• Brave Dog Fights EIGHT Coyotes to Save Sheep/Goat Flock

    From 26C.Z969@21:1/5 to All on Sun Dec 4 23:34:36 2022
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa


    . . .

    He's a VERY good boy! Brave Georgia sheepdog is recovering
    after killing eight coyotes who tried to maul flock of sheep
    and goats he was watching over.

    A Georgia sheepdog is recovering from after being injured by
    a pack of coyotes while guarding his herd of sheep and goats.

    . . .

    Damned good dog ! KNOWS THE MISSION.

    However you wouldn't think of large coyote packs
    in GEORGIA - but there they are. The damned things
    have spread VERY widely and are now a hazard to
    both ag interests AND humans.

    There was another story today from Cal about some
    dad who looked out the window and saw a coyote
    dragging away his 2-year-old kid .........

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