• Just Great - Walker/Warnock Run-off SUPER Close - Now Losers WILL Claim

    From 26C.Z969@21:1/5 to All on Tue Dec 6 21:49:28 2022
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics, alt.politics.usa
    XPost: alt.elections

    Yep, NOTHING will be resolved. Sure, we'll get one or
    the other elected - but the losers will NEVER believe
    it's real. That's the modern mindset and it's destructively

    A humble proposal - if the initial votes are so close
    as to suggest a run-off - DON'T. Instead decide it the
    old fashioned way - a COIN TOSS. Just bounce a tennis
    ball and pick the Joe or Jane off the street it lands
    nearest and have them toss The Coin.

    A simple quarter from the nearest bystander would
    be ideal - nothing fancy, nothing that could be
    "loaded" or tossed by an expert to bias the result.
    Tosser, coin, toss - all in 30 seconds in plain view.

    The double randomness - the picking and tossing -
    should be good enough to quell any claims of
    cheating and then it'd be DONE - and no political
    party/faction/movement could exploit the situation
    to turn the citizens against each other for fun
    and profit.

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