• The Errors of Fascism

    From Raskolynikov@21:1/5 to All on Sun Oct 1 04:15:55 2023
    Naturally, we might ask ourselves, what made fascism so bad, and Nazism
    as a synonym for evil, when it started as a workers party and a patriotic movement to combat 6 figure inflation, economic breakdown and moral
    decay of the Weimer Republic, with emphasis on the traditional and
    patriarchal values?

    Moreover, it gave the traditional and patriarchal values a bad name, so
    anyone who prohibits abortion as the White Plague and the holocaust on the unborn is automatically labelled as a "Nazi", anti-semite and a human incinerator.

    While Mr. Adolph Hitler had some good starting points, like zero inflation instead of a six-figure one, strong rebuilding of infrastructure and industry, reinforcing the family values over the moral decline and debauchery of
    the Weimar Republic, what were his most noteworthy errors that brought
    him to his demise and made him a Hitler which is today a synonym for
    an evil person and a dictator?

    The first and most basic one might be the foundational ideology on which
    he built his rebirth of Germany: the attempts to create a superior race
    through eugenics and an Übermensch. He dismissed the Holy Bible,
    Moses, the prophets and Jesus entirely, keeping the churches as the
    folklore, much like the communists, based on the corruption of those
    from Ephraim who abandoned the Covenant and those in the Church
    who went after Mammon and the world's political power.

    He surrounded himself with the people who gained riches for themselves
    and collected stolen art while Germany was indeed bleeding for their
    cause. This doesn't seem right, but he also systematically dismissed
    any competent general who told him that his great ideas of Aryan
    supremacy and survival of the fittest will not work in the field.
    Or the battlefield. He filtered out any such information that did not
    support the idea of the Aryan supremacy and the magical superweapon
    that will turn the war around and give him a victory even when Allies
    were already in Berlin.

    Additionally, already in 1944, he dedicated significant resources
    and logistics to his "Endlosung", to systematic destruction of craftsmen
    and potters, which he saw as the guilty party for the German WW1 demise.
    This had a consequence of turning the planet's greatest usurers and
    loan sharks into the planet's greatest victims, the capital which they
    still profit from abundantly, completing the financial takeover that
    will be followed by the reproductive, gender and transhumanist
    trends, all for the cause of the greater good and the new Light.

    But we know who is the angel of light, the Light Bearer. The direct
    translation of this word to Old Testament Hebrew is Lucifer.

    He is the ultimate power that makes the White Plague, the holocaust of
    the unborn billion babies a "female reproductive right". Even for the Nazis, the holocaust was their superior race's right, the purge of the lower races.
    He is what makes masculinity and femininity evil to the point that it
    deserves jail sentences, and it is sufficient that a man is accused to be guilty for life. He makes Biblical deviations look like love and tolerance, while at the same time this system supports bullying and bashing of
    all who maintain the traditional values.

    Lucifer is the one behind the transhumanist ideology that makes
    replacement of the God-created human with the human-created machine
    parts and implants as ideal, progress and beauty. (Though this by no means
    is to be interpreted in the manner that people who need prosthetics
    for health reasons are to be demeaned.)

    Lucifer is the one who says that natural breasts, lips and beauty are not sufficient and silicone replacement for aesthetic reasons is the way to go.

    This is not the call for the discrimination of the "augmented" women (and
    men), but discernment of the origin of the phenomenon that makes people
    believe that natural and God-given is not good enough, and humans
    need to be "upgraded", physically and mentally.

    Also, the fact that Ephraim is the world's top usurer and loan shark on
    the international, the State and the System level doesn't invalidate Moses, Law, prophets and the Lord Jesus Christ, who were all by choice of the God Creator Jewish, by the lineage of Abraham, the father of faith.

    This is not understood by many scholars who do not realise that the
    followers of the Book and Christians worship the same God of Abraham,
    which is confirmed in the Noble Qur'an 2:62.

    In this way, Lucifer also deployed the "divide and conquer" strategy, which
    can only be executed in complete ignorance of the Holy Books they claim
    to know them by having memorised them.

    Hitler's racial superiority myths and ancient deities did not support him to the victory - we know that he was defeated in all fronts with the Third Reich in flame and ashes.

    The Western Allies, however, chose not to retaliate and decimate the Germans once they were conquered, but instead introduced denazification, the rebuilding and the Marshall's plan.

    Ultimately, the world usury domination, gender ideology, reproductive rights ideology and transhumanism will all be defeated in Armageddon - we only
    do not yet know how and who is going to be on whose side. Because many
    of the former will be the latter, and many of the last shall be the first.

    So our answer should be to not repay evil for evil, but overcome evil with good.
    Nazism was overcome with good - the rebuilding plan for Germany and
    Japan made them reliable allies. Hitler's repaying evil for evil in WW1 actually brought more suffering for Germans and Germany, which tragically
    could not end before his complete defeat and death.

    The moral of the story should be to not filter (or censor) the negative information that comes to us. The nations that have governments deciding
    what people will listen are trained to be weak - both on the East and the West. We need critical thinkers who will discern evil from good. The Bismarck introduced system of public education appears to be preconceived to
    create a population that doesn't think with their heads and blindly
    accepts government's truth, ultimately leading to the cult of
    personality after cult of personality which will end in the Man of Peace
    who will dominate over all of the nations.

    And we know that the more government is corrupt, the more it demands
    that we unconditionally obey and trust them without questioning their statements.

    Not every bad thing that happens to us is meant to destroy us: some things
    are meant to save us from the greater evil.

    in the LORD

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