• Buzzed For Buddha - Entire Temple Contingent Booted for DOPE

    From 26C.Z969@21:1/5 to All on Tue Nov 29 22:55:38 2022
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics, talk.politics.drugs
    XPost: alt.atheism


    Thai Buddhist temple runs out of monks after all of its holy
    men are dismissed for failing DRUG TESTS

    Some four Buddhist monks have been dismissed for failing their
    drug tests

    The temple in Thailand was left without any monks after they
    were defrocked

    The monks from Phetchabun province all tested positive for

    . . .

    The article does not make clear just WHO tested
    the monks and WHY.

    In any case, they were ALL meth-heads.

    The Buddha probably wouldn't approve - but then
    there wasn't any meth in his day ....

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Bobbie Sellers@21:1/5 to All on Tue Nov 29 20:56:58 2022
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics, talk.politics.drugs
    XPost: alt.atheism

    On 11/29/22 19:55, 26C.Z969 wrote:

    Thai Buddhist temple runs out of monks after all of its holy
    men are dismissed for failing DRUG TESTS

    Some four Buddhist monks have been dismissed for failing their
    drug tests

    The temple in Thailand was left without any monks after they
    were defrocked

    The monks from Phetchabun province all tested positive for

    . . .

      The article does not make clear just WHO tested
      the monks and WHY.

      In any case, they were ALL meth-heads.

      The Buddha probably wouldn't approve - but then
      there wasn't any meth in his day ....

    Monks have a rough routine so no wonder they hit the Meth.
    But of course it is against the rules because in Buddha's time they
    did not even have tea and the coffee bean industry had not gotten
    off the ground.
    All they had then was opium and cannabis. And privations which
    is always the basic human way to the transcendental state of mind.

    bliss - “Nearly any fool can use a GNU/Linux computer. Many do.”
    After all here I am again...

    bliss dash SF 4 ever at dslextreme dot com

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From 26C.Z969@21:1/5 to Bobbie Sellers on Wed Nov 30 00:59:19 2022
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics, talk.politics.drugs
    XPost: alt.atheism

    On 11/29/22 11:56 PM, Bobbie Sellers wrote:
    On 11/29/22 19:55, 26C.Z969 wrote:

    Thai Buddhist temple runs out of monks after all of its holy
    men are dismissed for failing DRUG TESTS

    Some four Buddhist monks have been dismissed for failing their
    drug tests

    The temple in Thailand was left without any monks after they
    were defrocked

    The monks from Phetchabun province all tested positive for

    . . .

       The article does not make clear just WHO tested
       the monks and WHY.

       In any case, they were ALL meth-heads.

       The Buddha probably wouldn't approve - but then
       there wasn't any meth in his day ....

        Monks have a rough routine so no wonder they hit the Meth.

    Well, the suffering is SUPPOSED to be 'educational', put
    you on The Path :-)

    But of course it is against the rules because in Buddha's time they
    did not even have tea and the coffee bean industry had not gotten
    off the ground.

    Hey, maybe the Buddha would have loved his
    big cup-o-Starbucks ! :-)

    What's "OK" is generally determined by the
    culture/norms of the moment more than by
    anything "objective".

    Now the Dali is pretty cool - but I strongly
    suspect he wouldn't go for meth-blasted monks.

       All they had then was opium and cannabis.  And privations which
    is always the basic human way to the transcendental state of mind.

    Well, Buddhism has always asserted that being less
    human is More Holy/Enlightened. Not the only religion
    or quasi-religion to push that. Somehow I feel that
    becoming a sort of numb vegetable is NOT putting you
    "in touch" with the cosmos ....... Ego is US - our
    little claim on the universe. Be Alive !

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)