness onto the environment and/or
    individual or group psychologically decreases our power to control or mend our circumstances. "We only have ourselves to blame for playing the game", said a poet.

    The true path own enlightenment starts with facing own fears and demons first, and
    this is not momentary, easy or without ups and downs. This is why psychiatry calls this
    quack healing, while its own soothing problems into complacency and non-action of
    changing anything in life and stop of individual and spiritual growth is called "medicine"
    and "science". Just like once eugenics were, but Nazis did such a poor job on it that it
    cannot be used any longer by that term, but "biological psychiatry" was invented instead.

    An eye-opening wisdom was the TikTok wisdom of discerning "mental illness", as something
    that should make an individual apt for sterilisation to prevent degeneracy going to offspring,
    and "mental injury", which should not be treated as such, just as we do not castrate everyone
    who broke and arm or a leg. We put them into a cast and let the nature take its course of healing.

    Biological psychiatry, on the other hand, claims that the problem is in neurotransmitter
    imbalance, and that this is by 50% chance hereditary, so if you got sexually abused or bullied
    as a kid, or have poor economic circumstances (which are all highly correlated with mental illnesses),
    there is a best practice that you should not procreate either.

    However, Mr. Hitler's method of purification of genes and behaviour and morals in German nation
    was also highly ineffective in the long run, for nowadays Germany has among highest rate of
    homosexuals, and an average rate of schizophrenics and mentally ill, despite sterilising or
    terminating about a half a million schizophrenics and mentally ill, none of them having their
    place of memory in any nation, nor there is a anti-defamation league against those speaking
    against schizophrenics and pro new "schizocaust" (in fact, still sounds purifying and positive,
    doesn't it)?

    In fact, the rate of survival of schizophrenics in the Third Reich might have been even smaller than
    that of their Jews and Gypsies (other external source of impurity), but that is not commonly
    called into memory on Yad Vashems (for many psychiatrists committing schizophrenic Germans
    to sterilisation or termination were also Jews, the very practice being invented by them).

    However, here is the key wisdom in the commandment "love thy enemies", for this makes you
    more humane, while retaliating usually ends up on the wrong people and you lose the moral
    advantage of an innocent victim. For once you retaliate, you are no longer having been an innocent
    victim as well.

    Only certain nations and countries have the propaganda sufficient to sustain both after the demise
    of Third Reich.

    The purification has to come from within, the way the evil comes. This is what even martial arts
    masters know, that they have to face their own demons before facing the enemy. Or they will be
    badly beaten and bruised. (Or dead or disabled, in life or death matches allowed in some countries.)

    The real enemy is Satan the Devil, but even more our own carnal nature, our own flesh, out of which
    come seven deadly sins that can really kill us for good: pride, envy, greed, lust, laziness, gluttony, and

    What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, but all overprotective systems over time destroy their
    proteges. Mostly it happens once they grow enough that they are not helpless infants but develop
    some capacity for competence or threat. Then they have to be on the side of the system - or destroyed.

    in the Lord

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Raskolynikov@21:1/5 to All on Sat Dec 3 08:20:16 2022
    Madness is not something exclusive owned by the mentally ill: we can witness that crowds
    at the stadium could easily be turned against each other with baseball clubs or other potentially
    hazardous or lethal equipment.

    Indeed, I've noticed how the collective mind and the collective unconscious are easily swayed
    and manipulated. However, the society has to function somehow.

    Not so long ago, it was sufficient that two men shout: "Burn the witch!" and the witches of Salem
    were burned. There were lynch mobs and not so long ago an otherwise very rational nation
    succumbed to the mass psychological manipulation of a couple of men who shouted: "Juden! Juden!"

    The society protects itself in various ways, one of them being physical elimination of the "dangerous
    individuals" (assassination of the proponents of dangerous ideologies). The other is labeling and
    secluding the "mad" as the "mentally ill".

    How good it works, it will be left to history to judge. But certainly, it provides a means of the social
    control, for having an Athens-style democracy with critical thinkers requires Stoics and Philosophers.

    However, those would largely not agree with the proponents of today's ideologists who largely
    seek personal power or material wealth and control rather than the Universal Truth or the
    "meaning of Life, Universe and Everything Else".

    This means that they will have to lie and deceive the masses. Even use "The Big Lie".
    In order to do so, they will have to label and seclude if not eliminate physically everyone who could
    disclose them before time and thereof put an end to their game and deception.

    As their lord is the Dark One whom they accepted as the Light Bearer, they will inevitably turn
    against all spirituality and every search for meaning that is not about the difference between
    Gucci or Versace.

    Their means are deception and propaganda, but their end is commercialisation of every aspect of
    life, including private armies, privatisation of state and ethnos and the church. The church which
    agrees with their dogma will be the Harlot, and the remnant who does not agree with selling the
    basic function of saving the souls will become persecuted Virgin (or become again).

    Here psychiatry now labels those who are danger to disclose the deception, but after I while
    the deception of the system they serve will require elimination of all seven major religions, so
    everybody would worship only SMP (Sex, Money, Power of Authority).

    Only gods and goddesses of Sex and Death (embodied in Kali, Cuculkhan, Seth, Moloch and
    other forms of devil worship).

    in the Lord

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From dolf@21:1/5 to Raskolynikov on Sun Dec 4 19:34:30 2022
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh


    #THREE: #54 as #54 - UNITY (K'UN)
    #FOUR: #142 as #61 - EMBELLISHMENT (SHIH)
    #FIVE: #196 as #34 - KINSHIP (CH'IN)

    #63 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR 4 DECEMBER 2022 as [#1, #2, #10, #700] /
    #525 as [#6, #5, #400, #2, #6, #50, #50, #6] = bîyn (H995): {UMBRA: #62
    % #41 = #21} 1) to discern, understand, consider; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
    perceive, discern; 1a2) to understand, know (with the mind); 1a3) to
    observe, mark, give heed to, distinguish, consider; 1a4) to have
    discernment, insight, understanding; 1b) (Niphal) to be discerning, intelligent, discreet, have understanding; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to
    understand; 1c2) to cause to understand, give understanding, teach; 1d) (Hithpolel) to show oneself discerning or attentive, consider
    diligently; 1e) (Polel) to teach, instruct; 2) (TWOT) prudent, regard;

    @1: Sup: 6 - CONTRARIETY: LI (#6); Ego: 6 - CONTRARIETY: LI (#6),
    @2: Sup: 11 - DIVERGENCE: CH'A (#17); Ego: 5 - KEEPING SMALL: SHAO
    @3: Sup: 6 - CONTRARIETY: LI (#23); Ego: 76 - AGGRAVATION: CHU (#87),
    @4: Sup: 8 - OPPOSITION: KAN (#31); Ego: 2 - FULL CIRCLE: CHOU (#89),
    @5: Sup: 14 - PENETRATION: JUI (#45 - I AM NOT A DOER OF WRONG
    {%1}); Ego: 6 - CONTRARIETY: LI (#95),
    @6: Sup: 64 - SINKING: CH'EN (#109); Ego: 50 - VASTNESS / WASTING:
    T'ANG (#145),

    @7: Sup: 33 - CLOSENESS: MI (#142); Ego: 50 - VASTNESS / WASTING:
    T'ANG (#195),

    @8: Sup: 39 - RESIDENCE: CHU (#181 - I LEND NOT A DEAF EAR TO THE
    Ego: 6 - CONTRARIETY: LI (#201),
    Male: #181; Feme: #201
    } // #525

    #142 as [#6, #10, #80, #10, #30, #6] /
    #196 as [#6, #30, #50, #80, #30] / [#6, #50, #80, #30, #30] = nâphal
    (H5307): {UMBRA: #160 % #41 = #37} 1) to fall, lie, be cast down, fail;
    1a) (Qal); 1a1) to fall; 1a2) to fall (of violent death); 1a3) to fall prostrate, prostrate oneself before; 1a4) to fall upon, attack, desert,
    fall away to , go away to, fall into the hand of; 1a5) to fall short,
    fail, fall out, turn out, result; 1a6) to settle, waste away, be
    offered, be inferior to; 1a7) to lie, lie prostrate; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1)
    to cause to fall, fell, throw down, knock out, lay prostrate; 1b2) to overthrow; 1b3) to make the lot fall, assign by lot, apportion by lot;
    1b4) to let drop, cause to fail (fig.); 1b5) to cause to fall; 1c)
    (Hithpael); 1c1) to throw or prostrate oneself, throw oneself upon; 1c2)
    to lie prostrate, prostrate oneself; 1d) (Pilel) to fall;

    @1: Sup: 6 - CONTRARIETY: LI (#6); Ego: 6 - CONTRARIETY: LI (#6),
    @2: Sup: 16 - CONTACT: CHIAO (#22); Ego: 10 - DEFECTIVENESS,
    @3: Sup: 15 - REACH: TA (#37); Ego: 80 - LABOURING: CH'IN (#96),
    @4: Sup: 25 - CONTENTION: CHENG (#62); Ego: 10 - DEFECTIVENESS,
    @5: Sup: 55 - DIMINISHMENT: CHIEN (#117); Ego: 30 - BOLD RESOLUTION:
    YI (#136),
    @6: Sup: 61 - EMBELLISHMENT: SHIH (#178); Ego: 6 - CONTRARIETY: LI
    Male: #178; Feme: #142
    } // #142

    @1: Sup: 6 - CONTRARIETY: LI (#6); Ego: 6 - CONTRARIETY: LI (#6),
    @2: Sup: 36 - STRENGTH: CH'IANG (#42); Ego: 30 - BOLD RESOLUTION: YI
    @3: Sup: 5 - KEEPING SMALL: SHAO (#47); Ego: 50 - VASTNESS /
    @4: Sup: 4 - BARRIER: HSIEN (#51); Ego: 80 - LABOURING: CH'IN (#166
    - I AM NOT SLUGGISH {%11}),
    @5: Sup: 34 - KINSHIP: CH'IN (#85); Ego: 30 - BOLD RESOLUTION: YI
    (#196 - I AM NOT ONE OF LOUD VOICE {%37}),
    Male: #85; Feme: #196
    } // #196


    Madness is not something exclusive owned by the mentally ill: {@1: Sup:
    80 - LABOURING: CH'IN (#80); Ego: 44 - STOVE: TSAO (#44)}

    we can witness that crowds at the stadium could easily be turned against
    each other with baseball clubs or other potentially hazardous or lethal equipment. {@2: Sup: 31 - PACKING: CHUANG (#111); Ego: 72 - HARDNESS:
    CHIEN (#116)}

    Indeed, {@3: Sup: 51 - CONSTANCY: CH'ANG (#162); Ego: 77 - COMPLIANCE:
    HSUN (#193)}

    I've noticed how the collective mind and the collective unconscious are
    easily swayed and manipulated. {@4: Sup: 44 - STOVE: TSAO (#206); Ego:
    67 - DARKENING: HUI (#260)}

    However, {@5: Sup: 66 - DEPARTURE: CH'U (#272); Ego: 15 - REACH: TA (#275)}

    the society has to function somehow. {@6: Sup: 15 - REACH: TA (#287);
    Ego: 32 - LEGION: CHUANG (#307)}

    Not so long ago, {@7: Sup: 73 - ALREADY FORDING, COMPLETION: CH'ENG
    (#360); Ego: 37 - PURITY: TS'UI (#344)}

    it was sufficient that two men shout: " {@8: Sup: 17 - HOLDING BACK:
    JUAN (#377); Ego: 28 - CHANGE: KENG (#372)}

    Burn the witch!" {@9: Sup: 27 - DUTIES: SHIH (#404); Ego: 79 -

    and the witches of Salem were burned. {@10: Sup: 57 - GUARDEDNESS: SHOU
    (#461); Ego: 37 - PURITY: TS'UI (#488)}

    There were lynch mobs and not so long ago an otherwise very rational
    nation succumbed to the mass psychological manipulation of a couple of
    men who shouted: " {@11: Sup: 67 - DARKENING: HUI (#528); Ego: 53 -

    Juden! {@12: Sup: 30 - BOLD RESOLUTION: YI (#558); Ego: 45 - GREATNESS:
    TA (#586)}

    Juden!" {@13: Sup: 74 - CLOSURE: CHIH (#632); Ego: 45 - GREATNESS: TA

    The society protects itself in various ways, {@14: Sup: 32 - LEGION:
    CHUANG (#664); Ego: 71 - STOPPAGE: CHIH (#702)}

    one of them being physical elimination of the "dangerous individuals" (assassination of the proponents of dangerous ideologies). {@15: Sup: 16

    The other is labeling and secluding the "mad" as the "mentally ill".
    {@16: Sup: 36 - STRENGTH: CH'IANG (#716); Ego: 1 - CENTRE: CHUNG (#713)}

    How good it works, {@17: Sup: 22 - RESISTANCE: KE (#738); Ego: 58 -
    GATHERING IN: HSI (#771)}

    it will be left to history to judge. {@18: Sup: 6 - CONTRARIETY: LI
    (#744); Ego: 42 - GOING TO MEET: YING (#813)}

    But certainly, {@19: Sup: 71 - STOPPAGE: CHIH (#815); Ego: 51 -
    CONSTANCY: CH'ANG (#864)}

    it provides a means of the social control, {@20: Sup: 71 - STOPPAGE:
    CHIH (#886); Ego: 13 - INCREASE: TSENG (#877)}

    for having an Athens-style democracy with critical thinkers requires
    Stoics and Philosophers. {@21: Sup: 11 - DIVERGENCE: CH'A (#897); Ego:
    29 - DECISIVENESS: TUAN (#906)}

    However, {@22: Sup: 33 - CLOSENESS: MI (#930); Ego: 15 - REACH: TA (#921)}

    those would largely not agree with the proponents of today's ideologists
    who largely seek personal power or material wealth and control rather
    than the Universal Truth or the "meaning of Life, {@23: Sup: 38 -
    FULLNESS: SHENG (#968); Ego: 59 - MASSING: CHU (#980)}

    Universe and Everything Else". {@24: Sup: 54 - UNITY: K'UN (#1022); Ego:
    36 - STRENGTH: CH'IANG (#1016)}

    This means that they will have to lie and deceive the masses. {@25: Sup:
    52 - MEASURE: TU (#1074); Ego: 36 - STRENGTH: CH'IANG (#1052)}

    Even use "The Big Lie". {@26: Sup: 63 - WATCH: SHIH (#1137); Ego: 6 - CONTRARIETY: LI (#1058)}

    In order to do so, {@27: Sup: 47 - PATTERN: WEN (#1184); Ego: 63 -
    WATCH: SHIH (#1121)}

    they will have to label and seclude if not eliminate physically everyone
    who could disclose them before time and thereof put an end to their game
    and deception. {@28: Sup: 16 - CONTACT: CHIAO (#1200); Ego: 63 - WATCH:
    SHIH (#1184)}

    As their lord is the Dark One whom they accepted as the Light Bearer,
    {@29: Sup: 61 - EMBELLISHMENT: SHIH (#1261); Ego: 77 - COMPLIANCE: HSUN (#1261)}

    they will inevitably turn {@30: Sup: 39 - RESIDENCE: CHU (#1300); Ego:
    45 - GREATNESS: TA (#1306)}

    against all spirituality and every search for meaning that is not about
    the difference between {@31: Sup: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#1335); Ego: 1 - CENTRE: CHUNG (#1307)}

    Gucci or Versace. {@32: Sup: 11 - DIVERGENCE: CH'A (#1346); Ego: 23 -
    EASE: YI (#1330)}

    Their means are deception and propaganda, {@33: Sup: 56 - CLOSED MOUTH:
    CHIN (#1402); Ego: 42 - GOING TO MEET: YING (#1372)}

    but their end is commercialisation of every aspect of {@34: Sup: 16 -
    CONTACT: CHIAO (#1418); Ego: 1 - CENTRE: CHUNG (#1373)}

    life, {@35: Sup: 66 - DEPARTURE: CH'U (#1484); Ego: 50 - VASTNESS /
    WASTING: T'ANG (#1423)}

    including private armies, {@36: Sup: 38 - FULLNESS: SHENG (#1522); Ego:
    24 - JOY: LE (#1447)}

    privatisation of state and ethnos and the church. {@37: Sup: 20 -
    ADVANCE: CHIN (#1542); Ego: 13 - INCREASE: TSENG (#1460)}

    The church which {@38: Sup: 76 - AGGRAVATION: CHU (#1618); Ego: 19 -
    FOLLOWING: TS'UNG (#1479)}

    agrees with their dogma will be the Harlot, {@39: Sup: 70 - SEVERANCE:
    KE (#1688); Ego: 16 - CONTACT: CHIAO (#1495)}

    and the remnant who does not agree with selling the {@40: Sup: 31 -
    PACKING: CHUANG (#1719); Ego: 23 - EASE: YI (#1518)}

    basic function of saving the souls will become persecuted Virgin (or
    become again). {@41: Sup: 15 - REACH: TA (#1734); Ego: 57 - GUARDEDNESS:
    SHOU (#1575)}

    Here psychiatry now labels those who are danger to disclose the
    deception, {@42: Sup: 10 - DEFECTIVENESS, DISTORTION: HSIEN (#1744);
    Ego: 48 - RITUAL: LI (#1623)}

    but after I while {@43: Sup: 48 - RITUAL: LI (#1792); Ego: 69 -
    EXHAUSTION: CH'IUNG (#1692)}

    the deception of the system they serve will require elimination of all
    seven major religions, {@44: Sup: 41 - RESPONSE: YING (#1833); Ego: 16 - CONTACT: CHIAO (#1708)}

    so {@45: Sup: 58 - GATHERING IN: HSI (#1891); Ego: 79 - DIFFICULTIES:
    NAN (#1787)}

    everybody would worship only SMP (Sex, {@46: Sup: 20 - ADVANCE: CHIN
    (#1911); Ego: 25 - CONTENTION: CHENG (#1812)}

    Money, {@47: Sup: 25 - CONTENTION: CHENG (#1936); Ego: 45 - GREATNESS:
    TA (#1857)}

    Power of Authority). {@48: Sup: 45 - GREATNESS: TA (#1981); Ego: 10 - DEFECTIVENESS, DISTORTION: HSIEN (#1867)}

    Only gods and goddesses of Sex and Death (embodied in Kali, {@49: Sup:
    69 - EXHAUSTION: CH'IUNG (#2050); Ego: 70 - SEVERANCE: KE (#1937)}

    Cuculkhan, {@50: Sup: 19 - FOLLOWING: TS'UNG (#2069); Ego: 67 -
    DARKENING: HUI (#2004)}

    Seth, {@51: Sup: 32 - LEGION: CHUANG (#2101); Ego: 70 - SEVERANCE: KE

    Moloch and {@52: Sup: 61 - EMBELLISHMENT: SHIH (#2162); Ego: 13 -
    INCREASE: TSENG (#2087)}

    other forms of devil worship). {@53: Sup: 4 - BARRIER: HSIEN (#2166);
    Ego: 66 - DEPARTURE: CH'U (#2153)}

    On 4/12/2022 03:20, Raskolynikov wrote:
    Madness is not something exclusive owned by the mentally ill: we can witness that crowds
    at the stadium could easily be turned against each other with baseball clubs or other potentially
    hazardous or lethal equipment.

    Indeed, I've noticed how the collective mind and the collective unconscious are easily swayed
    and manipulated. However, the society has to function somehow.

    Not so long ago, it was sufficient that two men shout: "Burn the witch!" and the witches of Salem
    were burned. There were lynch mobs and not so long ago an otherwise very rational nation
    succumbed to the mass psychological manipulation of a couple of men who shouted: "Juden! Juden!"

    The society protects itself in various ways, one of them being physical elimination of the "dangerous
    individuals" (assassination of the proponents of dangerous ideologies). The other is labeling and
    secluding the "mad" as the "mentally ill".

    How good it works, it will be left to history to judge. But certainly, it provides a means of the social
    control, for having an Athens-style democracy with critical thinkers requires Stoics and Philosophers.

    However, those would largely not agree with the proponents of today's ideologists who largely
    seek personal power or material wealth and control rather than the Universal Truth or the
    "meaning of Life, Universe and Everything Else".

    This means that they will have to lie and deceive the masses. Even use "The Big Lie".
    In order to do so, they will have to label and seclude if not eliminate physically everyone who could
    disclose them before time and thereof put an end to their game and deception.

    As their lord is the Dark One whom they accepted as the Light Bearer, they will inevitably turn
    against all spirituality and every search for meaning that is not about the difference between
    Gucci or Versace.

    Their means are deception and propaganda, but their end is commercialisation of every aspect of
    life, including private armies, privatisation of state and ethnos and the church. The church which
    agrees with their dogma will be the Harlot, and the remnant who does not agree with selling the
    basic function of saving the souls will become persecuted Virgin (or become again).

    Here psychiatry now labels those who are danger to disclose the deception, but after I while
    the deception of the system they serve will require elimination of all seven major religions, so
    everybody would worship only SMP (Sex, Money, Power of Authority).

    Only gods and goddesses of Sex and Death (embodied in Kali, Cuculkhan, Seth, Moloch and
    other forms of devil worship).

    in the Lord

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  • From Raskolynikov@21:1/5 to All on Sun Dec 4 09:59:22 2022
    While defending that I am a believer in the God Almighty Creator of the Universe, and Christ,
    and thereof "In the Lord", I will continue analysis of the phalic domination issues in the unconscious.

    While phalic domination is often taking forms of violence, rape and murder, its root is not
    evil in itself: it stands firmly in evolutionary built "Totem and Tabu" syntagma promoted by
    Dr. Sigmund Freud.

    Totem is the tribal ideal of patriarchal values, and it is a warrant, together with the firm leader,
    "firm hand", Leader, "Duce", "Führer", or "Good Leader", that the Tabu will not be broken. Breaking
    the Tabu has the consequences of degeneration of the family line and the tribe as a whole.
    Most notable result is the dissolution of social incest barrier (Tabu) and consequent genetic
    illnesses, which is covered elsewhere [Reference 1].

    The possibility of genetic disorders in incest relationship pregnancy is so great that it is an
    evolutionary threat. Even when it is known that the intermarriage with the "nobles" or "blue
    royal blood" was often practised, it was early spotted that it caused increased likelihood of
    hemophilia in royal lines, so careful attention was considered with the wise men (or women)
    that too close relatives have not matched in aristocracy and "the noble blue blood is sometimes

    In plutocracy following the aristocratic failure to retain the power and with "burgeois revolutions"
    came the new danger. The rich banker families neither liked that their wealth was dissipated,
    so they practiced intermarriage between very rich (and sometimes very wealthy) families.

    This however narrowed the genetic pool over the generations.

    The offspring was however born under the rebellion against the church of God and thereof
    lacked salvation of Christ the nobles as the last authority from God in terms of Romans 13:1.
    So they thought of different other ways to obtain the immortality that comes through
    resurrection, Paradise, Heaven or reincarnation to believers - with the result that they sought
    the result from God's archenemy - the Moloch. (This is well described by Mr. Allen Ginsberg
    in his famous poem Howl.)

    Just like in the age of Kukulkhan and elsewhere with total apostasy, the "immortals" were
    "extended" by the sacrifice of "mere mortals" to the "gods" (Moloch, Seth, Kukulkhan, Kali,
    ... the list goes on, regarding on the nation).

    The good demigods, however, always advocated and embodied self-sacrifice (Christ,
    Prometheus who suffered for bringing fire to humans, Shiva who drank the sea of poison to
    make the creation of the Universe possible from a mixture of nectare and poison: this is
    why Shiva is often depicted and recognised for his blue throat, like many Christian martyrs
    with the symbol of their martyrdom).

    Plutocracy with its desire to:

    1. live eternally
    2. acquire immortality through material wealth and power (i.e. human sacrifice, buying expensive
    products of the advanced medicine)
    3. dominate the world through sex, money and personality cult of political power

    will eventually bow to the Beast 666 almost with no exception, probably much worse than
    we saw in communism after ban of God and all religions (which was fortunately not executed
    to its end on the entire planet and neither in communist Russia).

    All of this was seen by Mr. Adolph Hitler in Soviet Russia and before his own eyes, in
    Weimar Republic. While several countries had problems with hyperinflation and it never ended
    good, the braking of Tabu and the consequential degeneration of the German race inspired his
    racial supremacy model as a solution, in which "weak and degenerates" would be exterminated
    systematically to eventually give birth to the Übermensch prophesied already by Nietzsche.

    This has found a fertile ground in society so degraded by homosexuality and incest that
    its existential unconscious collective mind was deeply alerted. Consequently, this has the
    consequence of "weird behaviour" in the prophets or more sensitive, whom Mr. Hitler sadly
    sterilised and/or exterminated too as "weak". (With all-out approval of the official German
    psychiatry and likely sympathies from the world eugenic movement. Eugenics generally
    want to create Messiah as Übermensch through human genetic selection and extermination
    of the weaker or degenerative genes. This is how they thought they will eventually eradicate
    all illnesses, too. But we cannot say that the average German today is healthier and stronger, saner,
    or less inclined to homosexuality after genetic selection in the Third Reich. In fact, schizophrenia
    appears to amount to 1% of society in each culture as cited elsewhere by psychiatrists themselves.
    Though there is 50% greater chance for a child of two schizophrenics said to get the disease
    itself, there was no "schizophrenic gene" found to this day that would eliminate only schizophrenia,
    without depriving mankind of some other beneficial advantage - an inclination to writing poetry, art,
    inventing things, or other properties advantageous for the mankind which show a correlation
    between art and mental illness not limited only to Vincent van Gogh, Edvard Munch [3], and Lord Byron.)

    But as Dr. Freud stated elsewhere, these existential phallic fears come from two dangers:

    1. Incestuous risk if the tribal Tabu is broken (with the degeneracies described above, possibly
    activating atavistic genes or even reptilian ancestry's DNA)
    2. Cockoo's egg syndrome (breaking of Tabu brings forth the birth of children that do not
    have mother's husband as their genetic fathers)

    The latter is often happening in war rapes and raids, including the noble crusaders who
    had to help themselves along the way to the Holy Land. Which means: no nation is immune.

    We can set some examples where this was the opposite effect. Why were daughters so readily
    giving themselves to the sailors on the infamous Beagle? Living on a small island raises a great
    risk of marrying a close relative, so the females willfully and readily offered themselves to
    the sailors, as the source of fresh DNA.

    All ancient tribes had some authority like magicians who were careful not to break the Tabu,
    enforced very rigidly i.e. by the Aboriginal native Australians [4].

    Breaking the Tabu always meant eviction from the tribe or even the magician's spell of death
    (tanathos). This exists to the present day in some communism-degraded cultures and nations.
    As the result of desire of the immortality in the unbelievers, desiring to achieve so in pact with
    the Tanathos spirit and at the expense of the "mere less worthy mortals".

    Accumulated fear of death can in convergence with some spirits cause actual physical death,
    as the author had witnessed himself the death of a strong, unsuspecting, healthy man within hours of the
    spoken death spell.

    All of these fears of death and eternal condemnation in case of breaking the Tabu is not only
    evolutionary fear of genetic degeneration and activation of subhuman DNA in our genetic
    reserve, it is fear of a terrible end of existence as a spiritual eternal being (in the Holy Bible
    called "the lake of sulfur" or "second death", which is the terminal one, from which there is
    no reincarnation known or described, in the place reserved for Satan himself and his worst
    demons - though Bhagavad Gita described some examples of demons or their offspring recovering
    to grace - i.e. lord Prahlada, the only believing son in the family of demon Hiranyakasipu.)

    Some of these magical archetypes and their influence of collective unconscious were
    known to Dr. Carl Gustav Jung, but obviously to some of the advisors of Mr. Hitler, as his
    success in turning a beheaded nation into an efficient deadly war machine that trampled
    known Europe and much of the globe was without a precedent known to the author.

    Dr. Wilhelm Reich, on the other hand, tried to disclose this practice of mass psychosis
    and psychiatric mass manipulation, but was unsuccessful and had to emigrate in 1933.
    He was welcomed to the USA, but later suffered also various kinds of persecution even
    in the Land of the Free.

    Unfortunately, Dr. Reich was unable to prevent the danger or even warn his own next of kin
    of the present danger. Later he was scientifically destroyed because of his alternative science
    orgone theories that didn't go along with the commercialisation of knowledge in the West
    and bringing it under the strict control of the plutocracy.

    We have mostly reached the main subjects of the two archetypal existential fears:
    the incest and the Cockoo's egg, both leading to the stop of procreation of the family line,
    which is the remaining means of extending past death for the mortals without faith
    in God, Christ, reincarnation or resurrection, Heaven or Paradise, or at least Purgatory.

    In this, Weimar Republic Germans were indeed in danger for their eternal existence as
    a nation and a race, by subversion of ideologies and what Mr. Hitler saw as "ethnic
    impurity" and which is to this day perpetrated as "ethnic cleansing", from Bosnia to Rwanda,
    and onwards to the present day.

    in the Lord

    [Reference 1] https://cptsdfoundation.org/2022/04/18/incest-and-genetic-disorders/

    [Reference 2] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0924933815000723
    "Schizophrenia patients with high intelligence: A clinically distinct sub-type of schizophrenia?"

    [Reference 3] https://artincontext.org/schizophrenia-art/

    [Reference 4] Dr. Sigmund Freud, "Totem and Tabu"

    [Reference 5] Dr. Wilhelm Reich, "Mass Psychology of Fascism"

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  • From dolf@21:1/5 to Raskolynikov on Mon Dec 5 08:59:28 2022
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh


    <http://www.grapple369.com/?time:8.58> [#344 / #452]


    While defending that I am a believer in the God Almighty Creator of the Universe, {@1: Sup: 49 - FLIGHT: T'AO (#49); Ego: 25 - CONTENTION: CHENG

    and Christ, {@2: Sup: 79 - DIFFICULTIES: NAN (#128); Ego: 60 -

    and thereof "In the Lord", {@3: Sup: 49 - FLIGHT: T'AO (#177 - I AM NOT
    GIVEN TO CURSING {%29} / I AM NOT GIVEN TO CURSING {%29}); Ego: 75 -
    FAILURE: SHIH (#160)}

    On 5/12/2022 04:59, Raskolynikov wrote:
    While defending that I am a believer in the God Almighty Creator of the Universe, and Christ,
    and thereof "In the Lord", I will continue analysis of the phalic domination issues in the unconscious.

    While phalic domination is often taking forms of violence, rape and murder, its root is not
    evil in itself: it stands firmly in evolutionary built "Totem and Tabu" syntagma promoted by
    Dr. Sigmund Freud.

    Totem is the tribal ideal of patriarchal values, and it is a warrant, together with the firm leader,
    "firm hand", Leader, "Duce", "Führer", or "Good Leader", that the Tabu will not be broken. Breaking
    the Tabu has the consequences of degeneration of the family line and the tribe as a whole.
    Most notable result is the dissolution of social incest barrier (Tabu) and consequent genetic
    illnesses, which is covered elsewhere [Reference 1].

    The possibility of genetic disorders in incest relationship pregnancy is so great that it is an
    evolutionary threat. Even when it is known that the intermarriage with the "nobles" or "blue
    royal blood" was often practised, it was early spotted that it caused increased likelihood of
    hemophilia in royal lines, so careful attention was considered with the wise men (or women)
    that too close relatives have not matched in aristocracy and "the noble blue blood is sometimes

    In plutocracy following the aristocratic failure to retain the power and with "burgeois revolutions"
    came the new danger. The rich banker families neither liked that their wealth was dissipated,
    so they practiced intermarriage between very rich (and sometimes very wealthy) families.

    This however narrowed the genetic pool over the generations.

    The offspring was however born under the rebellion against the church of God and thereof
    lacked salvation of Christ the nobles as the last authority from God in terms of Romans 13:1.
    So they thought of different other ways to obtain the immortality that comes through
    resurrection, Paradise, Heaven or reincarnation to believers - with the result that they sought
    the result from God's archenemy - the Moloch. (This is well described by Mr. Allen Ginsberg
    in his famous poem Howl.)

    Just like in the age of Kukulkhan and elsewhere with total apostasy, the "immortals" were
    "extended" by the sacrifice of "mere mortals" to the "gods" (Moloch, Seth, Kukulkhan, Kali,
    ... the list goes on, regarding on the nation).

    The good demigods, however, always advocated and embodied self-sacrifice (Christ,
    Prometheus who suffered for bringing fire to humans, Shiva who drank the sea of poison to
    make the creation of the Universe possible from a mixture of nectare and poison: this is
    why Shiva is often depicted and recognised for his blue throat, like many Christian martyrs
    with the symbol of their martyrdom).

    Plutocracy with its desire to:

    1. live eternally
    2. acquire immortality through material wealth and power (i.e. human sacrifice, buying expensive
    products of the advanced medicine)
    3. dominate the world through sex, money and personality cult of political power

    will eventually bow to the Beast 666 almost with no exception, probably much worse than
    we saw in communism after ban of God and all religions (which was fortunately not executed
    to its end on the entire planet and neither in communist Russia).

    All of this was seen by Mr. Adolph Hitler in Soviet Russia and before his own eyes, in
    Weimar Republic. While several countries had problems with hyperinflation and it never ended
    good, the braking of Tabu and the consequential degeneration of the German race inspired his
    racial supremacy model as a solution, in which "weak and degenerates" would be exterminated
    systematically to eventually give birth to the Übermensch prophesied already by Nietzsche.

    This has found a fertile ground in society so degraded by homosexuality and incest that
    its existential unconscious collective mind was deeply alerted. Consequently, this has the
    consequence of "weird behaviour" in the prophets or more sensitive, whom Mr. Hitler sadly
    sterilised and/or exterminated too as "weak". (With all-out approval of the official German
    psychiatry and likely sympathies from the world eugenic movement. Eugenics generally
    want to create Messiah as Übermensch through human genetic selection and extermination
    of the weaker or degenerative genes. This is how they thought they will eventually eradicate
    all illnesses, too. But we cannot say that the average German today is healthier and stronger, saner,
    or less inclined to homosexuality after genetic selection in the Third Reich. In fact, schizophrenia
    appears to amount to 1% of society in each culture as cited elsewhere by psychiatrists themselves.
    Though there is 50% greater chance for a child of two schizophrenics said to get the disease
    itself, there was no "schizophrenic gene" found to this day that would eliminate only schizophrenia,
    without depriving mankind of some other beneficial advantage - an inclination to writing poetry, art,
    inventing things, or other properties advantageous for the mankind which show a correlation
    between art and mental illness not limited only to Vincent van Gogh, Edvard Munch [3], and Lord Byron.)

    But as Dr. Freud stated elsewhere, these existential phallic fears come from two dangers:

    1. Incestuous risk if the tribal Tabu is broken (with the degeneracies described above, possibly
    activating atavistic genes or even reptilian ancestry's DNA)
    2. Cockoo's egg syndrome (breaking of Tabu brings forth the birth of children that do not
    have mother's husband as their genetic fathers)

    The latter is often happening in war rapes and raids, including the noble crusaders who
    had to help themselves along the way to the Holy Land. Which means: no nation is immune.

    We can set some examples where this was the opposite effect. Why were daughters so readily
    giving themselves to the sailors on the infamous Beagle? Living on a small island raises a great
    risk of marrying a close relative, so the females willfully and readily offered themselves to
    the sailors, as the source of fresh DNA.

    All ancient tribes had some authority like magicians who were careful not to break the Tabu,
    enforced very rigidly i.e. by the Aboriginal native Australians [4].

    Breaking the Tabu always meant eviction from the tribe or even the magician's spell of death
    (tanathos). This exists to the present day in some communism-degraded cultures and nations.
    As the result of desire of the immortality in the unbelievers, desiring to achieve so in pact with
    the Tanathos spirit and at the expense of the "mere less worthy mortals".

    Accumulated fear of death can in convergence with some spirits cause actual physical death,
    as the author had witnessed himself the death of a strong, unsuspecting, healthy man within hours of the
    spoken death spell.

    All of these fears of death and eternal condemnation in case of breaking the Tabu is not only
    evolutionary fear of genetic degeneration and activation of subhuman DNA in our genetic
    reserve, it is fear of a terrible end of existence as a spiritual eternal being (in the Holy Bible
    called "the lake of sulfur" or "second death", which is the terminal one, from which there is
    no reincarnation known or described, in the place reserved for Satan himself and his worst
    demons - though Bhagavad Gita described some examples of demons or their offspring recovering
    to grace - i.e. lord Prahlada, the only believing son in the family of demon Hiranyakasipu.)

    Some of these magical archetypes and their influence of collective unconscious were
    known to Dr. Carl Gustav Jung, but obviously to some of the advisors of Mr. Hitler, as his
    success in turning a beheaded nation into an efficient deadly war machine that trampled
    known Europe and much of the globe was without a precedent known to the author.

    Dr. Wilhelm Reich, on the other hand, tried to disclose this practice of mass psychosis
    and psychiatric mass manipulation, but was unsuccessful and had to emigrate in 1933.
    He was welcomed to the USA, but later suffered also various kinds of persecution even
    in the Land of the Free.

    Unfortunately, Dr. Reich was unable to prevent the danger or even warn his own next of kin
    of the present danger. Later he was scientifically destroyed because of his alternative science
    orgone theories that didn't go along with the commercialisation of knowledge in the West
    and bringing it under the strict control of the plutocracy.

    We have mostly reached the main subjects of the two archetypal existential fears:
    the incest and the Cockoo's egg, both leading to the stop of procreation of the family line,
    which is the remaining means of extending past death for the mortals without faith
    in God, Christ, reincarnation or resurrection, Heaven or Paradise, or at least Purgatory.

    In this, Weimar Republic Germans were indeed in danger for their eternal existence as
    a nation and a race, by subversion of ideologies and what Mr. Hitler saw as "ethnic
    impurity" and which is to this day perpetrated as "ethnic cleansing", from Bosnia to Rwanda,
    and onwards to the present day.

    in the Lord

    [Reference 1] https://cptsdfoundation.org/2022/04/18/incest-and-genetic-disorders/

    [Reference 2] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0924933815000723
    "Schizophrenia patients with high intelligence: A clinically distinct sub-type of schizophrenia?"

    [Reference 3] https://artincontext.org/schizophrenia-art/

    [Reference 4] Dr. Sigmund Freud, "Totem and Tabu"

    [Reference 5] Dr. Wilhelm Reich, "Mass Psychology of Fascism"

    That my mathematical theoretical noumenon defines the meta-descriptor prototypes which are prerequisite to the BEING of HOMO[iOS] SAPIEN[S|T]

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