• More precision of my philosophy about the laws and ideas and about the

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Mon Dec 12 10:03:22 2022

    More precision of my philosophy about the laws and ideas and about the new type of man and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    So i think that the most important problems come from the fact that
    we have to construct a new type of man by making laws and enforcing laws and by using ideas, so i invite you to read the following article from president Putin so that you understand:

    Russia's Putin: I've Always Liked Communist and Socialist 'Ideas'


    So when you are smart, you will notice in the above article that
    President Putin is like following the way of a philosopher, since his conception of the how to construct a new type of man can be logically inferred from the above article, since notice how he is talking about communism, that doesn't mean he is a communist , but he his seeking to construct a new type of man that makes the
    good society, so notice that he is not talking about capitalism , since he knows what is capitalism, but i think as i am saying below that the most important thing for him is that he wants to construct a new type of man by using laws and ideas, and of
    course, and as i have just said below, that it is also his way to fight the moral decline of western countries.

    More of my philosophy about Russia and about China and about the moral decline of western countries and more of my thoughts..

    I invite you to read the following article about China and the moral decline of western countries:

    China trumpets "core socialist values" amid moral decline


    And i think that China is also using laws so that to fight against
    moral decline, so read my following thoughts so that to understand:

    And read what is saying president Putin in the following video and you will notice that it is the same, he wants to fight the moral decline of western countries:


    And i think that Russia is also using laws so that to fight against
    moral decline, so read my following previous thoughts so that to understand:

    More of my philosophy about the new type of man and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am a philosopher and i will try to make you understand my point of views, so i am not wanting to attack this or that person, i am just trying to make you understand my point of views, and it is that i think that the problematic is about the new
    type of man that we have to construct in a society, so for example when you make a law, the law that for example limits free speech in a kind of way, is also a law that construct a new type of man that has to abide by the law, so it is not just communism
    that has wanted to construct a new type of man, so i think it is what is happening in many arab countries and i think that it is also what brings dictatorship or a kind of dictatorship, so for example i think that president Putin is not in accordance
    with western countries about the laws that construct a new type of man, so for example there is laws in Russia that limits free speech and that limits human rights in a kind of way so that to construct a new type of man, and it is the same in China and i
    think that it is what is happening even in many arab countries, so reread my below thoughts so that to understand more:

    More of my philosophy about my way of thinking and more of my thoughts..

    So what is that you think is my way of thinking ? so my way of thinking
    is that i am trying to make you understand that the way of thinking
    of a philosopher is also the what kind of moral values do we have to have in a society and thus it is also about the human rights, so for example when you look at president Putin of Russia or the president of China you will think that it is just a
    dictatorship, but i think that the problematic is about the kind of moral values that we have to have in a society, and those moral values is what constructs a new type of man, so for example the president of China or president Putin don't want those
    decadent values or what we call moral decline of western countries, so i think that you have to look at our world from this point of view so that you understand what is happening, and reread my below thoughts so that to understand more about it:

    More of my philosophy about human rights in western countries and more of my thoughts..

    So western countries want to enforce there human rights on arab countries since western countries are powerful, but what is it those human rights of western countries ? so now you are understanding that many arab countries see those western human rights
    as coming with decadent values or what we call a moral decline, so how can they defend themselves in front of the powerful western countries ? so you are now understanding the why many arab countries are using tactics that i am talking about below , and
    it is that they still using "Islam" and they can even use a dictatorship like in Russia or China or a kind of dictatorship. So read my following previous thoughts so that to understand more:

    More of my philosophy of why Science has Buried God and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, i invite you to look at the following

    Why Science has Buried God


    So i think i am a philosopher, and i am discovering patterns with my fluid intelligence in the above video, and i say that the above video is naive, since the above video is thinking that that what we call muslims
    in the arab countries is first the believing in God, so if you are thinking it this way, it means that you are naive, since you have to understand the advantages and disadvantages of Islam so that you understand the big picture, it is why the what you
    call many of arab countries are "using" Islam and the what you call "muslims" of those many arab countries are understanding the advantages of Islam even if they know about the disadvantages of Islam, and even if the great majority of them don't believe
    in God and are not true muslims , they are playing smartly at "a" game of making you believe that they are still muslims, because they don't want to lose or be deprived of the values that are the advantages of Islam, so this game is like a business and
    not such the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche, so you have to understand the game of it and how they are playing it smartly, so you have not to think them stupid since i think that it is you that are naive,
    so for example for president Putin it is the same, he is not accepting the decadent values or what we call moral decline of western countries and China is not accepting it and they are using there tactics as many arab countries are using the above
    tactics, so think about it.

    More of my philosophy about Type III civilization and the next glacial period and more of my thoughts..

    Predicted changes in orbital forcing suggest that the next glacial period would begin at least 50,000 years from now. But i think since
    it will take humanity 3,200 years to reach Type II civilization, and 5,800 years to reach Type III civilization, so i think that at Type III
    civilization we will be able to solve the problematic of next glacial period and such problematics. But of course we have to know how to manage the exponential progress of our humanity, and i invite you to look at the following interesting video of
    Michio Kaku ( Read about him here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michio_Kaku ) about how we’ll be Gods in year 2100 because of the exponential progress of our humanity, and read about the exponential progress of our humanity in my below thoughts, so
    here is the video of Michio Kaku and look at it carefully:


    More of my philosophy about the pie is not fixed in capitalism and more of my thoughts..

    And you are understanding from my below thoughts that
    i have just said that in our today world we are pushed by capitalism and progress to compete against each other, so then you are noticing that even if there is no fixed pie in capitalism, since because of innovation and industrialization and such, this
    make the economic output growing really fast and this permits capitalism to be not a zero-sum game, but you have to understand that this lower competition between people , but i say that there is for example still competition between humans on quality of
    products and services in our today world of capitalism and progress.

    More of my philosophy about Thomas Hobbes philosophy and about
    the how to civilize humans and more of my thoughts..

    So i invite you to read the following article about the philosopher Thomas Hobbes and his ideas:


    So i think that Thomas Hobbes was making a mistake, since he was not taking into account a variable that is the it’s important to remember that in the prehistoric era, the world was very sparsely populated and according to some estimates, around 15,000
    years ago, the population of Europe was only 29,000, and the population of the whole world was less than half a million. So it’s likely there was an abundance of resources for hunter-gatherer groups, so it is why i think that when you look at for
    example the normal distribution for the human trait of violence , you will notice that there is only 16.4% of genetically violent humans, and i think that it can also be explained by the fact that since in the prehistoric era there where abundance of
    ressources for hunter-gatherer groups, so then i think it has affected the the natural selection process since they were not competing as we think. And of course, you might argue that if this is case, why do present day humans often behave so selfishly
    and ruthlessly? Why are these negative traits so normal in many cultures? Perhaps though these traits should be seen as the result of environmental and psychological factors, since i think that in our today world we are pushed by capitalism and progress
    to compete against each other.

    And read the following thoughts so that to understand more:

    "Traits such as cooperation, egalitarianism, altruism and peacefulness are natural to human beings. These were the traits that have been prevalent in human life for tens of thousands of years. So presumably these traits are still strong in us now. Of
    course, you might argue that if this is case, why do present day humans often behave so selfishly and ruthlessly? Why are these negative traits so normal in many cultures? Perhaps though these traits should be seen as the result of environmental and
    psychological factors."

    Read more here:


    More of my philosophy about violent revolution and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i invite you to look at the following video so that you understand something important:

    Why I QUIT The RAT RACE & The “ American Dream “


    So i am discovering patterns with my fluid intelligence in the above video, since i think that the brown guy in the above video is not
    understanding philosophy, since first he has to define what is
    personal responsability, so for example can we simply make responsable the governments of USA, so i think you can not do it this way, since rulers in the governments of USA can for example be genetically not so smart and genetically not so apt at being
    wise, so you are understanding the difficulty, so then it is why it has to come with a "kind" of "tolerance", so then i think that a violent revolution is not appropriate in USA, but then i think that smart reforms are the way to go.

    More of my philosophy about ethics and morality and about happiness and more of my thoughts..

    So notice carefully my thoughts below, so i think it is smart,
    since so that to model correctly i am using the english sentence below of: "Humans have the strong tendency to want to be happy" , so notice that it is smart, since it englobes the both the facts that it creates human acts that go against ethics and
    morality and it also creates human acts that are in accordance with ethics and morality, since happiness is also the today and future happiness that create "responsability", since the future happiness is a constraint, and it can model success too, so
    then i think it is smart, so then we have not to be naive as i am saying below, so reread carefully my previous thoughts so that to understand my views:

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ,
    so as you notice in my below thoughts that i am not defining the wanting to maximize at best happiness by being ethical as the wanting to be happiness, but i know that in philosophy happiness is defined by the ethical and by morality, and it is in the
    ethical and in morality not an all absolute happiness, but you have to understand my views, so the ethical and morality is one thing, but i say that you have not to be naive since i say that humans have the strong tendency to wanting to be happy, so read
    my following previous thoughts so that to understand my views:

    More of my philosophy about happiness and more of my thoughts..

    I think that, by logical analogy, the mechanism that creates the Mafia and such criminal organizations and that creates the street gangs look like the mechanism of how we become the what we call racism and how we become hate and discrimination between
    humans, since i think that it comes from the fact that humans want to be happy, so then this wanting to be happy causes hate and it causes discrimination between humans and it causes the what we call racism and it causes corruption and it creates
    criminal organizations and such.

    More of my philosophy about discrimination and racism and more of my thoughts...

    First you have to understand that science says that there is no human
    races, but there is only one race that we call the human race, so i will say the what we call racism and discrimination come from the fact the humans have the strong tendency to be really selective, so they "want" to have high quality things and they
    want to be with high quality humans and they want to eat the good things and they want to be rich , so i think that it is not that it is genetical in humans, but it is that humans want to be happy , so then they are really selective and it causes racism
    and it causes discrimination.

    More of my philosophy about the purpose and meaning of human life and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart, and I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so
    i invite you to read the following article from the Atlantic about the meaning of human life:


    So notice in the above article that it is saying that Positive Psychology says that human life has to have a Purpose and human life has to have a value, but i think that Positive psychology doesn't answer correctly, since i am explaining smartly in my
    below philosophies that there is no meaning of human life, and notice how i am explaining it by also showing the how humans are measuring the meaning of human life by also how they are measuring the value of human life, and see how i am giving my way of
    doing so that to transcend the problems caused by lack of meaning, and of course i am also saying that the value of human life today brought by pleasures of life plays the role of an opium of the people or drug, since there is still no meaning of human
    life, and of course i am giving in my philosophies the way to smartly transcend this problems of lack of meaning by for example saying that we have to focus much more on the exponential progress of our humanity that will soon make us powerful Gods, and
    this way of thinking about this exponential progress of our humanity makes us being hope and makes us being a positive energy and a positive spirit and makes us being patience, but of course you have to know how to manage correctly this exponential
    progress of our humanity.

    And i think i am a philosopher and so that to know how i am proving that human life has no meaning, read my thoughts of my philosophies in the following web link:


    And here is how i am proving in the above web link that there is no meaning of human life:

    More of my philosophy about nihilism and about the meaning of human life and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, and i think i am a philosopher, so now i will invite you to look carefully at the following video:

    Life Has Never Been Easier: So Why Is Everyone Depressed?


    So i am quickly discovering patterns with my fluid intelligence in
    the above video, and the patterns are the following:

    So notice that the above video is saying that life has never been easier so why everyone is depressed, but i think that i am a philosopher and i say that the above video is making a big mistake and it is that he is comparing our human life with the old
    human life and it is a mistake , since by logical analogy i can for example say: What is it that we call a genetically smart human a genetically smart human ? so as you notice that the calling a genetically smart human is a relative way of measuring
    against the normal distribution of the genetical smartness, but is it the right answer if we measure like absolutely ? so i think that now you are noticing the big mistake, since humans are not measuring relatively the meaning of human life, but since in
    our today world there are many medias and there is democratization of medias and democratization of knowledge and information, so then humans are much more conscious about there human conditions than humans in the old world or in the past, and it is why
    they are becoming nihilistic, since they are like measuring absolutely and saying that humans are so weak when they look at all those constraints of human life and the constraints of our universe, so they say that human life is really bad, so then it is
    like a kind of nihilism, so the being nihilistic is to flirt with despair and the sentiment that life is not worth living, and of course notice that nihilism is also the sentiment that life is not worth living, so i am a philosopher and i say that a kind
    of nihilism can be the also believing that human life is not worth living without the negative emotions that comes with it and even if you live it in a kind of way , and of course i say that in nihilism, the flirting with despair can be not the negative
    emotions that comes with it, and of course this kind of nihilism makes humans really impatient and it creates a kind of disorder and it creates violence, and it is why this kind of nihilism is bad, and of course as you notice that i am defining nihilism
    as the following so that to construct a meaning of human life or life:

    I invite you to read the following article about the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche and about nihilism so that to understand:


    So notice carefully in the above article that it defines nihilism as
    the following:

    "Nihilism is the conviction that there is no meaning to life, that the world is inhospitable to our highest hopes and values, and that there are no gods or higher purposes to justify our suffering. To be a nihilist is to flirt with despair and the
    sentiment that life is not worth living."

    So then i can say that in philosophy you have to make a difference between the problematics of the lack of the meaning of human life and of that of the becoming rich by for example the way of the engine of egoism as has said it the philosopher and
    economist Adam Smith the father of economic Liberalism, since i am a philosopher that says that you can become rich as a country, but the lack of meaning of human life can make the "way" or the "path" of the becoming rich of the country not good, since
    the lack of meaning of human life makes humans really impatient and it creates a kind of disorder and it creates violence, and it is the deficiency of the philosophy of absurdism of the french philosopher Albert Camus, since Albert Camus says in his
    absurdism philosophy that there is a lack of meaning of human life, but he doesn't give us the "right" way to give a meaning to human life and he doesn't talk correctly about the problematics that are caused by the lack of meaning of human life.

    More of my philosophy about the too much violence and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart, and I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i will ask the following philosophical question:

    And as you have just understood from the below interesting article,
    that traits such as cooperation, egalitarianism, altruism and peacefulness are "natural" to human beings. so now i will ask a philosophical question of:

    And what about the too much violence of this or that human or group of humans ?

    So i think that the too much violence of the this or that human or a group of humans has to be seen as a negative factor that goes against
    the own survival of the this or that human or this group of humans, since cooperation, egalitarianism, altruism and peacefulness are natural to human beings, so then you have to be very careful , since if you are too much violence, the majority will not
    like it , so the too much violence can hurt you badly and hurt badly your survival, also today we also have such as the U.S. Constitution that establishes three separate but equal branches of government: the legislative branch (makes the law), the
    executive branch (enforces the law), and the judicial branch (interprets the law) that can put you in prison , so you have to think twice before being too much violence, and of course since you are understanding it, you have also to adapt your way of
    doing business taking into account what i am just saying. And you can for example understand it by looking at Germany that has just arrested 25 suspected far-right extremists for plotting to overthrow government, read about it in the following article:


    More of my philosophy about why humans aren’t inherently selfish and more of my thoughts..

    I invite you to read the following interesting article:

    Humans aren’t inherently selfish – we’re actually hardwired to work together

    "Traits such as cooperation, egalitarianism, altruism and peacefulness are natural to human beings. These were the traits that have been prevalent in human life for tens of thousands of years. So presumably these traits are still strong in us now. Of
    course, you might argue that if this is case, why do present day humans often behave so selfishly and ruthlessly? Why are these negative traits so normal in many cultures? Perhaps though these traits should be seen as the result of environmental and
    psychological factors."

    Read more here:


    More of my philosophy about the philosopher Albert Camus and more of my thoughts..

    Today i will talk more about the meaning of human life and about the philosopher Albert Camus, and I invite you to look at the following video that talks about absurdism of the philosopher Albert Camus:

    Is life meaningless? And other absurd questions - Nina Medvinskaya


    I think i am highly smart, and I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, and i think i am a philosopher, and i say that i am not in accordance with
    the above video, since in my philosophies, read them below, i am
    explaining how there is no meaning of human life, and i am explaining that you have to make a difference between the there is no meaning of human life and of that of the being happy, so i think that even if there is no meaning of human life, we can still
    have pleasures of life that make us more happy and this can also play the role of like an opium of people or a drug that permits us to not be so pessimistic and not be too much preoccupied by or with the meaning of human life, but my philosophies also
    explain that the problematic that still remains is that when there is no meaning of human, it still cause problems to the way or path to the goal of being wealthy or being rich, and it is what i am explaining in my philosophies, read them below, and of
    course i am giving in my philosophies the way to smartly transcend this problems by for example focusing much more on the exponential progress of our humanity that will soon make us powerful Gods, and this way of thinking about this exponential progress
    of our humanity makes us being hope and makes us being a positive energy and a positive spirit and makes us being patience, but of course you have to know how to manage correctly this exponential progress of our humanity.

    And here is my other thoughts about this exponential progress of our humanity etc. so that you understand my views:

    More of my philosophy about the way to follow and more of my thoughts..

    I think that from my thoughts of my new philosophies and that you can read below, that we have to be the positive energy and the positive spirit by focusing much more on the exponential progress of our humanity that i am talking about in my below
    thoughts, since as is saying it Michio Kaku in the below video, that we will soon be so powerful like Gods, other than that, notice how in my below thoughts i am also speaking about the good news about the new medical treatments and about the new medical
    drugs or medications , and it is in accordance with my new philosophies below, since it is a positive energy that also softens morals , and i invite you to read my thoughts of my new philosophies that i have invented so that to know more about my views
    on the subjects of philosophy, and here is the web link where you can read my thoughts of my new philosophies and of my new proverbs:


    More of my philosophy of how we’ll be Gods in year 2100 and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i invite you to look at the following interesting video of Michio Kaku ( Read about him here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michio_Kaku ) about how
    we’ll be Gods in year 2100 because of the exponential progress of our humanity, and read about the exponential progress of our humanity in my below thoughts, so here is the video of Michio Kaku and look at it carefully:


    More of my philosophy about how to regrow teeth and about genetics and more of my thoughts..

    Researchers have found a way to regrow teeth

    Read more here:


    More of my philosophy about how to regrow cartilage and about genetics and more of my thoughts..

    A small tweak to genes may finally enable us to regrow cartilage

    Read more here:


    More of my philosophy about genetics and about the Era of genetically modified superhumans and more of my thoughts..

    New CRISPR-based Tool inserts large DNA sequences at desired sites in cells

    The following new technique, known as PASTE, could hold promise for treating diseases that are caused by defective genes with a large number of mutations, such as cystic fibrosis.

    Read more here:


    And new CRISPR-Cas approach permits more precise DNA cleavage

    So-called SpRYgests enable DNA cutting at practically any sequence for DNA editing.

    Read more here on ScienceDaily:


    And i invite you to look in the following video at what is saying the Geneticist Jennifer Doudna that co-invented a groundbreaking new technology for editing genes, called CRISPR-Cas9, and she is a Nobel prize and she believes that the technical
    obstacles to gene editing have been overcome and the world is rapidly approaching the day when it will be possible to make essentially any kind of change to any kind of human genome, so i think we will soon be able to enhance much more the genetics of
    humans so that humans become much more smart or much more beautiful or such, and look at the following video so that to notice it, so we have to know how to be patience, and you have to take into account our exponential progress of humanity, read about
    it in my thoughts below:

    The Era of Genetically Modified Superhumans


    More of my philosophy about intelligence and genetics and exponential
    progress and more..

    I think i am smart, and i will say that you have to read the following:

    "Genome-wide association studies allow scientists to start to see how combinations of many, many genes interact in complicated ways. And it
    takes huge data sets to sort through all the genetic noise and find
    variants that truly make a difference on traits like intelligence."

    Read more here on the following interesting article:


    So i think that it needs huge data sets to detect the "patterns" that
    explain human intelligence and such human traits, so i think that the
    data, that permits it, is growing exponentially and really fast and the computer power is also growing exponentially and really fast, so i think
    that we will soon be able to find all the genetic variants in the human
    genome that make a difference on traits like intelligence.

    More of my philosophy about the knee of the exponential progress curve..

    I think that the easy part is that we will soon be able to enhance much more the genetics of humans and become much more smart and much more
    beautiful, since i think that we have "just" already attained the knee
    of the exponential progress curve, this knee of the curve is the place
    where growth suddenly switches from a slower to an even faster
    exponential mode, so now the curve of exponential progress of our
    humanity has "just" already started to go exponentially even much
    faster, this is why in about 10 or 15 years from now we will become so
    powerful because of it. And you have to look at the following video so
    that to understand this exponential progress of our humanity:

    Exponential Progress: Can We Expect Mind-Blowing Changes In The Near Future


    More of my philosophy about reversing aging and about cancer and more of my thoughts..

    I invite you to look at the following video:

    Researchers say they are close to reversing aging

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