• More precision of my philosophy about the meaning and about the univers

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Thu Dec 1 14:46:02 2022

    More precision of my philosophy about the meaning and about the universal language and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I have just looked at the following video about Celine Dion that
    is talking about how she has learned the english language at 15 years old, and notice how she is saying that music is a universal language,
    so i invite you to look at this short video of her so that to notice:


    So i think i am a philosopher (And you can read about my philosophies here: https://groups.google.com/g/alt.culture.morocco/c/PN44Q1m4e8g ), and i say that the most important thing is not that a language is universal, but the most important thing is the
    "meaning of the ideas" or what we call in french "Le sens des idées", so i say that what structures our thoughts is not the language, but it is the meaning of the the ideas, so it is my way of doing, so when i am writing in english, the most important
    for me is creativity that comes with ideas that means something and that are useful, but i can rapidly after that traNslate them in french or arabic, since i can think and write and read in arabic and english and french, so look for example how i am
    quickly inventing my poems of Love below and notice carefully that what's the most important in my poems of Love below is the meaning of ideas and the usefulness of ideas and notice how i am structuring my ideas with the meaning of my ideas:

    I invite you to listen to the following beautiful song of
    Elvis Presley reading at the same time my just new poem of Love

    Elvis presley - its now or never (1960)


    Here is my new poem of Love and read my other poems of Love below:


    Love is like eating the beautiful popcorn

    Since my beautiful heart is not the foreign-born

    Love is like eating the beautiful popcorn

    Since my beautiful heart is the adorn

    Love is like eating the beautiful popcorn

    Since my Love for you is far away from the mourn

    Love is like eating the beautiful popcorn

    Since my name is not the beautiful Osborne

    But it is like Jesus Christ the firstborn

    Love is like eating the beautiful popcorn

    So as you notice i am not here to suborn

    Since Love is like eating the beautiful popcorn

    So do you want my Love like a sweet corn or like the popcorn ?


    More of my philosophy about Love and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i will ask the following philosophical question:

    So what is Love ?

    Here is my answer:

    I think i am a wise type of person, and from my philosophies that i have invented (Read them here: https://groups.google.com/g/alt.culture.morocco/c/PN44Q1m4e8g ), i can say that Love is also like
    my following proverb:

    "Human life is not a beautiful flower bouquet, so the way of doing is that you have to know how to use like the beautifulness of a beautiful flower as a "lever" of positive energy that permits you to be optimistic and positive, and this optimism and
    positive energy is the key to success and it gives you the will to live."

    So what i mean is that Love is also like the good vibes of positive energy and positive spirit that can play the role of a "lever" that permits us to transcend the human life that is not a beautiful flower bouquet, since when you are not wise, you will
    have the tendency to react with your human instincts in a not correct manner by being too much violent when noticing that Human life is not a beautiful flower bouquet, but for a wise type of person like me , i say that human life needs from us to be wise
    so that to avoid the too much violence. So the beautiful flower in my proverb above is also a symbolic that means that you have to know how to be the good vibes of positive energy and the positive spirit, and it is why i have quickly invented all my
    poems of Love below so that to be those good vibes of positive energy and positive spirit, and notice my kind of respectability and my kind of personality, since i am wanting to make you understand my views and my way of doing by inventing philosophies
    and by inventing many proverbs and by inventing two religions and by inventing poems of Love and poems and posting them here, and i am doing it this way without asking for money (And read them here: https://groups.google.com/g/alt.culture.morocco/c/
    PN44Q1m4e8g ), and also notice that in my new poem of Love below that i am saying the following:

    "Don't say to me Love is never !
    Since this poem of Love of mine is like a lever
    That permits us to be the happier than ever !"

    So it is in accordance with my proverb above, since Love too can be the good vibes of positive energy and positive spirit that permit us to transcend human life that is not a beautiful flower bouquet as i am saying in my proverb above, so i invite you to
    read all my poems of Love below so that to notice how i am doing it:

    I invite you to listen to the following beautiful song of
    Elvis Presley reading at the same time my new poem of Love

    Elvis presley - its now or never (1960)


    Here is my new poem of Love and read my other poems of Love below:


    Don't say to me Love is never !

    Since our beautiful Love is the so clever

    Don't say to me Love is never !

    Since this poem of Love of mine is like a lever

    That permits us to be the happier than ever !

    Don't say to me Love is never !

    Since with our so beautiful Love we are coming together

    Don't say to me Love is never !

    Since it is not the whatever or the however

    But our Love is like our so beautiful weather !

    And our Love is like our bridge over troubled water

    Don't say to me Love is never !

    But it is my beautiful Love for you for the forever !


    And I invite you to listen to the following beautiful song called
    "Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You" of George Benson reading at the same time my new poem of Love below:


    Here is my new poem of Love and read all my below poems of Love:


    I love to be with you in Procida

    Since i love to be with you in Elba

    Since i love to be with you in Pon