• Anti-Abortion Protesters Crash Pro-Abortion Gala Banquet

    From 26C.Z969@21:1/5 to All on Sat Dec 3 22:42:37 2022
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa, alt.politics.republicans


    'Abortion is forever, motherf**ker': Pregnancy center banquet
    is ambushed by seething pro-life protesters in DC - as they
    rip into guests for having 'blood on their hands'

    Pro-abortion protesters crashed a pregnancy center banquet
    in Washington DC.

    . . .

    While I'm not in favor of either extreme in this
    debate, I'm glad to see that the Anti's are not
    content to remain victims anymore and will take
    it to the Pro's. They'll surely be branded as
    "terrorists", of course.

    There IS an acceptable middle ground in this.
    Neither science, math or religion has a damned
    useful thing to say about abortions - that's a
    purely "human thing", no neat answers you can
    quantify to the decimal points.

    Want "middle" ... ok ... literally pick MIDDLE ...
    4.5 months. That's early enough so you don't have
    good brain organization and late enough so anyone
    who really wants/needs an abortion has plenty of
    time to decide. The fairest possible solution to
    an unanswerable issue.

    Oh yea Pro's ... it looks REALLY BAD when you stage
    a big gala event that's packed with rich 'white'
    lefties who's only use for the underclass is as

    This "18-week compromise" should be promptly codified
    in federal law. WILL it ? HELL NO ! Abortion is just
    TOO USEFUL as a political tool. They want the 'debate'
    to rage on forever.

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