• the passing of kenneth starr spelled with two rr's hardly made a blip o

    From Tell it like it is.@21:1/5 to All on Sun Dec 4 10:07:05 2022
    one generation passes away and another takes its place
    - Holy Bible
    Ashkenazi Jews have a low opinion of the Christian Holy Bible, and I hold a similar opinion of evangelicals. Why? Because Christians believe in Christ and unless they are Catholic they
    don't consider the Hebrew place bringing Christ to the world and Jews don't believe in Christ because the chief priest in Jerusalem said "a man must die for the nation" instead of the usual killing of harmless sheep goats and bulls to expiate their sins.
    With the passing of the great Kenneth Starr, I naturally thought with a name like Starr he was Jewish. He was Lutheran that means a Christian. I watched Ken Starr during the scandal
    and hated his tone of voice as though the whole thing corrupted him and it did. Before the attorney passed away I heard a sound bite he made and it sounded like the Ken Starr he should have been before he began presenting his "great" legal case to the
    world. Scandals must come Christ warns in the new testament but beware. Those who bring such things Ken the Lutheran never hesitated.
    I can still see Ken Starr being interviewed by Dianne Sawyer saying with a mealy mouth how he felt "comfortable" Sickened me as he brought his legal brief to the world. "He lied"
    said a woman. She meant the President. Who pops up to "defend" the President in a more recent impeachment attempt, for belonging to the wrong party, meaning not the six guys impeaching him currently like raising a third temple from the rubble, It's no
    less than attorney Kenneth Starr, and he was defending a President against being a Georgia Peach ment. That will be as succesful as building a third temple in Jerusalem based on race and worldwide subversion in the name of self-promotion as "the chosen
    people" based on the native Jews who wrote the holy bible before the death of Mohammad creating sunnis and shias as in Catholic and Protestant as in Sephardic or Midddle Eastern Jews and Russian and Ashkenazis the barbarian tribe that adopted the Hebrew
    religion at the death of Mohammad the Prophet and who proudly call themselves a nation or race rather than a religion. Even though Christians call them a religion because the people who wrote the Holy Bible were actually from the Middle East and it's a
    theocratic part of the world meaning it's a religious culture which animates those people on the world stage. "we're going to impeach the motherfucker" said the Congresswoman within moments of taking the oath of office sworn in on a Koran I would think,
    the Muslim version of my Holy Bible. Reducing the Ten Commandments to what they are whether a tribe of protocols between villages in the Jungles of South America or a Greek before Christ the common sense of all good men seeking the good foe their fellow
    man. Now we find ourselves according to Henry Makow, and he is right, FEMINISM the takeover of the American Communist Party in the USA. It would be interesting to have an election with them on the ballot. Just to watch the numbers they get from the
    Democratic Party where Wasingtonian African ancestry Americans see themselves more as blacks than american.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Tell it like it is.@21:1/5 to Tell it like it is. on Sun Dec 4 10:23:48 2022
    On Sunday, December 4, 2022 at 12:07:07 PM UTC-6, Tell it like it is. wrote:
    one generation passes away and another takes its place
    - Holy Bible
    Ashkenazi Jews have a low opinion of the Christian Holy Bible, and I hold a similar opinion of evangelicals. Why? Because Christians believe in Christ and unless they are Catholic they don't consider the Hebrew place bringing Christ to the world and
    Jews don't believe in Christ because the chief priest in Jerusalem said "a man must die for the nation" instead of the usual killing of harmless sheep goats and bulls to expiate their sins.
    With the passing of the great Kenneth Starr, I naturally thought with a name like Starr he was Jewish. He was Lutheran that means a Christian. I watched Ken Starr during the scandal and hated his tone of voice as though the whole thing corrupted him
    and it did. Before the attorney passed away I heard a sound bite he made and it sounded like the Ken Starr he should have been before he began presenting his "great" legal case to the world. Scandals must come Christ warns in the new testament but beware.
    Those who bring such things Ken the Lutheran never hesitated.
    I can still see Ken Starr being interviewed by Dianne Sawyer saying with a mealy mouth how he felt "comfortable" Sickened me as he brought his legal brief to the world. "He lied" said a woman. She meant the President. Who pops up to "defend" the
    President in a more recent national trial emanating from Washington, an impeachment attempt, for belonging to the wrong party? Not the six guys impeaching the President currently, not the incumbent ,currently , like raising a third temple from the rubble,
    a Georgia Peach,It's no less than attorney Kenneth Starr, and he was DEFENDING a President against becomug a Georgia Peach. That will be as succesful as building a third temple in Jerusalem based on Race and, worldwide subversion, beginning with the
    Rothschilds, and the blessings that can accrue from monopoly in the name of self-promotion as "the chosen people" based on the native Jews who wrote the Holy Bible before the death of Mohammad creating sunnis and shias as in Catholic and Protestant as in
    Sephardic or Middle Eastern Jews and Russian and Ashkenazis the barbarian tribe that adopted the Hebrew religion, AS THEIR OWN, at the death of Mohammad the Prophet and who proudly call themselves a nation or race rather than a religion. Even though
    Christians call them a religion because the people who wrote the Holy Bible were actually from the Middle East and it's a theocratic part of the world meaning it's a religious culture which animates those people on the world stage. "we're going to
    impeach the motherfucker" said the Congresswoman within moments of taking the oath of office sworn in on a Koran I would think, the Muslim version of my Holy Bible. Reducing the Ten Commandments to what they are whether a tribe of protocols between
    villages in the Jungles of South America or a Greek before Christ the common sense of all GOOD MEN seeking the good of their fellow man. Now we find ourselves according to Henry Makow, and he is right, FEMINISM the takeover of the American Communist
    Party in the USA. It would be interesting to have an election with them on the ballot. Just to watch the numbers they get from the Democratic Party where Wasingtonian African ancestry Americans see themselves more as blacks than american.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Tell it like it is.@21:1/5 to Tell it like it is. on Sun Dec 4 11:17:38 2022
    On Sunday, December 4, 2022 at 12:23:51 PM UTC-6, Tell it like it is. wrote:
    On Sunday, December 4, 2022 at 12:07:07 PM UTC-6, Tell it like it is. wrote:
    one generation passes away and another takes its place
    - Holy Bible
    Ashkenazi Jews have a low opinion of the Christian Holy Bible, and I hold a similar opinion of evangelicals. Why? Because Christians believe in Christ and unless they are Catholic they don't consider the Hebrew place bringing Christ to the world and
    Jews don't believe in Christ because the chief priest in Jerusalem said "a man must die for the nation" instead of the usual killing of harmless sheep goats and bulls to expiate their sins.
    With the passing of the great Kenneth Starr, I naturally thought with a name like Starr he was Jewish. He was Lutheran that means a Christian. I watched Ken Starr during the scandal and hated his tone of voice as though the whole thing corrupted him
    and it did. Before the attorney passed away I heard a sound bite he made and it sounded like the Ken Starr he should have been before he began presenting his "great" legal case to the world. Scandals must come Christ warns in the new testament but beware.
    Those who bring such things Ken the Lutheran never hesitated.
    I can still see Ken Starr being interviewed by Dianne Sawyer saying with a mealy mouth how he felt "comfortable" Sickened me as he brought his legal brief to the world. "He lied" said a woman. She meant the President. Who pops up to "defend" the
    President in a more recent national trial emanating from Washington, an impeachment attempt, for belonging to the wrong party? Not the six guys impeaching the President currently, not the incumbent ,currently , like raising a third temple from the rubble,
    a Georgia Peach,It's no less than attorney Kenneth Starr, and he was DEFENDING a President against becomug a Georgia Peach. That will be as succesful as building a third temple in Jerusalem based on Race and, worldwide subversion, beginning with the
    Rothschilds, and the blessings that can accrue from monopoly in the name of self-promotion as "the chosen people" based on the native Jews who wrote the Holy Bible before the death of Mohammad creating sunnis and shias as in Catholic and Protestant as in
    Sephardic or Middle Eastern Jews and Russian and Ashkenazis the barbarian tribe that adopted the Hebrew religion, AS THEIR OWN, at the death of Mohammad the Prophet and who proudly call themselves a nation or race rather than a religion. Even though
    Christians call them a religion because the people who wrote the Holy Bible were actually from the Middle East and it's a theocratic part of the world meaning it's a religious culture which animates those people on the world stage. "we're going to
    impeach the motherfucker" said the Congresswoman within moments of taking the oath of office sworn in on a Koran I would think, the Muslim version of my Holy Bible. Reducing the Ten Commandments to what they are whether a tribe of protocols between
    villages in the Jungles of South America or a Greek before Christ the common sense of all GOOD MEN seeking the good of their fellow man. Now we find ourselves according to Henry Makow, and he is right, FEMINISM the takeover of the American Communist
    Party in the USA. It would be interesting to have an election with them on the ballot. Just to watch the numbers they get from the Democratic Party where Wasingtonian African ancestry Americans see themselves as "black" American.
    Believe What You Say
    1958 the dance floor is older than the singer Ricky Nelson!
    Divergent opinions are necessary in a democracy. That's why it seems strange when divergent opinions are not allowed in a democracy.. Don't believe in bullshit and the bullshitter goes on the attack. Moses wrote Ten Commandments in Rush Limbaugh's words:
    G O D wrote the Ten Commandments. The sanctity of a man's human mind wrote the rules of common sense. They are written in stone not in plaster of paris.
    Don't bear false witness against your neighbor. Don't impeach a President because he doesn't belong to your political party. In a one party system divergent opinions are criminal. If we impeach one man we need not impeach the party impeaching the
    opposing party.
    How do you deny the authority of a religious text as valid as the morality of a people. ABRAHAM LINCOLN ended slavery on his blood and that of a million brave men because The President appealed to Almighty God and the Holy Bible. Even his words, from
    memory, perhaps for every drop of blood drawn with the lash we will have to repay to the justice of an omnipotent God. The holy bible was the only book people had to read on the lone prairie.
    In the book of chronicles they list the kings in the dictatorial list of dictatorial hereditary kings. When the kings did well by following the ten rules of common sense, the nation prospered. When his son didn't give a shit about those rules of common
    sens that Moses wrote for EVERY NATION went to hell and the pagans lost respect for the Hebrew Tribes who brought Moses into the world.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)