• 12-11-1972 - LAST Men on the Moon

    From 26C.Z969@21:1/5 to All on Mon Dec 12 00:31:52 2022
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.space, alt.science

    Yep, yesterday WAS the day ... the LAST people to
    visit the moon, Apollo 17.

    Been a long time.

    Should we send more people to the moon ?

    No, not really.

    Robotics can do it these days. Exploration,
    evaluation, industry. At just two light
    seconds round, tele-presence can work, fine
    control. Employ college undergrads.

    The moon is NASTY, ridiculously difficult for humans.

    So don't send any more. Forget it. Just a publicity
    stunt with HUGE pricetag.

    And Mars ain't much better ....

    Do I seem dour ? Yes, I am. Been there, seen that,
    PAID for that, got pretty much DICK aside from
    Teflon fry pans (and now THEY are supposed to be

    There are better ways now. "Footprints" ain't
    worth tens of billions.

    SOMEday we'll have something like "warp drive".
    THAT'S the ticket, where to put the money. Dunno
    what form it will take - likely NOT Starship
    Enterprise - probably something more "quantum".
    Hey, why IS stuff stubbornly where it IS - why
    not across the universe all of a sudden ? This
    is within the realm of quantum possibilities.

    Fire-spewing phallic-shaped projectiles ain't
    where the future is. Put the $$$ elsewhere.
    Hey, we only need results before gettable earth
    resources run out after all, no problem. Oh yea,
    EIGHT BILLION and counting now ... and they ALL
    want the cushy 1st-world lifestyle of plenty
    they see on TV .....

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