• Re: What is "Holy Week"?

    From dolf@21:1/5 to Robert on Sat Mar 30 19:49:31 2024
    XPost: alt.religion.christian.roman-catholic, alt.christnet.christianlife, alt.religion.christian.east-orthodox
    XPost: alt.bible

    (the one and only) eats Stroopwafels."

    DOLF @ 0247 HOURS ON 31 MARCH 2024: "Stop it with the snow job (ie. a
    deception or concealment of one's real motive in an attempt to flatter or persuade) as sycophantic lip 👄 service...


        #432 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR EASTER SUNDAY ON 31 MARCH 2024 as [#200, #5, #2, #5, #200, #9, #1, #10] /
    #328 = [#69, #45, #21, #61, #37, #13, #53, #29] as [#200, #5, #2, #70, #40,
    #1, #10] = sébomai (G4576): {UMBRA: #328 % #41 = #41} 1) to revere, to *WORSHIP*;

    #94 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#4, #10, #4, #1, #60, #5, #10] /     #199 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR EASTER SUNDAY ON 31 MARCH 2024 as [#4, #10, #4, #1, #60, #70, #50] /
    #299 = [#69, #45, #21, #61, #37, #13, #53] as [#5, #4, #10, #4, #1, #200,
    #20, #5, #50] = didáskō (G1321): {UMBRA: #1039 % #41 = #14} 1) to teach;
    1a) to hold discourse with others in order to instruct them, deliver
    didactic discourses; 1b) to be a teacher; 1c) to discharge the office of a teacher, conduct one's self as a teacher; 2) to teach one; 2a) to impart instruction; 2b) *INSTIL* *DOCTRINE* *INTO* *ONE*; 2c) the thing taught or enjoined; 2d) to explain or expound a thing; 2e) to teach one something;

    #280 as [#4, #10, #4, #1, #200, #20, #1, #30, #9, #1] = didaskalía (G1319): {UMBRA: #281 % #41 = #35} 1) teaching, instruction; 2) teaching; 2a) that
    which is taught, *DOCTRINE*; 2b) teachings, precepts;

    OF THE MOUTH, THIS DEFILETH A MAN." [Matthew 15:4,7-11]

    #77 - 𝍒馴 = #528
    COGITO: [#47, #10, #50, #9, #9] as #77 - COMPLIANCE (HSUN)
    RANGE: 29 NOVEMBER to noon 03 DECEMBER


    #528 as [#8, #20, #500] = chêk (H2441): {UMBRA: #28 % #41 = #28} 1)
    *MOUTH*, palate, taste, gums;

    APPRAISAL #5: The spirit sack holds all in its embrace, (靈囊大包)
    Its virtue is precious as gold. (其德珍黃)
    FATHOMING #5: The great embrace of the cosmic sack (靈囊大包)
    MEANS: It does not dare aggrandize itself. (不敢自盛也)

    qí (其): 1. his; hers; its; theirs, 2. to add emphasis, 3. used when asking
    a question in reply to a question, 4. used when making a request or giving
    an order, 5. he; her; it; them, 6. probably; likely, 7. will, 8. may, 9.
    if, 10. or, 11. Qi

    dé (德): 1. *GERMANY*, 2. virtue; morality; ethics; character, 3. kindness; favor, 4. conduct; behavior, 5. to be grateful, 6. *HEART*; *INTENTION*, 7.
    De, 8. potency; natural power, 9. wholesome; good

    zhēn (珍): 1. precious thing; treasure; a rarity, 2. precious; valuable; rare, 3. a delicacy, 4. to treasure; to value, 5. cautiously, 6. delicate; exquisite, 7. farewell

    huáng (黃): 1. yellow, 2. Huang, 3. *THE* *EMPEROR*, 4. Kangxi radical 201, 5. Yellow River, 6. a yellow colored animal product, 7. pornographic, 8. *PORNOGRAPHY*, 9. to fizzle out, 10. *SPOILED*

    APPRAISAL #6: The sack fails to hold, (囊失括)
    Leaking the precious tools. (泄珍器)
    FATHOMING #6: A sack losing its hold (囊失括)
    MEANS: The subjects' mouths spill forth. (臣口諡也)

    chén (臣): 1. *MINISTER*; *STATESMAN*; *OFFICIAL*, 2. Kangxi radical 131, 3. a slave, 4. you, 5. Chen, 6. to obey; to comply, 7. to command; to direct,
    8. a subject


    kǒu (口): 1. measure word for people, pigs, and kitchenware, 2. Kangxi radical 30, 3. *MOUTH*, 4. an opening; a hole, 5. eloquence, 6. the edge of
    a blade, 7. edge; border, 8. verbal; oral, 9. taste, 10. *POPULATION*; *PEOPLE*, 11. an entrance; an exit; a pass

    shì (諡): 1. funerary name; posthumous name or title, 2. to give a funerary name

    yě (也): Ibid.

    [#47 {@1: Sup: 47 - PATTERN: WEN (#47); Ego: 47 - PATTERN: WEN (#47)}
    #10 {@2: Sup: 57 - GUARDEDNESS: SHOU (#104 - I COMMIT NO FRAUD {%7}); Ego:
    #50 {@3: Sup: 26 - ENDEAVOUR: WU (#130 - I AM NOT EVIL MINDED {%3}); Ego:
    50 - VASTNESS / WASTING: T'ANG (#107)}
    #9 {@4: Sup: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#165); Ego: 9 - BRANCHING OUT: SHU
    #9] {@5: Sup: 44 - STOVE: TSAO (#209); Ego: 9 - BRANCHING OUT: SHU (#125)}

    TELOS TOTAL: #125


    #900 - MALE CHECKSUM TOTAL: #209 as [#300, #400, #80, #70, #50] = týpos (G5179): {UMBRA: #1050 % #41 = #25} 1) the mark of a stroke or blow, print;
    2) a figure formed by a blow or impression; 2a) of a figure or image; 2b)
    of the image of the gods; 3) form; 3a) *THE* *TEACHING* *WHICH* *EMBODIES* *THE* *SUM* *AND* *SUBSTANCE* *OF* *RELIGION* *AND* *REPRESENTS* *IT* *TO* *THE* *MIND*, manner of writing, the contents and form of a letter; 4) an example; 4a) in the technical sense, the pattern in conformity to which a
    thing must be made; 4b) in an ethical sense, a dissuasive example, a
    pattern of warning; 4b1) of ruinous events which serve as admonitions or warnings to others; 4c) an example to be imitated; 4c1) of men worthy of imitation; 4d) in a doctrinal sense; 4d1) of a type i.e. a person or thing prefiguring a future (Messianic) person or thing;

    #611 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#6, #400, #5, #200] = hârâh (H2029): {UMBRA: #210 % #41 = #5} 1) to conceive, become pregnant, bear, be with
    child, be conceived, progenitor; 1a) (Qal) to conceive, become pregnant;
    1b) (Pual) to be conceived; 1c) (Poel) *TO* *CONCEIVE*, *CONTRIVE*,

        #363 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR EASTER SUNDAY ON 31 MARCH 2024 as [#5, #40, #300, #10, #8] /
    #368 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#40, #300, #10, #8, #10] = mâshîyach (H4899): {UMBRA: #358 % #41 = #30} 1) anointed, *ANOINTED* *ONE*; 1a) of
    the *MESSIAH*, Messianic prince; 1b) of the *KING* *OF* *ISRAEL*; 1c) of
    the high priest of Israel; 1d) of Cyrus; 1e) of the patriarchs as anointed kings;

        #272 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR EASTER SUNDAY ON 31 MARCH 2024 as [#50, #7, #200, #10, #5] / [#5, #50, #7, #10, #200] /
    #287 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#50, #7, #10, #200, #20] = nâzîyr (H5139): {UMBRA: #267 % #41 = #21} 1) *CONSECRATED* *OR* *DEVOTED* *ONE*, *NAZARITE*; 1a) consecrated one; 1b) devotee, Nazarite; 1c) untrimmed

    #287 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#40, #40, #7, #200] = mamzêr (H4464): {UMBRA: #287 % #41 = #41} 1) bastard, child of incest, *ILLEGITIMATE*
    *CHILD*; 1a) bastard; 1b) mixed population (fig.); 1c) *BORN* *OF* *A*

        #444 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR EASTER SUNDAY ON 31 MARCH 2024 as [#400, #30, #4, #10] / [#10, #30, #4, #400] /
    #449 - NOUMENON RESONANCE ON SAINT PATRICK'S DAY 17 MARCH / FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#5, #10, #30, #4, #400] = yâlad (H3205): {UMBRA: #44 % #41
    = #3} 1) to bear, bring forth, beget, gender, travail; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
    bear, *BRING* *FORTH*; i) *OF* *CHILD* *BIRTH*; ii) of distress (simile);
    iii) *OF* *WICKED* (*BEHAVIOUR*); 1a2) to beget; 1b) (Niphal) to be born;
    1c) (Piel); 1c1) to cause or help to bring forth; 1c2) to assist or tend as
    a midwife; 1c3) midwife (participle); 1d) (Pual) to be born; 1e) (Hiphil);
    1e1) to beget (a child); 1e2) to bear (fig. - of wicked bringing forth iniquity); 1f) (Hophal) day of birth, birthday (infinitive); 1g) (Hithpael)
    to declare one's birth (pedigree);

    REDUCTIO AD HITLERUM AS IDEA #328 = [#69, #45, #21, #61, #37, #13, #53,
    #29] - 30 NOVEMBER 1942: "Jesus was most certainly not a Jew. The Jews
    would never have handed one of their own people to the Roman courts; they
    would have condemned Him themselves. It is quite probable that a large
    number of the descendants of the Roman legionaries, mostly Gauls, were
    living in Galilee, and Jesus was probably one of them. ("WE BE NOT BORN OF *FORNICATION*-G4202; WE HAVE ONE FATHER, EVEN GOD." [John 8:41]) His mother
    may well have been a Jewess. Jesus fought against the materialism of His
    age, and, therefore, against the Jews.

        #516 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR EASTER SUNDAY ON 31 MARCH 2024 as [#80, #70, #100, #50, #5, #10, #1, #200] /
    #326 as [#80, #70, #100, #50, #5, #10, #1, #10] = porneía (G4202): {UMBRA: #316 % #41 = #29} 1) *ILLICIT* *SEXUAL* *INTERCOURSE*; 1a) adultery, fornication, homosexuality, lesbianism, intercourse with animals etc.; 1b) sexual intercourse with close relatives; Lev. 18; 1c) sexual intercourse
    with a divorced man or woman; Mk. 10:11,12; 2) metaph. the worship of
    idols; 2a) *OF* *THE* *DEFILEMENT* *OF* *IDOLATRY*, as incurred by eating
    the sacrifices offered to idols;

    #236 - MALE CHECKSUM TOTAL: #209 as [#20, #1, #7, #200, #8] = ʼezrâch
    (H249): {UMBRA: #216 % #41 = #11} 1) a native (one rising from the soil);
    1a) *OF* *MAN*, *NATIVE* *ISRAELITES*; 1b) of tree, native (to Israel);

    #287 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#30, #7, #200, #10, #40] = zûwr
    (H2114): {UMBRA: #213 % #41 = #8} 1) to be strange, be a stranger; 1a)
    (Qal); 1a1) to become estranged; 1a2) strange, another, stranger,
    foreigner, *AN* *ENEMY* (participle); 1a3) loathsome (of breath)
    (participle); 1a4) strange woman, prostitute, harlot (meton); 1b) (Niphal)
    to be estranged; 1c) (Hophal) to be a stranger, be one alienated;

    #781 - MALE CHECKSUM TOTAL: #209 as [#200, #70, #500, #10, #1] = sophía (G4678): {UMBRA: #781 % #41 = #2} 1) *WISDOM*, *BROAD* *AND* *FULL* *OF* *INTELLIGENCE*; *USED* *OF* *THE* *KNOWLEDGE* *OF* *VERY* *DIVERSE*
    *MATTERS*; 1a) the wisdom which belongs to men; 1a1) spec. the varied
    knowledge of things human and divine, acquired by acuteness and experience,
    and summed up in maxims and proverbs; 1a2) *THE* *SCIENCE* *AND*
    *LEARNING*; 1a3) the act of interpreting dreams and always giving the
    sagest advice; 1a4) the intelligence evinced in discovering the meaning of
    some mysterious number or vision; 1a5) skill in the management of affairs;
    1a6) devout and proper prudence in intercourse with men not disciples of Christ, skill and discretion in imparting Christian truth; 1a7) the
    knowledge and practice of the requisites for godly and upright living; 1b) supreme intelligence, such as belongs to God; 1b1) to Christ; 1b2) *THE* *WISDOM* *OF* *GOD* *AS* *EVINCED* *IN* *FORMING* *AND* *EXECUTING*

    Paul of Tarsus, who was originally one of the most stubborn *ENEMIES* of
    the Christians, suddenly realised the immense possibilities of using, *INTELLIGENTLY* and for other ends, an idea which was exercising such great powers of fascination. He realised that the judicious exploitation of this
    idea among non-Jews would give him far greater power in the world than
    would the promise of material profit to the Jews themselves. It was then
    that the future St. Paul distorted with diabolical cunning the Christian

    #125 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#6, #5, #40, #4, #70] = maddâʻ
    (H4093): {UMBRA: #114 % #41 = #32} 1) knowledge, thought; 1a) knowledge;

    REDUCTIO AD HITLERUM AS IDEA #326 ON 15 MAY 1944: "OUR RELIGIOUS POLICY—THE STATE MISSES AN OPPORTUNITY—MODERNISM: Throughout the course of German history, the State has seldom had the opportunity of exercising any
    influence on the internal evolution of the Church. Perhaps the greatest opportunity offered was during the Modernist period round about 1907-1909.
    It is true that the Modernist movement was in many respects nothing more
    than a recrudescence of the old Catholic way of life; but in many other respects it was something quite new. If the State had then had the skill to exploit these aspirations to its own advantage, it would most probably have been in a position to found a German National Church wholly independent of Rome. It must not be forgotten that the Modernists were most sincere in
    their desires to reach agreement with the Evangelical Church; the State,
    then, had a golden opportunity of building a bridge between these two
    Christian faiths. But the State was too weak, and missed its chance. It had none of the necessary vision to grasp the opportunity and to make the most
    of it; and so the game fell easily into the hands of the established
    Church, which had but to continue to threaten and to excommunicate. For a priest in his fifties and defrocked carries no weight at all.

        #444 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR EASTER SUNDAY ON 31 MARCH 2024 as [#30, #5, #9, #400] /
    TOTAL: #125 as [#30, #5, #9, #400, #5] = nâṭâh (H5186): {UMBRA: #64 % #41 = #23} 1) to stretch out, extend, spread out, pitch, turn, pervert, incline, bend, bow; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to stretch out, extend, stretch, offer; 1a2) to spread out, pitch (tent); 1a3) to bend, turn, incline; i) to turn aside, incline, decline, bend down; ii) to bend, bow; iii) to hold out, extend
    (fig.); 1a4) (Niphal) to be stretched out; 1a5) (Hiphil); i) to stretch
    out; ii) to spread out; iii) to turn, incline, *INFLUENCE*, bend down, hold out, extend, thrust aside, thrust away;

    #368 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#6, #2, #300, #50, #10] = shânîy (H8144): {UMBRA: #360 % #41 = #32} 1) *SCARLET*, crimson; 1a) properly, the insect 'coccus ilicis', the dried body of the female yielding colouring
    matter from which is made the dye used for cloth to colour it scarlet or crimson;



    [X-FILES IMAGE (@MailOnline) @ 0546 HOURS ON 31 MARCH 2024: Pope Francis arrived at St Peter's Basilica on GOOD FRIDAY 29 MARCH 2024 in a wheelchair
    and just hours later pulled out of a procession at the Colosseum in Rome to 'preserve his health']

    #930 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#5, #100, #600, #5, #200, #9, #1,
    #10] = érchomai (G2064): {UMBRA: #826 % #41 = #6} 1) to come; 1a) of
    persons; 1a1) to come from one place to another, and used both of *PERSONS* *ARRIVING* and of those returning; 1a2) *TO* *APPEAR*, *MAKE* *ONE'S* *APPEARANCE*, *COME* *BEFORE* *THE* *PUBLIC*; 1b) metaph.; 1b1) to come
    into being, arise, come forth, show itself, *FIND* *PLACE* *OR*
    *INFLUENCE*; 1b2) be established, become known, to come (fall) into or
    unto; 1c) to go, to follow one;

    #553 - MALE CHECKSUM TOTAL: #209 as [#3, #70, #30, #400, #10, #40] = gâʻal (H1602): {UMBRA: #103 % #41 = #21} 1) to abhor, loathe, be vilely cast
    away, fall; 1a) (Qal) to abhor, loathe; 1b) (Niphal) *TO* *BE* *DEFILED*;
    1c) (Hiphil) *TO* *REJECT* *AS* *LOATHSOME*, *SHOW* *AVERSION*;

    #98 - MALE CHECKSUM TOTAL: #209 as [#8, #30, #30, #10, #20] = châlâl
    (H2491): {UMBRA: #68 % #41 = #27} 1) slain, fatally wounded, pierced; 1a) pierced, fatally wounded; 1b) slain; 2) (CLBL) profaned; 2a) *DEFILED*, profaned (by divorce);

    #510 - MALE CHECKSUM TOTAL: #209 as [#50, #20, #400, #40] = kâtham (H3799): {UMBRA: #460 % #41 = #9} 1) (Niphal) to be stained, *BE* *DEFILED*, be
    deeply stained

       #444 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR EASTER SUNDAY ON 31 MARCH 2024 as [#6, #400, #8, #30] / [#400, #8, #30, #6] /
    #449 - NOUMENON RESONANCE ON SAINT PATRICK'S DAY 17 MARCH / FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#5, #8, #30, #6, #400] = châlal (H2490): {UMBRA: #68 % #41
    = #27} 1) to profane, defile, pollute, desecrate, begin; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) *TO* *PROFANE* *ONESELF*, *DEFILE* *ONESELF*, *POLLUTE* *ONESELF*; i) *RITUALLY*; ii) sexually; 1a2) to be polluted, be defiled; 1b) (Piel); 1b1)
    to profane, make common, defile, pollute; 1b2) *TO* *VIOLATE* *THE*
    *HONOUR* *OF*, *DISHONOUR*; 1b3) to violate (a covenant); 1b4) to treat as common; 1c) (Pual) to profane (name of God); 1d) (Hiphil); 1d1) to let be profaned; 1d2) to begin; 1e) (Hophal) to be begun; 2) to wound (fatally),
    bore through, pierce, bore; 2a) (Qal) to pierce; 2b) (Pual) to be slain;
    2c) (Poel) to wound, pierce; 2d) (Poal) to be wounded; 3) (Piel) to play
    the flute or pipe;

    #131 - MALE CHECKSUM TOTAL: #209 as [#3, #5, #5, #50, #50, #8, #10] =
    géenna (G1067): {UMBRA: #114 % #41 = #32} 1) *HELL* *IS* *THE* *PLACE* *OF* *THE* *FUTURE* *PUNISHMENT* call 'Gehenna' or 'Gehenna of fire'. This was originally the valley of Hinnom, south of Jerusalem, where the filth and
    dead animals of the city were cast out and burned; a fit symbol of the
    wicked and their future destruction.;

    The Modernists themselves were so tormented with threats that in the end
    they, too, were compelled to submit. The wrath of the Church constitutes in life no idle threat; in the face of real crisis, the Church does not limit itself to threats of Hellfire and Purgatory in the Hereafter, but has
    tangible means of making life a misery for its victims on this earth as
    well. The Modernist movement gradually collapsed, and the introduction of
    the oath of absolute obedience to Church tenets imposed on all newly
    ordained priests gave it its final death-blow." [pages 717, 718]

        #81 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR EASTER SUNDAY ON 31 MARCH 2024 as [#5, #70, #2, #4] /
    #692 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#6, #70, #2, #4, #10, #600] = ʻebed (H5650): {UMBRA: #76 % #41 = #35} 1) *SLAVE*, servant; 1a) slave, servant, man-servant; 1b) subjects; 1c) servants, *WORSHIPPERS* (*OF* *GOD*); 1d) servant (in special sense as prophets, Levites etc); 1e) servant (of
    Israel); 1f) servant (as form of address between equals);


    #449 - NOUMENON RESONANCE ON SAINT PATRICK'S DAY 17 MARCH / FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#6, #30, #7, #6, #400] = lᵉzûwth (H3891): {UMBRA: #443 %
    #41 = #33} 1) deviation, *PERVERSITY*, crookedness;

    Out of this idea, which was a declaration of war on the *GOLDEN* *CALF*, on
    the egotism and the materialism of the Jews, he created a rallying point
    for *SLAVES* of all kinds against the élite, the masters and those in
    dominant authority. The *RELIGION* *FABRICATED* by Paul of Tarsus, which
    was later called Christianity, is nothing but the Communism of to-day.

    #2201 - MALE CHECKSUM TOTAL: #209 as [#500, #100, #400, #1, #200, #200,
    #800] = phryássō (G5433): {UMBRA: #2201 % #41 = #28} 1) to neigh, stamp the ground, prance, snort; 2) to be high-spirited; 2a) of horses; 2b) of men;
    2b1) to take on lofty airs; 2b2) behave arrogantly; 2c) *TO* *BE*

    #854 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#40, #200, #4, #10, #600] = mârad (H4775): {UMBRA: #244 % #41 = #39} 1) to rebel, revolt, be rebellious; 1a) (Qal) *TO* *REBEL*, *REVOLT*; 1a1) against human king; 1a2) against God;
    1a3) against light (poetic);

    #1016 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#8, #300, #2, #6, #700] =
    chishshâbôwn (H2810): {UMBRA: #366 % #41 = #38} 1) device, *INVENTION*;

    #287 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#10, #7, #200, #70] = zâraʻ (H2232): {UMBRA: #277 % #41 = #31} 1) to sow, scatter seed; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to sow;
    1a2) producing, yielding seed; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be sown; 1b2) to
    become pregnant, be made pregnant; 1c) (Pual) to be sown; 1d) (Hiphil) *TO* *PRODUCE* *SEED*, yield seed;

    BORMANN INTERVENED: Jewish methods, he said, have never varied in their essentials. Everywhere they have *STIRRED* *UP* *THE* *PLEBS* against the ruling classes. Everywhere they have *FOSTERED* *DISCONTENT* against the established power. For these are the *SEEDS* which produce the crop they
    hope later to gather. Everywhere they fan the flames of hatred between
    peoples of the same blood. It is they who *INVENTED* class-warfare, and the repudiation of this theory must therefore always be an anti-Jewish measure.
    In the same way, any *DOCTRINE* which is anti-Communist, any *DOCTRINE*
    which is anti-Christian must, ipso facto, be anti-Jewish as well. THE
    IS BOTH ANTI-COMMUNIST AND ANTI-CHRISTIAN. National Socialism is solid to
    the core, and the whole of its strength is concentrated against the Jews,
    even in matters which appear to have a purely social aspect and are
    designed for the furtherance of the social amenities of our own people.

        #446 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR EASTER SUNDAY ON 31 MARCH 2024 as [#30, #1, #300, #100, #5, #9, #1] /
    #447 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#30, #1, #300, #100, #5, #10, #1] = latreía (G2999): {UMBRA: #447 % #41 = #37} 1) service rendered for hire;
    1a) *ANY* *SERVICE* *OR* *MINISTRATION*: *THE* *SERVICE* *OF* *GOD*; 2) the service and worship of God according to the requirements of the Levitical
    law; 3) to perform sacred services;

    #797 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#5, #80, #1, #100, #600, #10, #1] /
    #807 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#5, #80, #1, #100, #600, #10, #1,
    #10] = eparchía (G1885): {UMBRA: #797 % #41 = #18} 1) *THE* *OFFICE* *OF*
    *A* *GOVERNOR* *OR* *PREFECT*; 2) the region subject to a prefect; 2a) a province of the Roman empire, either a larger province, or an appendage to
    a larger province, as Palestine was to that of Syria;

    REDUCTIO AD HITLERUM AS IDEA #280 ON 5 AUGUST 1942: "IN THIS RESPECT THE BRITISH ARE OUR SUPERIORS. They, too, are the most frightful bureaucrats;
    but at least they have the sense not to exercise their bureaucracy in
    occupied territory to the advantage of the local inhabitant and the
    detriment of their own country! They have a genius for keeping others at a distance and in winning and preserving respect. Here, perhaps, we have the worst possible example of our methods—delousing infuriates the local inhabitants, as does our fanatical desire to *CIVILISE* them. The net
    result is that they say to themselves: "These people aren't really our superiors—it's only the way they're made"!" [page 613]

    #79 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#1, #9, #8, #50, #1, #10] /
    #279 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#1, #9, #8, #50, #1, #10, #200] = Athēnai (G116): {UMBRA: #79 % #41 = #38} 0) Athens = 'uncertainty'; 1) A famous city in Greece, the capital of Attica, and the chief *SEAT* *OF* *LEARNING* *AND* *CIVILISATION* during the golden period of the history of Greece;

    THE FUEHRER CONCLUDED: Burgdorff has just given me a paper which deals with
    the relationship between Communism and Christianity. It is comforting to
    see how, even in these days, the fatal relationship between the two is
    daily becoming clearer to the human intelligence." [pages 721, 722]


    #FIVE: #328 = [#69, #45, #21, #61, #37, #13, #53, #29]

    #45 #5 #61
    #53 #37 #21
    #13 #69 #29

    In the circumstance of a LUO SHU SQUARE dependency to any #33 - TENET OF
    BELIEF / LUO SHU REFERENCE OBJECT: #205 = [#57, #23, #41, #59, #25] / [#9,
    #77, #41, #5, #75] / DIAGONALS: [#49, #32, #41, #50, #33] / [#17, #68, #41, #14, #65] / #164 = [#54, #70, #28, #12] AS ITS AESTHETIC PRINCIPLE OF PERSISTENCE AGAINST NATURE having its grounding within a PYTHAGOREAN #135 /
    #405 / #540 / #1080 - HETEROS BIPARTITE NUMBER paradigm, then given the
    year 1939 of WWII commencement was a lunar metonic 19 year cycle anchored
    to 1 AD that similarly purveys a supernal construct of conformity to #902 - RULE OF LAW, whereby NAZISM is a faith without RITUAL and therefore
    must be considered as non-differentiated and equivalent.


    Robert <robert@no.way> wrote:
    On Mar 30, 2024, ChristRose wrote
    (in article<n8kg0jhgnpf8q89fv2duqs5us8o1j55fgj@christrose>):

    1. Introduction to Holy Week:

    Ya know, this all sounds nice and such, but you are basically “preaching to the choir”.
    Your ending herein is speaking to “religious people” aka Sunday goin to meeting type people, or twice a year attendees.

    The believer in Jesus The Christ, celebrates in as often as one partakes of Bread and Wine, doing so in the name of the Lord.

    “And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me. After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me.” (1Co 11:24-25, KJV)

    This Is the way of the Believer, and to the Glory of God. A continual celebration of Life, Life Everlasting.

    Also, this should be noted,************* Jesus was not put to death on Friday. So-called Good Friday. No matter how one calculates a day, whether it be a Jewish day or a Solar day. If it were then Jesus would not have been in the grave for 3 nights. And 3 days. This is not posted to put a kink in your post, as when I started writing this I thought only of the fact that the resurrection of Christ should be celebrated in the heart, as well as publicly, frequently. This last part I just remembered and thought I post it so that you and all others can see what happens when one follows the traditions of men, never bothering to see not check what they believe, thus opening the door to confusion and uncertainty.

    Holy Week, also known as Passion Week,
    marks the final week of Jesus Christ's
    life on earth, including events from
    Palm Sunday to Jesus' resurrection
    (Matthew 21-28; Mark 11-16; Luke 19-24;
    John 12-20).

    It is a significant period in the
    Christian calendar, commemorating Jesus'
    final days, crucifixion, and
    resurrection, based on the accounts of
    the four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke,
    and John.

    2. Palm Sunday:

    Celebrates Jesus' triumphant entry into
    Jerusalem, fulfilling Old Testament
    prophecy and publicly claiming His
    Messiahship (Matthew 21:1-11; Zechariah

    The crowds welcomed Jesus with palm
    branches, symbolizing honor and
    celebration, recognizing Him as the king
    and Messiah.

    3. Holy Monday and Holy Tuesday:

    Jesus cleanses the temple, overturning
    the money changers' tables, emphasizing
    the temple's sanctity as a house of
    prayer (Matthew 21:12-13).

    These days feature Jesus teaching in the
    temple, engaging with religious leaders,
    and discussing end times, showcasing His
    wisdom, knowledge, and authority
    (Matthew 21:23-24:51).

    4. Holy Wednesday (Spy Wednesday):

    Marked by Jesus being anointed with
    expensive oil in Bethany, preparing Him
    for burial, and Judas Iscariot's
    betrayal for 30 pieces of silver
    (Matthew 26:6-16).

    Highlights Jesus' foreknowledge of His
    suffering and death, yet His commitment
    to God's will and unconditional love
    even towards His betrayer.

    5. Maundy Thursday:

    Includes the Last Supper and Jesus
    washing the disciples' feet, teaching
    them about humility, love, and
    servanthood (John 13:1-17).

    Jesus gives the new commandment to love
    one another as He has loved them,
    exemplifying humility and service (John

    6. Good Friday:

    Jesus is arrested, tried, and crucified,
    fulfilling His role as the ultimate
    sacrifice for humanity's sins (Luke
    23:1-49; John 19:1-30).

    Despite being sinless, Jesus willingly
    suffers and dies, demonstrating His love
    and offering salvation and
    reconciliation with God (Romans 5:8; 1
    Peter 3:18).

    7. Holy Saturday (Black Saturday):

    A day of mourning and reflection as
    Jesus lies in the tomb, with His
    followers in grief and uncertainty
    (Matthew 27:57-66).

    Encourages self-assessment and
    contemplation on one's relationship with
    Jesus and recognition of Him as the hope
    of salvation.

    8. Resurrection Sunday:

    Celebrates Jesus' resurrection,
    affirming His victory over death and His
    identity as the Son of God and the true
    Messiah (Matthew 28:1-10; Luke 24:1-12).

    Offers hope and salvation to all who
    trust in Him, emphasizing the
    significance of Jesus' resurrection for
    faith and eternal life (Romans 6:4-5; 1
    Corinthians 15:20-22).

    9. Conclusion and Invitation:

    Encourages reflection on the meaning of
    Holy Week and the transformative impact
    of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection.

    Presents an invitation to accept Jesus
    as Lord and Savior, emphasizing the
    personal and communal significance of
    committing to follow Him.


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